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淘气 táo qì 口头禅

naughty, mischievous kǒu tóu chán

catchphrase; pet phrase

惹 rě 小事一桩
to provoke; xiǎo shì yī zhuāng
Ask for something undesireble not a big deal

两肋插刀 人缘 rén yuán

liǎng lèi chā dāo relationship with peoples;
help at the cost of one's life; popularity
To value someone so much that
you would do anything for them

赵 zhào 性格 xìng gé
Surname Zhao character

科技 kējì 直率 zhíshuài
Science and Technology frank;

来者不拒 得罪 dé zuì
lái zhě bù jù offend;
to refuse no one displease
别扭 biè niu

zhēng biàn

即使 jíshǐ
even though;
even if

冤枉 yuān wǎng
to treat unjustly

推荐 tuījiàn
to recommend

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