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Managing Project Teams (Lin & Huang, 2020) …………...………….……. while achieving its objectives. Project managers make sure that projects are
given sufficient resources while managing relationships with contributors
A Project Team is an organized group of people who are involved in and stakeholders. The characteristics that a project manager is should have
performing shared/individual tasks of the project as well as achieving typically include:
shared/individual goals and objectives for the purpose of accomplishing the • Activity and Resource Planning: A project manager is
project and producing its results. The team consists of the full-time and part- responsible for formulating a plan to meet the objectives of the
time human resources supposed to collaboratively work on producing the project while adhering to an approved budget and timeline. This
deliverables and moving the project towards successful completion. The blueprint will guide the entire project from ideation to fruition and will
construction process of the project team is generally divided into four include the scope of the project, resources necessary to complete
phases: it, anticipated time and financial requirements, strategy for
• Formation Phase: It is the early phase of the organization. The communication among relevant stakeholders, plan for execution
team members from all directions come to the team with different and documentation, and proposal for follow-up and maintenance. If
kinds of ideas, some emotional, some too impatient to wait, some the project has not yet gained approval, this plan will serve as a
hesitate. It is necessary for a project manager to organize the team critical part of the pitch to key decision-makers.
as soon as possible under such a psychological diversification and • Leading: An essential part of any project manager’s role is to
encourage everyone to be settled down in mentality as soon as assemble and lead the project team. This requires excellent
possible. communication, people, and leadership skills, as well as a keen eye
• Puzzle Phase: When the team is set up, and the work is arranged, for others’ strengths and weaknesses. Once the team has been
the emotions of the team members will be confused, and some may created, the project manager assigns tasks, sets deadlines ,
complain about the new work being inconsistent with their provides necessary resources, and meets regularly with the
expectations, some may cause a fluctuation of their mind because members. An ability to speak openly and frequently with all
of the promotion is unsuccessful. In all the situations, the project stakeholders is critical. The project manager should be able to
manager needs to coordinate the various conflicts within the team inspire his team members to devote themselves fully to the project
and properly figure out how to solve the problem properly. work.
• Normal Phase: When the puzzle phase is diverted, the team may • Communication Skills: The project manager should be a capable
enter its normal phase. At this point, every member of the team has person to coordinate work and communicate with each other, and
defined their own tasks and responsibilities, understood the he/she must be able to effectively contact all the stakeholders and
resources that each one has at its disposal. During the normal organizations involved in the project. The project manager must
phase, the interrelationship among members of the team has been keep abreast of the actual progress of the project and communicate
improved. The entire team is in a normal working condition under and report to the owners and superiors timely and regularly. The
the encouragement and guidance of the project manager. project manager must pay special attention to the views of the
• Efficiency Phase: The whole team is in the phase of being able to owner and the superior for adjusting the implementation of the
exert maximum efficiency. The team members are work together to project according to these opinions timely.
achieve mutual cooperation, mutual trust, and mutual • Execution: The project manager will participate in and supervis e
understanding. the successful execution of each stage of the project. Again, this
requires frequent, open communication with the project team
The Role of the Project Manager……………………………………………… members and stakeholders.
• Time Management: Staying on schedule is crucial to the
The Project Manager plays a primary role in the project and is responsible successful completion of any project. Time management is,
for its successful completion. The manager’s job is to ensure that the project therefore, one of the key responsibilities of a project manager.
proceeds within the specified time frame and under the established budget When derailments arise, project managers are responsible for

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resolving them and communicating effectively with team members that all relevant actions are approved and signed off on and that
and other stakeholders to ensure the project gets back on track. these documents are archived for future reference.
Project managers should be experts at risk management and • Maintenance: Just because a project has been completed doesn’t
contingency planning so they can continue moving forward even mean the work ends. There needs to be a plan for ongoing
when roadblocks occur. maintenance and troubleshooting. That’s where a project manager
• Budget Handling: Good project managers know how to keep a comes in: He or she will devise methods for properly supporting the
project within its set budget. Project managers are tasked with final deliverable going forward, even if he or she is not directly
devising a budget for a project and then sticking to it as closely as overseeing the day-to-day operations of the initiative.
possible. If certain pieces of the project end up costing more than • Ensuring Customer Satisfaction: In the end, a project is only a
anticipated, project managers will be responsible for moderating the success if the customer is happy. One of the key responsibilities of
expenses and re-allocating funds when necessary. every project manager is to minimize uncertainty, avoid any
• Ability to Work under Pressure: When the progress of the project unwanted surprises, and involve their clients in the project as much
is lagging, and the cost is exceeded, or the project does not meet as is reasonably possible. Good project managers know how to
the expectation of the owners, the project manager should have the maintain effective communication and keep the company’s clients
ability to bear and successfully relieve the pressure. The ability to up-to-date.
deal with changes in circumstances during the implementation of
the project takes the initiative to take responsibility in the event of Project Management Process Groups (Schwalbe, 2019) …………………
negligence during the implementation of the project so as not to hurt
their subordinates in the event. The project manager should be a The guidance in applying applicable project management knowledge and
positive optimist, mentally healthy, and full of a sense of humor. skills to the project is done using the project management processes, that
• Problem Solving: Project managers should also have a strong consist of five (5) process groups:
ability to solve problems. They should be able to find out the • Initiating Process: The process of initiating helps to set the vision
problems in advance rather than passively in a later encounter of what is to be accomplished. This is where the project is formally
because solving problems later often requires more time and effort . authorized by the sponsor, initial scope defined, and stakeholders
Project managers should be able to deal with problems on time- identified. Stakeholder identification is crucial here because correct
based on the use of communication channels and encourage team identification of stakeholders can literally make or break the project.
members to work on their own schedule, reporting and asking the This process group is performed so that projects and programs are
project manager for assistance only on those key issues. not only sanctioned by a sponsoring entity but also so that projects
• Quick Reaction Ability: The project environment is full of are aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization.
uncertainty, of which the only certainty is its uncertainty. The project • Planning Process: After initiating, the project is planned to an
manager must have prompt response capability, and make appropriate level of detail. A crucial element of planning is
corresponding decisions promptly in case of complex project establishing the total scope of the project. The main purpose is to
changes, so as to reduce losses of the project and guide the project plan time, cost, and resources adequately to estimate the work
smoothly out of the crisis. So, the project manager must be familiar needed and to manage risk effectively during project execution. A
with every detail of the project so that the right decision can be significant concept in planning is that the team is able to think the
made instantaneously as the project environment changes. whole project through in advance. So, they not only create a variet y
• Documentation: A project manager must come up with effect ive of plans but also consider all the things that might go wrong (risks)
ways to measure and analyze the progress of the project to ensure and how they might respond to them. Outputs of the planning
it is developing as planned. Some common strategies for process group include completing the project scope statement, the
documenting a project include data collection and verbal and written work breakdown structure (WBS), the project schedule, and many
status reports. Further, it is a project manager’s job to make sure other items.

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• Executing Process: Naturally, the next thing to do after planning Project manager role (n.d.). Citing sources. Retrieved on February 2021 from
is to execute, to do the work. The executing process group takes Project team (2021). Citing sources. Retrieved on February 16, 2021 from
the actions necessary to complete the work described in the
planning activities. The main outcome of this process group is Schw albe, K., (2019). Information technology project management (5th ed.). Cengage
delivering the actual work of the project. For example, if an IT Learning Asia Pte Ltd
project involves providing new hardware, software, and training, the
executing processes would include leading the project team and
other stakeholders to purchase the hardware, develop and test the
software, and deliver and participate in the training.
• Monitoring and Controlling Process: This is where you get back
on track, where you compare a plan to an actual action, measure
variance, and take corrective action. Monitoring and controlling
processes measure progress toward the project objectives, monitor
deviation from the plan, and take corrective action to match
progress with the plan. The ideal outcome of the monitoring and
controlling process group is to complete a project successfully by
delivering the agreed-upon project scope within time, cost, and
quality constraints. Monitoring and controlling processes overlap all
of the other project management process groups because changes
can occur at any time.
• Closing Process: From its name, it should be pretty obvious what
happens here. Not only do you formally close the project, but you
also get sign-off and acceptance from the customer. During the
closing processes, the project team works to gain acceptance of the
end products, services, or results and bring the phase or project to
an orderly end. Key outcomes of this process group are formal
acceptance of the work and the creation of closing documents, such
as a final project report and lessons-learned report.

Ensuring customer satisfaction (n.d.). Citing sources. Retrieved on February 16, 2021 from
Lin, S., & Huang, D. (2020). Project management under the internet era: How to respond to
challenging changes in the digital era. Springer.
Process groups. (n.d.). Citing sources. Retrieved on February 16, 2021 from
Project management institute. (2017). A guide to project management body of knowledge
(6th ed.). Project Management Institute, Inc.
Process management process groups. (2017). Citing sources. Retrieved on February 16,
2021 from
Project manager (2021). Citing sources. Retrieved on February 2021 from

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Project Communications Management (Schwalbe, 2019) communications is to ensure the optimal flow of information
throughout the entire project life cycle. The main outputs of
Project Communications Management includes the processes necessary monitoring communications are work performance information,
to ensure that the information needs of the project and its stakeholders are change requests, project management plan updates, and project
met through the development of artifacts and implementation of activities document updates.
designed to achieve effective information exchange. Project
communications management consists of two parts: the first part is Enhancing Team Communication (Schwalbe, 2019)
developing a strategy to ensure communication is effective for stakeholders;
the second part is carrying out the activities necessary to implement the There are various methods for improving project communications:
communication strategy. (Project Management Institute, 2017) • Developing Better Communication Skills: Some people seem to
be born with great communication skills. Others seem to have a
The goal of project communications management is to ensure timely and knack for picking up technical skills. It is rare to find someone with
appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage, and disposition a natural ability for both. Both types of skills, however, can be
of project information. There are three main processes in project developed. Communication skills training usually includes role-
communications management: playing activities in which participants learn concepts such as
• Planning Communications Management – It involves building rapport. Training sessions also give participants a chance
determining the information and communications needs of the to develop specific skills in small groups. Sessions that focus on
stakeholders. It is the process of developing an appropriate presentation skills typically use video to record the participants’
approach and plan for project communications activities based on presentations. Most people are surprised to see some of their
the information needs of each stakeholder or group, available mannerisms and enjoy the challenge of improving their skills. A
organizational assets, and the needs of the project. The key benefit minimal investment in communication and presentation training can
of this process is a documented approach to effectively and have a tremendous payback to individuals, their projects, and their
efficiently engage stakeholders by presenting relevant information organizations.
in a timely manner. The outputs of this process include a • Running Effective Meetings: A well-run meeting can be a vehicle
communications management plan, project management plan for fostering team building and reinforcing expectations, roles,
updates, and project document updates. relationships, and commitment to the project. Many people
• Managing Communications – It is the process of ensuring timely complain about the time they waste in unnecessary or poorly
and appropriate collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval, planned and poorly executed meetings. The following guidelines
management, monitoring, and the ultimate disposition of project can help improve time spent at meetings:
information. The key benefit of this process is that it enables an o Determine if the meeting can be avoided: Do not have a
efficient and effective information flow between the project team meeting if there is a better way to achieve the objective at
and the stakeholders. The main outputs of this process are project hand. Instead, an e-mail or phone call describing the
communications, project management plan updates, project situation and justifying the request is a faster, more
documents updates, and organizational process assets updates. effective approach than having a meeting.
• Monitoring Communications – It is the process of ensuring the o Define the purpose and intended outcome of the
information needs of the project and its stakeholders are met. The meeting: Be specific about what should happen as a result
key benefit of this process is the optimal information flow and the of the meeting. Make the purpose of a meeting very clear
stakeholder engagement plan. It determines if the planned to all meeting planners and participants.
communications artifacts and activities have had the desired effect o Determine who should attend the meeting: Many
of increasing or maintaining stakeholders’ support for the project’s meetings are most effective with the minimum number of
deliverables and expected outcomes. The main goal of monitoring participants possible, especially if decisions must be made.

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Other meetings require many attendees. It is important to maintaining a clear and friendly tone. If three questions
determine who should attend a meeting based on its need to be answered, number them as questions 1, 2, and
purpose and intended outcome. 3 and put each on a separate line.
o Provide an agenda to participants before the meeting: o Limit the number and size of e-mail attachments: If you
Meetings are most effective when the participants come can include a link to an online version of a document
prepared. Insisting on an agenda forces meeting instead of attaching a file, do so.
organizers to plan the meeting and gives potential o Delete e-mail that you don’t need to save: Do not even
participants the chance to decide whether they need to open an e-mail that you know is not important, such as
attend. spam. Use the e-mail blocking feature of the software, if
o Prepare handouts and visual aids ahead of time: By available, to block unwanted junk mail.
creating handouts and visual aids, you must organize o Make sure to have virus protection: Be sure that the
thoughts and ideas. This usually helps the entire meeting virus protection is up to date. Never open e-mail
run more effectively. attachments if you do not trust the source.
o Run the meeting professionally: Introduce people, o Respond to e-mail quickly: It will take you longer to open
restate the purpose of the meeting, and state any ground and read the e-mail again later. In addition, if you send an
rules that attendees should follow. Have someone facilitate e-mail that does not require a response, make that clear as
the meeting to make sure that important items are well.
discussed, watch the time, encourage participation, o File message appropriately: Create folders with
summarize key issues, and clarify decisions and action meaningful names to file the e-mail messages you want to
items. keep. File them as soon as possible.
o Set the ground rules for the meeting: State upfront how • Using Templates for Project Communications: Many intelligent
the meeting will be run. Don’t assume that all meetings are people have a hard time writing a performance report or preparing
run in the same way. Do what works best in each specific a 10-minute technical presentation for a customer review. Some
case. people in these situations are too embarrassed to ask for help. To
o Build relationships: Depending on the culture of the make it easier to prepare project communications, project
organization and project, it may help to build relationships managers need to provide examples and templates for common
by making meetings fun experiences. project communications such as project descriptions, project
• Using Various Technologies Effectively: Even if people do know charters, monthly performance reports, and issue logs. Good
when to use e-mail or other tools for project communications, they documentation from past projects can be an ample source of
also need to know how to use the tools. The following guidelines examples. Samples and templates of both written and oral reports
can help you use e-mail as a more effective communication tool: are particularly helpful for people who have never had to write
o Be sure to send e-mail to the right people: Do not project documents or give project presentations. Below is a sample
automatically “reply to all” on an e-mail, for example, if it is template for a brief project description:
not necessary.
o Use meaningful subject lines in e-mails: It is to make
sure readers can quickly see what information the message
contains. If the entire message can fit in the subject line,
put it there. Also, do not continue replying to an e-mail
thread when the subject has changed without changing the
subject line.
o The body of the e-mail should be as clear and concise
as possible: Use as few words as possible while
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messages or e-mail. Many students text or tweet their friends to plan social
activities or discuss academic topics.
These same technologies can enhance project communications. Many
project management software products also provide the following tools to
enhance communications:
• Portfolio Management: By providing a centralized and
consolidated view of programs and projects, the user can evaluate
and prioritize activities across the organization. Portfolio
management is the selection, prioritization, and control of an
organization’s programs and projects, in line with its strategic
objectives and capacity to deliver. The goal is to balance the
implementation of change initiatives and the maintenance of
business--as--usual while optimizing return on investment. This
feature makes it possible to maximize productivity, minimize costs,
and keep activities aligned with strategic objectives.
• Resource Management: Maximizing human resources is often the
Figure 1 key to minimizing project costs. Resource management is
acquiring, allocating, and managing the resources, such as
Figure 1 shows a sample template for a brief project description. This form individuals and their skills, finances, technology, materials,
could be used to show a snapshot of an entire project on one page. For machinery, and natural resources required for a project. Resource
example, top managers might require that all project managers provide a management ensures that internal and external resources are used
brief project description as part of a quarterly management review meeting. effectively on time and to budget. This feature enables the user to
A project description should include the project objective, scope, maximize resource use across the organization to help plan and
assumptions, cost information, and schedule information. This template manage the workforce effectively.
suggests including information from the project’s Gantt chart to highlight key • Project Collaboration: Sharing project information is often a
deliverables and other milestones. haphazard endeavor. Project collaboration enables an organization
to share knowledge immediately and consistently to improve
Using Software to Enhance Project Communications (Schwalbe, 2019) communications and decision making, eliminate redundancies, and
take advantage of best practices for project management. Project
Several products are available to assist individual consumers and collaboration is a method by which teams and team leaders plan,
organizations with communications. Many products were developed or coordinate, control, and monitor the project they are working on.
enhanced in recent years to address the issue of providing fast, convenient, This collaborative process works across departmental, corporate
consistent, and up-to-date project information. Many organizations use and national boundaries and helps especially with projects as they
SharePoint or similar products for document management and storage and grow in complexity.
tools like Skype for video conferencing. Screen sharing software like Zoom
can also improve communications. Webcasts are now a common tool for
presenting video, graphics, sound, voice, and participant feedback live over
the Web. Podcasts and YouTube videos have also become popular tools
for providing various types of audio and video information, from exercise
instructions to class lectures. Most working adults and students have cell
phones that they use to take and send pictures or send and receive text

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Lin, S., & Huang, D. (2020). Project management under the internet era: How to respond to
challenging changes in the digital era. Springer.
Portfolio management. (2020). Citing sources. Retrieved on March 8, 2021, from
Project collaboration. (2021). Citing sources. Retrieved on March 8, 2021, from
Project management institute. (2017). A guide to project management body of knowledge
(6th ed.). Project Management Institute, Inc.
Resource management. (2020). Citing sources. Retrieved on March 8, 2021, from
Schwalbe, K., (2019). Information technology project management (5th ed.). Cengage
Learning Asia Pte Ltd

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