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Social discrimination is a phenomenon that has plagued society for centuries. It involves the unfair

treatment of individuals based on their race, gender, religion, and other group affiliations. Social

discrimination can have a significant impact on the psychological well-being of targeted individuals,

particularly adolescents who are still developing their sense of identity. One of the most vulnerable

groups in terms of social discrimination is grade 11 students. This stage of adolescence is marked by

heightened emotional sensitivity and social consciousness, making them more susceptible to the

negative effects of discrimination. Thus, this research aims to examine the negative effects of social

discrimination towards the psychological aspect of selected grade 11 students.

The more you think about discrimination, the higher the likelihood that you will be victimized. This

is due to social discrimination, which is one type of prejudice and does not necessarily deal with physical

characteristics alone. Social discrimination refers to prejudicial practices that are based solely on factors

such as age, background, ethnicity, gender identity or expression (LGBTI), language ability or disability.

In other words, if someone believes that a certain group prioritizes culture and language over education,

acting on this preconception will lead to the perpetuation of a cycle of poverty for the minority group in


Social discrimination can be described as inequity or humiliation between individuals based on

disease, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or any other measure of variety.

Many mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression, can be caused by social discrimination.

It can be defined as the verbalization of negative criticisms, texts seen on social media, or even a simple

yet strange glance of people towards a group or an individual.

Growing up, some people have underlying experiences with regard to discrimination, which can be

classed as racism, gender hatred, disability discrimination, stereotyping, religion, and physical

appearance prejudice.

Moreover, We foresee that the most affected part of our society is the teenagers ( Specifically,

Grade 11 Students ) ecause they're in the stage where they are finding their own passion, discovering

their lifelong goals that will define them as a person in their life. Yet, discrimination can be a hinder to

that process, that is why this study aims to seek these said experiences and use it to formulate solutions

that we as researchers can provide towards future individuals that are vulnerable in this issue.

The study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how social discrimination affects the

psychological aspects of grade 11 students. The research team plans to use different tools, including

surveys and interviews, to gather data on the students' experiences concerning social discrimination. The

study will examine the different types of social discrimination experienced by grade 11 students, their

opinions on the effects of social discrimination towards their psychological well-being, and possible

coping mechanisms used to manage such discrimination. Therefore, this research is expected to provide

insights that can help educators, policymakers, and stakeholders to promote inclusivity in schools and

other institutions, and combat social discrimination which may improve the psychological well-being of

grade 11 students.

Social discrimination is a phenomenon that has plagued society for centuries. It involves the unfair

treatment of individuals based on their race, gender, religion, and other group affiliations. Social

discrimination can have a significant impact on the psychological well-being of targeted individuals,

particularly adolescents who are still developing their sense of identity. One of the most vulnerable

groups in terms of social discrimination is grade 11 students. This stage of adolescence is marked by

heightened emotional sensitivity and social consciousness, making them more susceptible to the

negative effects of discrimination. Thus, this research aims to examine the negative effects of social

discrimination towards the psychological aspect of selected grade 11 students.

The study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how social discrimination affects the

psychological aspects of grade 11 students. The research team plans to use different tools, including

surveys and interviews, to gather data on the students' experiences concerning social discrimination. The

study will examine the different types of social discrimination experienced by grade 11 students, their

opinions on the effects of social discrimination towards their psychological well-being, and possible

coping mechanisms used to manage such discrimination. Therefore, this research is expected to provide

insights that can help educators, policymakers, and stakeholders to promote inclusivity in schools and

other institutions, and combat social discrimination which may improve the psychological well-being of

grade 11 students.

Social discrimination, Social relates to society or organization and Discrimination is the act of

humiliating someone based on their individual aspects.

The word was first invented in 17th century, the term “discrimination” is derived from the Latin verb

discrimire meaning “to separate, to distinguish, to make a distinction". Discrimination as to refer in the

older days or past few years can be described as racism or hate towards physical appearances, but

discrimination nowadays also evolved, we can see discrimination now based on gender or how do

people think and act on a certain way. This proves that discrimination is still an ongoing issue up to these


Looking on the previous researches that has a connection between our study, the gap we can see is that

few studies doesn't actually consider the cause of the perpetrator's cause of doing such harmful things

toward victims of discrimination. What we mean by this is that the act of discriminating someone must

come with a cause within that culprit who performed the act, the possible causes of this act can come

from trauma, anxiety or unsolved mental problem from childhood of the offender. We call this concept "

Cause of the Cause "

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