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Dental nerves: a neglected mediator of pulpitis

C. Zhan, M. Huang, X. Yang & J. Hou

Department of Stomatology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China

Abstract fibroblasts, odontoblasts, immune cells and vascular

endothelial cells. Dental nerves are particularly impor-
Zhan C, Huang M, Yang X, Hou J. Dental nerves: a
tant for the microcirculatory and immune responses in
neglected mediator of pulpitis. International Endodontic
pulpitis via their release of a variety of functional sub-
Journal, 54, 85–99, 2021.
stances. Further, nerve fibres are found to be involved
As one of the most densely innervated tissues, the den- in dental soft and hard tissue repair. Thus, understand-
tal pulp contains abundant nerve fibres, including sen- ing how dental nerves participate in pulpitis could
sory, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibres. have important clinical ramifications for endodontic
Studies in animal models and human patients with treatment. In this review, the roles of dental nerves in
pulpitis have revealed distinct alterations in protein regulating pulpal inflammatory processes are high-
expression and histological appearance in all types of lighted and their implications for future research on
dental nerve fibres. Various molecules secreted by neu- this topic are discussed.
rons, such as classical neurotransmitters, neuropep-
Keywords: dental nerve, immune system, inflam-
tides and amino acids, not only contribute to the
mation, peripheral nerve, pulpitis.
induction, sensitization and maintenance of tooth pain,
but also regulate non-neuronal cells, including Received 14 June 2020; accepted 26 August 2020

sensation of pain (Hossain et al. 2019), which as one

of the most commonly reported symptoms, can vary
Dental pulp is a peripheral end-organ without collat- in intensity. Whilst several previous studies have
eral nerves, and its dense innervation has been the focused on exploring the cellular and molecular
subject of extensive research throughout the last cen- mechanisms underlying dental pain, the role of the
tury. The major function of dental nerves is thought dental nerves as a mediator of inflammation has been
to be the transmission of afferent signals to the cen- neglected. Over the past two decades, the traditional
tral nervous system (CNS), which ultimately triggers concept that the dental nerve merely serves a sensory
various responses. More specifically, the pathway for function has been challenged by numerous studies,
signal transmission in the dental pulp starts with the which have provided evidence for its complex regula-
detection of stimuli by primary afferent fibres. The tory roles, especially in pulpitis (Haug & Heyeraas
first-order neurons in trigeminal ganglion project cen- 2006, Caviedes-Bucheli et al. 2008a,b).
tral terminals to the neurons that are located within Pulpitis is one of the most common oral diseases
the brainstem; these signals are then sent to the tha- and is often associated with severe dental pain. In
lamus, and the somatosensory cortex finally receives pulpitis, dental nerve fibres are not only responsible
the thalamic inputs (Barnett et al. 1995). Almost all for transmitting pain impulses (Hossain et al. 2019)
stimuli applied to the dental pulp result in the but have also been implicated in regulating

Correspondence: Jin Hou, Department of Stomatology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou Da Dao Bei
1838, 510515, Guangzhou, China (fax: 0086-20-62787679; e-mail:

© 2020 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 54, 85–99, 2021 85
Dental nerves in pulpitis Zhan et al.

inflammatory responses. Several studies have shown Naftel 1994, Ibuki et al. 1996). A portion of sympa-
that at least two different branches of the peripheral thetic nerves leaves the superior cervical ganglion
nervous system are stimulated during pulpal inflam- and runs into dental pulp along with the superior or
mation: the sensory nerve fibres, which act mainly in inferior alveolar artery. The other part runs towards
a pro-inflammatory manner, and the sympathetic the trigeminal ganglion first and then enters the pulp
nerve fibres, which may have anti-inflammatory with sensory nerve fibres (Wakisaka 1990). An over-
effects. These regulatory functions are accomplished whelming majority of unmyelinated axons are sen-
through the actions of various molecules secreted by sory fibres, and very few unmyelinated axons are
nerve endings, such as classical neurotransmitters, sympathetic fibres. However, controversy persists
neuropeptides and excitatory amino acids. Under regarding the parasympathetic innervation of the
physiological conditions, there exists a dynamic equi- human dental pulp (Caviedes-Bucheli et al. 2008a,b).
librium state that can be disrupted by a variety of Both sensory and sympathetic axons accompany
pathological processes, such as the production and blood vessels and even encircle them. Whilst the
release of bacterial virulence factors as well as inflam- axons emit a few branches in the radicular portion of
matory factors, thermal stimuli, electrical stimuli and the pulp, they arborize branch extensively in the
so on. Under these conditions, nerve fibres begin to coronal pulp to form the subodontoblastic plexus of
release functional molecules to regulate the vascular Raschkow (Hossain et al. 2019). Of note, only the
system and immune system in addition to transmis- sensory axons enter dentinal tubules and penetrate
sion of pain sensation. Based on these recent findings, the predentin/dentine (Ibuki et al. 1996), whereas
an in-depth understanding of this neglected role of sympathetic axons end in close proximity to odonto-
dental nerves will provide novel insights for the devel- blast cell bodies (Shimeno et al. 2008). At present, a
opment of strategies to explore their therapeutic clear interaction between dental nerves and odonto-
potential in the prevention of pulpal inflammation. blasts is not yet established. However, given their
The present review attempts to provide a summary close anatomical relationship, there may exist bidirec-
of the current studies on the regulatory functions of tional cross-talks between dental nerves and odonto-
dental nerves in pulpitis, with emphasis on the regu- blasts. This hypothesis is also supported by the fact
lation of vascular function, immune response and tis- that odontoblasts express membrane-bound receptors
sue repair activities. for functional molecules from dental nerves (Kido
et al. 2005). In addition, the release of ATP by odon-
toblast cells in response to noxious stimulation and
Innervation of normal pulp
the substantial expression of P2X receptors in dental
The dental pulp is a peripheral end-organ without nerves suggest that ATP might also act as a sig-
collateral nerves. The majority of the axons enter the nalling molecule between odontoblast cells and neu-
pulp cavity through the apical foramen. Based on rons. Such transmission of signals supports the
observations under electron microscopy, unmyeli- odontoblastic receptor theory of dentine sensitivity
nated axons (C-fibres) account for about 80–90% of (Sole-Magdalena et al. 2018).
nerve fibres entering teeth (Nair 1995). Thinly myeli-
nated fibres (Ad-fibres) and a very small amount of
Neural changes in pulpitis
thickly myelinated fibres (Ab-fibres) constitute the
remaining portion of axons (Nair 1995), and myelin Normal tooth development, maturation and ageing
of myelinated fibres is formed by Schwann cells in the result in neural changes (Sarram et al. 1997, Mahdee
peripheral nervous system. Previous studies have et al. 2019), but the most typical and well-studied
shown that many unmyelinated axons express the changes are observed in pulpitis. Dental pulp fibrob-
neurofilament heavy, a marker for myelinated axons, lasts that are localized just beneath the carious lesion
within the dental pulp, suggesting that these axons can secrete nerve growth factors (NGF) and thereby
arise from parent axons that are myelinated at proxi- promote neurite outgrowth towards the injured site
mal sites (Henry et al. 2012). Similar to most of the (Chmilewsky et al. 2016, 2018). Nerve terminals
peripheral nerves, dental nerves are mixed nerves that begin to sprout new processes within the pulp horn
contain sensory (afferent) fibres and sympathetic region in response to carious lesions. Even intrapulpal
fibres originating from the trigeminal ganglion and abscesses, when developed, are found to be sur-
cervical sympathetic ganglion, respectively (Qian & rounded by nerve sprouts (Rodd & Boissonade 2001).

86 International Endodontic Journal, 54, 85–99, 2021 © 2020 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Zhan et al. Dental nerves in pulpitis

In the apical pulp of human teeth with irreversible nonselective cation channels involved in sensory sys-
pulpitis, myelinated nerves display moderate-to-severe tems that detect and respond to endogenous and envi-
degenerative changes. These include granular degen- ronmental stimuli (temperature, mechanical forces
eration, peeling degeneration, myelin sheath disinte- and chemical stimuli) and the transmission of pain
gration and vacuolization (Mendoza et al. 1987, signals in pulpitis (Caterina & Julius 2001). In pulpi-
Pisßkin et al. 1993). In addition, some axons of myeli- tis, inflammatory mediators, such as lipopolysaccha-
nated and unmyelinated fibres appear shrunken and ride (LPS), can induce post-translational modifications
display increases in the number and size of mitochon- to TRP channel proteins, thereby increasing their
dria (Mendoza et al. 1987, Pisßkin et al. 1993). expression in nerve fibres and finally leading to a
Together, sprouting and degeneration of nerve fibres hyperalgesic state (Morgan et al. 2005, Hossain et al.
are primary events that occur in pulpitis, and they 2019).
can either increase or decrease the innervation den- Intriguingly, apart from local neural changes in
sity of the dental pulp, dynamically regulating by inflamed pulps, distant neural cells in the ipsilateral
NGF (Byers 1994, Minnone et al. 2017). NGF, as a trigeminal ganglion and even the brainstem also dis-
homodimeric peptide, can promote neuronal differen- play distinct pathological changes following pulp
tiation of human dental pulp stem cells via ERK and injury (Tønder 1983, Matsuura et al. 2013, Lee et al.
AKT signalling pathway (Zhang et al. 2017, Darabi 2017). Indeed, nerve fibres lack protein synthesis
et al. 2019). The up-regulation of pulpal NGF in pul- machinery, and the axonal transport (from cell body
pitis has been shown to induce increased innervation to axon) supplies materials consumed in the axon
density of nerve fibres, which will subside once heal- (Okada et al. 1995). Whilst the cell body receives sig-
ing occurs, but continue in states of persistent inflam- nals from axons that results in changes in protein
mation (Byers 1994). However, at the most severe expression level in the cell body, the level of neural
levels of injury, tissue damages caused by the inflam- molecules in the nerve terminal change accordingly
matory response would overwhelm the advantage through anterograde axonal transport. Overall, the
taken from an increased expression of NGF, which dental nerve fibres within the pulp are cytoplasmic
results in decreased innervation density within the extensions of neurons whose cell bodies are located in
dental pulp. the ganglion; it is not these fibres but neurons them-
The expression levels of various ion channels also selves that receive stimuli and regulate the inflamma-
change during pulpitis. Many previous results have tory response in the pulp tissue.
shown that unmyelinated and demyelinated sensory
neurons exhibit altered expression of voltage-gated
Neurosecretion in pulpitis
sodium channel (Nav) in pulpitis, and these changes
are implicated in the generation of pain states (Luo Classical neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, acting
et al. 2008, 2010). The Nav1.6 isoform, a major form as functional molecules, appear to play important
located at nodes of Ranvier, maintains its expression roles in mediating pulpal inflammation. In normal
in pulpitis, and this stable expression is accompanied pulps, expression of substance P (SP), neurokinin A
by increased expression of other isoforms, such as (NKA), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), neu-
Nav1.7, Nav1.8 and Nav1.9 (Renton et al. 2005, Luo ropeptide Y (NPY), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
et al. 2008, 2010, Suwanchai et al. 2012). Further, (VIP) and secretoneurin (SN) can be detected (Awaw-
the numbers of these channels are also significantly deh et al. 2002, Caviedes-Bucheli et al. 2004, 2006,
elevated in the trigeminal ganglion (Wells et al. Steiner et al. 2018). However, it should be noted that
2007a,b). On the contrary, the expression of Kv1.4, a the expression level of neuropeptides is low in clini-
potassium channel subunit contributing to the sup- cally normal pulps (Caviedes-Bucheli et al. 2004).
pression of action potential generation, is decreased in These short-chain peptides (approximately 4–40
neurons of painful human pulp (Wells et al. 2007). amino acids long) are mainly produced in the neuron
All of these changes participate in the generation and cell body in the ganglion and are transported via axo-
maintenance of hyperalgesia in pulpitis. nal flow to the nerve endings in the dental pulp
In addition to the above two ion channels, abnor- (Holmgren & Jensen 2001). Intriguingly, non-neural
mal cellular location and altered expression of tran- cells including dental pulp fibroblasts can also express
sient receptor potential (TRP) channels also occur in neuropeptides (Killough et al. 2009). Once pulpitis
pulpitis. TRP channels are a large family of has occurred, the inflammatory environment leads to

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Dental nerves in pulpitis Zhan et al.

the production of greater amounts of neuropeptides in

Neuromodulation in pulpitis
pulps, except for VIP and SN levels, which remain
practically unaltered (Awawdeh et al. 2002, Bowles During pulpitis, the density of innervation of the den-
et al. 2003a,b, Caviedes-Bucheli et al. 2004, 2006, tal pulp is altered and the balance amongst sensory,
Steiner et al. 2018). sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves is disrupted
Given that neural functional molecules should be at the site of inflammation. These changes corre-
secreted to the outside of cells prior to binding with spondingly affect the inflammatory response in the
their receptors located on the cell surface membrane, pulp tissue and facilitate tissue repair (Fig. 1). Byers
it is crucial to understand the secretion mechanisms & Taylor (1993) found that the pulpal survival rate
involved. Classical neurotransmitters are packaged in was lower in denervated rat mandibular molars than
small clear vesicles (SCVs), which can be supplied via in contralateral innervated teeth. More specifically,
endocytic pathways. In contrast, secretory proteins the denervated teeth exhibit more rapid progression
are produced in the cell body and condensed in large of pulpitis as well as more extensive pulp necrosis
dense core vesicles (LDCVs), which initially form at than the innervated teeth, although denervation pro-
the trans-Golgi network and then are transported to vides rapid and effective pain relief in experimental
the vicinity of the plasma membrane where they wait animals. Therefore, a better understanding of the
to be secreted (Xu & Xu 2008). Although different mediator role of dental nerves will yield insights for
molecular players are involved in SCV and LDCV the development of novel control strategies for pulpal
release (Xu & Xu 2008), the exocytosis of both shares diseases.
conserved features and depends on a localized
increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration (S€ udhof
Regulation of blood vessels in pulpitis
2012). Taking neuropeptides as an example, whilst
the rate of basal release of peptides is low (Iversen The microcirculation is essential for the preservation
et al. 1980), enhanced activation of both voltage- and of pulp functions: first by providing optimal nutrition
ligand-gated Ca2+ channels can trigger the release of to the tissue as well as removing metabolites and
neuropeptide (Wang et al. 2017). Thus, it seems that waste products, and secondly, for maintaining suffi-
thermal, chemical and electric stimuli of sufficient cient blood pressure within the vascular system of the
intensity to dental nerves would lead to an increased pulp that is in harmony with the interstitial fluid
secretion of functional molecules. However, the pressure. The pulpal vasculature constantly changes
release of neuropeptides is highly variable between under varying conditions such as growth, maturation
different individuals even under the same stimulating and especially inflammation throughout life. It has
conditions (Burns et al. 2016). It is worth noting that been shown that increased blood flow and vascular
this increased release might not be the only cause of permeability occur in the vascular system in the first
high extracellular levels of neuropeptides in pulpitis stage of inflammation, followed by fluid exudation
(Bowles et al. 2003a,b). It is also possible that this and leucocyte migration in the venular network (Tøn-
phenomenon could be the result of increased synthe- der 1983, Takahashi 1990), thereby maintaining an
sis of neuropeptides in the ganglion or decreased adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients to the com-
levels of peptidases. promised tissue.
There is overwhelming evidence that various resi- Within human pulps, about 20% of pulpal blood
dent cell types within pulp, such as fibroblasts, vessels have definite intersections with nerve fibres
odontoblasts, inflammatory cells and the endothelial (Rodd & Boissonade 2003), strongly indicating a
cells of capillaries and post-capillary venules, can functional relationship exists between the microvascu-
express membrane-bound receptors for sensory and lature and dental nerves. A rat experiment demon-
sympathetic neuropeptides, allowing these cells to strated that electrical stimulation of the incisor or
respond to neuronal stimuli (Fristad et al. 1999, molar promptly increased pulpal blood flow, whereas
2003, Kido et al. 2005, El Karim et al. 2008, Kil- denervation of the inferior alveolar nerve diminishes
lough et al. 2010). Notably, in the presence of blood flow upon stimulation (Kerezoudis et al. 1995a,
inflammation, the expression of these receptors b, Fristad et al. 1997). In addition, intra-arterial
increases significantly (Caviedes-Bucheli et al. 2005, administration of SP and CGRP antagonists also abol-
Rethnam et al. 2010), which indicates an increased ish pulp vasodilation following nerve stimulation
response of neuropeptides. (Berggreen & Heyeraas 2000), whereas intravenous

88 International Endodontic Journal, 54, 85–99, 2021 © 2020 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Figure 1 Imbalance of dental nerves in pulpitis. Pulpal sensory, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibres play important roles
in regulating the vasculature and immune response in pulpitis via communication with relevant cells through neuron-secreted fac-
tors. Vasodilator function of neuropeptides and glutamate overwhelm the vasoconstrictor function of sympathetic nerves in pulpi-
tis. Meanwhile, to some extent, acetylcholine and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide secreted by parasympathetic nerve fibres also
lead to vasodilation and increased vascular permeability. Substance P (SP) promotes an immune reaction, resulting in a pro-inflam-
matory response, whilst neuronal signalling molecules from sympathetic nerve fibres have an immune-suppressive function. Calci-
tonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) may either promote migration of immune cells or be involved in immunosuppression. Various
molecules, including SP, neurokinin A, CGRP and sonic hedgehog (Shh), released from sensory nerves participate in tissue repair
activity. In contrast, catecholamine decreases tertiary dentine formation.

injection of SP can enhance vasodilation in dener- experimental schemes (exposure of pulp vs. electrical
vated pulps (Olgart et al. 1993). A laboratory study stimulation).
reported that SP could exert its vasodilation effect Neuropeptides from sensory nerves are not the only
partly through production of a key endogenous neuromodulators that can induce vascular changes.
vasodilator, nitric oxide (NO), from endothelial cells Glutamate, a type of excitatory amino acid, can also
(Karabucak et al. 2005). However, NO synthase inhi- elicit vasodilation. This excitatory amino acid can be
bitor potentiates SP-induced vasodilatation in vivo. released from neurons expressing the glutamate trans-
This unexpected result may be due to a negative feed- porter in the pulp (Zerari-Mailly et al. 2012) and act
back mechanism, which needs to be verified by fur- through metabotropic glutamate receptors (GluRs),
ther experiments (Hsu et al. 2003). but not ionotropic GluRs, to regulate pulpal blood
Local application of SP or CGRP can increase dental flow (Hofman et al. 2002). However, the specific types
pulp vascular permeability, as confirmed by the Evans of nerve fibres expressing this transporter and the
Blue dye method, and CGRP is more active than SP localization of these receptors remain uninvestigated.
(Maltos et al. 2004). However, another study reported Although GluRs have been found in odontoblasts
that SP, but not CGRP, is involved in neurogenic (Nishiyama et al. 2016), it is unclear whether other
plasma extravasation (Kerezoudis et al. 1994). Consid- cell types in the pulp, especially endothelial cells,
ering the variable gene expression patterns of nerve express GluRs.
cells in different contexts, the discrepancy between The role of parasympathetic fibres in the control of
the above studies may be attributed to different pupal vasodilation has been a controversial issue. A

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Dental nerves in pulpitis Zhan et al.

laboratory study of isolated pig pulpal arterioles catecholamines and NPY from autonomic neurons
revealed that acetylcholine can induce endothelium- innervating dental pulp.
dependent vasodilation via atropine-sensitive mus- In pulpal inflammation, the state of microcircula-
carinic receptors (Yu et al. 2001). By contrast, in an tion, in turn, affects nerve activity. Given that the
in vivo study, the parasympathetic vasodilator func- pulp is encased in rigid dentinal walls, increases in
tion was not observed (Sasano et al. 1995). It seems pulpal blood flow and vascular permeability will tend
that the influence of cholinergic modulation on pulpal to increase intrapulpal pressure in the interstitial fluid
microcirculation is weak. Additionally, there was no surrounding dental nerves and cause an excitation
significant increase in VIP expression during the effect on nerves in this low compliance environment
inflammatory phenomenon (Caviedes-Bucheli et al. (Tønder 1983). It is likely that when the tissue pres-
2006). This finding confirms a weak influence of sure exceeds a critical pressure threshold, the periph-
parasympathetic fibres in pulpitis. eral nerve is rapidly damaged, followed by a
Post-ganglionic sympathetic fibres and trigeminal progressive loss of neural function (Gelberman et al.
sensory fibres have opposing effects on pulpal blood 1983).
flow. There is evidence that the effects of sympathetic
nerve activation on blood flow are mediated primarily
Regulation of immune reaction in pulpitis
through classical neurotransmitter catecholamines
and NPY. Like adrenoceptor, NPY receptor is also In the para-odontoblastic region of the normal dental
located on the walls of blood vessels in the human pulp, class II antigen-expressing (OX6+) dendritic cells
pulp tissue (El Karim et al. 2008). In addition, it has (DCs) have much close positional association with
been reported that the majority of NPY-immunoreac- nerve fibres (Okiji et al. 1997). When untreated caries
tive fibres encircling pulpal blood vessels are identical progress into dentine, DCs and nerve fibres gather
to adrenergic ones (Uddman et al. 1984, El Karim together promptly along the pulp–dentine border cor-
et al. 2006). An electrical stimulation of sympathetic responding to the area of carious dentine, instead of
nerve causes vasoconstriction and reduction in pulpal noncarious regions of the same teeth (Sakurai et al.
blood flow (Kim et al. 1996). Alpha-adrenoceptor 1999). Of note, pattern recognition receptors, Toll-like
antagonists, phenoxybenzamine or phentolamine, and receptor (TLR)-4 and CD14, have been identified on
NPY antagonist, D-myo-inositol-1,2,6-trisphosphate, myelinated nerve fibres in human dental pulps
can attenuate the reduction in pulpal blood flow (Wadachi & Hargreaves 2006). This means that den-
caused by electrical stimulation (Edwall et al. 1985, tal nerves, similar to DCs, may represent a substantial
Kim et al. 1996). Furthermore, stimulation of sympa- immune surveillance component, and the positional
thetic nerves inhibits sensory nerve-induced plasma similarity of dental nerve endings to DCs may par-
extravasation (Kerezoudis et al. 1993). The vasocon- tially result from functional resemblance between
strictor function of norepinephrine is realized in both them, all of which can potentiate neuro-immune
direct (vasoconstriction) and indirect (inhibiting paracrine interactions during the initial stage of the
vasodilatation function of sensory nerves) ways. The carious pulpitis. Besides, activation of TLR-4 through
latter is achieved through inhibiting the release of LPS from microorganisms causes sensitization of other
vasodilator from trigeminal sensory fibres. For exam- receptors, such as TRP vanilloid 1 (TRPV1), in
ple, the application of a-adrenoceptor or b2-adreno- trigeminal sensory neurons (Diogenes et al. 2011, Fer-
ceptor agonists in the dental pulp significantly blocks raz et al. 2011). This response reduces the threshold
exocytosis of CGRP from pulpal sensory neurons. This of neuronal activation, leading to a hyperalgesic
effect can be blocked by the a-adrenoceptor antago- state.
nists (phentolamine or phenoxybenzamine) and b2- As described before, neuropeptides take part in reg-
adrenoceptor antagonist (ICI 118551; Bowles et al. ulating the local microcirculation in pulpitis.
2003a,b, Hargreaves et al. 2003a,b). These studies Increases in blood flow and vascular permeability
suggest that sympathetic nerves can modulate the may serve as prerequisites for promoting and guiding
function of sensory nerves in the regulation of blood immune cells to local tissues. Also, it has been shown
vessels in pulpitis through the inhibition of exocytosis that the rat denervated molar pulps exhibit consider-
from sensory nerves. In contrast, to date, no study ably lower recruitment of immunocompetent cells in
has identified functional molecules from sensory the inflammatory pulpal tissue subjacent to artificial
nerves that can inhibit the secretion of dentinal cavities than the innervated teeth (Fristad

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et al. 1995a,b). In addition, numerous receptors for the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in
these neuronal signalling molecules exist on immune human dental pulp fibroblasts. So far, IL-1b, IL-6, IL-
cells, such as monocytes/macrophages (Ho et al. 8 and TNF-a have been observed at the physiological
1997), indicating that dental nerves are directly level of SP stimulation (Bowles et al. 2003a,b, Park
involved in the recruitment of immune cells. More- et al. 2004, Yamaguchi et al. 2004). However, con-
over, cell experiments confirmed the ability of SP and troversy still exists regarding the role of CGRP in
CGRP to chemoattract human monocytes and T lym- mediating immune responses, even though more
phocytes, respectively (Ruff et al. 1985, Foster et al. studies have suggested that CGRP has an immuno-
1992). Taken together, these findings indicate that suppression function (Holzmann 2013). In pulpitis,
neuropeptides promote chemotaxis of immune cells CGRP signalling can control the anti-inflammatory
into dental pulps by increasing vascular permeability macrophage phenotype (M2) to regulate the immune
and directly acting on immune cells. Notably, the response (Caviedes-Bucheli et al. 2008a,b). In addi-
number of immunocompetent cells is almost unaf- tion, pulpal Schwann cells also help induce M2 phe-
fected in the denervated pulp in the absence of injury notypic polarization of macrophages, and abundant
stimulus (Fristad et al. 1995a,b). Also, considering the colocalization of Schwann cells and M2 macrophages
fact that the production and secretion of neuropep- can be detected under the lesion in active and deep
tides are significantly low in healthy pulps (Caviedes- caries with no episodes of spontaneous pain, but faint
Bucheli et al. 2006), it could be speculated that dental sensitivity to air (Yoshiba et al. 2020).
nerves have little effects on the number of immune Under physiological conditions, it is apparent that
cells in healthy dental pulps. It could be speculated NPY fibres encircle blood vessels (El Karim et al.
that nerve activity is not the main factor maintaining 2006), whereas, in pathological conditions, NPY has
the number of immune cells in healthy dental pulps, no visible association with blood vessels (El Karim
because the production and secretion of the peptides et al. 2006). Additionally, NPY receptors are located
is not sufficient to affect immune cells under normal in inflammatory cells (El Karim et al. 2008). These
conditions. Periapical lesions often occur as a conse- findings provide clues that sympathetic nerves could
quence of pulpal inflammation. Thus, functional inter- have a modulatory role, in addition to inducing vaso-
actions between the immune and nervous systems constriction, during pulpitis. For example, activation
may also play roles in the progression of apical peri- of sympathetic nerves promotes recruitment of CD43+
odontitis (Austah et al. 2016). For instance, increased polymorphonuclear cells (Csillag et al. 2004). More-
infiltration of OX6+ cells as well as a close association over, sympathectomy decreases the occurrence of
between OX6+ cells and nerve fibres was detected abscess formation 4 days after cavity preparation
around the apex or in the periphery of lesions during (Haug et al. 2001) but has no influence on the degree
active lesion expansion and stabilization (Yang et al. of the pulpal inflammation when the inflammation is
2007). extensive (Haug & Heyeraas 2003).
In addition to their capability of attracting Paradoxically, unlike the inferior alveolar nerve axo-
immunocompetent cells towards the inflammatory tomy (complete loss of sensory nerve fibres and partial
site, neuropeptides also play an important role in reg- loss of sympathetic nerve fibres) mentioned above,
ulating immunomodulation by affecting immune cell sympathectomy (only loss of sympathetic nerve fibres)
proliferation and function. SP is a major immune-ac- has an impact on pulpal immunity under noninflam-
tive substance, due to the fact that it can stimulate matory conditions. Previous research showed that
the release of interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, IL-12 and sympathectomy can stimulate migration and prolifera-
tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a from monocytes/ tion of immunoglobulin-producing cells, such as
macrophages (Lotz et al. 1988, Kincy-Cain & Bost plasma cells (Haug & Heyeraas 2005). Two possible
1997). It has been shown that SP activates the mast- factors may explain this discrepancy: first, the differ-
cell-specific receptor Mas-related G-protein-coupled ence in observation time (18 days vs. 6 days). In the
receptor MRGPRX2, instead of a canonical receptor, denervation experiments (Fristad et al. 1995a,b),
resulting in the release of TNF-a, IL-8, CCL2, CCL3, 6 days of observation may be too short to allow the
etc. (Green et al. 2019). These pro-inflammatory immune system to respond to denervation in nonin-
cytokines are key mediators involved in the inflamma- flammatory pulp tissue. Secondly, sympathectomy
tory response. Additionally, a large number of labora- relieves repression of sensory nerves and activates sen-
tory experiments have proven that SP can stimulate sory nerves to release SP and CGRP. This possibility is

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Dental nerves in pulpitis Zhan et al.

supported by the fact that knockout of NPY receptors the number of osteoclasts (Bletsa et al. 2004). Fur-
or application of adrenergic antagonists increases the thermore, VIP from parasympathetic fibres might also
release of SP and CGRP (Bowles et al. 2003a,b, Harg- participate in the development and healing of periapi-
reaves et al. 2003, Shi et al. 2006). cal lesions (Azuero-Holguin et al. 2003). What is
Products, such as b-endorphin, somatostatin and worth mentioning, in particular, is that both osteo-
IL-1, from immune cells can interact with receptors blasts and osteoclasts have been shown to express
on dental afferent nerves, resulting in an increase in VIP receptors. Importantly, VIP can exert a transient
peripheral antinociception or nociception (Mudie & inhibitory effect on osteoclast activity, which results
Holland 2006, Rutz et al. 2007, Bletsa et al. 2009). in a delayed stimulation of osteoclastic pit forma-
For example, immune cells express more corti- tion in bone slices; whereas, in the presence of osteo-
cotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors to bind CRFs, blast stromal cells, it increases the number of
and this progression promotes immune cells them- resorption pits significantly (Lundberg et al. 2000).
selves to release more b-endorphin, which can inter-
act with opioid receptors to decrease the sensitivity of
Effects on healing in pulpitis
dental nerve endings in pulpitis (Rutz et al. 2007).
Up-regulation of IL-1 during pulpitis, accompanied In injured pulpal tissues, the inflammation process is
with an increased amount of IL-1 receptor type I on always accompanied by tissue repair that involves the
sensory CGRP-immunoreactive and sympathetic NPY- activation of fibroblasts, odontoblasts and undifferenti-
immunoreactive nerve fibres, leads a nociceptor sensi- ated mesenchymal cells. Importantly, this repair pro-
tization through the synthesis and release of prosta- cess has been suggested to be under neuronal control.
glandins and sympathetic amines (Bletsa et al. 2009). Indeed, neuronal protein receptors are found on hard
Furthermore, IL-1 increases the neuronal content of tissue-forming cells, including odontoblasts, amelo-
SP, and IL-1a is significantly more efficient than IL- blasts and cementoblasts of rat teeth (Fristad et al.
1b at up-regulating SP expression (Skoff et al. 2009). 2003). Moreover, changes in pulpal innervation may
Thus, inflammatory mediators form a positive feed- be partly responsible for degenerative alterations in
back loop in promoting the pulpal inflammation pro- rodent teeth. Several studies have reported that dener-
cess. vated incisors exhibit reduced microhardness and turn
chalky about 1 week after operation and fracture
1 month after denervation (Krage et al. 2005, Zhao
The role of nerves in apical periodontitis
et al. 2014, Hayano et al. 2018, Liu et al. 2020).
In the later stage of pulpitis, inflammation or necrosis Within the dental pulp, fibroblasts are the most
extends beyond the apical foramen and into the peri- common cells responsible for the production and
apical tissue, ultimately resulting in acute/chronic maintenance of the pulp extracellular matrix (Jean-
apical periodontitis. It has been found that alterations neau et al. 2017). Once these cells are less active, or
in the number of macrophages and dendritic cells in even dead, the repair of the pulp tissue may be slowed
periapical lesions are particularly well synchronized during pulpitis. It has been reported that SP, NKA
with neural changes; and once the density of dental and CGRP can act as competence factors involved in
sensory nerves reaches a peak, periapical tissue repair pulpal fibroblast proliferation in the process of tissue
starts to take place. These phenomena suggest that repair (Bongenhielm et al. 1995, Trantor et al. 1995).
dental nerves participate actively in the immune reac- On the one hand, these neuropeptides may have a
tion and tissue repair in apical periodontitis (Toriya negligible impact on glycosaminoglycan synthesis
et al. 1997, Yang et al. 2007). (Trantor et al. 1995). On the other hand, they can
Infection-stimulated bone destruction at the periapi- regulate the angiogenic functions of fibroblasts by
cal area is characteristic of apical periodontitis, whose altering the expression of angiogenic growth factors
process is accompanied by the sprouting of dental (El Karim et al. 2009). Of note, this mechanism may
nerves (Kimberly & Byers 1988, Haug & Heyeraas operate in conjunction with other mechanisms such
2003). Intriguingly, the role of sympathetic nerves in as direct modulation of endothelial cells or the attrac-
bone remodelling appears to be distinct from its role tion of the immune cells with angiogenic potential to
in the formation of tertiary dentine. Sympathetic the site of injury (Caviedes-Bucheli et al. 2017).
nerves inhibit the production of the bone-resorbing Amongst these neuropeptides, CGRP may act as a
pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1a that can increase paracrine factor, promoting proliferation of

92 International Endodontic Journal, 54, 85–99, 2021 © 2020 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Zhan et al. Dental nerves in pulpitis

endothelial cells by stimulating cyclic AMP formation norepinephrine decreases tertiary dentine formation
(Haegerstrand et al. 1990). via b2-adrenoceptors existing in the odontoblastic layer
Tertiary dentine formation, as another form of heal- (Gu et al. 2015).
ing in pulpitis, can protect the pulp from injury. Not
only the formation of reparative dentine in pulpitis but
Clinical implications
also the formation of dentine bridges following pulpo-
tomy is synchronized with the morphological reaction There remain considerable challenges associated with
of CGRP-immunoreactive nerve fibres (Taylor & Byers the success rate of vital pulp treatments (VPT). However,
1990). It has been reported that innervation maintains existing evidence suggests that dental nerves, apart from
the protein-synthetic repair processes of odontoblasts the transmission of pain impulses, are also involved in
(Chiego et al. 1987), and chemical or surgical denerva- the modulation of various aspects of pulpal inflamma-
tion will cause delayed formation of reparative dentine tion. It is therefore expected to improve treatment out-
formation (Jacobsen & Heyeraas 1996). Moreover, comes and prognosis of VPT through manipulating
stimulation of human pulp-derived cells, containing dental nerve activity, especially in the initial stage of pul-
odontoblast-like cells, with CGRP results in increased pal injury. This may help dampen local inflammatory
expression of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) responses of pulp tissues directly beneath the sites of
mRNA, potentially promoting dentine formation (Cal- injury (caries, trauma, etc.), thereby contributing to the
land et al. 1997). Treating pulp with CGRP has been preservation of its vitality and integrity.
shown to enhance the formation of osteodentine and At present, there are two potential ways to manipu-
tertiary dentine following pulpotomy (Kline & Yu late dental nerve activity. The first one relies on the
2009). In addition to neuropeptides, other molecules use of lasers. Treatment with either an Er:YAG or Nd:
released from dental nerves are also involved in den- YAG laser has been reported to change neuropeptide
tine formation. For example, inhibition of sonic hedge- expression in the pulp (Takamori 2000, Yoo et al.
hog (Shh) secretion from dental nerves can reduce 2014), and this alteration induces marked fibroblast
dentine formation in vivo (Zhao et al. 2014). It proliferation and the formation of reparative dentine
therefore appears that various molecules secreted from (Takamori 2000). More importantly, benefiting from
the nerve facilitate odontoblast differentiation and the rapid development of a drug delivery system
function. Previous studies have implicated serotonin (Thongkukiatkun et al. 2015, Ji et al. 2018), coordi-
(5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) as an important neuro- nated interventions against the complex pathophysiol-
transmitter in both the peripheral and CNS (Ren et al. ogy of pulpitis through the dental nerve can be a novel
2018, Li et al. 2020). Of note, serotonin has been therapeutic approach for pulpitis. Although progress
reported to be involved in dental tissue repair (Baudry has been made in understanding the mediator role of
et al. 2019), although dental pulpal nerves do not dental nerves in pulpitis, more work remains to be
serve as the main source of serotonin (Kerezoudis et al. done. For example, many regulatory factors mentioned
1995a,b). Moreover, dental pulp stem cells can express above are also pain-promoting molecules, especially SP
5-HT receptors that bind to the 5-HT released from and CGRP. Thus, this raises questions regarding the
themselves and pulp injury-activated platelets, which situations in which the healing-promoting effects of
is critical for stem cell-mediated dental tissue repair these molecules could be maximized and the stimula-
(Baudry et al. 2015), whereas deletion and inhibition tion-related adverse effects could be minimized, as well
of 5-HT receptor provoke a significant reduction in as whether inhibitors of specific channels can effec-
dentine formation (Dimitrova-Nakov et al. 2014, tively alleviate pain symptoms without influencing the
Baudry et al. 2015). healing-promoting effects of neuropeptides as well as
In the case of severe pulpitis, reparative dentine for- other molecules in pulpitis. Answering these questions
mation was found more frequently in sympathec- will extend current knowledge in this field and make it
tomized rats compared with control rats (Haug & possible to deliver optimal molecule agonists and
Heyeraas 2003). Although it remains unexplainable antagonists to pulpal tissues at the right time.
that the ipsilateral sides of sympathectomy form more
reparative dentine than the other side, sympathetic
nerves can still be considered to have inhibited repara-
tive dentine formation to some extent (Haug & Heyer- The developments described in this review demon-
aas 2003). Also, it has been shown that strate a complex and pivotal role of dental nerves in

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Dental nerves in pulpitis Zhan et al.

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