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10 Office Etiquette Rules

1. Be on time.

Time is precious, and no one wants to feel like you think your time is more
important to their time. Whether arriving at the office, visiting a client or
making a deadline, being prompt shows that you’re serious about work and
respect the other party’s time. If you miss a deadline, your whole team is
affected and may have to cover for you. Clients expect high-quality service
so if you are late to an appointment, the client might question their money
and wonder if you value their time. When running late, it’s courteous to let
the other party know and keep them in the loop about your schedule.

2. Avoid gossip.

Think high school is over? That’s not always the case in the workplace.
While it’s natural to stress over work, be careful about the extent of what
you share. How you treat people reflects on your character, and if you
speak negatively about your coworkers, people might associate you with
that negativity. Also, colleagues might be less inclined to trust you if they
hear you badmouthing other colleagues, wondering if you do the same to

3. Understand your work environment.

It’s important to observe and understand your work environment so you

know what’s appropriate. For example, startups have a more relaxed dress
code, but if you work in the corporate sector, you may dress more business
professional. According to Columbia University Center for Career
Education, if you work at a larger organization, you can access the HR
department and in-house trainings. For smaller companies, you would
learn from observing others and asking questions. You’ll learn the values
and policies of your company over time, but it’s good practice to research
and observe in order to navigate the company.

4. Keep it clean.

At work, you don’t want to be known as someone who can’t pick up after
themselves. If you are in common area and leave coffee cups, pieces of
paper or random snacks, then someone will clean it for you which can cost
time and their patience. Also, keeping your desk or workspace clean and
organized reflects your professional brand. It is good to periodically check
to see if you have maintained a clean workspace.

5. Be mindful of how others work.

People have different working styles, so be mindful when working in an

open office. Some people might want to blast music and others might want
silence. If you want to listen to music, podcasts, or any other audio, do so
with some headphones or if permitted, find a cubicle or office space.

6. Be personal but professional.

Since you’ll see your colleagues for the majority of your week, it’s human
to get to know them on a personal level. If you don’t share, you might come
off as snobbish. At the same time, you don’t want to relay everything such
as a cheating spouse or your drunken weekend escapades, since that may
distract you and others from focusing on professional projects. It’s also
important to be mindful of other peoples’ boundaries. Sharing personal
information is a choice, so do not push employees to divulge information.

7. Show genuine interest.

We all have thousands of thoughts running through our head. We’re

checking off to-do lists, worrying about how we’ll finish tasks and if we
remembered to pick up the dry cleaning. When speaking with colleagues or
clients, we’re hoping they speak quickly so we can move on. However,
people can tell when you are actively listening. When speaking with others,
give your undivided attention, maintain good eye contact and ask
inquisitive follow-up questions. That way people are aware that you are
focused and also a pleasure to be around.

8. Introduce others.

If you’re new to a workplace or even if you have been in a job for awhile,
there’s always more people to meet. It’s not fun to stand awkwardly with a
group of people who have no idea who you are and vice versa. When given
the opportunity, introduce people to each other. It’s polite and it makes
people feel valued.

9. Be polite and professional in all communication forms.

For phone, email and meeting face-to-face, it’s important to remain
professional. When emailing, keep in mind that there is no context for tone
or facial expressions, so keep messages short but friendly. Do not send
anything that you wouldn’t say in person as emails are permanent.

10. Put down the phone during meetings.

Nowadays, it is hard to put down our phones. However, when you are in
meetings, it’s not advised to be texting or browsing the web. It gives off the
impression that you’re not paying attention and it can reflect poorly on your
company if in front of a client. In meetings, turn your phone off or put it on

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