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Integrated Basic Education Department

Senior High School
Lagao, General Santos City

Research in Daily Life 2

Student’s Name: __Jhon Paul F. Mones__________________Date Submitted: _Sept. 30, 2020____

Grade & Section: __STEM-1211__________________ Quarter: Midterm Week No.: 4
Teacher/s: Ms. Jirah P. Canilao, Ms. Shahani Cel Mananay, Ms. Diane Mae Diaz, Mr. Wilfredo
Sionosa Jr., Ms. Mary Jane Timola

Activity II.
Read the paragraph below and identify the four components in establishing the research gap.
Many forms of instruction, both traditional and alternative, have been introduced to develop
students' mathematical-logical skills. One approach that continues to be widely used in Asia is
Singapore Math. Though many studies have attempted to substantiate its effectiveness (see Jaciw,
Hegseth & Toby, 2015; Powell, 2014), there remains a dearth of empirical studies that have
investigated the effectiveness of Singapore Math in the Philippines. As Corpuz (2015) argued, there is
a need to conduct more studies on approaches that will help Filipino students become equipped with
the necessary mathematical skills which are on a par with their ASIAN counterparts. Following that
suggestion, this study investigated the effects of Singapore Math on developing the mathematical
logical skills of Filipino students in selected public high schools in the Philippines.
The current state of the field:
The current state of the field is that finding the right method as form of teaching in developing
student’s mathematical- logical skills. Singapore's Ministry of Education decided to take the research
results of best practices from the West and developed a new way of teaching mathematics after its
low performance on international leaderboards in the early 1980s.
The current and conventional practices in the field:
The current and conventional practices in the field is that Singapore mathematics has produced
a world-class level of performance for many years. the use of Singapore Math in the Philippines as a
form of instruction.
The research gap:
The research gap is that math textbooks based on the Singapore math approach today are
used in maby of schools across the UK and have been widely adopted by the Department of
Education's Maths Hubs and the effectivity of Singapore Math as method to students in developing
their mathematical- logical skills.

The present study's contribution to addressing the research gap:

The present study’s influence to addressing the research gap is that to conduct more lessons
to show the efficiency of Singapore Math.
Activity III.
Read and answer the following questions below. Your answers will be rated using the attached rubric.
1. What is the focus of your topic? (Remember, you have to choose a topic that appeals
to your interest and narrow it down according to discipline or geographical area.)

Pollution in General Santos City.

2: Write down the following based on your chosen topic focus:

Ideas = Air Pollution, Filter, What plant can I use to lessen air pollution.

Research Question = How does Ceiba pentandra(Kapok) can lessen the air pollution?

Focused Research Question = What part of Ceiba pentandra(Kapok) silk cotton can filter the air?

3.Write your working title based on the topic you chose for your research study.

________Charity F. Mones_____
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name & Signature
RUBRIC for Written Answer:

Criteria Inadequate Adequate Above Exemplary

(1) (2) (4)
Organizati Writing lacks Writing is coherent and logically organized. Some Writing is Writing
on logical points remain misplaced and stray from the topic. coherent shows
organization. Transitions evident but not used throughout and high
It shows essay. logically degree of
some organized attention
coherence with to logic
but ideas lack transitions and
unity. used reasonin
Serious between g of
errors. ideas and points.
paragraph Unity
s to clearly
create leads the
coherenc reader to
e. Overall the
unity of conclusio
ideas is n and
present. stirs
the topic.
Level of Shows some Content indicates Content Content
Content thinking and thinking and indicates indicates
reasoning reasoning applied original synthesi
but most with original thinking s of
ideas are thought on a few and ideas,
underdevelo develops indepth
ped and ideas with analysis
unoriginal. sufficient and
and firm evidenc
evidence. es
for the
Developm Main points Main points are present with limited detail and Main Main
ent lack detailed development. Some critical thinking is present. points points
developmen well well
t. Ideas are develope develope
vague with d with d with
little quality high
evidence of supportin quality
critical g details and
thinking and quantity
quantity. support.
Critical Reveals
thinking high
is degree of
weaved critical
into thinking.
Mechanic Spelling, Most spelling, punctuation, and grammar correct Essay has Essay is
s and punctuation, allowing reader to progress though essay. Some few free of
and errors remain. spelling, distracting
Grammar grammatical punctuati spelling,
errors on, and punctuatio
create grammati n, and
distraction, cal errors grammatic
making allowing al errors;
reading reader to absent
difficult; follow of
fragments, ideas fragment
comma clearly. s,
splices, run- Very few comma
ons evident. fragment splices,
Errors are s or and
frequent. runons. runons.
Support Provides little Supports main point with some underdeveloped Supports Persuasiv
or no support reasons and/or examples. main point ely
for the main with supports
point. developed main
reasons point with
and/or well
examples. develope
d reasons

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