Nurse Educator Practicum Seminar 1

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Raymonta Green

January 13, 2023

NURS 7873 – Nurse Educator Practicum I

Seminar 1: Discussion Question/ Seminar

1) As a prelude to the SWOT analysis, identify the goals of patient and staff education.
- The literature points out that the “goal of patient education is to encourage
independence while promoting optimal health, while the goal of staff education is to
change the knowledge, attitudes, and abilities of nurses to assist in maintaining and
improving their competence skills for the provision of high-quality patient care so
order to influence their behaviors” (Bastable, 2023, pg. 16). The goals of patient and
staff education tie in together because they both work to prevent diseases, promote
optimal health, and maintain disease progression. Education of the patient will help
put them in the driver's seat and direct their path to the goal of optimal health.
Education of the staff will help put them in the shoes of the patients and see their
health from their perspective alongside the barriers of culture, belief, finance, and

2) Identify the strengths and opportunities that are currently available when completing
these two elements of the SWOT analysis.
- On the website WordStream, strengths identify factors such as “things your business
excels at, characteristics that set you apart from your rivals, internal resources such as
knowledgeable and professional personnel, and tangible assists including cash,
proprietary technology, and intellectual property” (Shewan, 2022). While reading the
case study, some strengths that are noted within the unit are the educational level of
the bachelor-prepared registered nurses and their interest and motivation in change
for the improvement of their teaching. These are strengths because, bachelor-prepared
nurses have the educational background in their nursing curriculum to be change-
makers, leaders, and advocates, alongside their desire to learn and willingness to
change for the better. On that same website, weakness identifies factors such as
“things that your organization is missing, things your rivals are doing better than you,
resource constraints, and uncertain distinct selling proposition” (Shewan, 2022). In
this case study, some identifiable weaknesses within the organization include the
increase in admission for heart failure patients, inadequate pathology knowledge of
heart failure, lack of time to provide adequate teaching, and lack of assessment and
follow-up with the patient on comprehension of the material taught to them.

3) Use the section titled “Barriers to Teaching and Obstacles to Learning” as a beginning
framework for the weakness and the threats section of the SWOT analysis and then
describe five potential barriers to teaching and five potential obstacles to learning that
your staff might identify.
- The literature defines “barriers to teaching as factors impeding nurses' capacity to
provide educational services and obstacles to learning as factors that have a
detrimental impact on the learner's capacity to pay attention to and comprehend
information” (Bastable, 2023, pg. 23). Five potential barriers to teaching from the
nursing standpoint could include inadequate staffing, limited face-to-face time per
patient, limited resources, limited knowledge and experience with a subject, and
nurses approach to delivering information. Five potential obstacles to learning from
the patient's standpoint could include educational and comprehension level,
psychiatric/mental state, patient's culture or beliefs, patient style of learning, and
differences in language.

4) Provide possible solutions to the barriers and obstacles identified that would serve to
enhance patient education.
- In a study that was focused on exploring recommendations of nurses to improve
patient education, it was concluded that factors that could increase patient education
were identified as “managers supervising education taught by nurses and providing
feedback, empowering the nursing staff, redesigning patient education forms,
providing a suitable environment and facilities, increasing the workforce of nursing,
and providing training to novice and new grad nurses” (Fereidouni, et., al, 2019).
Many of the barriers listed above are plagued by limited staffing and increased
pressure from hospital management. Increasing the workforce with adequate
knowledge staffing will allow proper patient-to-staffing ratios, which allow more
face-to-face time with patients and will as a result lead to an increase in time spent to
understand the patient's learning ability as well as their comprehension of the
material. In a study focused on patient noncompliance, it was concluded that the
reason noncompliance to medical teaching and recommendation is still high is due to
“individual related factors, diseases related factors, therapy-related factors, healthcare
provider related factors, and socioeconomic related factors” (Naghavi, et., al, 2019).
Individual factors include cultures, beliefs, religion, and outlook on health as related o
their environment. Diseases-related factors include the mental state and prognosis
outlook on disease and the willingness to continue with life. Therapy-related factors
are the understanding of medication and testing, and compliance with it. Healthcare
provider-related factors include the relationship between patient and provider and the
rapport and trust built between the two. Lastly, socioeconomic factors include the
ability to pay for and manage medical treatment and the resources to follow up on

Bastable, S. B. (2023). Nurse as educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing
Practice (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

M., & KALYANI, M. N. A. J. A. F. I. (2019). Moving into action: The master key to
patient education. Journal of Nursing Research, 27(1).

Naghavi, S., Mehrolhassani, M. H., Nakhaee, N., & Yazdi-Feyzabadi, V. (2019). Effective
factors in non-compliance with therapeutic orders of specialists in outpatient clinics in
Iran: A qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1).

Shewan, D. (2022, September 3). How to do a SWOT analysis (Examples & Free Template!).
WordStream. Retrieved January 13, 2023, from

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