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solarhybrid builds Europes largest solar power plant

Expansion of the FinowTower solar park in Finowfurt in the German state of Brandenburg total capacity: 84.5 megawatts
Hamburg, Frankfurt am Main, Brilon, Markranstdt, 1 September 2011 Working as a general contractor, solarhybrid AG is beginning the expansion of the FinowTower solar park on the site of the former military airfield in Eberswalde/Finowfurt in the municipality of Schorfheide. The expansion will add 60.2 megawatts to the existing park, increasing the power plants total capacity to 84.5 megawatts. As a result, FinowTower will become the largest solar power plant in Europe, covering a total area of 260 football fields. The FinowTower II expansion has a total contract value for solarhybrid of approx. 111.5 million euros. Deutscher Solarfonds Stabilitt 2010 GmbH & Co. KG which was founded by Altira Renewables Management GmbH is solarhybrids client in the project, investor and the plants operator. Commerzbank AG is providing the external financing.

Administration and Purchasing solarhybrid AG Keffelker Str. 14 59929 Brilon, Germany

PV Project Business solarhybrid AG Zirkusweg 2 20359 Hamburg, Germany

solar hybrid capital management gmbh OpernTurm 60306 Frankfurt, Germany

Project development by solarhybrid solarhybrid developed the entire utility-scale project by itself, from the first idea to readying construction and acquiring the necessary building permits, including the financing and structuring. This expansion follows the successful completion of the first stage of construction, FinowTower I. The expansion was made possible through the purchase of the property from WVZ Wirtschafts-Verkehrs-Zentrum Finow GmbH & Co. KG under the direction of Reinhard Otto, who played a crucial role in the projects development. During the past ten months, solarhybrid worked closely with the municipality of Schorfheide to prepare the main construction plans needed to acquire the right to build and, as a result, the necessary permits. In this context, Mayor Uwe Schoknecht was a firm supporter of the project. The office of Drner + Partner in Eberswalde served as the planning agency during the construction planning process, as it did during the first stage of construction. The company carried out its duties under the direction of Uwe Kleber, who also oversaw the construction application process. solarhybrid would like to thank all the employees involved in the project at the district of Barnims respective government agencies for their expedient work.

Planning, installation, systems technology solarhybrids proven partners from prior utility-scale projects are also involved in the construction of FinowTower II namely, photovoltaic modules from Suntech, inverters from SMA, mounting technology from Mounting Systems, and installation and planning carried out by Conecon and Enerparc, respectively. The foundation was created using 60,000 piles that were driven up to three meters deep into the earth. The lions share of the driven piles are being delivered from around the region by

press release

WWF Solar in Eberswalde. The piles have a length between 2.20 and 3.50 metres, depending on the condition of the soil, and cover a total distance of 171 kilometres when placed end to end. As with FinowTower I, photovoltaic modules from Suntech are once again being used for FinowTower II. 317,214 Suntech STP 190 solar modules will be installed on whats known in the industry as module tables, which are being supplied by the Berlin-based company Mounting Systems. The PV modules will be installed at a slant, with four overlapping rows of nine modules next to each other. As a result, one module table from Mounting Systems Sigma series can hold 36 PV modules. A total of 8,810 module tables, each 14.5 meters long, will be installed. Walking the total length of the module tables, which together are 128 kilometres long, would be like completing three full marathons. While in the FinowTower I plant, central inverters from SMA were installed in concrete compact stations, central inverters from SMAs new outdoor generation, namely the Sunny Central 630 and 720 CP models, will be used in FinowTower II.

The region and the environment will see a lasting benefit solarhybrid plans to connect the FinowTower II solar park to the E.ON edis grid by the end of December. In order to achieve this goal, up to 400 employees will be on-site to ensure that construction proceeds at a rapid pace. This also includes numerous employees from the region. In addition, a number of regional companies are also involved in the large-scale project: the planning office Drner + Partner, the surveyors office Khne, FGGK for ordnance disposal, demolition work, and site preparation (which cleared the site of 30 tonnes of ordnance), and the suppliers Mounting Systems and WWF. In addition, the municipality of Schorfheide can count on receiving substantial corporate tax revenues over the next 20 years. The FinowTower I + II solar power plants are expected to generate 82 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity annually, enough to cover the demand from 23,500 households. With a reduction in harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) of 1,550,000 tonnes over its 20-year lifespan, FinowTower plays an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and expanding the use of renewable energies. As part of the FinowTower II construction process, compensatory measures required by conservation law with a value of close to three million euros will also be carried out. These measures include unsealing a similarly large area of earth (i.e. removing structures covering the earth for the purpose of maintaining the overall level of the water table), the initial forestation of approx. five hectares of forest, and the creation of 58 hectares of dry field area and approx. 9 hectares of larch forest (as well as tending to these areas over a period of 20 years). In addition, the substation which must be built and the power lines connecting the plant to the high-voltage power grid have been integrated into the forest to maintain the landscapes overall natural appearance. The entire construction process will be documented by four time-lapse cameras. Images from the cameras will be streamed live on solarhybrids website ( after construction begins.

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Project data Project developer, general contractor: Client and investor, Stabilitt 2010 operator: External financing: Total contract value for solarhybrid AG: Total project value: Grid operator: Total capacity FinowTower I: Total capacity FinowTower II: Total capacity FinowTower I + II: Annual output FinowTower I: Annual output FinowTower II: Annual output FinowTower I + II: Reduction in CO2 emissions FinowTower I: Reduction in CO2 emissions FinowTower II: solarhybrid AG Altira AG through Deutscher Solarfonds GmbH & Co. KG Commerzbank AG approx. 111.5 million (net) approx. 120 million (net) E.ON edis AG 24.3 MW 60.2 MW 84.5 MW 23.5 million KWh/a 58.5 million KWh/a 82 million KWh/a 450,000 tons over 20-year lifespan 1,100,000 tons over 20-year lifespan

Reduction in CO2 emissions FinowTower I + II: 1,550,000 tons over 20-year lifespan Planning: Installation: PV modules: Central inverters: Mounting technology: Driven piles FinowTower II: Site size: Finow II: Enerparc AG Conecon GmbH Suntech Power International Ltd., 317,214 Suntech STP 190 modules SMA Solar Technology AG, 73 Sunny Central 630 and 720 CP inverters Mounting Systems GmbH, 8,810 Sigma series module tables WWF Solar GmbH und Kaefer GmbH, 60,000 piles in total 210 hectares, 130 hectares of which are developed, Finow I + II: 280 hectares, 185 hectares of which are developed, remaining area: biotope and ecological compensation area Converted military site FGGK GmbH 16244 Schorfheide, Finowfurt district September 2011 to December 2011

Property type: Site clearing: Location: Construction period:

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FinowTower I FinowTower II

Overview FinowTower I + FinowTower II

This press release can also be downloaded with images from the press section of our website About solarhybrid solarhybrid AG develops, plans, and builds turnkey solar power plants up to a capacity in the three-digit megawatt range all over the world. In this context, the company offers comprehensive technical and financial solutions for such power plants. Project financing, structuring and marketing are all carried out by solarhybrid capital management GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of solarhybrid AG. A list of references with a total capacity of 295 megawatts (both completed and commissioned projects) is proof of the companys expertise in technical, organisational and financial project management. The company is operated from its locations in Hamburg, Frankfurt am Main and Brilon. The companys stock is traded on the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

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