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MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ‘Aionomous) (SOAEC- 27001 - 2013 Certified) i ‘SUMMER - 2022 EXAMINATION uaject Name: Mobile Application Development Model Answer Subject Code 29617 sraminers: ey the answers should be examines by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer scheme. 2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try te assess the understanding level of the candidate. 3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not applicable for subject English and Communication Skills. 2) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The figures ‘gw by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn 5} Crecits may be giver steo wise for numerical problems. in some cases, the assumed constant values may vary and ‘there sons ho candidate's answers ang {6} in case of some questions creait may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based on idate’s understanding 7) For grogremming language paners, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept. 8} As ser the oulicy Gecision of Maharasnira State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual (English + Marathi} medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year 2021-2022. Hence if the students in first year {frst and second semesters) write answers in Marathi or bilingual language (English +Marathi}, the Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer based on matching of concepts with model answer. Answer Marking Scheme is Android programs contain many of the generated code statements from IDE, while assessing such answers correct logical steps taken to obtain the required output can be considered. "Attempt any FIVE of the following: List any four features of Android operating system, Features of Android Operating System Storage | 2Multitasking 3)Web Browser 4)Opea Sour S¥Aceessisiaty 6)Megia Suppor ! 7)S:teamng Media Support | | 8)Voige Based Features | 9)Multitouch Lyextemai Storage | 3 Xivagle cloud Mesa 14) WiF: Direct Virtual 2M Page No: 1 | 39 MAHARASHTRA STATE (Autonomous) + QsonKe - 27001 - 2013 Certified) (Correct Ame] Dalvik Virtual Machine is a register-b -d machine that pu ae code and that ensures that a device can run multiple instances efHic¥ ly. BN aay 2M ) List any four folders from directory structure ‘of Android project and ‘elaborate in one st of ‘Ans | Folders trom directory structure ue Ps Tapp: The App folder contains three subfolders (manifests, java and res) that make up | names of any our application four folders They are divided so that it should be fairly easy to determine which resources go 1 which | 1 M and folder elaboration 2)Manifest: This 1s where we would put our manifest files. Most Android apps have | in one line single manifest file, But an app may have several manifest files due to application | -) y4y versioning, or for supporting specific hardware 3)Java’ This is the folder in our project where we will be storing all of the source code files written in Java programming language. 4)res: I contains folders that help us to separate and sort the resources of our application Resources | basically mean all the needed files except the source code '5)drawable: The drawable folder contains graphics that can be drawn to the screen | G)layout: The layout folder contains XML. files used for your layouts. These file are used | to set up the layout for your Activity and is used for basic alignment of your layouts components, widgets, and similar | resources that are used for the UI of your application | 7)mipmap . The mipmap folder contains the launcher icon files for the app. A launcher icon is a graphic that | represents your app to users S)values: The values folder contains XML. files that contain simple values, such as | | strings, integers, and colors. | The values folder is used to keep track of the values we will be using in our application | o List any four attributes of check box. es ow Aes hd 7 ee | artes | Cay Tow \ Sgrviy atribuie % | ' | Aitext M for each) | Sitext color | Ontext size Text style | Bibackground MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ‘vtonomoun (ISOMEC - 27001-2013 Certified) | ac re ee 1 ’ User nev gates 9 he act onRiesume() ‘The actuty stir ahng or peng aestioyar ty re sister + ondest oy) ’ ‘Activity shutdown QM for correct diagram) se syntax to display built in zoom control. 2M 4) Built in Zoom control in Google map can be displayed with UiSettings setZoomControlsEnabled(true), oR ) Incase. while display Google map by intent, default zoom level can be given in the form of data as _ Beotatitude-Jongitude?z=z0om re lat and Ja are for location and zoom level is o set initial zoom level which Correct Syntax: 2 M) Page No: 3 | 39 | STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL n TECHNICAL EDUCATION |(ISOMEC- 27001-2013 Certified) ;, ZoomControl can be displayed as component by following on = (ZoomControls) find ViewByld{R. id simpleZoomControl) show) ‘ d to play audio and video in Android. MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ‘Autonome ASOMEC- 27001 = 2013 Cersifed) APPLICATION FRAMEWORK a] ‘UBRARIES: | ANDROID RUNTIME | seminge J[ asics |__|! (crimes | Opencucs || Feetie [ webu | = - I] LINUX KERNEL A. Applicati + The top layer of android architecture is Applications. The native and thind party appivcations like Contacts, mail, Music, Gallery, Clock. Games. ete whatever we will build those will be installed on this layer only Location manager + The application layer runs within the Android run time using the classes and services | | Made availabe from the application flamework | 2 Application Framework: i ‘The Application Framework provides the classes used to create an Android application also provides a generic abstraction for hardware aeceys and manages the user terface Page No: 5 | 39 MAIARASHTTRA STATE BOARD OF TEC INICAL EDUCATION RA STATE, CUNT ") 001 = 2013 Certified) isk “and application resources on « tt basically provides the services through which we can create the particular class ‘rake that class helpful for the Applications creation rvice, location services. icati ark includes services like telephony se Sr NC can use for application otifation, manager, NFC serviee, view system, ete. which we development as per our requirements 3. Android Runtime: | «Android Runtime environment is an important part of Android rather than 9n internal part and it contains a components like core libraries and the Dalvik virtual machine «The Android run time is the engine that powers our applications along with the libraries ‘and it forms the basis for the application framework (i) Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) 1s a register-based virtual machine like Java Virtual | Machine (JVM). Itis specially designed and optimized for android to ensure that a device can run multiple instances efficiently It relies on the Linux kemel for threading and low-level memory ‘management. {ii) The core libraries in android runtime will enable us to implement an android applications using standard JAVA programming language. 4, Platform Libraries: + The Platform Libraries includes various C/C++ core libraries and Java based libraries. such as SSL, libe. Graphics. SQLite, Webkit, Media. Surface provide a support for android development Manger, OpenGl. ete to + Following are the summary details of some core android libraries available for android | development. + Media library for playing and recording an audio and video formats (1) The Surface manager library to provide a display management | SOL and OpenGL. Graphics libraries for 2D and 3D graphics (11) SQLite i for database support and FreeType for font support | (av) Web-Kit for web browser s ¢ owser support and SSL for Internet security MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION (Autonome) MISOMEC-27001 2013 Certified) + Linux Kemel is a bottom layer and heart of the android architecture. is heart of Android architecture that exists at the root of android architecture and contains all the low-level device drivers for the various hardware components of an Android device. inux Kemel is responsible fro device drivers, power management, memory management, device management and resource access. It manage all the drivers such as display drivers, camera drivers, Bluetooth drivers, audio drivers, memory drivers, etc. which are mainly required for the android device during the runtime. + The Linux Kemel will provides an abstraction layer between the device hardware and the remainder of the stack It is responsible for memory management ‘management, device management, resource access, ete | eal power b) Differentiate between DVM and JVM. 4M | a ‘Any 4 points | of | [DWM QDaivik Virtwat Machine) JVM Vava Virtual Machine) tems It is Register based which 1s designed to run | It 1s Stack based | 1 M each | | DVM uses its own byte code and runs the | JVM uses java byte code and runs | | “Dex” file, From Android 2.2 SDK Dalvik class” file having JIT (Just In Time). | [has got a Just in Time compiler = = | [DVM has been designed so that a device A single instance of JVM is shared | | can run multiple instances of the VM Se etiiplc epplications | efficiently. Applications are given their own. | instance 1 supporis the Android operating uppor’s muluple operating monly ___| ystems ee j There 1s a constant pool for every | It has a constant pool for every class. | application ai | | | [Here the executable is APR [Here the executable 1s JAR | | \ ioe Ut and elaborate steps to deploy an Android application on Google play aM store. Jans | Steps to deplay and Android Application on Google Play Store (List 1M and | Step 1. Make a Developer Account | Elaboration 3 ' Step 2, Planto Sell? Link Your Merchant Account i) ep 3 Create an App | “Step 4 Prepare Store Listing | Page No:7| 39 MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATIgN aoe - some cote ee PK to an App Rel Ser proce an appropri Cote! Rating — ' i St ‘Set Up Pricing & Distribution Step &: Rollout Release to Publish Your App Account Step 1: Create a Developer es es Bes ublish any app on Google Play, you need to create a Developer Account ae ey cignup for one using you existing Google Account. You'll nec to pay a one-time registration fee of $25 using your intemmational credit or debit card. It can take up to 48 hours for your registration to be fully processed Step 2: Plan to Sell? Link Your Merchant Account If you want to publish a paid app or plan to sell in-app purchases, you need to ereate a | payments center profile, i. amerchant account. A merchant account will let you manage your app sales and monthly payouts, as well as analyze your sales reports right in your Play Console, Step 3: Create an App Now you have ereate an application by clicking on ‘Create Application’. He to select your app’s default language from the drop-down menu and then type in a title | for your app. The title of your app will show on Google Play after you've published Step 4: Prepare Store Listing Before you can publish your app, you need to prepare its store listing, These are all the details that will show up to customers on your app’s listing on Google Play. You not necessarily complete it at once , you can always save a draft and revisit it later when ‘you're ready to publish. | The information required for your store listing is divided into several categories such as Product Details containing tile, short and full description of the app. Your app’s title and description should be written with a great user experience in mind. Use the right Keywords, but don’t overdo it. Make sure your app doesn’t come across as spam- promotional, or it will risk getting suspended on the Play Store. | Graphic Assets where you can add screenshots, im: . videos, promotional graphics, | and icons that showease your app’s features and functionality \ Languages & Translations, Categorization where Your app belong to. Contact Details , Privacy Policy for apps that request access 10 | sensitive user data or permissions, you need to | effectively discloses how your app collects. use: in category can be selected to which enter @ comprehensive privacy policy that | ', and shares that data Step 5: Upload APK to an App Release Finally upload your a K fil |r Your app. by uploading APK file | Grate an app release You need to select the ype ] 82 version to. You can choose between an internal Broduetion release The first three releases allow Before you upload APK, you need to | release you went 10 upload your first | test. a closed test, an open test, and a ‘you to test out your app among a select | Page Nai MAIARASIETRA STATE MDAKD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, canenoes cd casonec S00 208 Cera Guup of wers before you make i golive for everyone to access T ‘This 1s a safer option because you can analyze the test results and optimize or fix your | app accordingly if you need to before rolling it out to all users ‘Once you create a production release, your uploaded app version will become accessible to everyone in the countries you choose to distribute it in and click on “Create release * Step 6: Provide an Appropriate Content Rating If you don’t assign a rating to your app. it will be listed as ‘Unrated’. Apps that are Unrated" may get removed from Google Play To rate your app, you need to fill out a content rating questionnaire An appropriate content rating will also help you get to the right audience, which will eventually improve your engagement rates Step 7: Set Up Pricing & Distribution Before you can fill out the details required in this step. you need to determine your app’s monetization strategy Once you know how your app 1s going to make money, you can go ahead and set up your app as free or paid ‘You can always change your app from paid to free later, but you cannot change a free app to paid. For that, you'll need to create a new app and set its price Step 8: Rollout Release to Publish Your App | The final step involves reviewing and rolling out your release after making sure you've | taken care of everything else | Before you review and rollout your release, make sure the sto content rat j and pricing and distribution sections of your app each have a green check mark next to | them | Once you're sure about the correctness of the details, select your app and navigate “Release management’ ~ “App releases.” You can always opt for reviews by clicking on | Review” te be iwhen to the ‘Review and rollout release” sereen. Here, you can see if there { are any issues or warnings you might have missed out on | Finally, select ‘Confirm rollout.” This will also publish your app to all users in your ‘a istin | countries on Google Play Describe with example, how to create a simple database in SQLite (Assume | suitable data), | (Note : Any other method such as creating subclass of SQLiteOpenttelper class and overriding and using required methods with relevant example can also be | considered) Yee, « This procedure is by openOrCreateDatabase() {1 The package imported into the application 1s androtd database sqlite SQLiteDatahase 12 Here the class used 1s SQLneDatabase }3 The methad tised to create the datahase or connect to the database 1s, | SpekaeCteateDatabse() method | Program: ae hil version =" 10° encoding="utt-8** + SEtelatvel ayout amine andrond-"hitp schemas android com/aphites/android” aM Description T MIM tor XML file 2 Mtor Java Filey “ [MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION TT (Autonome (SOMEC- 27001-2013 Certined) ‘xmins:tools="http //schemas android com/tools™ android layout_width="match_parent" android layout_height="match_parent” tools context=" MainActivity">

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