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The tale of Dralion

Nothing is eternal, only time …

altough … sometimes, just
sometimes there are acts that
survive everything and become
legends, this is one of those few
deeds that have vanquish eternity
… the legend of Dralion.

Beyond where the sun sleeps …

hidden among worlds that we can
only imagine, was born a long
long time ago, a colosal dragon
with hard golden scales and the
bluest eyes ever. His voice was
deep, sweet, peaceful, and
capeable of calming the storms, blizzards and the roaring sea.

Dralion used to spend days and days wandering the galaxy, admiring the beauty of
the stars, naming them all and talking to each one of them to know their stories –
where do they came from? What was their purpose? Wich were their dreams? …
what was laying deep within the heart of a star? …

So, day after day, night after night, and flaying from star to star, the good Dralion
became the guardian of the deepest and sacred secrets of all stars. He knew very
well why, what for and where stars where going, why and by who they had been
created (but that, is another story) And as a guardian and as a dragon he swore to
protect them until the end of times.

But one day on his customary route, the colosal dragon noticed that one of the
most beautiful and gigantic stars of all, called Sun. was deeply sad, the Sun stood
in silence, with his eyes lost on the horizon, and little by little his light began to
fade. Dralion knew something big and very important was happening (altough …
even the tiniest event can be huge in a star´s life) and very slowly the dragon
began to get close to the Sun, because contrary to what we might think, stars can
very shy and keep to them selves.
At first the guardian just sat dawn on one of those meteorites in plain silence, later
he sat down closer, and closer … and closer … and the closer he got, the
curiouser and curiouser the Sun gazed at him. And just like that they began to
spend a lot of time, in silence, next to eachother … we could say that Dralion was
listening to the Sun´s silence … yes, because even in silence we can say many
things. That was how the dragon noticed the Sun became brighter and his fire grew
stronger everytime a huge white rock rised up in the horizon, that was the satelite
of a planet called Earth, and her name was Moon, and she blushed everytime she
looked at the Sun.

But then the Sun turned really sad, he looked down and sighed … then the dragon
knew it, the Sun was in love with the Moon!

– My dear friend Sun –said Dralion– your heart sighs for that Moon, you should go
with her.

– I can´t –said sadly the Sun-

– Why not? All stars travel , all of them join other stars

– Do you see that planet over there, far away? The blue one?

– What about it?

– In that place there´s a lot of life, and all of it is beautiful, and fragile, very fragile, if
I went away, they would not be able to exist, everything in there needs me … and, I
need them too, I have seen them grow, I know each story, each largest or small
creature, each leaf and flower … just like you know all stars, just the way you love
us and give us your protection, that´s the way I love them, and the Moon is also
their guardian, she knows all of their dreams, she can calm down their every fear.
They are really unique creatures the ones who dwell in that place! Humans think
are so strong, but the thruth is they don´t like to be alone, and they don´t like
darkness either, they are so happier when I rise up and hold them and calm them
down, and I tell them that I, from high above am always by their side … oh no! I
could never ever leave them Dralion! They are my protégé!

After that converstation the dragon went away, he flew to the Earth and he saw it
all, admiring its changing beauty and watching carefuly all people, and then, he
saw it, those creatures of flamboyant behavoir were like sunflowers, all of their
lived revolved around the warmth and light of the Sun; but not only that, in those
creature´s eyes and smiles were the same shinning the Sun and the Moon had. So
Dralion went to the peak of the highest mountain and began to chant this words “
over water, over skies and beyond the sea, among stars, over time and without
hesitate, may the gates be opened to show the signs, for a minute, or a sigh and
nothing more, a life and a dream may be fulfilled, by the power of my voice, by the
strenght of my soul, by all the secrets I am the bearer off, I ask the universe that
time to time the Sun and the Moon can lived their love”. Right after chanting those
words, something incredible happened!

The noon got dark and the Moon apeared majestic over the sky covering the Sun
with a hug that only let his shinny silhouette show, together just like they have
always wanted to be, to tell eachother all their secrets, to kiss their cheeks, and to
be one over the blue sky of that planet they called home, the miraculous encounter
only could last for a few seconds … but even just a few seconds are more than
enough when a dream becomes true.

Well, this is the legend of Dralion, the dragon that occasionally becomes a kind of
cupid everytime that awesome miracle we, creatures of flamboyant behaviour call
“eclipse” …

But now that you know what an eclipse really means, please smile next time you
see one, because in our smiles we wear the light of our beautiful guardians,
because we are made out of Moon and Sun.

The end

Simple past: Was, had, used, called, could, rised, grew, said, opened, happened,

Comparative & superlative: stronger, largest, happier, most beautiful, deepest,


López Díaz Alejandra del Carmen

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