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Received November 18, 2021, accepted December 9, 2021, date of publication December 13, 2021,

date of current version January 10, 2022.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3134987

Rauch-Tung-Striebel Smoothing Linear

Multi-Target Tracking in Clutter
1 Department of Defense Systems Engineering, Sejong University, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05006, Republic of Korea
2 Department of Software, Sejong University, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05006, Republic of Korea

Corresponding author: Sufyan Ali Memon (

This work was supported in part by the Faculty Research Fund of Sejong University (2021–2022), and in part by the Basic Science
Research Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education under Grant 2020R1G1A1013221.

ABSTRACT Most conventional data association based multi-target tracking (MTT) algorithms typically
suffer from intractable computational complexities and could not perform in an environment where large
number of closely spaced multiple targets move across each other in clutters. Unlike to the existing MTT
systems, the linear multi-target (LM) algorithm modifies the measurement detection followed by neighbored
tracks as a clutter, hence, it updates the track without the influence of other tracks. Thus, LM technique is a
computationally efficient algorithm that allows the multi-target system to play like a single target tracking
algorithm. Smoothing maximizes the state estimation accuracy and reduces estimation error based on future
scan measurement. However, only few research paper focused on the LM algorithm without utilizing the
benefits of the smoothing. This paper presents Rauch-Tung-Striebel Smoothing in the linear multi-target
based on integrated probabilistic data association (RTS-LMIPDA). The RTS-LMIPDA algorithm fuses
forward and backward LM track predictions to obtain the smoothing prediction which is required to calculate
the smoothing multi-target state estimates in the forward track. Numerical analysis is presented to illustrate
the estimation accuracy and false track discrimination (FTD) performances of RTS-LMIPDA in comparison
to the existing MTT algorithms using the simulations.

INDEX TERMS Data association, estimation, false-track discrimination (FTD), linear multi-target tracking,
smoothing, target existence probability (TEP).

I. INTRODUCTION cluttered environment, the tracking algorithms employ false

A radar detector returns uncertain measurements from multi- track discrimination (FTD) to identify and discriminate the
targets and various random sources to a multi-target track- false tracks [1]. FTD utilizes the target existence probabil-
ing system. The measurements that originate from unknown ity (TEP) as a track quality measure to confirm the true track
object sources (e.g., reflections from terrain, target thermal and terminate the false track [2].
noise, and various weather conditions such as clouds) are Conventional multi-target tracking (MTT) algorithms use
referred to as clutter measurements. In a radar surveillance the joint data association technique, which deals with target
region, the trajectory behavior, existence, and number of and clutter measurements by associating the measurements
measurements that may have occurred from one of several to the tracks in a probabilistic way. In a multi-target situation,
targets are unknown. In addition, each feasible target mea- the tracks may have joint (shared) measurements because the
surement has a low detection probability PD , indicating that measurements may have originated from the potential target
target tracking algorithms do not have prior information on being followed by neighbor tracks. Therefore, the MTT algo-
the radar measurements. As a result, a target tracking algo- rithms such as joint probabilistic data association (JPDA) [3],
rithm initializes and updates the false (clutter) tracks as well joint integrated PDA (JIPDA) [4], [5], joint create all feasible
as the true (target) tracks using the measurements received joint measurement-to-track association assignment hypothe-
from a radar detector in each time scan. In this complex ses and recursively calculate their joint a-posteriori proba-
bilities in each scan. In this situation, a cluster is formed
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and that groups the shared tracks with similar measurements of
approving it for publication was Zhongyi Guo . detection. The number of feasible joint measurement events

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 10, 2022 3007
S. A. Memon et al.: Rauch-Tung-Striebel Smoothing Linear Multi-Target Tracking in Clutter

grows combinatorically in terms of the number of tracks TABLE 1. Comparison of RTS-LMIPDA, FIsJIPDA, and sJIPDA.
and measurements involved in a cluster. Thus, the numerical
complexities of the JPDA and JIPDA algorithms often exceed
the available computational resources, especially when there
is a large number of targets in the cluttered environment.
The joint data association is also used for multi-scan, multi-
target tracking algorithms, such as joint integrated track split-
ting [6], [7]. These multi-scan MTT algorithms are even
more complex filters, which form an exponentially growing
number of track components. Similarly, a multi-scan multiple
hypothesis tracker [8], [9] obtains the exponentially increas-
ing number of multiple hypotheses by enumerating all feasi-
ble track-to-measurement association hypothesis. In addition
to this complexity, each MHT hypothesis is followed by a
global association which considering all tracks and measure-
ments over a span of scans. Thus, MHT consumes more com-
putation time than that of joint data association algorithms.
The linear multi-target based on integrated probabilistic
data association (LM-IPDA) method was developed to over-
come these intractable computational complexities [10], [11].
LM-IPDA bypasses the enumeration of the feasible joint
measurement events of the multi-targets using the modified
clutter measurement density, which treats the neighbor tracks
as a source of clutter. Thus, a track is updated by considering
other target detection measurements as a modified clutter
measurement being followed by neighbor tracks. Compared
to joint data association algorithms [3]–[7], LM-IPDA is
more computationally feasible and efficient for multi-target
tracking in clutter. Subsequently, the linear multi-target algo- joint integrated track splitting to calculate the smoothing
rithm was extended with an integrated track splitting filter [7]. a-posteriori probabilities of the multiple track components
The aforementioned algorithms use the probability of target associated in a cluster for smoothing state estimation [17].
existence as a track quality measurement for FTD, except RTS smoothing equations in a JIPDA algorithm (sJIPDA)
for [3], [8], and [9]. use the forward track validated measurements to obtain a
Generally, a non-smoothing algorithm generates higher backward track prediction [18]. Thus, each updated back-
estimation errors due to the availability of the sensor mea- ward track corresponds to each existing forward track for
surement up to and including time scan k. This often limits fusion. This makes the RTS smoothing algorithms, such
the accuracy in the trajectory estimation and track qual- as [18] and [19], optimal and computationally cost efficient.
ity measure of FTD. Therefore, a smoothing Rauch-Tung- All smoothing algorithms discussed above use the smooth-
Striebel (RTS) algorithm was developed, which evaluates the ing probability of target existence for the FTD evaluation.
track state estimate in past scans based on the measurements However, the former MTT smoothing algorithms, such as
available beyond time scan k [12]. In the recent development the smoothing JPDA [20], smoothing multiple hypothesis
of single target tracking smoothing algorithms, researchers tracker [21], and smoothing probability hypothesis density
smoothed the track state estimate by fusing each individual filter [22], [23] did not produce FTD results.
forward track state prediction with multi-track backward pre- This study utilizes RTS equations for smoothing a lin-
dictions that were falling in the validation gate of a forward ear multi-target based on IPDA in a fixed-interval (RTS-
track [13]–[15]. The multi-track backward predictions were LMIPDA). RTS formulas are used in the LM-IPDA to
recursively estimated in each scan using the sensor measure- improve the estimation accuracy and FTD track quality mea-
ments, starting from the last scan N and ending at the first surement with a limited smoothing delay. Table 1 compares
scan k of the smoothing interval. This made the smooth- the contributions and motivations of the RTS-LMIPDA algo-
ing algorithm efficient for target tracking but increased the rithm to the existing algorithms.
smoothing time delay due to the time consumed in the initial- RTS-LMIPDA uses overlapping fixed-intervals, which
ization and estimation of the backward multi-tracks. These have a length of N −k + 1 scans, where N indicates the
algorithms were extended for smoothing MTT by utilizing last scan and k indicates the first scan of an interval. The
a joint data association algorithm, such as fixed interval forward tracks are initialized and updated using the Kalman
smoothing based on JIPDA (FIsJIPDA) [16]. Recently, fixed Filter [24] recursively in each scan of the interval. When
interval smoothing was utilized in multi-scan, multi-target a forward track arrives at scan k = N , a backward track

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is initialized using a forward track validated measurement. where Hk = [I2×2 , O2×2 ], which calculates the target state
Similar to sJIPDA, the backward prediction is obtained from position measurement. wk is a white Gaussian measurement
the forward and RTS estimates. Finally, the RTS-LMIPDA noise with a zero-mean and known covariance matrix Rk .
algorithm fuses forward and backward predictions to obtain In addition, a random number of clutter measurements are
the smoothing linear multi-target state estimations. The a- observed and detected using a sensor that follows a non-
posteriori smoothing probability of target existence is also homogeneous Poisson distribution [25]. The density of clutter
calculated in each scan for FTD evaluation. measurements is defined by the number of sensor measure-
Section II discusses the target and sensor measure- ments received from each scan at the x and y axes of the
ment model. The RTS smoothing based on LM-IPDA is surveillance region, and it is assumed to be known in this
examined in Section III. The estimation statistic results of study.
RTS-LMIPDA are verified using simulation in Section IV, Yk represents the cardinality of Mk sensor measurements
followed by a conclusion in Section V. received in scan k. The ith measurement in Yk is denoted
by Yk,i and has a constant clutter measurement density,
II. TARGET PROPAGATION AND MEASUREMENT ρk,i ≡ ρ(Yk,i ). {8} = 81 , 82 , . . . 8N denotes the sequence
MODELS of the consecutive measurement times in a smoothing inter-
It is assumed that a track has a hybrid state consisting of val, which has a length of N that denotes the last scan
a target trajectory state xτk and target existence event χ τk , index in a smoothing interval. For example, Y{8} = {Y81 ,
where τ indicates an index of targets and tracks. Without lost Y82 , . . . Y 8N } is the measurement interval that implies the
generality, the target existence is a random event which gen- sequence of consecutive sets of measurements.
erates one measurement in each scan and is always detectable
with the probability PD . The target model obeys the Markov III. RAUCH-TUNG-STRIEBEL SMOOTHING LINEAR
chain one model [2] which uses state transition probability MULTI-TARGET BASED ON IPDA (RTS-LMIPDA)
to maintain and update the existing track. The state transition This paper utilizes RTS equations [12] in the LMIPDA algo-
probability is the probability that the target exists in scan k, rithm to improve the estimation accuracy and FTD perfor-
provided that it existed in scan k − 1, which is expressed as: mance in comparison to other existing tracking algorithms
for tracking closely moving multi-targets in clutter. Multiple
α1,1 = P χ τk |χ τk−1 ∼ ,

=1− (1) forward tracks are initialized using a sensor measurement set
Ta Yk received in each scan k, assuming an overlapped fixed
where Ta denotes the average duration of the target existence interval smoothing based on YN , where N ≥ k. In addition,
and 1Tk,k−1 indicates the time between scan k − 1 and k. forward LMIPDA (f-LMIPDA) is used to estimate all existing
It is assumed that each target state is a four-dimensional tracks. One backward track is initialized and updated using
state vector, such as two-dimensional position and velocity the forward track validated measurement yk,i ∈ Y k for each
vectors. Each target trajectory state xτk measured by a sensor corresponding forward track, if the existing (updated) tracks
in scan k − 1 propagates to scan k using a state transition survived (as determined by the updated target existence prob-
model F in the target dynamic equation, expressed as: ability) and they arrived at a predetermined interval length
at time n. The backward LMIPDA (b-LMIPDA) track is
xτk = Fxτk−1 + vk−1 , (2) propagated using RTS and forward estimates until the first
where the target trajectory state is correlated by a zero-mean scan k of the smoothing interval. Each corresponding forward
white Gaussian process noise vk−1 that has a known covari- and backward prediction are fused to obtain the smoothing
ance Q. The Q and F expressions are derived in [1] and [12], prediction and innovation in each scan k moving forward in
respectively, and are expressed as: time. Subsequently, the RTS-LMIPDA track is estimated by
updating the smoothing predictions based on the smoothing
0.24T 4 I2×2 0.5T 4 I2×2
validation measurements ỹk,i ∈ Y k in each scan k. The
Q=q (3)
0.5T 4 I2×2 T 2 I2×2 probability of target existence is smoothed using YN , which
is utilized for track confirmation and termination in each
  scan k.
I2×2 T I2×2
F= , (4)
where q represents the white Gaussian acceleration uncer- Tracks are initialized based on the sensor measurements
tainty received between two scan times T , I2×2 is the Y{8} using a well-known approach referred to as two-point
2 × 2 identity matrix, and O2×2 is the 2 × 2 zeros matrix. measurement initialization [1]. The LMIPDA (g-LMIPDA)
The sensor observes each target in each scan k and if a equations were generalized with respect to the measurement
τ th target exists and is detected with the probability PD , then time sequence to avoid the repeated use of the forward and
it generates the position measurement yτk using: backward filter equations. For f-LMIPDA, {8} was replaced
by k, which implies that {8} = 1: k. For b-LMIPDA,
yτk = H k xτk + wk , (5) {8} was replaced by k + , which implies that {8} = k: N .

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S. A. Memon et al.: Rauch-Tung-Striebel Smoothing Linear Multi-Target Tracking in Clutter

For state prediction fusion, {8} was replaced by {8}\k, where |A| represents the determinant of the surveillance
which implies that k was excluded from {8}, for example, area A, d is the dimensionality of the surveillance space, and
N \k = {1: k − 1, k + 1: N }. Lastly, for RTS-LMIPDA, 0(·) represents the Gamma function.
{8} = 1: N , N ≥ k. The subscript {8} (e.g., x̄τk|{8}\k ) The LM-IPDA computes the likelihood lk,i τ of the measure-

denotes conditioning on the corresponding measurement set ment yk,i (i > 0) with respect to a track τ in:
in Y{8}\k . τ


The LMIPDA track obtains the probability density func- lk,i = N yk,i ; H k x̄τk|{8}\k , H k P̄ k|{8}\k H Tk + Rk /PG(τ ) .
tion (PDF) of the target trajectory state xτk at scan k based on (13)
Y{8} , expressed as:
The selected measurement yk,i consists of a τ th
target mea-
τ τ surement with the a-priori probability Pτk,i [15], expressed as:
p xτk |Y {8} ∼= N xτk ; x̂k|{8} , P̂ k|{8} , (6)
n o l τ /ρk,i
Pτk,i = PD(τ ) PG(τ ) P χ τk |Y {8}/k mk
where N(x; m, P) denotes the normalized Gaussian distribu- . (14)
tion of the trajectory state xτk with mean m and covariance
P τ
lk,i /ρk,i
P. If Yk is removed from the measurement interval Y{8} , i=1
then (k ∈ / {8}) and p{xτk |Y {8} } become a state prediction However, if i = 0, then Pτk,0 = lk,0 τ = 0. These
PDF. For example, p{xτk |Y k−1 }, p{xτk |Y k+1 }, and p{xτk |Y N \k } a-priori probabilities of the detected measurements are mutu-
imply forward, backward, and smoothing predictions, ally exclusive and exhaustive, which ensures that only one
respectively [24]. measurement is a target detection. The LMIPDA modifies the
The LMIPDA track recursion starts with the hybrid state clutter measurements density being observed by a τ th track in
prediction, expressed as: the coordinates of yk,I , expressed as:
l σ Pσ
h i n o  
p χ τk , xτk |Y k−1 = P χ τk |Y k−1 p xτk |χ τk , Y k−1 . (7)  k,i k,i  ,
µk,i = ρk,i + (15)
The hybrid state prediction, with respect to the condition- σ =1 1 − Pσk,i
σ 6 =τ
ing measurement sequence, is then expressed as:
where µk,i represents the modified clutter measurements den-
sity, σ represents the neighbored tracks (other than τ ), and τn
h i n o  
p χ τk , xτk |Y {8}\k = P χ τk |Y {8}\k p xτk |χ τk , Y {8}\k , (8)
indicates the total number of tracks.
where the τ th state predicted PDF is expressed as: The LMIPDA algorithm uses (15) to update the τ th track in
τ scan k by calculating the track likelihood ratio and data asso-
p xτk |χ τk , Y {8}\k ∼= N xτk ; x̂k|{8}\k , P̂ k|{8}\k (9) ciation probabilities of the measurements yk,i , respectively
expressed as:
and the τ th state predicted target existence probability is τ
X lk,i
expressed as: λk = 1 − PD(τ ) PG(τ ) + PD(τ ) PG(τ ) (16)
n o n o
P χ τk |Y {8}\k = α1,1 P χ τ{8}\k |Y {8}\k . (10)
Each track state prediction selects the validation measure- 1 1 − PD(τ ) PG(τ ) ; i = 0
ment yk from Yk by applying the measurement selection βk,i = τ lτ (17)
λk PD(τ ) PG(τ ) µk,i ; i > 0.
condition provided in (11). If the τ th target is detected with k,i

the detection probability PD(τ ) , then the ith validated measure- Equation (16) estimates the predicted probability of the
ment yk,i is derived from a τ th target (yk,i ∈ yτk,i ). Otherwise, τ th target existence in:
it is a clutter measurement, expressed as: n o λτk P χ τk |Y {8}\k

P χ k |Y {8}
= . (18)
1 − 1 − λτk P χ τk |Y {8}\k
T  −1
Y k,i − H k x̄τk|{8}\k H k P̄ k|{8}\k H Tk + Rk
  The LMIPDA estimates the state prediction based on
× Y k,i − H k x̄τk|{8}\k ≤ δ, (11) yk,i by utilizing the Kalman filter estimation (KFE ) [24],
expressed as:
where superscript (·)T denotes the transpose and δ denotes the
τ τ
x̂τk|{8},i , P̂ k|{8},i = KFE yk,i , Rk , x̄τk|{8}\k , P̄ k|{8}\k .
h i  
maximum threshold for validation measurement selection,
which is calculated using the gating probability, PG(τ ) [1], (19)
PG(τ ) = 1 − e−0.5δ . Equation (11) builds an elliptical gate
which surrounds the cardinality of measurements yk with a Equation (17) approximates the state estimates τ th
number of selected measurements mk within the gate volume obtained in (19) using one Gaussian PDF mean and covari-
V{8}\k [1]. This is expressed as: ance, respectively expressed as:
δ d π d/2 p x̂τk|{8} τ τ
V{8}\k =   |A|, (12) = βk,i x̂k|{8},i (20a)
0 1+d 2 i≥0

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and and
mk τ τ τ τ
P̂ k|N = P̂ k|k + C τk P̄ k+1|N − P̄ k+1|k C τk , (22b)
τ τ
+ x̂τk|{8},i x̂τk|{8},i
P̂ k|{8} = βk,i P̂ k|{8},i
i≥0 τ
where x̄τk+1|k and P̄ k+1|k denote the mean and covariance
− x̂τk|{8} x̂τk|{8} .
(20b) forward state propagations at scan k + 1 conditioning on
Similarly, the LMIPDA obtains the recursive multi-track scan k, respectively. x̂τk+1|N and P̂ k+1|N denote the mean and
estimation in each scan of a smoothing interval by using (8) covariance smoothing state propagations at k + 1 condition-
to (20). ing on the scan N , respectively. C τk is the RTS filter gain at
scan k, expressed as:
 τ −1
C τk = P̂ k|k P̂ k+1|k FTk . (22c)
The forward LMIPDA (f-LMIPDA) uses feasible measure-
ment pairs from two consecutive scans (two-point differ- τ
The backward track state covariance P̄ k+1|k and mean
ence initialization) [1] to initialize a new track in the
x̄τk|k+1 are calculated using the fusion of forward and smooth-
k th scan. Each initialized track has a hybrid state and each
ing estimates in each scan k (moving backward in time),
track recursion starts with an updated state PDF x̄τk−1|k−1 ,
τ respectively expressed as:
state covariance P̄ k−1|k−1 , and initial probability of target −1  τ −1  τ −1
existence P{χ τk−1 |Y k−1 } at scan k −1. The updated track state

P̄ k|k+1 = P̂ k|N − P̂ k|k (23a)
PDF propagates from scan k − 1 to scan k to obtain the state
prediction for scan k using the Kalman Filter propagation and
equation, expressed as:
−1  τ −1
x̄τk|k+1 = P̄ k|k+1 P̂ k|N x̂τk|N − P̂ k|k x̂τk|k . (23b)
τ τ
x̄τk|k−1 , P̄ k|k−1 = KFP x̂τk−1|k−1 , P̂ k−1|k−1 , F, Q .
h i  

(21) The b-LMIPDA state propagation begins with (23) and

uses (13) - (20) with {8} = k: N to maintain and update
the backward probability of the target existence P{χ τk |Y k }
An initial target existence probability is propagated from
scan k − 1 to scan k using (10) with {8}\k = 1: k − 1. The in each scan of the interval [k, N ].
f-LMIPDA applies (10) - (21) with {8} = 1: k and {8}\k =
1: k − 1 to update the state prediction and propagate the D. RTS SMOOTHING LMIPDA (RTS-LMIPDA)
state estimate using Yk in scan k. The track update obtains its The RTS-LMIPDA algorithm exploits the information fusion
state estimate x̂τk|k , state covariance P̂ k|k , and target existence filter (IF) [11] and obtains the smoothing state prediction
probability P{χ τk |Y k } at scan k, conditioning on Yk using (20) by utilizing the fusion of the forward and backward state
and (18). The f-LMIPDA algorithm propagates the updated predictions, expressed as:
tracks in each scan k using (21), followed by (8) - (20) to h
τ τ

recursively calculate the multi-track estimation in each scan x̄τ{8}\k , P̄ k|{8}\k = IF x̄τk|k+1 , x̄τk|k−1 , P̄ k|k+1 , P̄ k|k−1 ,
k until arrival at the last scan index n of a smoothing interval. (24a)
The values of state prediction and state estimation must be
stored in each scan k required for the use of the b-LMIPDA where
−1  −1
and RTS-LMIPDA algorithms. τ τ τ

P̄ k|{8}\k = P̄ k|k+1 + P̄ k|k−1

x̄τk|{8}\k = P̄ k|{8}\k
When a forward track arrives at scan k = N (last scan  
−1 −1
τ τ

index of the smoothing interval), a backward track state PDF × P̄ k|k+1 x̄τk|k+1 + P̄ k|k−1 x̄τk|k−1 .
propagates from scan k + 1 to scan k using the validated
measurements yk selected by a corresponding forward track. (24b)
Unlike the FIsJIPDA algorithm, the backward state predic-
tions are obtained by fusing the forward and smoothing esti- The predicted smoothing existence probability at scan k
mates, followed by the RTS equations expressed in (22). First, is the conditional probability on YN \k , which indicates that
the RTS equations (22) are utilized recursively to calculate the τ th target exists either in a forward interval 1: k − 1 or
τ backward interval k + 1: N . This is expressed as:
the smoothing estimate x̂τk|N and its covariance P̂ k|N in each
scan starting from scan N − 1 and ending at the first scan k P{χ τk |Y {8}\k } = P{χ τk |Y k−1 } + P{χ τk |Y k+1 }
of the smoothing interval. Note that the smoothing estimate at
− P{χ τk |Y k−1 }P{χ τk |Y k+1 }, (25)
scan N is equal to the forward estimate at scan k, for example,
x̂τN |N = x̂τk=N |k=N . where P{χ τk |Y k+1 } = P{χ τk |Y k +} represents the backward
predicted target existence probability. The RTS-LMIPDA
x̂τk|N = x̂τk|k + Ckτ x̄τk+1|N − x̄τk+1|k
(22a) algorithm uses (24) with {8}\k = N \k in (11) to select

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S. A. Memon et al.: Rauch-Tung-Striebel Smoothing Linear Multi-Target Tracking in Clutter

the smoothing validation measurement ỹk,i from the measure-

ment set Yk . This is followed by (13) - (20) with {8} = 1:
N to calculate the smoothing state estimate x̂τk|N , its
covariance P̂ k|N , and smoothing target existence probability
P{χ τk |Y N }.
Generally, a track is tentative and therefore, it needs to be
verified with a track confirmation threshold. Each track is
confirmed when its updated TEP, expressed in (18), exceeds
a confirmation threshold and is terminated when its updated
TEP becomes lower than the initial TEP. Note that a con-
firmed track stays confirmed until its termination. It is also
possible that a confirmed track may follow the clutter. There-
fore, a confirmed track is verified by the chi-squared statisti-
cal test [1], expressed as:

x̃τk|N P −1 τ 
0|0 x̃k|N ≤ γ , (26)

where, x̃τk|N = xτk − x̂τk|N denotes the estimation error, which

is calculated by the difference of the true target state (2) and
smoothed target state (20). P0|0 denotes the covariance matrix
of the measurement noise of the target and γ denotes the
maximum threshold of the chi-squared statistical test, which
depends on the false alarm probability [1].
For the FTD verification, it is necessary to identify the
confirmed true track (CTT) and confirmed false track (CFT)
using (26). A track τ becomes a CTT if (26) is ≤20; other- FIGURE 1. Flow-chart of RTS-LMIPDA algorithm.
wise, it becomes a CFT. Furthermore, a CTT could become a
CFT due to closely located clutter and targets if (26) exceeds
the false track test threshold (≥40). The 20 and 40 threshold is initialized for each forward track and the smoothing track
values also depend on the target velocities and surveillance data (estimate and its smoothing TEP) equals the forward
region. Therefore, the chi-squared test is calculated between track data (estimate and its updated TEP) at scan k = N .
each confirmed track and each target in each scan. In the For scan k + ≥ first scan k, the RTS is exploited using (22)
multi-target situation, there could be many CTTs following for the backward prediction calculation expressed in (23).
the same target. However, there should be only one CTT This is followed by the fusion of the forward and backward
for each corresponding target. Thus, the RTS-LMIPDA algo- predictions using (24), and the RTS-LMIPDA track update
rithm exploits the auction algorithm [27], which compares the using (11) - (20). Otherwise, if k + < k, the algorithm
minimum normalized distance squared value (left-hand-side proceeds to the next interval. The procedure is repeated until
term of (26)) corresponding to the CTTs. Subsequently, only k + arrives at the end scan of the simulation run, as depicted
one CTT is selected. However, if a track τ is identified as a in Fig. 1. The RTS-LMIPDA algorithm uses the fixed interval
CFT for all targets, then it is counted as a CFT; otherwise, smoothing structure [1], that has a length of N −k + 1 scans.
it is counted as the CTT. The procedure and implantation of Figure 2 depicts first two overlapping smoothing interval
the RTS-LMIPDA algorithm is illustrated using a flow-chart, structures.
as shown in Fig. 1. Assume the current smoothing interval consisted of scans
The algorithm starts with a two-point track initialization at k = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 8, and the next interval overlapped at scan N
scan k = 2 such that each feasible measurement pair collected + 1 of the current interval, for example, k = 5, 6, 7, . . . , 12.
from consecutive scans (e.g., k = 1 and 2, k = 2 and 3, and so That is, the first four scans were discarded after RMSE
on) satisfies the maximum velocity threshold of the target [1]. and FTD statistics accumulation and four new scans were
Forward tracks are updated using (10) - (21), followed by appended in the measurement interval. In the last interval,
track termination. The TEP is utilized to measure the track the smoothing statistics were accumulated for all scans. The
quality, which determines the FTD of the algorithms. Each RTS-LMIPDA follows four step smoothing procedure:
track is terminated when its updated TEP (18) becomes lower (1) Forward track recursion starts with state PDF predic-
than the initial TEP. Tracks are determined to be merged or tion (i.e., x̄τ3|2 ) and obtains the state estimate from scan
not if they are following up the same target. If the tracks k to scan N conditioned on scan k − 1.
merge at scan k, then the termination is determined by com- (2) Smoothing and Backward tracks are simultaneously
paring their updated TEPs [1]. If the number of scans k is evaluated using (22) and (23), respectively, in each
equal to the predefined interval length N , then one backward scan starting from scan N − 1 and ending to scan k.

3012 VOLUME 10, 2022

S. A. Memon et al.: Rauch-Tung-Striebel Smoothing Linear Multi-Target Tracking in Clutter

FIGURE 3. Multi-target tracking in a cluttered environment.

TABLE 2. Initial position of target (m).

scan k = 20. The total number of sensor scans per simulation

run is 36 and the scan time T = 1 s. The average number of
clutter per scan is 51, which satisfies a Poisson distribution
FIGURE 2. Overlapping smoothing structure. with a measurement density of ρk,i = 1 × 10−4 m2 in each
scan. The target detection probability PD = 0.9 and the
target position measurement noise reflected by a sensor has a
Each backward prediction is conditioned on k|k + 1, covariance of R = 25 I2 m2 , where I2 represents the two-
(e.g., x̄τ7|8 ) and obtained using the fusion of the for- dimensional identity matrix. The target model has process
ward and smoothing estimate in each scan, except the noise with a variance, q = 0.75 m2 /s4 . The initial positions
scan N . For example, fusion of {x̂τ7|7 , x̂τ7|8 } = x̄τ7|8 . of the targets are listed in Table 2.
(3) Fuse the forward and backward predictions using (24) The simulation experiments of the algorithms are com-
to obtain the smoothing prediction in each scan, con- posed of 200 Monte Carlo runs. Each algorithm initialized
ditioning on k|N \k (e.g., x̄τ7|8\7 ). roughly 117,337 forward tracks (587 per run) with an ini-
(4) Finally, update the RTS track based on the sensor tial TEP of 0.01. Moreover, both FIsJIPDA and FIsJITS
measurement up to the first half of interval, and then algorithms initialized approximately 351,613 (1758 per run)
discard it after the statistic accumulation. Repeat step backward tracks, which consumed extra computational time
1–4 in the next interval and so on. for the estimation. These forward and backward tracks were
maintained in each scan using the state transition probabil-
IV. EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS USING SIMULATIONS ity of Markov Chain one target existence model expressed
The simulation analysis compares the estimation accu- in (1), which equals 0.97. The FIsJIPDA, FIsJITS, sJIPDA,
racy, root-mean square errors (RMSEs), FTD track qual- and sJITS algorithms consumed a great deal of processing
ity measure, and track retention of the RTS-LMIPDA, time compared to other algorithms due to the evalua-
FIsJIPDA [16], FIsJITS [17], sJIPDA [18], sJITS [19], and tion of joint data association and measurement probabili-
LMIPDA [10] algorithms. The RTS-LMIPDA algorithm is ties of cluster tracks. More specifically, FIsJITS and sJITS
designed to track six targets that are crossing near the position that belongs to the computationally expensive ITS family,
(387, 300) m and are closely moving in a two-dimensional invested 23.38 secs and 16.4 secs, respectively, per run com-
surveillance region that is 700 m wide along the x- and putation time for smoothing estimation of only six targets in
y-axes, as shown in Fig. 3. clutters. In contrast, the proposed multi-target RTS-LMIPDA
Figure 3 illustrates the RTS-LMIPDA multi-target trajec- algorithm consumed only 1.45 secs per run computation time,
tories estimated in one simulation run which clearly empha- thus the algorithm behaved as a single target tracker, similar
size the application of the RTS in the LMIPDA algorithm. to the LMIPDA at the cost of only 0.77 sec smoothing delay.
In the presence of clutter, each target moves uniformly at a It was also observed that simulation became halt when forcing
different velocity and crosses one another approximately at the FIsJITS algorithm for tracking more than six targets

VOLUME 10, 2022 3013

S. A. Memon et al.: Rauch-Tung-Striebel Smoothing Linear Multi-Target Tracking in Clutter

TABLE 3. Algorithm’s execution time per run (sec).

TABLE 4. Simulation parameters and track retention statistics.

FIGURE 4. Number of CTTs.

in clutters due to excess of available resource’s memory.

The simulation time comparison of the algorithms is shown
in Table 3.
The same smoothing interval length was used for the
rithms. Each algorithm is numerically analyzed using the
same TEP, but its confirmation threshold was tuned to get
almost the similar number of CFTs (≈25) to ensure a fair
comparison analysis. The track retention accounting follow-
ing useful statistics are accumulated before and the after
crossing of targets:
• nCases: the number of CTTs following a target at
scan 15
• nOk: the number of CTTs still pursuing the original
target at scan 30
• nSwitched: the number of CTTs that end up original FIGURE 5. RMSEs of the target’s position estimation (τ = 1, 2, 4, 6).
target but, now pursuing a different target at scan 30
• nLost: the number of nCases tracks not pursuing any
target at scan 30 (because, they became false, merged were confirmed after scan 5 and have slower growth of
or were terminated due to low TEP). confirmation rate as compared to the RTS-LMIPDA algo-
The track retention statistics of each algorithm are accumu- rithm. Similarly, sJIPDA confirms its track in scan 5 but
lated from 200 simulation runs listed in Table 4. The RTS- occasionally tracks the corresponding target and eventually
LMIPDA provides highest nOk, and lowest nSwitched and missed the target due to nSwitched and nLost statistics.
nLost as compared with exiting algorithms. In both FIsJIPDA and sJIPDA algorithms, their CTTs were
The number of CTTs corresponding to all targets is often distracted due to the association of the shared target
shown in Fig. 4. The proposed RTS-LMIPDA algorithm measurements observed in scans k = 16–25. Because,
confirmed the potential target immediately after its track in these scans, the targets are closely moving in clutters. Thus,
initialization in scan k = 3 and maintained to track the the number of CTTs for the FIsJIPDA and sJIPDA algorithms
potential target. Thus, the RTS-LMIPDA algorithm obtains drops nearly 25% of the total number of CTTs as depicted
the highest number of CTTs compared to existing algo- in Fig. 4. Thus, the joint data association based smoothing
rithms. Only a few of the CTTs were dropped by the methods [16]–[19] were not proved to be advantageous for
RTS-LMIPDA due to the cross-section of the targets in tracking a large number of targets in a cluttered environ-
scan k = 20. ment mainly due to excessive processing time compared to
In the FIsJIPDA, FIsJITS, sJIPDA, and sJITS algorithms, other algorithms (Table 3) and the regular distraction of the
the joint data association probabilities were evaluated only for confirmed tracks due to the sharing of the joint measure-
the confirmed tracks to avoid using an excessive amount of ments. Thus, the RTS-LMIPDA algorithm provides improved
computational resources. Both FIsJITS and sJITS performed estimation accuracy and FTD as compared to existing
well against FIsJIPDA and sJIPDA. However, their tracks smoothing algorithms as well as LMIPDA. The RMSEs of

3014 VOLUME 10, 2022

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[24] F. Farahi and H. S. Yazdi, ‘‘Probabilistic Kalman filter for moving MIN-SEUK PARK received the Ph.D. degree in
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Art. no. 115751. Seoul National University, Republic of Korea,
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underwater acoustic sound source.

SUFYAN ALI MEMON received the Ph.D. degree

in electronic systems engineering from Hanyang
University, Republic of Korea, in 2016. He has
been working as an Assistant Professor with
Sejong University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, since
March 2021. His research interests include the
tracking, estimation, guidance, and navigation and
MUHAMMAD ATTIQUE received the bachelor’s
degree in information and communication systems
WAN-GU KIM received the M.S. and Ph.D. engineering from the National University of Sci-
degrees in physics from Sungkyunkwan ences and Technology, Pakistan, in 2008, and the
University, Republic of Korea, in 2011 and 2019, Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering
respectively. He has been working as an Assistant from Ajou University, South Korea, in 2017. He is
Professor with Sejong University, Seoul, Republic currently working as an Assistant Professor with
of Korea, since March 2021. His research interests the Department of Software, Sejong University,
include signal processing and transmission line South Korea. His research interests include big
modeling for target detection. data analysis, social network analysis, information
retrieval, spatial data management, and the Internet of Things.

3016 VOLUME 10, 2022

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