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The experimental studies is done on the black cotton soil to analyze the
properties of and behaviour of same when added with different materials
(waste material of many operations) under different proportions.
As the population increases , there will be growth of human activities such as
construction activities(house constructions, buildings, infrastructures etc.),
industrialization(metal industries, cement industries, etc.). As a result
construction can be done on expansive soils such as black cotton soils and at
the same time a lot of waste products are generated by the industries.
These expansive soils have the problem of swelling and shrinkage , volume
changes , settlements , rolling of soils etc can be seen. These problems can be
eliminated by intermixing these soils with the waste materials generated by
industries and increases the properties of soil like shear strength , liquid limit,
plastic limit, CBR, UCS, etc.
Advantage of these waste products is that they are easily available in bulk ,
inert, cheap, etc.

Foundations like in expansive soils such as black cotton soils undergoes many
problems as alternate swelling and shrinkage during wetting and drying by the
action of seasonal moisture variations, settlement of foundation which is
caused by volume changes causes cracks in structure, landsliding ,etc. all these
problems makes the construction costlier in soils like as black cotton soil. The
problem can be eliminated by some extent by intermixing it with stabilizing
material which may be minerals or end products of industrial processes.
Some of these stabilizing materials are lime, cement, stone dust, local waste,
molasses, baggasse ash, brick dust, waste paper sludge, asphalt material, rice
husk ash, granular blast furnance slag, etc..

1. LIME: it is a natural binding material obtained from the calcination of
limestone. Calcination is the heating of an ore upto redness. It has a binding
property which works as binding material in soil when used as a soil
stabilization material.
2. STONE DUST: it is the dust which is obtained in the crusher during the
crushing of stones in stone crushers. These stones dust is inert and has binding
3. BAGGASSE ASH: it is pulpy, fibrous waste left over sugarcane when the juice
is squeezed out from sugarcane and can be used as the soil stabilization
4. RICE HUSK ASH: it is the waste product left over when the rice husk is burnt
either in agriculture fields or rice industries. It is very much used in soil
stabilization .
5. GRANULAR BLAST FURNANCE SLAG: these are the blast furnance waste
which are heavier and found on the bottom of the furnance. This is rich in
ferrous minerals , lime , silica etc. and is used as soil stabilization material, in
cement industries etc.

The problematic black cotton soil which is treated with different stabilizing
materials such as lime, cement, molasses, bagasses ash, brick dust, asphalt
material, granular blast furnance slag, etc. is then tested with different
proportions generally in the range of 0 to 12 percentage with raw black cotton
soil over the parameters are as follows:
1. Liquid limit (LL)
2. Plastic limit (PL)
3. Shrinkage limit (SL)
4. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS)
5. California bearing ratio (CBR)
The results of all these tests are to analysed and correct proportions is to be
decided for better stabilization of expansive black cotton soil.


 LIQUID LIMIT: when 100gm of black cotton soil is treated with 0%, 4%,
6% of lime the liquid limit calculated is 46.3%, 40.7%, 38.1%,
 PLASTIC LIMIT: when 100gm of black cotton soil is treated with 0%, 4%,
6% of lime the plastic limit is 31% , non-plastic , non-plastic, respectively.
 PLASTICITY INDEX: when 100gm of black cotton soil is treated with 0%,
4%, 6% of lime the plasticity index is 15.3% , nil , nil, respectively.
 DRY DENSITY: when 100gm of black cotton soil is treated with 0%, 4%,
6% of lime the dry density is 1.58gm/cc, 1.53gm/cc, 1.50gm/cc,
 CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO(CBR): when 100gm of black cotton soil is
treated with 0%, 4%, 6% of lime the CBR is 1.9 , 11.2 , 15.2, respectively.
 With increase in percentage of stone dust the dry density of soil
increases. The MDD increases from 1.465, 1.475, 1.482, 1.531, 1.537 and
1.536 to the stone dust of 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% respectively.
 For the stone dust of percentage 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% the CBR
values are 1.02, 2.5, 2.7, 2.91, 2.49 and 2.08.
 For the stone dust of percentage 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% the UCS
values are 5.847, 7.34, 7.63, 9.36, 8.7, and 6.34.
 The black cotton soil is stabilized by 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% of GBFS
and the FSI reduces to 40%. The FSI reduces gradually when treated with


1. The liquid limit of BCS decreases with increase in lime percentage as 4%
of lime decrease liquid limit by 12.1% and 6% limes reduces liquid limit
by 17.7%.
MDD is decreased at 4% and 6% of lime.
The CBR value of BCS at 4% and 6% is maximum.
2. the soil mixed with stone dust is found that 3% stone dust ,mixed with
soil gives maximum SOAKED CBR of 2.912 which is 1.574 while raw soil.
3. The bagasse ash increases the stability of soil but at the same time it also
increases the permeability of the soil thereby it is not a good option for
soil stabilization in wet and marshy areas.
4. As per the CBR value the optimum value of the rice husk ash is 6% .
The use of waste material is economical and helps to clean the society.
5. The FSI is reduces to 70% with the propotion of 40% GBFS with BCS.
It will reduce the plastic properties , reduces liquid limit .
It has been seen that OMC decreases by 16% and MDD increases by 15%
as compared to raw BCS.
At 40% of GBFS the UCS is increased by 70% after 28 days.

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