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Natural Disaster Vocabulary

 tsunami

A very large wave, caused by extreme conditions such as an earthquake, which can
cause a lot of damage when it reaches land

 tornado

An extremely violent storm consisting of air that spins very quickly and causes a lot of

 flood

A very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry

 storm

A period of very bad weather when there is a lot of rain or snow, strong winds, and
often lightning

 earthquake

A sudden shaking of the Earth’s surface that often causes a lot of damage

 ice storm

A type of winter storm characterized by freezing rain, in some parts of the United
States, as a silver thaw.

 hurricane

A storm that has very strong fast winds and that moves over water

 volcanic eruption

A volcanic eruption occurs when hot materials are thrown out of a volcano.

1. Avalanche (Salju longsor) 13. Lava (Lahar)

2. Blizzard (Badai salju) 14. Lightning (Halilintar)

3. Drought (Musim kemarau/Kekeringan) 15. Mudslide (Banjir Lumpur)

4. Earthquake (Gempa bumi) 16. Sand storm (Badai pasir)

5. Epidemic (Wabah) 17. Solar flare (Erupsi matahari)

6. Famine (Kelaparan) 18. Tornado (Tornado)

7. Flood (Banjir) 19. Tsunami (Tsunami)

20. Volcano (Gunung meletus)

8. Forest fire (Kebakaran hutan)
21. Fog (Kabut)
9. Global warming (Pemanasan global)
22. Tremor (Guncangan)

10. Hail storm (Hujan es) 23. Whirlwind (Angin Puyuh)

24. Whirlpool (Pusaran Air)

11. Hurricane (Angin ribut)
25. Tsunami (Tsunami)
12. Landslide (Tanah longsor) 26. Cyclone (Angin topan)

27. Earthquake (Gempa Bumi)

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