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Public Health Nuisances, SASC-S-18



This Section regulates public health nuisances. NOTE: All Code Sub-Sections should be read in conjunction
with referenced documents listed at the end of this Code Section.

Air, Ambient: The surrounding environmental air.

Camp, Aramco: Any of the residential compounds established to house individuals and/or families.

Cesspool: A lined, or partially lined, covered underground pit into which household wastewater is discharged.
Solids are collected in the pit and liquids seep thorough the bottom into the surrounding soil. Sometimes called
leaching cesspool.

Contamination, Water: The direct or indirect introduction into water of microorganisms, chemicals, wastes or
wastewater in a concentration that makes the water unfit for the intended use.

Decompose: To break into constituent elements through chemical changes induced by enzymic action, microbial
activity, etc.

Decontamination: The removal of pathogenic organisms from objects so that they are safe to handle.

Dirt: A filthy or soiling substance (as mud, dust or grime); excrement.

Easily cleanable: Readily accessible, made of such material and finish, and fabricated such that all surfaces can
be washed and sanitized, and that all residues may be effectively removed by normal cleaning methods.

Environmental Impact: Anything impacting the environment. Significant adverse environmental impacts are of
primary concern.

Faces (Feces): Solid waste or excrement from the gastrointestinal tract consisting of residue from food digestion
and bacterial action.

Garbage: Animal and vegetable waste.

Hazardous Solid Waste: Solid waste that may, by itself or in combination with other solid waste be infectious,
explosive poisonous, highly flammable caustic, toxic or otherwise dangerous, or injurious to human plant or animal

Health Hazard: Any condition, device practice or operation which creates, or may create a danger to the health
and well being of human beings.

Incinerator: Any device used for the burning of refuse where the factors of combustion (i.e. temperature, retention
time, turbulence and combustion air) can be controlled.

Industrial Waste: The liquid and solid wastes from industrial processes.

Infestation: The lodgment, development and reproduction of arthropods on the surfaces of clothing or the bodies
of humans or animals. Infested articles or premises are those that harbor or give shelter to animal forms,
especially arthropods and rodents.

Public Health Nuisances, SASC-S-18

Nuisance: Harmful, injurious, annoying, unpleasant, obnoxious or other condition potentially dangerous to human
life or detrimental to health as determined by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD).

Open Burning: Uncontrolled burning of wastes in the open or in an open dump.

Pollutants, Air: Any solid, liquid or gaseous that tends to pollute the atmosphere.

Raw Wastewater: Wastewater before it receives any treatment.

Unsanitary: One or more of those factors in man’s physical environment, which exercise or may exercise a
deleterious effect of his physical development, health and/or survival are not being properly controlled.


1.1 All areas shall be kept free of nuisances, safety hazards and other harmful, injurious, annoying,
unpleasant, obnoxious or other condition potentially dangerous to human life or detrimental to health.

1.2 The proponent and/or operator of a plant, industrial area, community, facility, structure or service of
any kind conducted on Saudi Aramco concessionaire properties shall be responsible for preventing
the occurrence of nuisances and for abating nuisance conditions when they occur.

1.3 Whenever a nuisance or safety hazard is observed, it shall be reported to the Saudi Aramco
proponent and/or other responsible Saudi Aramco agency. If the problem is not resolved immediately,
then it shall be reported to Saudi Aramco Environmental Protection Department (EPD). EPD will, in
turn, notify the Saudi Aramco proponent organization and they shall take immediate action to abate
the nuisance.

1.4 Every effort shall be made to prevent problems rather than solve them after they have
developed. For example, insects, rodents and vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breeding
and harborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of structures, proper storage of
materials and by other approved control methods. .


The following conditions and/or practices are declared to be hazardous to public health and are,
therefore, public health nuisances.

2.1 All polluted, decayed, unwholesome or misbranded food offered for sale or gift by Saudi Aramco
operated or approved facilities.

2.2 Whatever renders food or air, water or other environmental factor unwholesome or detrimental
to the health of human beings as determined by Saudi Aramco EPD.

2.3 Unpasteurized milk or milk products.

2.4 The use of the common, public drinking cup or roller towel.

2.5 Any attractive condition, such as a junk refrigerator/freezer, abandoned vehicle or equipment,
vacant building, open cesspool, deep excavation or other hazard, which may prove detrimental to
unwary adults and/or children, whether in a building, on the premises of a building or upon an
unoccupied lot.

2.6 Any individual infected with a communicable disease without medical supervision by the Saudi
Aramco Medical Services Organization while he/she is on Saudi Aramco concessionaire properties.
Public Health Nuisances, SASC-S-18

2.7 A habitable room judged to be overcrowded in accordance with requirements equivalent to those
outlined in pertinent Sections of this Code.

2.8 Any room judged to be improperly ventilated or illuminated in accordance with requirements
equivalent to those outlined in pertinent Sections of this Code.

2.9 Operating any facility regulated by this Code without sufficient potable water to support the
domestic needs of the operation.

2.10 Any substandard, improperly operated or unsanitary potable water production, treatment,
disinfection or distribution system.

2.11 Acquisition of water from a non-approved source.

2.12 Transportation of potable water in a tanker, container or other vessel not specifically approved for
transportation of potable water.

2.13 Transportation of nonpotable water, sewage, petroleum products or any other substance other
than potable water in a water tanker, container or other vessel specifically approved for transportation
of potable water.

2.14 Any substandard, improperly operated or unsanitary sewerage system or sewage treatment,
processing, reclamation or disposal facility.

2.15 Disposal of solid waste, hazardous waste, sewage effluent or other waste in an area not specifically
approved, designed and operated for this purpose.

2.16 Any substandard, improperly operated or unsanitary solid or liquid waste storage, collection,
transfer or transportation system.

2.17 Any substandard, improperly operated or unsanitary solid waste handling, treatment,
processing, reclamation or disposal facility.

2.18 Accumulation of garbage or refuse in any building, or on any premises or open lot, in a manner that
will afford food or harborage for insects, rodents or other vermin.

2.19 Storage of lumber, pipes, boxes, barrels, bricks, stones or other construction material on any
premise or open lot that is not properly placed on racks raised at least 30 centimeters (1 foot) above
the ground.

2.20 Failure to contain gases and leachate from solid waste disposal sites and effluent discharged from
sewage treatment facilities in a manner that prevents pollution of air, water and other environmental

2.21 Failure to contain leachate from solid waste disposal sites and effluent discharged from sewage
treatment facilities in a manner that prevents the propagation and harborage of insect, rodent and
other vermin.

2.22 Burning garbage or refuse on the premises in a manner other than by controlled incineration;
inadequate on-site incineration of solid waste and garbage.

2.23 Any non-water carried sewage disposal system other than approved chemical closets.

Public Health Nuisances, SASC-S-18

2.24 Defecation or urination in other than an approved toilet while on Saudi Aramco concessionaire

2.25 A cross connection between the potable water supply and the sewerage system, a nonpotable
water system or any other potential source of contamination or pollution.

2.26 All ponds or pools of stagnant water.

2.27 The presence of lice, bedbugs, fly larvae, rodents or any other vermin, or the traces, droppings,
trails, runs or other evidence of the presence of such vermin.

2.28 Any animal not specifically approved by and not under the direct surveillance of the Kennel Club.

2.29 Any improperly confined animal.

2.30 Any animal running at large.

2.31 Any dog or cat, without up-to-date immunizations.

2.32 Any animal infected with a disease that can be transmitted to human beings.

2.33 Failure to collect and properly dispose of animal droppings.

2.34 The presence of live animals of any description in a food facility.

2.35 Carcasses of animals found on Saudi Aramco concessionaire properties that are not properly buried
or removed to an approved disposal site within 24 hours.

2.36 Unclean conditions as determined by Saudi Aramco EPD.

2.37 Noise levels in excess of what is generally considered to be safe.


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