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ANALYSIS OF FLOW TN CHANNELS WITH BOTTOM INTAKES b "Adel Yasea A Dissertation fin The Faculty of Engineering Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for. the Degree of Master of Engineering-at- Concordia University . y Montréal, Quebec, Canada May, 1979 . - | © Ade} Yassa, 1979" ConcorDIA UNIVERSITY 5 ABSTRACT ~¥ . F : . ANALYSIS OF FLOW IN CHANNELS WITH BOTTOM INTAKES : B wy . 5 oO . Adel Yanea y : ° Spatially varied flow equations are critically reviewed and the inconsistencies existing intheir derivations are brought out. The his- storical development ‘of the analystS of flow ‘through bottom intakes which represgat a special case of steady spatially varied flow is traced. . An analytical expression for the entrance depth of a slot at the bed of @ hortzontal channel 1s derived in terms of the slot Tength, the Froude number of the approach flow and the performance factors the . expression was verified for supercritical flow, - Experimental data on bottom racks with bars transverse to the flow direction and racks with small orifices or perforations are analyzed using Mostkaw's equations: The coefficients of discharge. are computed and their behaviour 1s discussed. The flow profiles predicted by Nost- kow's equations, afe in satisfactory agreenént with the observed profiles. at ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2 The author wishes to exprese hie gratitude to:his euper- vieore, Dr. A. S.-Ranamarthy and Dr. M. 8. Nasser, for suggesting the topic. and for their eustained encouragement. The author aleo expressce hie profound thanke to Dr. P. Varkataranan for hie continuous help during the proparation of thie work, Appreciation is aleo extended to Me. vulie Sextok for typing thie dissertation, ~ Montreal, Quebec : . May 1979 ae "Adel Yassa Page LIST OF TABLES vi -LIST-OF FIGURES . vit NOMENCLATURE . vidi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION. [ 1 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE + 3 2.1. General Remarks ... 3 2.2 Review of Spatially Vari 3 10 5 3 ANALYSIS ses cesseeesreeee is : +301. General Remarks oe 16 3.2 . Theoretical Analysj of Flow Through Bottom 'STOES eaeeeewege 16 3.3. Coefficient of Djscharge of Bottom Racks . 24 3.3.1 Rack with Slits 7 : 3.3.2 Rack/with Ortfices . 3.4 “Surface Profife 34 4°“ CONCLUSIONS AND REGOMMENDATIONS 40 4.1 Conclusions ... ‘ 40 4.2 Recomepéat ions 0 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY Sete aa / v 6 7 _" Page VALUES OF Yp/V, ++ a VALUES OF Yo/B eeeseeeeees 23 COMPARISON OF SHEORETICAL AND" EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF Ypl¥,. and ¥,/8 26° COEFFICIENT OF DISCHARGE, C1, FOR RACKS WITH SLITS ....... 28 COEFFFCTENT-2F DISCHARGE, C2, FOR RACKS WITH ORIFICES-.... 31 WATER SURFACE PROFILE OVER RACK WITH PARALLEL BARS, . 36 ae : 8 WATER SURFACE PROFILE OVER RACK WITH SMALL ORIFICES ...... 37 vi ‘ FIGURE. LIST OF FIGURES TYPES OF RACKS" DEFINITION SkeTCH (SPATIALLY VARIED FLOM) ... 12 DEFINITION SKETCH (BOTTOM SLOT). v 4 * i Go AS A FUNCTION OF F, and 22 VERTICAL PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION AT THE BEGINNING AND END OF THE OPENING FOR A SUPERCRITICAL FLOW CASE ..... 25 VARIATION OF C, WITH F,.and € 29 VARIATION OF Cz WITH F, and-€ 33 FLOW PROFILE OVER RACKS WITH SLITS 38 39. FLOW PROFILE OVER RACKS WITH ORIFICES ..... vit NOMENCLATURE DESCRIPTION ‘Area of water flow Width of bottom ack or channel Coefficient of discharge for rack with-parallel bars aw , Coefficient of discharge for rack with orifices Le ae Hydraulic depth _ Spectfic energy Froude number Froude number of incoming-flow Acceleration’ due to gravity Total length of rack Spacing of rack Change in momentum Resultant pressure Incoming discharge Diverted discharge Residual discharge Incoming discharge Energy slope { Bed slope per unit width of channel wit , * + SYMBOL DESCRIPTION . ’ “Sp, = + Friction stope ‘ T = Top width of flow + > a VVy Velocity of incoming flow Vy > Velocity of diverted nod x. =" Distance along the rack from-the upstream end + - Depth of the incoming flow . . - Depth of the residual flow". wes yooe Depth of flow at a section in the rack ae x - Depth of flow at the upstream epd of the rack woo Depth of flow at the downstream end of the rack o - Energy coefficient ¢ =. Angle nade by. the velocity vector of diverted flow with ‘the channeT bed n - Performance factor, ratio of diverted flow to main flow a - Pressure correction-factor at upstream end of rack z= Pressure correction factor at downstream end of rack . Specific weight of water © . = Ratio of the ares of openings to the total’ area of rack (opentng area ratio) % + so ¢ cf s ~ CHAPTER 1 ' INTRODUCTION x 2 Spatially varied flow is encountered in an open channel which “has a rionuniform discharge resulting ‘from the addition or. diminution of water along the flow direction. This type of flow is found in side- channel spillways, side-weirs, roadside gytters, washwater troughs in filters, effluent channels around sevage-treatment tanks,-and the main drainage channels and feeding’ channels in irrigation systems [8]. The dyriamic equations describing the water surface profiles in a channel with : spatially varied flow are analyzed in various forms to cover a multitude of practical applications. In reviewing’ the literature, sévera)_inconsis- - tenefes have been detected among these expressions. Flow in a channel with a bottom rack represents a'case of = spatially varied-flow. ‘Scanning through the literature available on flow through botton racks, one finds’ that’ the constant energy assumption con- i ventionally enployed in previous works requires re-examination. Further, the extent of influence of the state of’ approach flow on the coefficient - of discharge is not properly evaluated. "This study présents an attenpt to determine the effect of Froude number on the discharge coefficient utilizing Venkataraman's data [15]. The’ theoretical analysis is simplified by.considering different sizes of | eed rectangular bed-stots, spanning the,entire width of the channel 3 the appro- priate momentum equation 1s applied in a direction normal to the direction . of flow. An expression for the ratio of the depth at the ‘beginining of * tthe opening to its length, is obtained and ts verified: on the’ basis of G6 the reported data in ref. 15. In addition, the flow profiles have been © obtained-using Mostkow's equations [9] for racks with bars perpendicular’ to the direction of flow and for ‘racks with small orifices; these are then compared with Venkataraman's experimental profiles [15]. . In order té’furnish a basis for understanding the problen, - Chapter 2 presents a review of the governing equations and the state of ‘the art on tn ari in channels with bottom racks. The theoretical analysis and experimental verification are presented in detail fn Chapter 3.” : 7: : a Chapter 4 summarizes the important findings of this study and suggests possible areas’ where further work can be.carried out. Some “ ot ‘ . Chapter 2 ~a . i REVIEW OF LITERATURE : . ! ~ 2.1 GENERAL’ REMARKS , . [Se : { : \ The review presented in this chapter deals with two aspects > of the phenomenon under study. In the first section, the dynamic equa- _ tons, describing the spatially varied flow with either increasing or decreasing discharge are discussed with an enphasis on certain discrep- -ancies that exist among them. The available Literature on flow through j bottom racks. is briefly described ina later stage in order to illustrate the. method of attack enployed in the present study. e 2.2 . REVIEW OF SPATIALLY VARIED FLow EQUATIONS Conservatiof of mass in conjunction with either the monentun principle or the energy principle are generally used in the derivation , of spatially varied flow equations. Because of the basic difference in expressions obtained based on either approach wil] be inherently different. . The momentum approach is a vector relationship which equates the net momen- tum flux to the external forces acting on a’control volume in the directfon o of flow, while the, energy, approach 1s a schlar relationship considering < Bi ‘ eof. { the physical concept between the momentém and the energy principles, the a the work done by the gravity force and the energy dissipation due to inter- nal stresses within the control volume. Numerous nee have been carried out on the theoretical and the experimental aspects fpf spatially varied flow in open channels [1,3,4,5,7,810,17]. The majority of these studies treat both the cases of incregsing and decrdasing discharge (3,4,5,10,17]5_ refs. [1,7] relate to flow with decreasing discharge and ref. [8] solely describes the*flow with increasing discharge. . Recently more studies have been directed to derive generalized - spatially verted flow aqntfone for fncressing as vel] as‘derensing dis- charges [5/17]. 7 The general assumptions made in the derivation of ‘the-spatially varied flow equation may be summarized as follows [4]: 4 wl. -The flow is unidirectional 2. The velocity distribution across the chainel section is constant and uniform 3. The pressure in the flow is hydrostatic fo The slope of the channel Sg relatively sma11 : 5. The Manning foriwla fs used to evaluate the friction Toss The effect’ of air entrainment 1s neglected. x Hinds [8] was one of the earliest investigators to carry out a» ._ theoretical analysis of the problem of Spatially varied flow with increas- ing discharge. Using the momentum principle, he derived a flew profile, applicable to channels of any shape. The momentum of the lateral inflow in the channel was not considered as the. inflow was assumed to enter the ~ main channel at right angles and the frictional resistance was neglected. r Hinds' equation at two consecutive sections separated by a small finite distance Ox is: . a “ity. Qf V+ gay} av yy x" g omy mtg wrod} oe... ote (a) where — : Q = the discharge in cubic feet per second Qq,/9A? STGP — (for decreasing discharge)... (2.26) where — : a . = the incoming discharge per unit width of channel ; S, = bed: slope . cae _ Sp friction slope A= area of water flow. It can be seen that the difference in thesetwo equations lies only in the coefficient ‘of the third tem in th’ numerator on the right hand side. . De Marchi [7] carried out analytical and experimental investiga- tions on the flow of water over side-weirs assuming the energy head along the weir crest to be constant. He-concluded that the water surface profile over the weir is essentially curved (rising in’suboritical flow and dropping in supercritical flow). DeNarchi's equation is’ identical ‘to that proposed "by Nimmo. For horizontal channels, the flow profile is given by: - et e . scenes (2.3) The two equations obtained by Chow (31 are: Sy ~ S = 2a099/9k? g- aren (for increasing discharge) . + (2.4a) Sy:-j8 ~ aQag/an? : ae pc a (for decreasing discharge)... . (2.4b) where. — se : . 0 = hydraulic depth = Foe a = energy coefficient He indicated that the momentum principle or the, energy principle could be applied to ‘obtain these equations. However, he favours the use of the energy equation for the case of lateral outflow. Such a preference sis not justified, since both approaches stem from Newton's second la ‘thus when applied to any open channel fldw phenomenon‘should lead to : identical results. Further, Chow does not consider the sense of the flow, + accroding to his equations, inflow or outflow would have the same influence on the flow profile. It inight have been more logical and general to obtain identical equations to describe both types of Flow and assign a positive sign to take care of the case with inflow and a negative sign for the outflow case. Also, the occurrence of the coefficient 2 in the f third term of the numerator describing the lateral flow is not explained adequately. . ; : D Ina Tater study, Chow obtains equations for. the slope of the "water surface for flow with increasing discharge using the: momentun approach and uses the energy princtple for flow with decreasing discharge [4]. The two new equations are identical to the earlier ones [3]. ~ It should be noted that these*equations are applicable only for =. some cases of flow and cannot be universally eaployed. Then Chow [5] proceeds to establish that both the momentum and \ the energy principles are equally applicable in the derivation of the spatially varied flow equations anid derives identical equations for either Increasing or decreasing discharge, viz. Equations based on monentun principle (for U cos¢* 0): = 20q,/9K7 8 g- se (for increasing discharge)’. . .. (2.5a) = 20q,/982 we the (for decreasing discharge) . .”. (2.5b) Equations based on Energy principle (for V = U * U cos $): s- 2 ws “oe (for increasing discharge)... . (2.5¢) Sg Sp - aq/98? x 5 sa (for decreasing discharge)... . . (2.5d) This cannot be true because the equations would yield identical profiles whether the flow is an inflow or out- flow. Yen and Wenzel [17] performed a theoretical analysis using both tmomentum and,eneray principles for the cafe vf steady flow of an incompres- sible viscous fluid in a prismatic channel with spatially varfable lateral - inflow or outflow. They considered the sense of the lateral flow, an aspect that was neglected by all earlier investigators. They obtdined generalized equations for flow profiles that would be applicable for both the outflow and inflow case and assigned a positive sign for’ the inflow and a negative , sign for the outflow. Their simplified equations are: Based on Momentum principle: Sq S4Gg/9A) (Ucosb =2V) ge Sore (for increasing discharge)... (2.68) a gRy (for decreasing discharge). ..(2.6b) ee Sq ~ Spr(qy/9A) (Ucose’ -2¥) ix . a . oe Based on Energy principle: Sq + (ag/2gAV) (U2-307 ) x? a oe (ror increasing discharge)..... S 7 (g9/2aA¥) (U2-3¥?) & = 2-2) rgry————_(or decreasing discharge). These equations lack experimental’ verification; it is difficult, + (2.64) therefore,’ to evaluate their validity. for practical cases. : It is noted that Yen and Nenzel's Eq. (2.6a) is the same as Eq. (2.4a) obtained by Chow for lateral inflow at right angles, but Eq. (2.6b) differs from Chow's Eq. (2.4b). On the other hand their Eq. (2.6c) is different fron Chow's Eq. (2.4a), while their Eq. (26d) is identical with that of Chow Eq. (2.4b). El-Khashab and: Smith [1] carried out analytical and experimental i investigations, of flow over side weirs and concluded that the traditional J assumption of constant total energy in the side-weir channel has not been: / substantiated. For-decreaseing discharge they employ the energy principle / and their equation for the slope of the water surface is the same as that OF Chow Eq. (2.4b}. Their equation obtained from the momentum principle / “is the same as-that of Yen and Wenzel (Eq. 2.66). El-Khashab and Smith's.equations for the two cases are: a 87 S¢t y/aA_ (2V-Ucosd) 7 Momentum & © Principle: - dx ~qg/29AV-(U*-3V2) : Energy = Principle: # _ -10- , : ” - 23/ REVIEW OF FLOW IN CHANNELS WITH BOTTOM RACKS / The bottom intake or bottom rack represents a simple hydraulic /éevice used to divert the flow in an open channel. This device conststs of a rack composed of bars arranged to forma grid structuré. The, bars of grid may be either parallel to the direction of flow or transverse to it. Alternatively, this device may be made up of perforated screens (see Fig. 1). Flow in a channel, with bottom intakes represents a case of spa- tially varied flow with decreasing discharge (Fig. 2). Bottom intakes have a number of applications \such as: [14] 1, Ina Targe canal syste where flow in excess of that required in the main canal may be diverted’to some convenient locatfon 2. As horizontal trash racks in the hydro-power plants located on mountain streams - 3. In the sedimentation tanks to trap the debris in the grit chambers fs kerb-outlets on the side of main streets to drain storm waters into the subsurface drains 5. As skimers when it {8 desired to reduce the volune of water to transport fish. Determining the performance of a bottom rack is a complex prob- em due to, the large number of variables involved. Many investigations “have been carried out to effect a proper design for.a bottom intake and to analyze the phenomenon of flow through it. -ne a) perpendicular to the flow ) parallel, to the flow 0° 0 0 \ Flw —~- |o o o ’ iG. 0. 0 Fack vith perforated screen (ors pozaoa Ayzpzande) yousys voramnfea — 2 “Ba \ ise Bovard [2] proposed that the diverted flow depends upon the _, depth of, flow over the rack. He obtained a Ist order differential equa- ton with six variables for the rate of diverted flow through the rack. However, the results of hig-experinents on transverse ratks did not con- form to his theoretical analysis. Orth, Chardonnet and Meynardi [12] carried out different model ‘tests on intakes of varying lengths having rack bars of different shapes. From experiments they found the best hydraulic performance was attained with rack-bars of oval cross-section which permitted: Flushing of al sizes - of gravel and maintained the desired flow through the rack bars. The bars were orientgd transverse to the flow. . Noseda [11] carried out his experiments on different bar sizes. In the majority of cases the bars‘were parallel to the direction of flow;. the flow surface profiles were recorded. Nosedd assumed constant specific energy and obtained, analytically, the characteris- tics of an ideal bottom intake. He noticed that the coeffictent of dis- charge decreased as the ratio of the area of the openings to the. total area increased. . Mostkow [9] proposed, perhaps the most generally accepted analy- sis. His experiments were conducted on intakes having'transverse bars’and perforations. He considered that the specific energy along the channel * yemained constant. He, further, noticed that when the direction of flow through the rack openings is nearly vertical, the energy loss is negligible and in this case the effective head on the rack ts practically equal to the specific energy. Nostkow found that this 1s true for se with paraltel bars. When the direction of flo through the. rack openings makes an appreciable angle with the vertical, it results. in a loss of energy; this -4- 1s because the flow impinges on the sides of the openings, and-a change in the direction of flow from inclined to vertical will occur eventually. This was confirmed experimentally for racks with perforated screens. For flow through racks with parallel bars where the flow {s vertical, Mostkow proposed the following formula: 7 : : re ( p-B-E iF) and for ‘inclined flow through racks with perforated screens: x= the distarice along the rack from its upstream end Es specific energy at the section = ratto of the area of the openings to the total area of rack (opening area ratio) : ' CisCa = coefficient of discharge through the openings yi = depth df flow at the upstream end of the rack y = depth of flow at a section in the rack. The value of the coefficients of: discharge, through the rack r openings actually varies considerably, along the rack. In general, he found that’ these coefficients are higher for racks with perforated screens than for racks with parallel bars. The value is higher for horizontal racks: than for inclined racks. 7 Orinmer [6] obtained a differential equation of the first order, with five variables to analyze the shape of the nappe in the case of steady flow, over'a bottom intske with rack-bar’s orfented along the flow. -18- 2.4 ConcLupine REMARKS ‘ From the preceding presentation, it is seen that there is a” need for the revision of the spatially varted flow equations, since the derived equatiofis by most of the investigators are contradictory. Also, each equation 1s applicable only for some cases of flow and cannot be ~ generalized. -_ From the point of view of practical application, it is seen that in general, tit\energy equation is preferred for spatially varied flow with decreasing discharge and the momentum equation is preferred for increasing discharge, although such a preference is unnecessary. . ame in channel with bottom racks, demonstrates =~, that each inbéstigation {is walid only for “the conditions under which it v was conducted. A generalized theory 1s not yet available. > CHapter 3 ANALYSIS “3.1 GENERAL REMARKS - . The brief survey of literature on analysis of flow'in channels with bottom rack reveals that most of therexisting studies afe’ based either on empirical assumptions of assumptions that are challenged by recent investigators. It is believed that the study of-a channel with a slot at its bed, spanning its.entire width Fig. 3] would provide @ : beter nterstaning of the flow behaviour, Since there are no rack bars, . the area factor ©, defined as the ratio of the area of the openings to the total area of rack 1s unity. The flow is two-dimensional; the assumption ‘that the energy correction factor,c, and the momentum factor, is equal to uriity would further’ simplify the problem to a one-dimensional case. The Slot then represents a simplified bottom rack and 1S easfly amenable to theoretical analysis. Further, the findings-of such an analysis could be eastly extended to the case of flow through a bottom rack, and might * form a rational basis for the evolution of a proper design procedure for bottom racks. By applying. the momentum equation in a direction-parallel to the channel bed, (Fig. 3), Venkataraman, [13] has obtained an equation relating ~ : -16- -W- ar’ Sa Residual flow Fig, 3 — Definttton sketch (Bottan slot). = 18 - the flow depths at the upstream and the downstream ends of the openings. Yp Yp 2 a | +] Fotn- Fe oa yt Fo* Dl - n= 0 eee eee ee ° 0 where — a Yoo Yq = the flow depths at the beginning and end of the slot of length £ at V2 = Froud nunber.of the incoming flow = | ay . 0 n = performance factor, defined as the ratio of the diverted discharge, Qys to the channel main flow, % Sa amd Ce pressure correction factors and varies with the flow curvature at the section If the Streamlines were parallel to the channel bed, the pressure distribution at any section would be - hydrostatic. Then, the pressure correction factor 1s defined by ’ . Petey ee ee ee (3.2) where —- 7 : . + P= resultant pressure at the section and = 0.50. . : Therefore, when hydrostatic pressure distribution prevails at sections 1 and 2, C1 *t2= 0.50. Eq, (3.1) reduces to a three variable expression. For hts casé, the solutions of the equation were represented in the form of a chart relating e to Fy for different valuesof n_ [15]. 0 Tt ts felt that it 1s more logical to relate Y,/2, Fy, and n Anstead of Yp/Y,» F, and n. The flow conditions can then be described in \ . _ terms of the upstream depth and slot length only and the influences of slot Jength on flow parameters could be evaluated. In order ‘to obtain an expression for Y./2, the momentum change of the water body above the opening 1s now resolved in tHe vertical direction” 1 and equated to the external forces in the same direction. The change in momentum, 4M, in the vertical direction is affected only by the vertical, component of the diverted flow. Therefore: : ~ eS %y q ea Me ee ee 3.3 aM 7] | : (3.3) where — . y = specific weight of water ' ~ Uy = diverted flow quantity * 9 = acceleration of gravity the diverted flow velocity in the y-direction. The compbnent of the diverted velocity, V4,.in the direction of Flow inay be assumed to be equal to the velocity, V, of the channel flow at the section where lateral flow leaves the main flow, 1.e., Re where — s $ =~ angle made: by the velocity vector at the section, with the x-direction. Hence, tan geen slo eee ee ee ee (38) The weight of water above the opening represents the only exter- nal force, Py-in the vertical direction, 1.e. Yet Yo : Py (32 aeB Seve me cena ee » (3.6) where B = width of the channel. From equations 3.3, 3.4, and 3.6, one obtains: ', YQ) we eae). eee eee (37) The’ advantage -of Eq. (3.7) lies in the absence of pressure correction terms. Equation (3.1) 1s now employed’ to reduce one of the vartables from « Eq. (3.7) so-that the results could be represented in the form. of compact charts, : . ' If the pressure distribution at, sections 1 and 2 were to be hydrostatic, Eq. (3.1) reduces to: We | + 8. (erin = oF? neetp a (3.8 Yo | ty: Pron = a7 + Fy Eton Eo 8) _ The two positive Solutions of Yl, are then evaluated by solving “| the cubical £q. (3.8) for different values of F, and, ri. The negative values are ignored. Table 1 sumarizes these values. , ‘ “Each of the known values of Fos ts and Yp/Y, are ‘then subst ti « ted in_£q. (3.7) which is then solved to yield the positive and the nega~ tive root of Yo/2. The negative roots are neglected and the’two positive solutions ate ‘related ‘to the Froude number of the incoming fiow with n as: the third parameter in the charts presented in Fig. 4. These two depths are analogous, in'a, sense, to the sequent depths. * Table: 2 summarizes the values of the positive roots of Y,/t for different:values of Fy and n. - ft 4s to be emphasized, at this point, that the charts repres- ented byiFig. 4 have only limited application in view of the fact that they aré based on the assumption that the pressure distributions at the oe esas = — oO | OT} TO e9°2 | SlEO | HTSe 9670 + : oro | o-t | isoro | eset | terro-] ent | gne-o Pn*k 40 SANA T sayy + 2- Ei og y x 40 SaNWA z navy beginning and the end of the opening are hydrostatic. However, actual measurements [15,16] of the pressure distribu- tion at “the entrance and end of the opéning have revealed that the pressure distribution is* not hydrostatic. A typical pressure distribution for subcritical flow cases is presented in Ref. [16]. Fig. 5 discloses a typical pressure vartation at the entrance and end of the opening of a supercritical flow case. The pressure correction factors ¢, and 52 are evaluated by integrating the pressure distribution’ ‘profile using the Simpson rule, . (Fig, 5). The experimental data [15] for supercritical flow case are now inserted in conjunction with the computed pressure correction factors in Eq. (3.1) and the values of Ye/Vq are obtained. These values are then substituted in Eq. (3.7) to get the values of Yo/2- Results of the compu- tations are summarized in Table 3. : : The computed values of Rit, and Y/t are in reasonable agreement with the measured values. 3,3 COEFFICIENT OF DISCHARGE ‘oF BoTTom RACKS Experimental data for racks with narrow slits at right angles to the flow direction and for racks with perforated screens, were analyzed to get the flow profiles and the discharge coefficients. Thé analysis 1s based on the profile equations developed by Mostkow [9]. 3.3.1 RACK WITH SLITS For racks with parallel bars, Mostkow proposed the equation for flow profile, Eq. (2.84) which 1s reproduced here for easy referenct ote n= 0.1549 2/B = 3/30 * 0.10, ° i Area of pressure distribution Area of pressure distribution curve using Simpson's rule curve using Simpson's rule . = 0.771 = 11.785 seis ta xix 335 ti = 0.054 % ™ 1.050 Hydraustatic pressure distribution. ° » 5 — Vertioal prescure distribution at the beginning and end of ae the Henfag for a euparcetiven! Plat corer’ Ata ____# ort | acct | aso | ge90 | negro | seato | zourt | ove | ace | opsro on “at | gant | 990 | azaro | petro | stoo | more | ere | exe | spte-o : zit | assrr | zoo | ex6ro | woot | too | vere | exe | acre | soeeo on set | mat | eo | gt60 | 660 | sooo] sre | wee |e | coro on wot | escort | 660 | ayer | net | georo- | Gove | ove | axe | ncgtro on ret fmt | avo | sero | ino | woo “| ease | ose | ope} veone-o ore wet dagt | thro ‘awo | ogre | outs | tore | ere | oie | cesero oe ot fort | ave | ero | sz6'0 | moro | doe | see [ese | wero “oe s6t facet | 060 | Bro | t9e'o | ecoro | core | see | ice | expro oe gore | aorre | 960 | gc6-0 | osort | ycoro | Gmore | see. | ue | exto 7 weg fate ferme fe] | 2 fsa) ey |e feat Wa Oy °s | mold 30 sindag 3/9, PH 9/8, 30 SHIVA TANSWIUBAXA CNY WOTLRYO3HL: JOM nN € ayy, — -a7- ++ oh (RAE EF) Ree 3 (2.8a) At the end of the rack” x = £ and y = y,3 thus Eq. (2.8a) can be written for the coefficient of discharge, C,, as follows: as £ [eee ee] So0ebndapoa 6.9). Cy is computed from the known values of yi, yz, €, and the results are summarized in Table 4. The relationship between the coefficient of discharge, Ci, and the Froude number; F,, is depicted in Fig. 6. From the chart, it is observed that the coefficient of discharge depends upon the state of, approach flow, whether subcritical or supercritical, and on the open area > ratio. When the approach flow is supercritical, the coefficient of dis- charge varies considerably with the area factor. It decreases as the approach Froude number is increased. The coefficient of discharge is larger for subcritical flow than for supercritical case. In supércritical flow, the velocity is high and the flow has a tendency to jump over the rack because of the momentum. The flow diverted through the rack ‘is therefore less than for subcritical case. The value of the coefficient of discharge therefore decreases as the Froude number is increased. The coef. ficient of discharge decreases as the open area increases. This is believed to be die to a flow acceleration ‘resulting from the open area, thereby ‘increasing F,- Consequently, the coefficient of discharge, Ci, would decrease as the open area ratio incheases. Ne = 28 - Taste 4 CALCULATION OF COEFFICIENT OF DISCHARGE C, FOR RACKS WITH SLITS coe aeB | ae nfo | 0.1445 27.4 207.60 tia [58 [o.3u8 | 1.30 123.39 196.81 6.60 | 4,03" Josta | 2.37 630.41 161.22 5.60 | 3.65 |o.2oh | 1.37 450.59 152.96 vou | 262 0.309 | 2.36 394.36 126.78 38h | 1.96 |o.281 “| 3.43 wa ag 123.50 3.88 | ache. Joey | a.73 325.83 u1.s9 310 | 260 Joss | 2.38 62haz 97.83 x60 | 335 [ons | 2.29 min | 86.57 386 | 3.36 Jomo | 3.20 L_ 830.01 82.4e 3.09 | sar [ose | 3.40 oz 821.35 364.24 tab | 3as foes | 1.38 29.38 339.32 633 | am fozer | aur 582.43 295.01 5.39 0.267 | 1.50 451.64 25.50 naz | is6 ‘| oy | 1.56 341.39 231.63 ath | r06 | 0.236 | 1.52) = 292 +9 pun °g uqqe tg fo-wopqpztma.— 9 “62a °4 a ove oz : ort 9° 0 nots yowosdde . TeoFaFzDqng uoy39927a “BOTS, Thez"0 vy 5 yosa S99T"0 © ayo were voyIDeIF MOTs aya OF Pussoy sex2asuesL S2eg YITA 4OEY “Fices, Fig. 7, with approxinately the same opening area ratio are conpared:* 3.3.2 Rack WITH ORIFICES . . og The equation proposed by Mostkow for flow profile over racks with orifices is: ke [bow {EEE OE)- doe FEE EU At the end of the rack, x=£ and y= yo, f.e. cal ELECTR te HEC Venkataraman's experinéntal data [18] of bottom racks with perfor ated screens with different area factors is analyzed and Cz is computed. The results are sumiarized in Table 5. The variation of the coefficient of dtscharge, Cz, with the Froude number, F,, of the incoming flow,’ for different values of the area factor, c, is shown in Fig. 7. It is clear i that the coefficient of discharge for a rack with a certain open area ratio, decreases as the approach Froude number increases. This 1g expected for the reasons already explained (pg. 27).. Fora certain F,, the coefficient « of discharge decreases as the opening area ratio 1s increased; this conftmis Noseda's [11] observations (Art. 2.. 3). . The performance of racks with slits, Fig. 6, and racks with ort- It 4s found that the coefficient of discharge, Ci, for rack with para}iel S14ts (e* 0.1445), vartes fron 0.27 for subéritical flows to 0.10 for super= critical flows; The-coefficient’ of discharge, C2, for rack with orifices : : 4 CALCULATION OF COEFFICIENT OF DISCHARGE C. WITH RACKS WITH ORIFICES ~ -3- TaBie 5 = eter ao} nim fa | 0.0148 22h nas vas] 3.89 | 0.721 fyan 526.53 azo f 3.93 | 3.5 | or] aar en.98 85h a.m | s€2 | o.6s7| 285 9.35 yeas 3.99 | 3.66 | o.6r9| ‘3.02 ter .A6 18.3 aor | 3.0 f 0.66 | 3.20 0.0595 tance | azoat | 8.06 | 5.56 | 0.083 | 2.8 . | ° aehze tx | 5.00 | 9} sar . sre.60 | 10.39 6a | saz | 0.065} ra9 oa tps | ger | sar | sa | 0.00 | aa6 teas haus 0.06 | aah 10.26 4.81 o.st2 | a0 ass | 3.8 0.606 | 2.27 ase | sa] sa | ose] or 55.63 a.a| 3.4 | osu} sa2 25.11 5.6 3.95 | 3.67 | o.ssr | 3.30 o.1a9 ane.cs” | + 238.61 tas | 26 | 0.185 | 2.28 aus Pam’ [eee] ae | 0mm | sam 368.53 199.26 5.13 | 299 | 0.768] 1.33 ciseas | ame | am | an | ome P a3e : soap | aay | km | an | ots | 2.35 vop.s5 |’ 3.96 | eas | 01695 | 1.67 27.81 ah. 30° wih | 2.59 | 0.622 | 2.35 eoi6 | azsag’ | 3.0] 205 | 0.55 | 296 rect | use | ate] ac | odes | 2.26 an saat | ott | 3.33 7 32- Taste 5 (cont 'p) ‘Area 7 feetor ar} € te 0.238 86.16 328.98 128.20 309.52 518.20 213.81 ash 62 235.991 . 335.92 196.1 * 0.238 wha 195.20 527.88 281.51 O32 164.95 155.92 en 823.32 130.12, » v3 Be on ore oz ou o ogtz"o * 6EET"o , $6500 ertoro ‘SFO SeNTHA USES seoqsT10 Treus ATA xo8H erry o: ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °° °° oo o° oo °° 20 e° a0 o° uopyoeztd ROLE 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 -4- (e = 0.1339), varies fron 0.72 for subcritical flow cases, to 0.45 for Supercritical flows. In other words, rackswith small orifices have greater discharging capacity than racks with transverse bars. This ts contrary to the findings ‘of Mostkow. 3.4 SuRFACE PROFILE, The equations proposed by Mostkow [9] can now be employed to obtain the water surface profile over the racks. Methods of evaluating thecoeffi- cients of discharge C; or Cz for racks with different configurations can be evaluated by methods already explained in Secs. 3.3.1. and 3.3.2. Referring to Fig. 2, let yi be the depth of flow at the entrance . to the rack and , the depth at the end of the rack.. The depths of flow along the rack can-be predicted, when the specific energy’ of the approach flow is known. . 7 From the known upstream flow conditions (F, and ¢), the value of the coefficients of discharge (C; or Cz) can be obtained from Figs. 6 or 7 for the rack under study., Equatfons, (3.8) and (2.10) can be rewritten ast oe [% oe FE] ee way for a rack with parallel transverse bars, and a“ -[ 1 cost HE Foe PE + 8 FEB BAEC #) wee oo (312) where &£ # center-to-center spacing of the rack bars; Eqs, (3.11) and (3.12) can be written for the flow depth, y, as: ~ vote e (nen AB) x0 oe (3.13) for a rack with parallel transverse bars, and Equations (3.13) and (3.14) are solved by standard methods for . the depths of flow at the center between the slits or row of orifices. these values are summarized in Tables 6 and 7, and are: represented in Figs. 8 and 9, along with the experimental profiles. The agreement between the profiles based on Mostkow's equations and the measured profiles appear to be satisfactory. = 36- ‘Taste 6 » CALCULATION OF WATER SURFACE PROFILE OVER RACK WITH PARALLEL BARS y roa Eq. 35.20 . : . 5.7h 5.93 1 |. + a a 5.3 5.6 : . . . oh 5.38 sas | ows | och | 6.60 5.54 6.3 35.20 . = = san 5.39 " 22 . ” ” kre 5.0 3.58 : . . Aust ie aoas | cams | 0.25 4.08 ass 35.20 . " . ak ats m 2.27 . sods haa 4.05 - a8 . oc) 2 3.93 3.08 ie ; roas «| otis | “0.258 | hak 3.90 402 35.20 : : . 3.8 | 20.2 . * . 3.20 36 o | as : . . 2.90 2.9 was om | 3.88 3.06 3.25 35.20 . . eas 2.66 ’ aoe . . . aut 2.39 25.38 . . aah 2.35 -a7- ‘TasLe 7 CALCULATION OF WATER SURFACE PROFILE OVER RACK WITH ORIFICES 8.69 : : + | osn | ase | sts 6.33 1, }3.03 o o + | eee | seo | sar 5.60 at : : + | oa | 53.90 | 4.69 5.21 an | : + | ono | sse0 | sar wats | ose | 0.7 | 6.82 | o.ske | a6.6s | 5.88 6.28 | 8.69 7 . + | 0.305 | ty.60 | 5.20 5.5 11 |13.03 " : | oes | seiss | 4.66 3.08 wat . . & | ‘ose | shes | 4.20 4.58 an . 5 = | cass [\g6.s5 | 3.79 bas ksh | oss | 0.760.) 5.13] 0.3m [¥7.69 | 4.87 Sao “0.69 : : | 0209 | soot | 4.26 bate ut |33.03, . . | otf sa.68 |) 3.7 4.00 3.31 . 5 + | 0206 | 56.05 | 3.35 3.66 an, G a = | ose | seas | 2.99: 3th Me 1339 | om | v.02 | on | 48.67 haat 8.69 fe a "| 026s | 52.39 3.56 w 33.03 . o "| oe20 | 55.27 3.6 3.31 spon [os 7 oan | srs 2.81 : an |t G * | oaes | 60.33 2.16 ots | uo} oss | 9.2, | 3.26 3.32 : 0 «| ease | sans] ats 2.6 I + | cage | s6a9 | 2.38 238 o * | cana | 59.22] 2.00 2a0 0 + | oe | ae] an ae jyie7-42 | 9285.38 ae Qi = 24850.1 Fy = 1.30 ph, -3.64 | | 13. yo= 3.89 | | TIT Qy = 17407.6 Pye 1.37 = VQ: = 10170.7, Fy = 1.43 by 93-84 PS 7660) |yes.68 IZ — Q = 21991.1 F) 621.37 =| m4. | —_—|—— — —'_——__. yan2.99 IV — Q) = 13697.9 Fy = 1.36 —— Experimental Profiles (Venkataranan [ 16)), E® Conputed profites (lased on Mostkow's Eq. [9] reck with slits - € = "0.1445 Pig. 8 — Flow profile over racks with sjjte. = 39- fn 4.35, coe eeee eee ee eee I — Q = 2704.1 Fy 7 1.28 TI — Qi) = 2183930 Fy = 2.30 x yi85.73) [rn3.44| A lya= 2.76 oe III — Q = 17283.4 FL = 1.33 W— Q@ = 1375.4 P= 1.38 V — q’ = 10280.9 R= 135 Experimental Profiles eG ‘i (Wenfataranan (16) x x Computed profiles - 4 (Based on Mostkow's zq. [9]) rack vith orifices - € = 0.1339 ¥ooc00000 0} CuapTer 4 ‘ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4,1 ConcLustons From the study presented, the following main conclusions are forte ' ; ° 1, The expression obtained for ¥,/2 in terns of the approach Froude number and the performance factor, Eq. (3.7), by resolving the momen- ‘tum equation normal to the diréction of flow, shows good agreement , with the experimental’ data for supercritical flow cases. 2. The study reveals that for racks with small orifices, the coefficient of discharge, C2, decreases as the approach Froude number increases. Also, for a certain Froudenumber, Co decreases as the opening ratio ‘increases. 3, Water surface profiles predicted by Nostkow's equations for racks with narrow transverse slits and for racks with small orifices rea- sonably conform to the measured profiftes. : 4,2. RECOMMENDATIONS This study gives rise to a few interesting points that warrant further investigations; these may be stated as follows: hie \ “ - 1. -4- From the review of the spatially varied flow equations, it is found that these equations need tobe examined in view of the existing inconsistencies. The investigation ‘of flow in channels with bottom intakes indicates the need for a ratfonalized general theory for the design of bottom racks, The analysis presented may be extended by considering the effects of the streamline curvature, the, nonuniform velocity distribution and the bottom slope. Nore data are needed to analyse the variation of the coefficient of. discharge, C1, for racks with parallel bars« 10. n, + CHOW, V.T. BIBLIOGRAPHY . AHMED, E1-Khashab and K. V. SMITH. "Experimental investigation of flow over side weirs." Proc. A. + No. HY4, pp. 1255-1 Jol of Hy +> Vol. 102, BOUVARD, M. “Debit d'une grille par en dessous.” (Discharge passing through ‘a bottom grid). La Houille Blanche, Grenoble, No. 2, May 1953. ‘Discussion of flood protection of canals by lateral spil1~ ways", by Harold Tults, Paper 1077, Proc. A.S.C.£., Journal Hydraulics Biviston, Vol. 83, NowciW2s. pp. 4/456 APF TSETo Open Channel Hydraulics. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York, > 1959. "Spatiatly varied flow equations". Journal, Water Resources — esearch, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 1124-1128, - DAGAN, G. (Orimmer). "Notes sur le calcul hydraulique des grilles (par- (Note on the hydraulic design of bottom-type intake La Houille Blanche, Grenoble, No. 1, Jan. 1963. dessous} screens). + de MARCH, G. 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ALS. “Dynamic equations for steady spatially varied E., Vol. 96, No. HY3, March 1970. APPENDIX 1 , > 4 ; : EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP AND: MEASURING TECHNIQUE GENERAL REMARKS . . the analyS{s presented in the study is based on tthe data nade available to the writer from Ref. 15. This Appendix presents the details i of experimental set-up, range of variables tested and their accuraciés as given in Ref. 15. : Experiments were conducted in a glass-walled, rectangular, horizontal flume gf 12.0 m length and 30 cm’ width (B) (Fig.10), Facili- ties existed to introduce a slit with adjustebTe length (2), at a distance € of 5.0 ms fron the entrance section. All discharges were measured with the aid of right angled V-notches. The head over the notch was measured ' with the aid of hook gauges (L.C. = 0.001 mms), while the elevations of the ¢ water surface were measured using a pointer gauge (L.C, = 0,001 mms). The measured discharges are éstimated to have been within an aceracy of 24 at Tow flows aid 32’at high ows. The range of discharges varied {rom 15 to 60 Titres per second in the case of slots’ and up to 25 litres per second in the tests involving bottom. racks. "Experiments ware first conducted on different: sizes of recamer\ sharp-edged, slots formed at the bed of a channel and spanning its entire | width, Racks with bars arranged traneverse to the flow direction and + = racks with perforations were then tested and their effects on the flow ‘i : : : ~ = 44, 7 45 = eqe2 sorts J ee eee oaed 30009 a9 mars AOTL “Tenpysoy eee ee peomieko woas A1ddna - 46-4 behaviour studied. ; | In the case of experiments on supercritica} flow, the Froude number ° of the approach flow was varied with the aid of an upstream gate.

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