Empowerment Technologies: Subject Description

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Empowerment Technologies
Module No. 1
Academic Track: Applied Subject
3rd Quarter S.Y. 2022-2023

STUDENT: _________________________________________ YEAR & SECTION: ________________

SUBJECT TEACHER: Mr. Jodelmar S. Urbano DATE:

Subject Description: Information and communication technologies as a tool for curating, contextualizing,
collaborating, and creating content and experiences for learning in the professional tracks.

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

ICT in the context of global communication for specific professional track

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to:

at the end of the 2-week period independently compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the
context of their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts, Tech-Voc, Sports, Academic)


ICT deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone,
Internet, etc. to locate, save, send, and edit information.

DID YOU KNOW? 75 percent of the respondents surveyed used mobile phones to take photos or
videos; 45 percent to browse the internet; 44 percent to access their social networking sites; and 37
percent to check their emails. The study was conducted from November 2012 to January 2013.

According to PhilStar: https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2013/07/02/961059/more-filipinos-use-



In a data gathered by the Annual Survey of Philippines Business and Industries in 2010, the ICT industry
shares 19.3% of the total employment population.


WEB 1.0
It is the “readable” phrase of the World Wide Web with flat data. In Web 1.0, there is only limited
interaction between sites and web users. Web 1.0 is simply an information portal where users passively
receive information without being given the opportunity to post reviews, comments, and feedback.

WEB 2.0
It is the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web with interactive data. Unlike Web 1.0, Web 2.0
facilitates interaction between web users and sites, so it allows users to interact more freely with each

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other. Web 2.0 encourages participation, collaboration, and information sharing. Examples of Web
2.0 applications are Youtube, Wiki, Flickr, Facebook, and so on.

WEB 3.0
It is the “executable” phrase of Word Wide Web with dynamic applications, interactive services, and
“machine-to-machine” interaction. Web 3.0 is a semantic web which refers to the future. In Web 3.0,
computers can interpret information like humans and intelligently generate and distribute useful
content tailored to the needs of users. One example of Web 3.0 is Tivo, a digital video recorder. Its
recording program can search the web and read what it finds to you based on your preferences.


1.)Convergence– is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task. For
example, besides using your personal computer to create word documents, you can now use your

2.)Social Media– is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users to create, co-
create, discuss, modify, and exchange user generated content.

3.)Mobile Technologies – The popularities of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over the
years. This is largely because of the devices capability to do the tasks that were originally found in

iOS– use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad.

Android – an open source OS developed by Google. Being open source means mobile
phone companies use this OS for free.
Blackberry OS– use in Blackberry devices.
Windows Phone OS – a closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft.
Symbian– the original smartphone OS; used by Nokia devices.
WebOS– originally used insmartphones; now used insmartTVs.
Windows Mobile – developedby Microsoft for smartphones and pocket PCs.

4.)Assistive Media – is a non-profit service designed to help people who have visual and
reading impairments. A database of audio recordings is used to read to the user.

Six types of Social Media

Social networks
A social network site is a social media site that allows users to connect and share with people who
have similar interests and backgrounds. Facebook is the most popular example of a social network

Bookmarking sites
These sites allow users to save and organize links to any number of online resources and websites. A
great feature of these services is the ability for the user to “tag” links, which makes them easier to
search, and invariably, share with their followers.StumbleUpon is a popular example of a
bookmarking site.

Social news
This is a social news site that allows its users to post news links and other items to outside articles. Users
then vote on said items, and the items with the highest number of votes are most prominently
displayed. A good example of a social news site is Reddit.
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Media sharing
Media sharing websites allow users to share different types of media, such as pictures and video.
Most of these sites also offer social features, like the ability to create profiles and the option of
commenting on the uploaded images. YouTube is the most well-known media sharing site in the

These are just what they sound like, sites that allow the users to submit short written entries, which can
include links to product and service sites, as well as links to other social media sites. These are then
posted on the ‘walls’ of everyone who has subscribed to that user’s account. The most commonly
used microblogging website is Twitter.

Blog comments and forums

An online forum is a site that lets users engage in conversations by posting and responding to
community messages. A blog comment site is the same thing except a little more focused. The
comments are usually centered around the specific subject of the attached blog. Google has a
popular blogging site aptly titled, Blogger. However, there are a seemingly endless number of
blogging sites, particularly because so many of them are niche-based, unlike the universal appeal of
general social media sites.

Activity 1: On a Word Document, List down 10 of your Favourite Social Media Sites (This Will NOT include
adult content sites) With Pictures and Explaining why you like/love the website. (3-5 sentences).
Printed/Send Via Edmodo.


Online Platforms in ICT

It makes it easier for users to interact, to collect, and use the data from the user’s interactions for their
own particular needs.

✓ Social Media
✓ Search Engines
✓ Communication Services
✓ Payment Systems
✓ Advertising Platforms
✓ Creative Content Outlets

Web Search Engines

It is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web
(WWW). The search results are generally presented in a line of results referred to as Search Engine
Results Page (SERPs). The information may be a mix of webpages, images, and other types of files.

Top 10 Search Engines

No need for further introductions. The search engine giant holds the first place in search with a
stunning difference of 66% from second in place Bing.
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2. Bing
Bing is Microsoft’s attempt to challenge Google in the area of search, but despite their efforts they
still did not manage to convince users that their search engine can produce better results than

3. Yahoo
Since October 2011 Yahoo search is powered by Bing. Yahoo is still the most popular email provider
and according to reports holds the fourth place in search.

4. Ask.com
Formerly known as Ask Jeeves, Ask.com receives approximately 0.05% of the search share. ASK is
based on a question/answer format where most questions are answered by other users or are in the
form of polls.
It also has the general search functionality but the results returned lack quality compared to Google
or even Bing and Yahoo.

5. AOL.com
According to netmarketshare the old time famous AOL is still in the top 10 search engines with a
market share that is close to 0.04%. The AOL network includes many popular web sites like
engadget.com, techchrunch.com and the huffingtonpost.com.

6. Baidu
Baidu was founded in 2000 and it is the most popular search engine in China. It’s market share is
increasing steadily and according to Wikipedia, Baidu is serving billion of search queries per month. It
is currently ranked at position 4, in the Alexa Rankings.

7. Wolframalpha
Wolframalpha is different that all the other search engines. They market it as a Computational
Knowledge Engine which can give you facts and data for a number of topics. It can do all sorts of
calculations, for example if you enter “mortgage 2000” as input it will calculate your loan amount,
interest paid etc. based on a number of assumptions.

8. DuckDuckGo
Has a number of advantages over the other search engines. It has a clean interface, it does not
track users, it is not fully loaded with ads and has a number of very nice features (only one page of
results, you can search directly other web sites etc).

9. Internet Archive
archive.org is the internet archive search engine. You can use it to find out how a web site looked
since 1996. It is very useful tool if you want to trace the history of a domain and examine how it has
changed over the years.

10. Yandex.ru
Yandex present themselves as a technology company that builds intelligent products and services
powered by machine learning. According to Wikipedia, Yandex operates the largest search engine
in Russia with about 65% market share in that country.

Communication Services. These are outsourced enterprise communications solutions that can be
leased from a single vendor or provider.
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A Communications Service Provider (CSP) is a provider that transports information electronically and
can encompass public and private companies in telecom, internet, cable, satellite, and managed
services business.

Payment System
It is any system used to settle financial transactions through transfer of monetary value, and includes
the institutions, instruments, people, rules, procedures, standards, and technologies.

Advertising Platforms
It allows users to create and manage advertising campaigns, generate reports, and retrieve
information about the ads, campaigns, and organizations that are associated with an account.

Creative Content Outlets

It is content that needs to be translated creatively. Topic/concept -> Creative presentation it

➢ Presentation Tools – Prezi, Zoho Shows, MS PowerPoint.
➢ Newsletter, ICT Content Platforms – Dropbox, Tumblr, Wix
➢ Photo Editing Tools – Picasa, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP
➢ Video Editing Tools – Sony Vegas Pro, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Premier Pro
➢ Photo uploading and hosting Tools – Dropbox, Flickr
➢ Online Collaborative Tools – Google Drive, Viber, Facebook
➢ Cloud Computing – Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive
➢ Blog Tools – Blogger, WordPress, LiveJournal
➢ Mapping Tools – Google Maps, Waze, Wikimapia
➢ Music Production – Sony Vegas Pro, Audacity, Virtual DJ
➢ Survey and Forms – Google Forms
➢ ICT Projects and Content Publishing and Uploading Platforms – WordPress, MS Office Project
Server, File Manager
➢ Web Design Platforms – Wix, Weebly, Adobe Dreamweaver
➢ Web Management Platforms – Drupal, WordPress, Joomla

--------------END OF CHAPTER 1----------------


Introduction: Internet has already become a part of our daily life, thus cellphones, computer and
other gadgets are becoming an extension of our body. Having said that, others cannot live without
them. Privacy and internet security is becoming difficult as more and more software are developed
each day.

“So to keep your personal information safe, the following tips can be our guide to
surf the internet safely.”

Be smart on the internet. Think of what you are sharing specially if they are your
private informations. Or even private informations of others. Opening files, emails,
pictures or even accepting private conversations from persons you do not know can be dangerous.
Information on the internet may not be true or misleading. Make
sure to look for second opinions before believing it.

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Think before you click. Provide private information only to valid and reputable
businesses. Look for the https and the padlock symbol to ensure that the website is safe and
encrypted, specially if you are using a Credit/Debit card online.


Letters, numbers and symbols Ex. R0yD3lacruz07!!. Mix them up and change passwords regularly. If
available, use the on-screen keyboard in inputting your account and password.
Check for Keyloggers(devices that keeps typing logs in its memory) if using the public computers or in
a computer shop.

Cyber Citizen
A cyber citizen utilizes technology in an appropriate manner including etiquette, communication,
education, access, commerce, responsibility, rights, safety and security. It is important to be cyber
aware: back up your digital files, create strong passwords, post only appropriate comments and
control privacy settings.

Cell phones
"Sexting" is a term used to describe inappropriate photos or text sent via cell phone

-Cell phone history options allow you to view past callers and messages. Although the history can be
deleted, contact your cell phone provider for any other options available.
-Geotagging allows users to note where they are located in a Smart Phone photo.
Additional resources:
Raising Digital Citizens
Understanding Mobile Apps
When Should You Give Your Kid a Cell Phone
Cell Phone Resources for Schools

Raising Digital Citizens

The internet is a wonderful place for learning and entertainment, but like the world around us, it can
pose dangers if precautions are not taken. Allowing free access puts your child, your computer and
your personal data at risk.

✓ Remain positively engaged

✓ Support good choices
✓ Keep a clean machine
✓ Know the protection features of the websites and software you use
✓ Review privacy settings
✓ Teach critical thinking
✓ Explain the implications
✓ Help others be good digital citizens
✓ Just saying “no” rarely works
✓ Empower yourself to handle issues
✓ Encourage yourself to be “digital leaders:”

Privacy – Stay Safe!!

That smartphone in your pocket – or your tablet or laptop – contains significant
Information about you and your friends and family, including contact numbers,
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Photos and locations. Your mobile devices need to be protected. Take the following security
precautions and enjoy the conveniences of technology with peace of mind while you are on the go.

Keep a Clean Machine!!

Keep security software current on all devices that connect to the internet: Having the most up-to-
date mobile security software, web browser, operating system and apps is the best defense against
viruses, malware and other online threats.

Delete when done: Many of us download apps for specific purposes, such as planning vacations,
and no longer need them afterwards, or we may have previously downloaded apps that are longer
useful or interesting to us. It’s a good security practice to delete all apps you no longer use.

Protect Your Personal Information

Secure your devices: Use strong passwords, passcodes or other features such as touch identification
to lock your devices. Securing your device can help protect your information if your device is lost or
stolen and keep prying eyes out.

Personal information is like money – Value it. Protect it.: Information about you, such as the games
you like to play, what you search for online and where you shop and live, has value – just like money.
Be thoughtful about who gets that information and how it’s collected through apps and websites.

Own your online presence: Use security and privacy settings on websites and apps to manage what
is shared about you and who sees it.

Now you see me, now you don’t: Some stores and other locations look for devices with WiFi or
Bluetooth turned on to track your movements while you are within range. Disable WiFi and Bluetooth
when not in use.

Connect with Care

Get savvy about WiFi hotspots: Public wireless networks and hotspots are not secure, which means
that anyone could potentially see what you are doing on your laptop or smartphone while you are
connected to them. Limit what you do on public WiFi, and avoid logging in to key accounts like
email and financial services. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) or a personal/mobile
hotspot if you need a more secure connection.

When in doubt, don’t respond: Fraudulent text messages, calls and voicemails are on the rise. Just as
with email, mobile requests for personal data or immediate action are almost always scams.

Understanding Mobile Apps

What’s a mobile app?

A mobile app is a software program you can download and access directly using your phone or
another mobile device, like a tablet or music player.

What types of data can apps access?

When you sign up with an app store or download individual apps, you may be asked for permission
to let them access information on your device. Some apps may be able to access:

• your phone and email contacts

• call logs
• internet data
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• calendar data
• data about the device’s location
• the device’s unique IDs
• information about how you use the app itself

Some apps access only the data they need to function; others access data that’s not related to the
purpose of the app.

Cyberbullying involves the use of technologies to display behavior that harms another. Through
email, instant messaging, text messaging and social networking sites, hurtful messages can be posted
and shared.

➢ -Do not respond or retaliate to inappropriate communication.

➢ -Save the messages and note the date and time.
➢ -Utilize the blocking feature in social networking sites, email or instant messaging. This will keep
unwanted correspondence from occurring again. You can also block numbers on your cell
phone or change your personal phone number. Only give out your phone number to those
you trust.
➢ -Notify the provider of inappropriate behavior by activating the "abuse" tool available on
many sites.
➢ -Contact a trusted adult, teacher, school counselor or parent.

Plagiarism is the use of another's work as your own. With the Internet, all material
is copyrighted unless it states otherwise. Such material includes, but is not limited
to, images, music, text and videos. The following tips will help encourage ethical
cyber citizenship.

➢ Note all sources used in a project. Any material copied from an outside source,
➢ including the Internet, must be cited.
➢ Use quotation marks around sentences or phrases directly copied from an outside source and
cite this information.
➢ Keep a running source list as you find images and text for a school project.

Online gaming provides the opportunity to play games from a computer or other device like a Wii or
PlayStation. Some consoles have a social element, as users can play anyone from around the world.
Chatting, IM and other social tools exist within these games.

➢ Check to see if the game has moderators.

➢ Do not accept downloads from strangers including cheat programs. These programs often
have virus or malware that can harm your computer.
➢ Be a good sport - what you say online should be appropriate. Do not respond to bullying

Instant Messaging & Email

Instant messaging (IM) allows users to correspond online with others. IM can occur through a mobile
device or computer with Internet access. Similar to text messaging, IM allows users to correspond in
brief text. Popular IM platforms include iMessage and Meebo.
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Email also allows users to interact online. Follow the common email usage tips below.

✓ Privacy – do not share your password with others.

✓ Unknown - Do not open emails or attachments from an unknown source. Block messages from
unknown sources.
✓ Unsubscribe - Scroll to the bottom of the email and choose unsubscribe to be
removed from the list of unwanted emails.

Social Networking
Social networking websites provide a social atmosphere by allowing users to share personal
information. Popular sites include Facebook, Google+ and Twitter with similar elements including
status updates, photo share, friend list or followers, chat, gaming and internal messaging/email. Most
social networking sites (SNS) like Facebook are intended for those ages 13 and older.


✓ Privacy settings - Keep social networking accounts private.

✓ Password – Do not share your password with others.
✓ Permission - Ask permission before posting/sharing any photos or videos of others.
✓ Personal information – Do not post personal information, including location, age and phone
✓ Ability to block – Block inappropriate users from viewing or posting to your user profile.
✓ Inappropriate use – Report or flag inappropriate comments, photos or posts to the SNS.
✓ Interpretation – Sarcasm and humor are not always interpreted the same way in text as they
are in-person.
✓ Control – Once a photo or message is posted on the Internet or shared through social media,
you lose control of the content. Others can repost and share the content with a wider
✓ Selectivity - When accepting friends to view your account, make sure you know them

Activity 2: Make a PowerPoint Presentation regarding the use of ONLINE SAFETY, SECURITY,
ETHICS, AND ETIQUETTE to bring awareness to other people.
Guide Questions in Making the PowerPoint Presentation:
1.) What is the purpose of the PPT?
2.) Who are your Audience?
3.) How will you make the PPT more enjoyable for the audience?
4.) What are the things that People should know about ONLINE SAFETY, SECURITY, ETHICS, AND

--END of Chapter 2—


On this chapter, you will need to search and use the internet. Please follow the links provided below;
read and analyse what is given.

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Type: https://prezi.com/5zpdawpjn-ns/contextualized-online-search-and-research-skills/ and Hit
Enter on your Computer/Smartphone.

Google Search Education: Follow the link:


Please read lessons 1,2 and 3 for beginners


The purpose of this websites are not only to deliver news, but to also be a resource on media bias
and fact checking.

Politifact– PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials
and others who speak up in American politics. PolitiFact is run by editors and reporters from the
Tampa Bay Times, an independent newspaper in Florida. Politifact is simply the best source for
political fact checking. Won the Pulitzer Prize.

Fact Check– FactCheck.org is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of
Pennsylvania. They are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce
the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. They monitor the factual accuracy of what is
said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news
releases. Fact Check is similar to Politifact in their coverage and they provide excellent details. The
only drawback is they lack the simplicity of Politifact.

Open Secrets– Open Secrets is a nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, run by the Center for
Responsive Politics, which is the nation’s premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its
effect on elections and public policy. Open Secrets are by far the best source for discovering how
much and where candidates get their money. They also track lobbying groups and whom they are


MediaBugs is a service for reporting specific, correctable errors and problems in media coverage.

Retwact is a tool that automates the process of notifying anyone who retweeted an inaccurate
tweet from your account. The goal is to help slow the spread of misinformation by making it easier to
correct tweets.


TinEye is a reverse image search engine developed and offered by Idée, Inc., a company based in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is the first image search engine on the web to use image identification
technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks. TinEye allows users to search not using
keywords but with images

Google Images (previously Google Image Search) is a search service owned by Google that allows
users to search the World Wide Web for image content.

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Fourandsix Technologies, Inc., is a San Jose-based computer software company that specializes in
digital photo forensics. Truepic will be acquiring all intellectual property and software, including the
"Izitru" code base, one of the internet's most advanced image forensics technologies.

Activity 3: CORRECTING FACTS: On a Word Document, Find a Story/News around the world that you
think is very interesting (Paste the article on the Word Document) and Using Fact Correcting Sites, double
check if the Story/News is correct (Paste the Corrected article too.) and Explain why IT is reliable. (8-10
sentences). Printed/Send via Edmodo.

--End of Chapter 3--


Pacete, D. (2016, July 26). Contextualized Online Search And Research Skills. Retrieved January 10, 2021,
from https://prezi.com/5zpdawpjn-ns/contextualized-online-search-and-research-skills/

Google search education. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2021, from


More Filipinos use cellphones as 'mobile computers'. (2013, July 02). Retrieved January 10, 2021, from

Yuvienco, J. (2017). Empowerment Technologies Making Small Shifts toward a Big Difference (First Edition
ed.). Pasig City, Philippines: Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources.

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

“Technology is best when it brings people together.”

Matt Mullenweg, Social Media Entrepreneur

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