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Attacking choices
Three-part session to help your players to develop their
decision-making skills in forward areas. By CARL WILD.

WHY USE IT Add a third start position for

each team, between server
By progressing to a 2v2, and the end of the area the
the amount of decision team is defending
making for players will
increase. It also gives them
an understanding of how the
movement of team-mates can
support the player on the ball.

Use same set-up as before
but with three separate start
positions - the third is for
a second attacker and is
situated between the server
and the end of the area the
team is defending. Game is now a 2v2, with two
attackers entering the pitch
HOW TO PLAY each time instead of just one
This 2v2 practice is played
the same way as the previous
one, except two attackers
enter the pitch each time
rather than just one. To make
it simpler, it is recommended
that players stay in their role
as servers for a set amount
of time. This allows the other
players to start as attackers,
before becoming defenders
and then rejoining the line to
enter as attackers again.

COACHING POINTS Here, the Blue attacker dribbles

past the Red defender. Players
Receiving player must must consider opponents’
still consider defenders’ positioning and movement
positioning and movement,
and try to shift their body
weight via touches of the ball
and feints, while also looking
to identify a chance to exploit
space. They now also need
to consider whether they
should keep the ball or pass
to their partner, while their
partner must make runs that
will either allow them to be
in a position to receive in an
effective position, or create
space for their partner.

Player movement Ball movement Run with ball Shot Vol 2, issue 91 SOCCER COACH 6


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