The Willow Project Speech Palm Cards

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1. If you’ve been on any type of social media recently 2.But what actually is the Willow Project?

The willow
project is a 7-8 billion dollar oil drilling project that will
you have probably heard of the Willow Project. If you
last 30 years. They plan to pump up to 600 million
haven't, it's basically America's latest attempt to destroy barrels of oil and gas from the ground and it will result
the world. My name is Zack Henry and I'm here today in 280 metric tons of carbon emissions. It will be located
to talk about the willow project and how if it does inside the national petroleum reserve in Alaska. If this
happen climate change will be put to a point where it goes forward we won't even be able to breathe air
will be unstoppable.I have chosen this as my topic as I without the worry of getting a diesease or sickness
want to bring more awareness to this issue and I want which is something no one should have to worry about.
It will increase the greenhouse gas emissions when we
to be able to live in a world where I don't have to worry
should be working on reducing them and focusing on
about the air I breathe. How about you? cleaner energy sources.

3.They have chosen to complete the project in 4.Rosemary Ahtuangarkuak who lives in Nuiqsut
which is the closest indigenous community to
National Petroleum Reserve Alaska as it was one
where the willow project will be located said that.
of the 4 reserves set aside in the early 1900s as it
“The Willow project’s massive infrastructure would
would guarantee a steady supply of oil for the U.S
bulldoze straight through these crucial habitats,
military. But it will kill animals like wolves, moose,
redirecting the animal’s migratory paths, moving
fish and bears and destroy their habitat to a point
them away from nearby villages, and endangering
where it will be uninhabitable and will also destroy
the food security of local people.” This shows us
the homes of indigenous communities. We cannot
that the willow project will take away their rights
allow this to happen.
and needs to clean water and air which will force
them to abandon their home
5. Imagine that, you're just living peacefully going 6.But it hasn't gone ahead yet, so there is still a
on with your life when industrial machines roll into chance we can stop this if we bring more attention to
your home and destroy it just so that they can pollute it. Would you want to live in a world where you have
the air and water that you live off. If this is not a good to worry about whether the air you breathe is safe?
enough reason for why the willow project shouldn't go Would you want to live in a world where every day
ahead then what is? The Willow project was first the temperature is above 40 degrees? Would you
announced in January 2017 though there has been a want to live in a world where your home is destroyed
lot more attention brought to it recently. Me alongside from oil leaks? Would you want to live in a world
4.7 million people have signed a petition to stop this where every time you have a drink of water you could
project though sadly it was still approved on march get a diesease that kills you? Would you want to live
13th by Joe biden. in a world where animals are slowly turning extinct
because of the climate?
7. We all want to live and this is what will
happen to our world if the willow project goes
forward. So stand up for our world. Bring as
much attention to this project as possible, go to and join the 4.7 million people who
have signed the petition to stop the willow
project. Just so that we have a chance to stop
it, so that the generations to come can live in a
world like we do today. That's all from me.
Thanks for listening.

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