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Module 17

OE1012 Ship Hydrostatics and Stability

Dr R Vijayakumar
Department of Ocean Engineering
IIT Madras

Factors affecting the shape of the curve of statical stability

• Effect of change of KG
• Effect of transverse shift of weight
• Effect of change of free board
• Comparison of stability of a ship in the light and fully
loaded conditions
• Effect of beam
• Effect of stern trim

B Tech Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering - OE1012 Ship Hydrostatics and Stability -Dr R Vijayakumar 2


Calculating the increase/decrese in GZ as a result of KG

Causes of a change in KG
• Loading, discharging and shifting of general cargo items
• Loading, discharging and transfer of ballast, fuel and lub oil
• Increase in KG due to suspension of weight during lifting operation with
ships gear and subsequent load, discharge or shift of that cargo
• Changes during the course of voyage
• Consumption of fuel, fresh water and stores
• Introduction of free surface moments
• Absorption of moisture by timber or similar deck cargos
• Ice acceleration on deck
• Accumulation of shipped water on deck and water entrapment in deck cargo
• Vertical component (upward) of a shift of a bulk cargo
• Ingress of water due to damage situations.

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Calculating the increase/decrease in GZ as a result of change of KG

If G was raised (KG increased) GZ would decrease
and the ship would become less stable
If G was lowered (KG decreased) GZ would
increase and the ship would become more
Increase and decrease of GZ at a particular
angle of heel can be easily calculated

Loss/increase in GZ = GGv X Sin θ

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Effect on the curve of statical stability of a change of KG

The effect of increase in KG
• Initial GM is reduced
• All GZ values across the range of stability are
reduced, particularly at large angles of heel
• Dynamical stability(area under the curve) is
reduced making the ship less stable to heeling by
external forces.
• The range of stability is reduced
• The angle at which the deck edge immersion occurs
(point of inflexion shown) remains unchanged as free
board has not changed.
Loss of GZ will increase as the angle of heel increases
If G were lowered causing KG to reduce then all the values of GZ would be increased. Initial GM
would be increased. Most aspects of stability would be improved!
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Effect on the curve of statical stability of a change of KG

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Effect on the curve of statical stability of a change of KG

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Effect of transverse shift of weight

Causes of list
• Loading, discharging and shifting of general cargo
item about the center line
• Loading discharge and transfer of ballast, fuel lub
oil about the centre line
• Transverse shift of G due to suspension of a
weight outboard during lifting operation with
ships gear and subsequent load, discharge of
shift of weight about the centerline
• Changes during the course of voyage
• Ingress of water due to damage situations

Loss of GZ = GGH X Cos θ

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Effect on the curve of statical stability of list

Loss of GZ will decrease as the angle of heel increase i.e The greatest loss of GZ will be when
the ship is upright( the ship will come to rest at the angle of list in still water condition where
GGH will represent negative value of GZ when the ship is upright
The effect of list as follows
• Initial GM is unchanged
• All GZ values across the range of stability are
reduced, particularly at smaller angle of
• Dynamical stability(area under the curve is
• Range of stability is reduced
• The angle of heel at which deck edge
immersion occurs remains unchanged but
there is less work required to reach the
listed side
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Effect on the curve of statical stability of list

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Effect on the curve of statical stability of list

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Effect on the curve of statical stability of list

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Effect on the curve of statical stability of list

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Effect of change in free board

Causes of a change in free board
• Loading, discharging of cargo causing a change in Draught
• Loading and discharging of ballast, fuel and lub oil
• Ice acceleration (particularly on small vessels ) and absorption of moisture on deck
• Ingress of water in a damage situation
• Shipping heavy seas on deck.

• At angles of heel upto the angle of deck edge

immersion of the smaller freeboard ship the
curve of statical stability will be exactly same.

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Effect of change in free board

The effect of increase in freeboard as follows

• Initial GM is unchanged
• GZ values will be increased at angles of heel at which deck edge immersion takes place
for the smaller freeboard ship
• Dynamical stability(area under the curve) is increased at angles of heel beyond the angles
of heel at which deck edge immersion takes place
• Range of stability is increased
If freeboard is reduced then GZ values would be similarly reduced.
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Comparison of stability of a ship in the light and fully loaded


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Comparison of stability of a ship in the light and fully loaded

BM decrease as draught increases. For normal range of operational draughts of a ship KM will
generally decrease as draught increases with a slight increase again at the deepest draughts as
evidensed by the metacentric diagram.

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Effect of Beam

• Initial stability is greater for the broader vessel

• Volume of the wedge of buoyancy (v) and the distance through which it is
transferred(bb1) is greater for the broader vessel the outward movement of
B to B1 is much greater. This creates larger value of KM (and GM) so initial
stability is greater for the broader vessel.
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Effect of Beam
• Effect on the curve of statical stability of an increase in beam

• Initial GM is increased as a result of the increasing BM

• GZ values will be increased initially
• Dynamical stability(area under the curve) is increased initially
• Angle at which deck edge immersion takesplace will be reduced.
• Range of stability may increase or decrease.

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Ship Conversion – practical application of increasing effective beam

• Fitting of sponson tank

• Increases KM
• Increases large angle
righting lever values
• Increase the range of
positive stability

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Effect of Stern Trim

• Initial GM is increased as a result of the increasing KB and BM.

• GZ values will be increased initially
• Dynamical stability(area under the curve) is increased initially
• Angle at which deck edge immersion takes place is reduced due to earlier immersion aft.
• Range of stability will probably reduce as the increase in initial GM and GZ values at small
angles of heel will be minimal.
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