Raj Ratan Rai Disaster

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Course: Introduction to Disaster Management

Submitted by
Sap Id : 500087564
Date : 13/04/2023
1. Introduction
2. Implantation of National/ International protocols in DM Plan
3. Disaster Specific Plans
4.1 Hazard 1
 Hazard 1: Risk Assessment
 Hazard 1 : Mitigative Measures
 Hazard 1 : Preparedness Measures
 Hazard 1 : Response
 Hazard 1 : Recovery
4.2 Hazard 2
 Hazard 2: Risk Assessment
 Hazard 2 : Mitigative Measures
 Hazard 2 : Preparedness Measures
 Hazard 2 : Response
 Hazard 2 : Recovery
4.3 Hazard 3
 Hazard 3: Risk Assessment
 Hazard 3 : Mitigative Measures
 Hazard 3 : Preparedness Measures
 Hazard 3 : Response
 Hazard 3 : Recovery
4.4 Hazard 4
 Hazard 4: Risk Assessment
 Hazard 4 : Mitigative Measures
 Hazard 4 : Preparedness Measures
 Hazard 4 : Response
 Hazard 4 : Recovery
4.5 Hazard 5
 Hazard 5: Risk Assessment
 Hazard 5 : Mitigative Measures
 Hazard 5 : Preparedness Measures
 Hazard 5 : Response
 Hazard 4 : Recovery

4. Conclusion
5. References

Profile of the locale - Via cutting away areas of Ghaziabad and Bulandshahar, the Region
Gautam Buddh Nagar was comprised on 6/9/97 with impact from Govt. request no
1249/97/82/97. Dadri and Bisrakh blocks cut out of Gaziabad are remembered for the Gautam
Buddh Nagar locale, while Bulandshahar Region has been isolated into two blocks: Dankaur and
Jewar. 18 more Bulandshahar settlements have additionally been cut out and integrated into the
Dankaur and Jewar are two characters in the game Dankaur and Jewar. As of now, the region is
partitioned into three Tehsils: Dadri, Jewar, and GB Nagar (Guide 1). Bisrakh, Dadri, Dankaur,
and Jewar are the four blocks. It contains 38 Nyaya. 343 habited towns and 30 inhabitated towns,
343 Panchayats and 243 Town Panchayats There are 8 towns and settlements altogether. There
are additionally 22 police headquarters in the city. Gautam Buddh Nagar is a significant modern
region in the territory of Uttar Pradesh.
Sub-Area of the Public Capital District (N.C.R.) of Delhi, found west of Uttar Pradesh. It's valid.
It covers an all out area of 1,442 square kilometers. A 100-kilometer length of street in the west
The region is partitioned from Delhi and Haryana by the Yamuna Stream. The area Is Ghaziabad
Locale toward the north, Bulandshahr Region toward the east, and Aligarh Region toward the
Southerly area. The region is additionally crossed by the Stream Hindon, which meets The
Yamuna Waterway close to Town Gharbra, on the edges of Noida's Advised Region. Inside the
region, the two waterways address a huge flood risk. As per the 2011 Statistics, the locale has an
all out populace of generally 16.75 lakh individuals.
Table 2.1 shows a 37.11 percent increment in populace, with Noida representing roughly 50% of
the aggregate. More noteworthy Noida is a city in Uttar Pradesh, India. Figure of the Sex
Proportion (which shows the populace cosmetics concerning people)
In the 2011 enumeration, the quantity of females per 1000 guys expanded to 851. In 2001, the
absolute number of individuals in the Region was 841. Enumeration India's fundamental
information has been delivered. The populace thickness of Gautam Buddha Nagar region in 2011
was 1,286 individuals for each square kilometer The populace thickness of Gautam Buddha
Nagar locale was 898 individuals in 2001 for every square kilometer The Gautam Buddha Nagar
area covers an all out area of 1,282 square kilometers regions. Gautam Buddha Nagar has a
typical education pace of 80.12 in 2011, up from 68.69 in 2010. in the year 2001 With regards to
orientation, male and female proficiency rates were 88.06 percent and 88.06 percent, separately.
70.82 percent and 70.82 percent, separately. In the 2001 registration, similar measurements were
81.26 and 53.70 separately.
Gautam Buddha Nagar is a locale. In Gautam Buddha Nagar Locale, the all out proficient
populace was There were 1,122,947 individuals altogether, with 666,065 men and 456,882
ladies. In the year 2001, The locale of Gautam Buddha Nagar has a populace of 675,669
individuals. As per the 2011 registration, 59.12 percent of the number of inhabitants in Gautam
Buddha Nagar lives in Gautam Buddha Nagar. in the region's metropolitan regions Guys make
up 974,309 of the 974,309 people who live in metropolitan regions. Females number 443,700,
while guys number 530,609. Sex Proportion in Gautam Buddha's Metropolitan Area.According
to the 2011 statistics, the Nagar locale has a populace of 836 individuals. In Gautam, the
youngster sex proportion is comparative. In the 2011 registration, the Buddha Nagar locale had a
populace of 856 individuals. In the metropolitan region, there are around 6,000 kids matured 0 to
6. There were 137,118 individuals altogether, with 73,884 men and 63,234 ladies. This youth
Gautam Buddha Nagar region has a populace of 13.92 percent of the complete metropolitan
As indicated by the 2011 evaluation, Gautam Buddha Nagar locale has a typical education pace
of 83.73 percent. Guys have an education pace of 89.20 percent, while females have a
proficiency pace of 77.17 percent. In all actuality.
In the metropolitan region, there are 701,019 proficient people, the two guys and females. The
numbers are 407,405 and 293,614 individually.
As per the 2011 enumeration, the country populace of Gautam Buddha Nagar regions is 40.88
percent residents' regions The all out populace of Gautam Buddha Nagar locale lives in rustic
regions is 673,806, with 359,605 guys and 314,201 females, separately. In country regions, The
sex proportion in the Gautam Buddha Nagar locale is 874 females for each 1000 guys.
At the point when the Gautam Buddha Nagar locale's youngster sex proportion information is
incorporated, the figure is 826 young ladies for each 1000 Guys represent 109,480 kids matured
0 to 6 in country areas.
Females numbered 59,951 and guys numbered 49,529. The youngster populace represents 16.67
percent of the general populace.
Gautam's country populace Buddha Nagar is a neighbor hood in the city of Delhi. Gautam's
provincial parts have a high proficiency rate.
As indicated by evaluation information from 2011, the Buddha Nagar locale has a populace of
74.77 percent. Male and female are the two sexual orientations: Female proficiency was 86.32
percent while male education was 61.69 percent. There were 421,928 individuals on the whole.
Horticulture is the fundamental kind of revenue for the inhabitants of this region. The main
yields in Wheat, rice, and sugar stick are the principal crops filled in the region. Millet is
likewise filled in certain areas.
Notwithstanding, on account of the modern areas of Noida and More prominent Noida, which
are important for the Bisrakh block, the major Modern representatives, specialized, designing,
and the board are the fundamental kinds of revenue in this space administrations.
The area's advancement is advancing quickly because of its nearness to the Public Capital
District. The municipalities of NOIDA, More prominent NOIDA, and the Yamuna Turnpike are
all in Gautam. Locale of Buddha Nagar The region's urban communities of Noida and More
noteworthy Noida are elite modern hubs Some enormous scope businesses are situated in the
Noida/More noteworthy Noida modern districts, global enterprises, for example, Daewoo Engine
and Honda have laid out. Producing, CL, BPL, LG, HCL, and so on. Different nations are going
through industrialization likewise inside the region.
Thus, the region is critical as far as monetary construction, on a state level, yet additionally on a
public level. Uttar Pradesh's complete income represents 25% of the state's all out income.
Implantation of National/ International
protocols in DM Plan

The Yamuna and Hindon Waterways separate the NOIDA region from More noteworthy
NOIDA. The municipality is arranged on the banks of the Hindon Stream. NOIDA is
remembered for the catchment region. It is situated in the Yamuna Valley and is an old
riverbed of the equivalent. The dirt is a sandy earth called Khadar is great for developing
occasional vegetables, grains like wheat, and money crops like as cotton sugarcane. Most of
vegetables and natural products are presently filled in metropolitan regions because of
urbanization developed. It is all around recognized that preventive, relief, and readiness
measures can be gone to lengths, as well as partner limit building, so that adverse
consequences are decreased. A fiasco's effect can be diminished. Accordingly, cautious
arranging is required.
It is compulsory with respect to Area Calamity The executives under the DM Act 2005.
DDMA should embrace a ceaseless and coordinated arranging, sorting out, and executing
process putting together and setting up strategies that are both fundamental and reasonable.
Fiasco anticipation and moderation are both significant. These methods will be carried out
the many divisions' formative systems and preparation to deal with the difficulties fiasco
help, salvage, and restoration, fully intent on limiting the misfortune endured by the
networks and should be reported to be valuable and available.
The office is available to the overall population. The NGY and Gautam's modern nature
makes catastrophe the board a test.
Buddha Nagar should be completely explored for possible normal risks. Cataclysmic events
including quakes, floods, areas of strength for and, as well as man-made catastrophes like
flames, street mishaps, and modern mishaps .
Disaster Specific Plans
Hazard 1) Floods

Streams Yamuna and Hindon, but huge normal features of the informed districts with respect to
Gautam Buddha Nagar are leaned to possible flood gambles.
Noida is particularly disposed, since it essentially was significant for the stream bowls of
Yamuna and Hindon which were recuperated for development by creating dam. It is the low
lying and obligated to defy tremendous degree flooding in the event of a break in one of the
barriers - along Yamuna or Hindon.

HAZARD 2) Seismic tremors:

Entire Gautam Buddha Nagar region consolidating the NGY fall in seismic zone IV and are
offering typical cutoff points to frail states like Delhi, Haryana and Ghaziabad, District in Uttar
Pradesh, which are all in seismic Zone IV (Allude Tremor Shortcoming Guide of India, Guide
2). The two faults explicitly Moradabad issue and Mahendragarh-Dehradun issue going through
the district supplement the shudder risk of the twin metropolitan networks (Guide 4). This locale
has recently defied a couple of quakes of serious degree in past. The head rationally recorded
seismic quake from this area was on fifteenth July 1720 with force of IX. Other serious seismic
quakes have been represented accordingly in the years 1803 (IX), 1825 (V), 1830 (V), 1831
(VII) and 1842 (VI).
In the continuous past, seismic quakes of degree up to 6.2 have been represented in Delhi and
nearby region (imply the Figure 3). These are Bulandshahar seismic quake (1956) of degree 6.2,
seismic quake near Sona (1960) of size 6.2 and Moradabad shudder (1966) of degree 5.6.
Likewise, Delhi and enveloping districts have a potential for hurt due to shudder happening in
Himalyan Locale. In addition, the entire area along the Yamuna on either side untruths added to
the liquefaction collection. This further upsets the issue of seismic quake related takes a risk in
the metropolitan networks.

HAZARD 3) Man Made Disasters

In like manner; there are various expected results of manufactured fiascos happening close by
because of pollution, setbacks that could cause outpouring of colossal volumes of artificial
materials and hurtful gasses, credibility of significant vehicles taking part in road accidents as
well as oil spillage, impacts of significantly inflammable material that the trucks/huge haulers
may be moving and hurt inclined to be achieved by high wind speed in the event of storm or
cyclonic turns of events.
The counterfeit disasters are furthermore sensible due to rapid roads, turnpikes and associations
with public avenues inciting or going through the city like Noida-More noteworthy Noida and
Yamuna Freeway, interface road partner the NH 24 to the inside road associations of Noida and
More noteworthy Noida, interface from GT Street through railroad over length at Dadri,
proposed Faridabad-Noida-Ghaziabad Interstate and the proposed rail interface from
Tughlakabad to Maripat. These roads, but crucial for development of Noida and More prominent
Noida, are normal risks for possible significant 23 incidents aside from assuming good
expectation, mitigation and availability measures are facilitated with the improvement
connection so catastrophe risk is diminished.
Considering that cutting edge areas of Noida and More noteworthy Noida are in all honesty piece
of a procedure with present day belt loosening up from Ghaziabad to Sikandrabad in Uttar
Pradesh; Faridabad and Gurgaon in Haryana and Okhla Modern Area of Delhi, the city is leaned
to being impacted by current setbacks in any of these spots.
Pondering the previously mentioned, the disaster risk assessment has been finished under the two
greater heads for instance ordinary and human incited catastrophes.

HAZARD 4 ) Fire Hazard

Fires much of the time occur in metropolitan networks as indoor flares in private, current,
business and institutional designs. Seismic quake can in like manner set off enormous blazes
in created areas of metropolitan networks. Most progressive justification behind fire is short
out, falling candles or light oil lights besides, near disasters in questionable improvements of
wood, stick, cardboard and different materials. Fires so caused habitually spread quickly and
immerse colossal locales, for instance, a confidential region, lots of Jhuggi Jhompris,
business structures and current districts. Most dreadful fire event in Delhi was a result of
shortcircuiting in Upahaar Film Corridor in the year 1997 making 59 ignoring and veritable
injury 100 individuals.

The critical fire risks in Gautam Buddha Nagar district and NGY locales are supposed to
 Shortcircuiting, impacting of gas chambers, tactless human inciting spontaneous fire
associated with gas spillage, conceals and other inflammable material blasting into blazes,
 Compound catastrophe/accidents
 Vehicle influence/air crash/train effect and incidents provoking fire Modern setbacks
inciting temperamental gas spillages and fire
 Shudder started fires
 Holder break, spillage of inflammable fluids and gas spillages Collective mobs
 Fear attacks

HAZARD 5 ) Industrial and Chemical Disaster Hazard

Noida and More prominent Noida districts have been manufactured basically to propel
current progression in the region. There are 6, 218 restricted scope present day units, 320
conveying and 16 cleared out units in the doled out areas of Noida and More prominent

Other than these, there are 12 huge setback risks (MAH) units in the Gautam Buddha Nagar
Region. These MAH units release compound which are by and large hazardous to the
environment what's more, the neighborhood.

The compound referred to above, if accidentally conveyed to the environment, may prompt
injuries, passings, and fire in this way turn out to be sad for the environment and the general

This is a system that subtleties the dangers that your organization might confront, how you
might limit or oversee them, and how to make your organization back ready in the event that
misfortune strikes. The last part of your debacle the executives methodology sums up the
fundamental points and proposes significant proposals.

1.  "Gautam Buddha Nagar district Population". Census India. Retrieved 11

July 2021.
2. ↑ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 19 September 2009.
Retrieved 10 September 2009.
3. ↑ "History of Gautam Buddha Nagar district (Noida)". GBN District.
Retrieved 16 August 2021.
4. ↑ "Noida Authority to make atlas to bring Noida on tourist map". The Times of
India. 4 April 2015.
5. ↑ "Bhagat Singh's hideout forgotten by history". The Hindu. 16 August 2014.
6. ↑ "Ramlila a non-starter in the land of Ravana worshippers". The Hindustan
Times. 27 September 2021.
7. ↑ Decadal Variation In Population Since 1901
8. ↑ "Ghaziabad, GB Nagar hub of high literacy, falling sex ratio". The Times of
India. TNN. 6 April 2011. Retrieved 6 April 2011.
9. ↑ 2011 Census of India, Population By Mother Tongue

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