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SARAPAKA - 507128
PERIODIC TEST -1 (Set-1) key
Grade: VI Time: 1hour 30min
Subject: Science Marks: 40
I Answer the following questions. 13X1=13m
1 Materials required to prepare a food item are called
(a) Nutrients
(b) Ingredients
(c) Nourishments
(d) Minerals
2 Honey bees are often seen sitting on flowers. Why do they do so?
a) They like flowers
b) They lay eggs on flowers
c) They suck nectar from flowers
d) All of these
3 Which of the following are the sources of food?
b)Animals only
c)Both plants & animals
d)None of these
4 The deficiency of iron causes a disease known as
a) goiter.
b) beri-beri.
c) rickets.
d) anaemia.
5 Which of the following is neither a plant product nor an animal product?
a) Mango
b) Sugar
c) Butter
d) salt
6 Ghee, fried chips , ice cream are rich in _______
a) spices
b) Ingredients
c) fats
d) Proteins
7 Pranav does not like to eat fruits and vegetables which of the following
deficiency diseases may Pranav suffer from?
a)  Protein deficiency disease.
b) Carbohydrate deficiency.
c) Vitamin deficiency disease.
d) Fat deficiency disease.
8 Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D
9 Edible part in Lettuce and Spinach is _______

10 The seeds, which can be eaten raw and are beneficial for health are
a) peas.
b) sprouted seeds of moong.
c) mustard seeds.
d) None
11 Which part of the sweet potato plant is eaten as food?
a) Flower
b) Root
c) Stem
d) Leaves
12 All the deficiency diseases can be prevented by ____
a) cleanliness
b) taking antibiotics
c) vaccination
d) taking balanced diet
13 Which one of the following minerals is needed for the proper functioning of
thyroid gland?
a) Iron                 
b) Iodine
c) Calcium                      
d) Phosphorus

14 This question consists of two statements, one labelled as "Assertion “A” 1 mark
and the other labelled as "Reason “ R ".
Read the two statements carefully and decide if the assertion A and reason R are
individually true and if so, whether the reason is a correct explanation of the
assertion. Select your answers to these items using codes given below. 
 Assertion (A): Obesity occurs when one takes more food than requirement.
Reason (R): The extra food gets stored as fat and the person become too fat.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
15  A balanced diet means a diet that contains balanced amounts of protein,
vitamins, carbohydrates and fats. The balanced diet consists of green vegetables,
fruits, meat, fish and milk. A balanced diet is a diet that helps in keeping our
body healthy and helps in eliminating many diseases. In the absence of a
balanced diet, a person suffers from obesity and heart disease. A balanced diet
may help to prevent certain long-term (chronic) diseases such as heart disease,
stroke and diabetes. It may also help to reduce your risk of developing some
cancers and help you to keep a healthy weight.
a) Name the different nutrients that are there in a balanced diet? (2m)
protein, vitamins, carbohydrates and fats. (Each ½ mark) 4 x 1 = 4m
b) List out the benefits of eating balanced diet. (2m)
prevent certain long-term diseases such as heart disease, stroke and
diabetes(1m) any relevant answer

Helps to keep a healthy weight. (1m)

16 Diseases that occur due to lack of nutrients over a long period are called 4x1 = 4m
deficiency diseases Deficiency of one or more nutrients can cause diseases or
disorders in our body. For example, wheat is rich in carbohydrates, but poor in
nutrients like proteins and fats. Too much intake of wheat products results in a
deficiency of proteins and fats, which reduces growth.

Lack of proteins also results in stunted growth, skin diseases, swelling of the
face and discolouration of the hair, and even causes diarrhoea. 

Deficiency of different vitamins and minerals may also result in certain diseases
or disorders. So a balanced diet is required to avoid deficiency diseases.

a) What happens if a person takes more amount of wheat in his diet? (1m)

Results in a deficiency of proteins and fats, which reduces growth.

b) List out any two symptoms that cause due to lack of protein in our

Results in stunted growth, skin diseases, swelling of the face and discolouration
of the hair, and even causes diarrhoea.  ( any 2 symptoms each 1m)

c) What are deficiency diseases? (1m)

Deficiency diseases are the diseases caused due to lack of any essential nutrient
in the body.

Answer the following questions according to the marks given.

17 Write the names of four food items containing proteins.

2 marks
Milk, egg, pulses, meat soya bean ( any relevant answer each 1/2m)
18 Why do living organisms need food? ( Any 2 reasons)
The organisms need to take food to build their bodies, to grow, to repair
damaged part of their bodies and to obtain the energy to carry out life 2 marks
processes. ( any relevant answer each 1m)

19 Ramya likes to include fiber rich food (roughage) in her diet.

How is it useful for her health? ( any 2 uses)
Helps our body get rid of undigested food. 2 marks

It also helps to remove constipation. ( any relevant point each 1m)

20 Name the edible plant parts of the following: 

a. sugarcane -stem
b. guava - fruit
c. carrot - root
d. broccoli- flower (each 1/2m)
2 marks
Imagine that you had eaten a bread slice and boiled egg. Name the nutrients you
had obtained & write about their use.
Bread slice- Carbohydrates (1/2m), gives energy. (1/2m)
Boiled egg- Protein (1/2m),helps for growth & repair of the body. (1/2m)
21 Sam shows the symptoms of pale skin, loss of appetite and severe tiredness. 2 marks
a) Which deficiency disease is Sam most likely suffering from?
Anaemia (1m)
b) Suggest 2 foods items he should include in his diet to overcome this
Meat, liver, green leafy vegetables, pomegranate ( any relevant point each
22 Name two ingredients in our food that are not obtained from plants Or animals.
Mention one Source for each ingredient.
The two ingredients in our food that are not obtained from plants or animals are: 2 marks
1. Salt- It is obtained from seawater and rocks.(1m)
2. Water- It is obtained from river/tap/pond/lake/rain.(1m)

23 a. Define Nutrient.
Nutrients:  components that are needed by our body to grow, survive and
carry on different daily activities. (1m)
b. Write the importance of carbohydrates & proteins to our body. 3 marks
Carbohydrates are energy building nutrient. Provides energy to carry out
daily activities. (1m)
Protein is a body building nutrient. Proteins are important to generate new cells
and to replace old and worn out cells.(1m)
24 Think of your favorite dish. List the ingredients and their sources that are
needed to prepare your favorite dish. ( ingredients & sources any relevant
answer )
How will you test the presence of starch in a given sample?
Take small quantity of the food item to be tested 1m
Dilute it with two drops of water.
Put 2-3 drops of iodine solution on it. 1m 3 marks
Observe the colour of the food item.
Change of colour in the food item into blue-black indicates the presence of
starch in the food item. 1m

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