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Sr. Description Weight (MT) Base Rate (PKR) Rate (PKR) Total (PKR)
1 Main Framing                                    25,511 230 85         8,035,965
2 Secondary Framing                                      5,732 300 35         1,920,220
3 Cladding                                    17,063 340 30         6,313,310
4 Insulation                                      1,487 530 0            788,110
5 Accessories                                         750            225,000
6 Shot Blasting & Paint                                    25,511 33            841,863
7 Overheads + Profit ‐ L/S         1,900,000
8 Design + Detailing Cost            300,000
9 Transportation ‐ L/S            195,000
TOTAL                                    50,543      20,519,468

Sr. Description Weight (KG) Base Rate (PKR) (PKR) Total (PKR) Remarks
1‐A Main Framing (Base Scope)                                      25,511  230 85        8,035,965 Same material and labor rate 
1‐B Main Framing (Addition)                                    23,297 350 80     10,017,710 Reduced Labor Rate
2 Secondary Framing                                      6,287 400 35        2,734,845 Same Labor Rate
3 Cladding                                    17,951 490 30        9,334,520 Same Labor Rate
4 Insulation                                      1,487 800 0        1,189,600
5 Accessories                                      1,030            700,000
6 Shot Blasting & Paint                                    48,808 25         1,220,200 Reduced Rate
7 Overheads + Profit         1,650,000 Reduced OverHead and Profit
8 Design + Detailing            300,000 Same rate 
9 Transportation            320,000
TOTAL                                    75,563      35,502,840

Note: Material Base Rate are considered at the time of payment.

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