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Modern families a 4) VOCABULARY & SPEAKING family a Tlktos partner What's the ciference between? 1 a ftorand a parent 2 Simahersndstepmotior 3 Steer anda beter ow 4 Sepa andahaesiter 5 agenda and» gesgranaher anoptedchidand on ony bd 4 beth ters nd bigs 1 yornrelte ay and yr etended oly 1b Read he atl about modem Beefy fe. pas, yt complet the gaps withthe numbers om th et Tk ei {© @118 Usten and check. Are there any state Inthe article which you tink would be very Aiernt in your enunty? Why? Themodern family Family lifes changing all over the word and its not ust the structure of the fail, but aso ts habits ‘recent Survey of British family ite showed some 22% arsine paren fies At hs te Family structure 60% of amis nave mari parents a ae eo 2 GRAMMAR future forms 8 QUIS Lstento thre conversations between aiforent family members, Match them to cartoons AUC. What are the people talking about? ead the questions and think about your sn ‘Than azk and answer in airs or small groupe Do you have 3 big far? Who do youve wy How often do you..? ‘have meal with your fry {gout fora mes! orto the cinems etwithe {ay member + see your extended family De you spend more of your fee time with any cr onde Why? ‘Are there any members of your fay who you Ave very itl contact th? Why? What de you and your family mainly argue shut DDoyou ever argue about phones or tablets! [D Poltay refusing to ak about someting (ceasnaly, you mey be asked 2 question at Jostel uncoorabesrewerng Respond Pte ith sony Prather otk bat the Family hal Soe ad ena of people have fa) menbes ‘who they never speak to o contac. “ELE | 75% of people are happiest wit th {emis and 1796 withthe ede Theavergetamiy 17 Seen ges | * har mee Ch a sooner \ 2. GRAMMAR future forms 12 0115 Listen to tree conversations Setween diferent family members. atch them toca the people talking about? tons end think about your answers, ‘Somer in pis or small groupe ‘ig famly? Who do you lve with seth reorto she cinema, ee with nea fly Imes of your foe time with family Imanber of you family who you Tovah phones o tablets? Rangiwaiesbouromething | Iyyoumaye asec» question that | (ontaraesnnaring Respond |nlmsory fraternal aout the. 'y habits fares nt aot ‘crmorimte bends enter oily twice —_f pele have fay members "yhever speak to or contact. 1 ston again and complete to {entence from each conversation ‘sap ae happiest with heir sand 173s wth thet tends. tagetamiy te woh orbs, (oni 4 © p33 Grammar Bank 18 Ine AC. What are 5 yousepolte? ah aid tre © With «partner, decide which sentence PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING sentence stress te Eg wn enn ora omc sre ehrnenincenta Recs pSeecest acy? ciweahanme Seer Sovran ete eer (1.20 Read the sentence. Do you think the pink words are Stassed or unstressed? Listen and check. Fim going t ook for» ob 01.25 Liston to four more sentonces. Write the stressed ‘herds inthe pink boxes. Look at the stressed words and try to remember the Unstensed words Than listen agaln to check and write thors Listen egnn and repeat the sentences. Copy the shythm. ‘Ask and answer the questions with partner Try to get the correct rhythm Is anyone in your family...? * geting mardi the ea ature + tavelingabond is month {having abby tis yer + ealitating the brthy 00 ‘Are you going to + dosommting with a tent “member this week me «rea oy setsoothe + goon holiday with your family ayer 2 at ate weaken Do you think...? “Ss + more couples wi have ust one child inthe future + more young adults wil ve with hee parents inthe future + anyone in your far wil ive to be 90 or oder + your move away rom (or Back to) the are wih yume aay om orback to) the ae wre your 4 VOCABULARY adjectives of Read the article again and co personality ead thee + Complete ne oposite ajetine in _—, sentences 1 tage Opposites attract 9S esi forthe to break th they were torn te parents about ascptine ther parents were more reaxe by thetinetne second ena or How birth order influences, iteyacsreneertnatey your personality thy have anays been the baby they spend lt of ee with ack 2 Shes genous bathe a Nowades,tisanacceted fact that ourpostoninthefomiy= 3 Sheshardeoting tr Ihatinattber were ances cho mle eh, a youngest peed mere hd oranongchid-posiby thestrongetintoenstiee's_g_the/ve never had sot ovt po 5 Shes tiny bth nou character andpereonaiy Soha infence des ae? voter bth ad sere b @pis3 Vocabulary Bank Personality _-—‘The oldest chile ihn the second cid was born Freon chen often havea lo fterthe yourgeraas ttre pete ateton 3 py and sisters so theyre usualy shel and responsible as adults 5 PRONUNCIATION word stress Theyalsotens tobe ambitious and they make good leders.On theres let chirencanbe meee SP=OHE Sa rsraph hat app you think the desertion of perse 4 Underng the srossedslsblen the Tsbchan mutable aajectes nueeateateooe a ‘The middle chitd Jour are nyo te oterdce rebelious * ‘Middle children are more relaxed than the oldest children, People you know, e.g. your brothe 2 vocble. reliable srobaby because Theyre usually very socfabl~ ts hind or friends? 2 baie ta lpesne wo ge onwttereyoy, Taya ae = Strate whatote pope ved beste © Fore ame S compan eli, side ‘coon bjrectenguegoedsteoringesargine. ara, 7 LISTENING & SPEAKING eens seal tect warships On the rnd Pate bediaptape ret ale 24 Listen and check Then sten ‘le clren can setineste cranes and income | fave shay or ons of th Soun ndvepent We prefs eg n, econ ne, erent ander." The youngest chi eres Youngest children are often very outgoing and charming. This thee tytn tet entra Se pnd broth READING their older brothers and sisters. They are often more rebe:ous, fin - /hat’s your position in your family? disorganized, and they aften depend too much on other people, horties You'the Set hldlemidde chia, bene 10k a four groups of adjectives. rly ren wus do very wel at choo, because they hove sister iene cation in the family (eg the old tom tek parents, So hey tpl selconnt. Theyre bedroom'?* crie : vt Keen’ plac tenting eta copbee righ een es 2nconetinese beeure Dy the patents Tey CO hidden er seeteautsetnnndgetmpeteepcaiyenIN=™ | 4 125 tntento he sinien Were Read the article and check your answers — ee d_ Read the article agi reasons A-H and complete it with x. they grew up between older and younger brothers and sisters 'b_ It's easier for them to break the rules by the time they were bor, their parents were more relaxed about disciptine thelr parents were more relaxed themselves. by the time the second child arrived p_ they are given everything they ask for E_ they have always been the baby of the family F” they spend a lot of time with adults G_ they've never had to sort aut problems: with other brothers and sisters © Re-read the paragraph that applies to you. Do you think the description of personality is true for you? Are any of the other descriptions true for people you know, e.g. your brothers and sisters, or friends? 7 LISTENING & SPEAKING 2 You're going to hear two people talking about a time when they or one of their siblings behaved badly. Look at some words from each story. With a partner, try to predict what happened. James's story brother teenagers fighting stabbed finger penknife accident horrified blog "3 hospital Marilyn’s story cage sister parot “99° let out fly looked everywhere bedroom a hidden °°” frightened horrible b @1.25 Listen to the stories. Were your predictions correct? cried window Listen again and answer the questions for James ‘and Marilyn. Who do you think behaved worse, James or Marilyn’s sister? 1 How old were they? 2 Where were they? 3 What bad thing did they or ther sibling do? 4 What happened in the end? 5 How do James's brother and Marilyn show that they've never forgotten what happened? Work in pairs. A, you are James's brother. B, you ‘are Marilyn's sister. Retell the two stories from your point of viow. 7 have a twin brother called James, and wo used to fight 2 ot when we were teenagers. One day, Con you remember a time when you were young and you behaved very badly to a sibling or a friend, or they did to you? Tell the story, answering the questions in €. WRITING Read Alice's ‘self-portrait’ poem. Then write your own poem using the instructions below. Alice afcionar Ros, maginaive oo ‘oldest daughter of Sian ai likes music, Diet Coke, and sunny ail of fs another smal sp woul BRE ro se elephants in Williams Instructions line 1 — your first name line 2 ~ four adjectives that deseribe you line 3 ~where you are in your family, and your parents! line 4 ~ three things you like line 5 ~ something you ate afraid of line 6 ~ something you would like to do line ? ~ your last name © p15 Waiting A description of a person Write an email descri a friend. | 1 | | 1 @ INTRODUCTION 18 Look tthe photos. Desribe Jenny and Reb. b_ @1.26 Watch or listen to Jenay nd Rob talking, Compete the gape. denny Ziirski and Rob Waller work fora_ called Feo 2tseven She's Amecean and hes _. Reb came to New Yorka fen ‘ge. Ho hic mat Jonry when she ‘on work np. They got on very well and he satan Later, he was offered ws offered ob fora month in? Job, Jenny helped ob ‘they ae enjoying ifn the USA. although Rob mists Fis ends and! [B British and American English apariment= Areian Eh ft 2 @ REACTING TO WHAT PEOPLE SAY a 01.27 Watch of listen to Jenny introducing Rob to her parents, What bad news does Rob have for Jenny? What good news does Jenny have for her pore D Bitch and American English rmom= Ameren Enlih, mum = Bish xgish ‘anapartment ond fat = Brith English 8. 9129 Wateh orien an ‘he chart Bolen. Copy ht [REACTING TO WHAT Pe: “What you say when you something srerng “something interesting ‘some good news “some bod nowe [P Bows atic \"" Weaken ise | tponaioy How interes \ what © Practise thee bb Watch or listen again and mark the sentences f oon T (rv) or F alse). Corect the F sentences Ps 1 Rob eftthe chocolates athe ofc. 2 Rob's des ssa very ey 3 Quav 3 ltsthe second time that Rob has met Jennysparns. ABOUT 4 Sly has prepared a big dinner 5 Jenny's new jab is Managing Director 8 Jenny is going to be Rob!s manager. 91.28 Look at some extracts from the conversation. Can you remember any of the missing words? Watch or listen and check. 1 Jenny Dor't forget the chocolates. Rob OK.Oh Jenny {don't it. Don’t tel me you forgot them? Rob think they silon my desk. Jenny __ kidding, 2 Jenny Mom, tm rally sorry ~ we bought 20 chocolates, but we left them atthe office d Sally Whata mind b\ 3 Jenny But| also have some good news. Sally 2 What's that? 4 Sally So you've got a promation? fantastic Harry That's great 5 Sally Let's go and have dinner. Jenny Whata ideal gts and mark the rentences 12h Coact the Fsentoncos bstlsrsgng {some enret rom the ian youterember any ofthe Watch or aten snd check <4. 01.29 Watch or ston and repeat the phrases in {he chart below. Copy the rhythm snd intonation, [REACTING TO WHAT PEOPLE SAY “What you sty when you hea. semathingsurpriing Yue Kidding sere bednews Ohno Dow» vipa, Wht + noun tues! No fh How mac! ‘ara Whats god ee le ea ‘Practise the conversations in with a partner 1 @ communication How awful How fants! Rpi0eB ptt Practize resting 2 Q HARRY FINDS OUT MORE ABOUT ROB 201.20 Witch or sten tothe conversation ater ‘Sine. Does the evening ond well or badly? ho are mos th phates in tha ding oom off Who ae tos Dai John Cole, and Wiyton (©) Sonia wh ies sere ne cy pres «© Look tthe Sell English phrases. Can you Femembr any of the missing words? © seca Engh 1 Harry Howde yous your sree” 2 Rob” Not tmmor ofa writer 3 feb Oh-youknow,nterews, reviews, eee ke tat 4 Rob |The photography. § Hary Thats mest of thm are of 6 Wary Hom 7 Rob Wl he's area ice 4. @1.21 Wate or sten and complete the phrases. ‘Then watch or ston again and epost. «© Complete conversations A-G with Social English Prater 1-8, Than pracee thom with a partner. dontloo very ne | dye age! Did youth the fs? was much to long. D_ Whatdoyoukeepin Bile, bank :tatements, F Youworrt be it | i Luck ou CAN YOU... ‘ae phrases whch ie youtimo fo think 69, you Ane Personality VOCABULARY BANK 1 WHAT ARE THEY LIKE? 2 NEGATIVE PREFIXES 2 Complete the sentences with adjectives from the i list, aes prefixes Uns, and dis- are common negative prefixes. affgtonateSTCifea arbfiow iewhpor «dC, ghtRaeao i for mane afore ‘competitive Kom'petatty’ honest “oni imaginative vimavsinoi\’ independent indipendont’ Which prefix do you use with these adjectives? insecure ins’kjoo! mature imatfon’ moody Pm Put them in the correct column. Patient ’peiint/ rebelious /vbeljow! relable ilasbl Beate eerie ae self-confident sell ‘honfidont/ selfish self smbitious friendly honest imaginative kind sensible /Sensobl) sensitive "Sensstv mature organized patient reliable responsible sociable 'sousbl! spoilt spoilt’ stubborn ’stabon selfish sensitive sociable tidy 1 Solsh___ people think about themselves and not oT eee about other people ee _—_-— 2 ___ children are rude and behave baly | unambitious because they are given everything they want aa people behave ike adults 4 people alway tll the truth and never Steal or cheat. 5 people have an attractive personality and people like them, 6 people have common sance and aro practical 7 people are friendly and enjoy being with | ‘other people. set outgoing 8 people are often worried or stressed. 9 people have a good imagination. 10 people lke doing things on their own, without help. 11 _people lite teling other people what to do. 2 people are not confident about themselves, | 13 people can be easily hurt or offended. — 14 _people never change their opinion or b_ @1.23 Listen and check. Which adjective + prefix attitude about something has a positive meaning? 15 people can wat fora long time or ecept Sificultes without getting anary. AeTIVATION Cover the columns. Say the adjectives with 16 ______ people want to be successful in fe. prefixes 17 people are ones who you can trust or alee ete depend on. SYN responsible PP False friends: sensible, sensitive, and sympathet 18 people are sure of themselves and their Sour vests Engl ore Very silos abilities other languages, bt have different mean 19 ___people don't like obeying rules. careful with these three adjectives, which 2 people have moods that change quickly false friends in your lnguage and often sensible = practical (NOT easly upset | 21 _ people always want to win | sensitive = easily hurt (NOT precticel) | 22 people show that they love or lke other iene | People very much: (NOT nice renal) i b 1.22 Listen and check. Opi2 ‘Activation Which adjectives do you think are positive? VOCABULARY BANK Money 1 VERBS a Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the correct form. b @211 Listen and check, ‘earn fun’ inherit ve be worth bi wat) Borrow ‘boro ean'tafford hint visa charge ifrdy cost how! ingest wives! lend Len) owe raise rei’ save Merv! waste hveist 1 My uncle is going to leave me £2,000 when he dies, {'m going to inherit £2,000. 2 I put some money aside every week for a holiday. |__money every week. 3. Andy has promised to give me €50 until next week He has promised to _me €50. 4 Ineed to ask my mum to give me £20 unt Friday. Ineed to £20 from my mum, 5 often spend money on stupid things. often _ money. 6 don't have enough money to buy that car 1____to buy that car 7 | usualy have to pay the mechanic £100 to service my car ‘The mechani __me £100 8 Theso shoes are quite expensive. They are $200. They ____ $200. 9 Jim gave me £100. | haven't paid it back yet. 1____ Jim £100. 10 1 want to buy some shares in a eompeny because | want tomakea profit. | want to ___ some money. 11 | work in a supermarket. They pay me £1,000 @ month. 1___ £1,000 a month 12 I could sell my house for about €200,000. My house _ about €200,000. 12 Weneed to get people to give money to build anew hospital. We want to ‘money forthe new hospital 2 PREPOSITIONS 3 NOUNS 2 Complete the Preposition column witha a Match the nouns and definitions. word from the list. ot ae cee bil foi) budget bods) contactless payment [kontiektlos peimant! by for(s2) from in into on to ingurance injuseons’ loan oun’ mortgage “mais salary /swlri/ tax ieks Proposition 1 Would you like to pay cash bay for! credit card? 1 bill ‘2 piece of paper that shows how much money you hhave to pay for something 2 the money you get forthe work you do alt Ceo Mite oe ae A ‘money that you pay to the government : 4 money that somebody (or 8 bank) lends you 3 spent £50 Mil books ——— 5 money that you have available and a plan of how to yesterday. spend it, a holiday ~ 4 Myuncle invested allhis 6 ‘money that you borrow from a bank to buy a house money | property 2 fast way of paying where you hold your card or 5 | don't ike lending money phone over a reader and don't use your PIN, frends. 8 ____ money that you pay to @ company and then they 6 | borrowad slot of money pay if you are il, or if you lose or break something the bark : b @2.3 Listen and check. 7 They charged us €60 (92 __ bottle of wine hae 4 PHRASAL VERBS 2 Complete the phrasal verbs with a word from the list. never get Ill det ‘owing people money. b @2.2 Listen and check. back off on out Acrvanion Cover the Preposition column. 1 Itook __€200 from a cash machine. Say the sentences with the correct 2 Cant pay you ___the money you lent me next we preposition(s} 3 Thave olive my parents while Im at university 4 t's dificult forme and my wife tolive only one sa. b @24 Listen and check. Opis Modern families ne ar al ate; every unhop A yinitzonn 9) anna K by Lo Tolstoy, Ruston wr Goppy fami Peer iyi wha I CE 1 VOCABULARY family, adjectives of personality ‘a Complete the sentences with a family word. 41 Your mother and father ave your pars 2 Your grandlather’sfther is your or 23. Achild wha has no brothers or sist ° ch 4 Your brothers or sister's daughter i your 5 Achid wo parents take into ther Farily an treat a5 ‘thelr ownigan eS S teh 6 Your partnes, children, parents, and brothers and sisters re your! fark 7 Your father's new wife is your st_- {Your wife or usbena's brothers your been 9 Aister who shares one parent with you is our h cast se 10 Your brothers and sisters are yours__ 11 Your grendparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are your es family. 12 Your brother's or siter’s son is yourn._ 13. Your stepmothers or stepfather's daughter from an ‘earlier elavonshp is yours b Match the comments to the personality adjectives from the list. ‘ambitious anxious honest independent insecure patient rebellious sel-confident selfish sensible spoilt stubborn 1 When I want something, my parents always give it to pa ind it very hard 0 relax. Sometimes | ie awake at right for hours worrying about things. "There aren't any prov lef fr you. as hungry, 50 tate them al 41m going to go to bed eatly 50 | can sleep well before my exam tomoron” 5 feel very comfortable when tm speaking in public {6 alike to be the manager of abig multinational company’ 7 “That's what think, and rind not going to change my 8 “1d prefer to do this on my own, thanks. 9 “Lwas realy cific teenager | did't obey any rules 1 school or home: 10 “Toke your ime, lean wait. tm not ina hurry: 11 ‘Excuse me. You dropped some money. Here itis? 12 ‘Tmnot eure Jose my fend or not. She says she is, but dont really know! Read the sentences ane complete the cronsnordwtnthe miss asjecines own 1 Edi atvact, enon eerbod ove i 2 Cathey HLS oe gong ou and she's got alto 43 neces very MB or bar age youd never uss she wat ony 12 4 Lawes ery IIB she wes some wonder tees 7 Emma's o IB She's vas tlie thr prope wha to do, ACROSS 3 iy boss eal HL Sonstmes e's, bt othertimes he ‘gets angry about the sales ng 65 isn't fn plying tn wth my bose because he's so IL He hes long 6 mucky havea frend ike Poul becouse he's ery HD He's sinaysthare when reed his hl. My grandmas very IL. Sh ves us al very ch, and he gies us ots of hugs ad ise, 9 Wes very easy to make Day ry because she's very rite the opposite actives. Use a negative prefix 1 tidy 8 organized 2 honest ——_— 9 responsible 3 mae — 10 wcabe 4 roiable Mt frandly 5 ses cial (oe oe 7 images sal ————— a ees coer ee Sees Ss \ \ sn conmssont bedahaver op 2. GRAMMAR future fos 4. Complete the sontncss wth te, formel the verbs o phrase nbd 1 he oa for an etna yreherratesisoh Mme 1 sey ated vein 3 rman : cu germarndlo predcot Deyauthe onl oreo ic sa gp in argent ey ne Tearitwait 6-17 have a start. docs 1 Are yourea8y toe? 4 read B Yes, 7 Na fact 4 s Dienmyre bithday Answerthy £8 we / invite (2 suggestion) 1 forms, your paretsrt 4 veu rea tis wockend? 9 L/ not be fa promise) {im going to Jacy'shouse for dst \__ sehr an 10 t/ break a prediction i nt There's too much shoppingin sb ah hs Complete the sonton “ Ln serect future form of the verbs in brackets. mate you cry. Hee macpies ming tan “ places cur cor We cone awe abe ciao AMMAR future forms dete th seteces ni ‘harattcr poe ag : . coffer an remeny Siero hp srotes yao the i ‘erhen ve 4 ee. fe =e ine a ‘ eo | 12 A into tre toce sh resturant. Wht do ou wantforyO4 rerng lle. av! athe morning? Bae) __you — eso ran Ged ec aiitethestter ten ie you tonight? ‘othe cinema with some friends (90 Pes! crim ff oe 1 youd he wating? fae) Ber andpocany Bt ple bce he oe a jase. wash eon, 1 A Dont wer. anything! no break thes tee # “Answer the questions. Use the correct future 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress ” forms 12 @1 5 ston and complet the sentences. irparets for? 1 What uw yo gong ar the class? 1 tthen are you going to boa your ingest cae Then Imgangiogohameandmajedone: —— = going to ao see awe | ee ome. y apemapeaneiseece. Brenig: ek ipa qhionoy [OnkR aaa nr a 2 saikeb 2 aoe yess evan 5 fm sone — etm 4 tare fornex summer? ae ———————— 1 on 10 f1____themon o a o b g i b 1 5 Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm. (Ceara) (Gaammra) M i ‘sagt open 2 HOW+ ADJECTIVE, WHATS Noy, 1. REACTING TO WHAT PEOPLE SAY complete the phrases with How er Wie, 1 GRAMMAR 4 Cis comet anoars. ONE THO ares 5; ample ences eer ee, — Sa | Pinpheietenersrrent P 2 peed {crane ne Tea ; Tt set rye oem rica en Oe aes ; 1 i 2 tlt ene pl Gass Newton Voorn oe pee ‘Sone 1 3A I didn't get the job. 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 5 We. “s barbecu on Friday SE ae /Mmarand coer conenaionvihtera ll Yeataineens ore betwen tone . 4 Wer geting marie 1 aw fare | Thats est nua! / Oh ot re ome toate. ea | Rewind’ mean Notre Tatrowau |) 2 YQCABULARY 5 A oneronsrence ‘hope tae Za er mand Rely Wha iy (Ceca the word that ie iferent. FPA oc my ae. 1A what do you tink cf tabetsnewboring |) tea dick lbser sad © ho! ow vat! neat 8 Hes anne ou 2 beef chien ond salmon 5 sepuner oct raphe hese > Complete the chart withthe erect phrases A meee mnninnveint a wet nce cum ther ink Tbe maried andhavemycmrcnes HM sgcionate tomy honest patent Ei hae yn cnegere neers ig «CTL many, seh sehen Neto be a polesore e ew 3 PRONUNCIATION

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