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1.Write down vegetable that are edible or can be used as food for man
• There are variety of veggies that are edible and perfect for human consumption. We can’t deny
that out there in the fields, we can actually produce them when conditions are appropriate and
comfortable for plants to grow rapidly.
• These are the list of them based on their popularity and they are very common in our
1. Fruiting Vegetables
Many summer vegetables are botanically the fruits of the plant because they are the
fleshy structures of the plant in which fertilized seeds grow and mature.
a. peppers,
b. chilies,
c. tomato,
d. eggplant
• Gourds, which includes
a. pumpkin,
b. squash,
c. cucumber
d. luffa.

2. Pod Vegetables
Pods are also the botanical fruits of the plant, but these are usually harvested when they
are still tender and green before they become too fibrous to be eaten. The entire pod is
usually eaten but sometimes only the seeds in the pod may be usually eaten.
a. okra,
b. green bean,
c. long bean,
d. pea.

3. Leafy Vegetables
The leaves of many plants are eaten as vegetables that are mainly grown for their leaves.
a. spinach,
b. amaranth,
c. lettuce,
d. cabbage
Although not grown primarily for their leaves, the leaves of
a. carrot,
b. beet (beetroot),
c. chard,
d. cauliflower,

e. okra (tender leaves only) plants are all edible.

4. Stem Vegetables
It is the stem that is usually eaten and commonly used as a vegetable.
a. celery,
b. asparagus,
c. fennel,
d. kohlrabi plants

5. Root Vegetables
In vegetables that grow below the ground, it can be difficult to tell whether it is the root,
bulb, rhizome, or tuber that has been harvested.

• The entire root is usually eaten in root vegetables and each plant produces just one vegetable
a. carrot,
b. radish,
c. turnip,
d. beetroot
e. yams.
• This is also why once a carrot has been cut off and the stump is planted, only leaves and
eventually flowers will grow but a new carrot will not grow.

• Bulbs, Rhizomes, and Tubers as Vegetables

On the other hand, rhizomes, tubers, and bulbs are not really roots but are modified plant stems.
A distinguishing feature of rhizomes is that they grow horizontally.
Rhizomes that are used as a vegetable include;
a. ginger,
b. turmeric,
c. lotus.
Tuber vegetables look remarkably similar to roots but usually produce more than one vegetable
per plant.
a. potato,
b. sweet potato,
c. cassava,

d. taro.
• Tubers grow stems from the “eyes” on them. Each tuber will have a couple of eyes on it
allowing you to grow more than one plant from each.

Bulb vegetables
a. onion,
b. garlic,
c. leek.
• Each onion bulb will grow only one plant but quite often it will grow other baby bulbs, known
as offsets, from the base. Garlic bulbs need to be split into individual cloves before being
planted. Each clove will grow into a new plant.
2. List down or enumerate starchy foods.
• Starchy foods are our main source of carbohydrate and have an important role in a healthy diet.
• Starchy foods – should make up just over a third of the food you eat, Starchy foods are a good
source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet. As well as starch, they
contain fibre, calcium, iron and B vitamins.
• Some people think starchy foods are fattening, but gram for gram they contain fewer than half
the calories of fat.
• Just watch out for the added fats you use when you cook and serve them, because this will
increase the calorie content.
a. potatoes,
b. bread,
c. rice,
d. pasta,
e. cereals
3. What are the uses of root crops.
Root and tuber crops are plants yielding starchy roots, tubers, rhizomes, corms, and stems. They
are used mainly for human food (as such or in processed form), animal feed, and for
manufacturing starch, alcohol, and fermented beverages including beer.

Ernest Louis O. Luces

March 27, 2023

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