Assignment 5-Objectives and MBO

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Nama: Miko Felix

Assignment 5
1. Define and elaborate on the meaning of Objectives.
2. Discuss the features of objectives.
3. Briefly explain the concepts: Hierarchy of Objectives, Objectives Form a
Network, Multiplicity of objectives, Long and short range objectives, Verifiable and Non
Verifiable Objectives, Qualitative and Quantitative Objectives.
4. Explain the concept of MBO, its principles and systems.
5. What are the advantages of implementing MBO?
6. Explain the process of MBO.
1. What are the benefits of MBO?

Answer :
1. Objective is an end that can be reasonably achieved within an expected timeframe and
with available resources. In general, an objective is broader in scope than a goal, and may
consist of several individual goals.

Objective means the desired or needed result to be achieved by a specific time. An

objective is broader than a goal, and one objective can be broken down into a number of
specific goals.

- Objectives have to be very specific
- Hierarchy Of Objectives
- Objectives Form a network
- Multiplicity of Objectives
- Long and Short range objectives
- Verifiable and non verifiable Objectives
- Qualitative and quantitative Objectives

3. - Hierarchy Of Objectives
hierarchy of objectives is a graded series in which an organization‘s goals are
supported by each succeeding managerial level down to the level of the individual.
- Objectives Form a network
Objectives interlock in a network fashion. They are interrelated and inter-dependent.
The concept of network of objectives implies that once objectives are established for
every department and every individual in an organization, these subsidiary objectives
should contribute to meet the basic objectives of the total organization.
- Multiplicity of Objectives
Organizations pursue multifarious objectives. At every level in the hierarchy goals are
likely to be multiple.

4. It can be defined as a process whereby the employees and the superiors come together
to identify common goals, the employees set their goals to be achieved, the standards to
be taken as the criteria for measurement of their performance and contribution and
deciding the course of action to be followed.
- Clarity of Goals
- Future Oriented
- Motivation
- Better communication and Coordination
- Sense of Responsibility
- Target oriented
- Delegation of Authority

- Setting Objectives
- Developing Action Plans
- Periodic Review or Monitoring
- Evaluate and Reward Performance

- Better managing
- Better organizing
- Greater employee involvement & commitment
- Orderly growth of organization
- Development of effective controls
- Generating of an ideal atmosphere

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