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A variety of 30-45 minute sessions You will need some time (allow 15 minutes) to explain the Homework, including

how to do a 2-column Response Journal. Before that, you will need to do an additional activity. You could do a Poetry Play/Text Rendering, like we did with Green Chile. But there are also some more structured activties you could do, and Ill list some suggestions: I) If you want to follow up on the social aspects of Liaoling: Use Figueroa, The GAP and Pinsky, Shirt Read Figueroa aloud (a different student for each paragraph). (3 min) Then, time to read Figueroa silently (2 min) Ask students to call out important sentences, and everyone underlines them. (3 min) Each student picks one of the sentences, and Believes and Doubts it (2 FFW, 5 min each, 10 min total) Read-around, in which each student picks the FFW they think is most convincing. (8 min) Then, a Read-around with Shirt. (3 min) Ask students to check each others shirt labels, and say where their shirt was made (2 min); could have them write in response to that as well Total time: 30-35 minutes II) If you want to do Believing an Doubting with a different poem: Use Peter Filkins, Lessons Have three students read the poem aloud, one student per section (2 min) Have three different students do that step again. (2 min) Do a read-around, where students read random lines from the poem. (3 min) Tell the students: Note the phrase Meeting Intellectual and Political Challenges FFW: This poem is NOT about Meeting Intellectual and Political Challenges (5 min) Now, identify some rhyming pairs at the end of lines (rose/froze, etc.) FFW: This poem is about (a rhyming pair of each students choice) (5 min) FFW: This poem IS about Meeting Intellectual and Political Challenges (5 min) Each student shares one of the three FFWs. (7 min) Point out that the first and third constitute a Believing and Doubting pair. (1 min) Optional: Process how Believing and Doubting is a useful activity. (5 min) Total Time: 30-35 minutes III) If you want to do something with a graphic image: Use Alison Bechdel, graphic FFW: Take a good look at the picture and write descriptively: what is going on here? (5 min) Share a few FFWs (3 min)

Pick a student to name the first character, and go around roomeach person naming the next character. Write the names as captions in the book. (5 min) On a clean, torn-out sheet of paper, impersonate the first character and tell a secret to the second character. (5 min) Pass papers to the right. Instructor time the passes60 sec per pass. Respond as the next character in line, taking account of both the visual cues and the conversation that has occurred thus far. Tell the students they should keep the conversation coherent and making sense. Keep going until you get your own secret back. (15 min) Read around all of the pieces. (15 min) Total Time: 45-50 minutes IV) If you want to play with a very long poem: Use Sanabria, Las aeious Read around, having each student read several lines. (8 min) FFW: A line I like is (5 min) FFW: A line that puzzles me is (5 min) Pass notebooks, have each respond to the other students puzzling line FFW (5 min) Read-around, in which each student shares one of their FFWs. They read the line, then the FFW. IF a student pick the FFW about being puzzled, their respondent also then reads their response to it. (12 min) Then, do poetry play with sections of the poemhave student read the lines they like, then the lines that puzzle them, then random words, then whatever strikes you (10 min) Total Time: 40-45 minutes

AND to fill small gaps of time: If you have 1 minutes: Have someone read a short poem (such as Oates, Lorde, Warren, Kasdorf, Kincaid) If you have 2 minutes: Read-around a full-page poem (such as Chin, Simone, Hughes, Giovanni, Lourie, Baca) If you have 5 minutes: Read-around a two-page piece (such as Cisneros Eleven, Alexie, Rodriguez, or Jones; Leroi Jones is Amiri Baraka, from Newark) If you have 7-12 minutes: Pick from those above, and do a FFW on a striking line, and share all or a few of them.

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