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Unit Seven

Choose the correct answer: Vocabulary

1. ………… young men can solve the problems they face in their daily lives.
a. Independent b. Dependent c. Unreliable d. Inefficient
2. Rami might ………. to get used to life in London since this is the first time he leaves his
a. trouble b. struggle c. hit d. hide
3. Many people believe that ……………. is a key to success.
a. confirmation b. presentation c. relation d. determination
4. My teacher is keen on giving us a lot of ……………. to motivate us to succeed.
a. disappointment b. replacement c. encouragement d. discouragement
5. My mother is going to …………. my young sister up from school today.
a. pick b. stand c. sit d. leave
6. What do you think of the conference?
- ……………. , it is the most important conference I have ever attended.
a. Not at all b. All in all c. All but me d. All at once
7. That traitor was finally arrested and given severe punishment. Traitor is similar in
meaning to ………… .
a. distributor b. receiver c. conspirator d. believer
8. Grown-ups sometimes …………….. to talk to younger children face to face.
a. kneel b. heal c. hit d. fit
9. I trusted him so much, but he …………….me and stole my money.
a. refused b. amused c. received d. deceived
10. What a wise man! He has a lot of ……………. in different situations in life.
a. expenses b. exercises c. experiences d. experiments
11………..and hard work led the businessman from poverty to success and wealth.
a) Affectation b) Determination c) Deterioration d) Condensation
12.Students practice a lot of ………………………at schools to improve their skills.
a) entertainment b) labour c) trainings d) activities
13. The new student was desperately …………….at school as he had no friends.
a) friendly b) lonely c) fatherly d) lovely
14.For a holiday …………. you need a valid passport and a visa from the destination
a) broad b. board c.abroad d) aboard
15. We ……………….. students when we make noise while they are studying.
a. distract b) dispense c. respect d. distress
16.Alex has new fine modern ……….for all ships that helps the local economy.
a. store b) airport c. warehouse d. harbour
17. Good teachers should balance between punishment and positive…………..
a) allowance b. encouragement c. reflection d) detest
18. A lot of students are full of ………….to achieve their goals.
a) consumption b) conservation c) appliance d) determination
19. Parents should help their children to become more………… when they make their own
a) independent b) hateful c) depressed d) stressed
20. Parents always …………….. their childen up when they finish their school day.
a) pack b) get c) pick d)grow
21.At the summer camps, teachers should encourage students to take part in several
a) inventions b) labour c) activities d) experiences
22.Mohamed Salah should show succeed to be the best footballer in
the world.
a) appearance b) determination c) avoidance d) facilitation
23. Everyone needs............from their families firstly to fight for their success.
a) discouragement b) persistence c) collision d) encouragement
24. Some youth want to be……………so they leave their families to work in other cities or
a)dependent b) nosy c) independent d) facilitated
25. The survivors were fishing boats from nearby villages.
a) up b) on c) away d) for
26. It's difficult to .....used to living in a big city after living in the country.
a) grow b) get c)fall d)turn
27. Tour companies provide ……………..and food for their clients during their holidays.
a) concentration b) intention c) accommodation d) position
28. When we buy a new set, we have to ask for the guarantee keep our right to
change it if it is broken.
a) degree b) research c) essay d)certificate
29. When students finish their studies in univesities , they get their…………
a) medals b) degrees c) scales d) researches
30. It's………………that the weather in winter is very cold.
a) normal b) standard c) abnormal d) strange
31. the scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals.
a) History b) geology c) Biology d) Mathematics
32.Tourists like ..........the cities they visit to enjoy themselves.
a) exploring b) inventing c) discovering d) devising
33.As I was going home, I came across a little the street.
a) sleep b) sleeping c) slept d) sleeps
34. A lot of African countries have suffered from………….that caused a lot of creatures to die
a) draught b) current c) drought d) flood
35.The …………crisis of food shortage causes a lot of deaths among children.
a) drought b)flood c) currant d) current
36. The hotel' situation is not good after the corona crisis.
a) current b) past c}luxurious d) social
37.The collection includes.......from the works of several well-known authors.
a) shapes b) extracts c) formulas d) recipes
37.Students feel…….when they leave their families to live in cities where they study..
a) patient b) reflected c) lonely d)aspected
38. The........was changing the sheets when we got back to our hotel room.
a) boss b) coach c) guard d) maid
39. Big newspapers ……………..articles for great writers and authors to increase sales.
a) hide b) devise c) publish d) forge
40.In armies, messages are written in a/an........code that only soldiers can read.
a) educated b) secret c) obvious d) literate
41. The teacher gave each group in the class a......topic to talk about.
a) specific b) vague c) search d) product
42.Youth prefer working in ………….jobs during the summer holiday to get some money for
their studies.
a) permanent b) constant c) temporary d) high
43. I can't ………………………..due to that high noise , please stop it.
a) duplicate b) replicate c) investigate d) concentrate
44. Both clocks are still in good working...............although they are old.
a) force b) form c) condition d) direction
45. Nowadays, youth………………to get jobs as the percentage of unemployment is high.
a) struggle b) relax c) relieve d) dispense
46.. The synonym of the verb "imagine" is.........
a) fancy b) explain c) accept d) apply
47.While tidying the room, my mother came......some old photographs in a drawer.
a) for b) up c) across d) about
48.Changing the name of the company will only lead to...................

a) confuse b) confusion c) confusable d) confused
49.After his ship sank, the sailor was left……..his own, with no help from anyone.
a) at b) on c)for d) with
50.Our team struggled to win the fight but failed. The antonym of the verb" struggle" is.......
a) suffer b) surrender c) fight d) gain
51.The young writer wrote a/an........story about life on the planet Mars.
a) imagine b) imagination c) imagined d) imaginative
52. Out team were …………of winning the final match but the refree was biased so we lost it.
a) secret b)confident c) applied d) replied
53.My sister is taking a/ English to work in a bank..
a) coarse b) exercise c) course d) experience
54. The rainforests are full of ………………..of different species.
a) officers b) clerks c) experiments d) creatures
55. The plane was badly damaged during the...........from Japan to America.
a)voyage b) flight c)Picnic d) expedition
57. On long train journeys , people prefer ………………together to get over boredom..
a) conversation b) discussion c) chatting d) research
58 The ship reached the shore after a long and dangerous.........
a) voyage b) flight c) picnic d) expedition
59. My cousin writes her thoughts down in her personal.........every night.
a) essay b) article c) dairy d) diary
60. Our English teacher speaks with an English……… he lived in England a long time.
a) accent b) language c) note d) sign
61.My uncle's factory produces clothing, shoes and other leather goods for…….......
and overseas markets.
a) cattle b) awful c) local d) prey
62. Students need to learn how to..........their work well to get the best results.
a) puzzle b) perplex c) waste d) organise
63. Nowadays, most people use text...............instead of calling other people to save money.
a) massages b)passages c) messags d) messengers
64.We should ...........the essay's main idea in the final paragraph.
a) damage b) summarize c) cut d) puzzle
65.We should respect order to be tolerant.
a) cultures b) economies c) fights d) disputes
66. A security officer's duties........greeting visitors and directing them to the appropriate
a) consist b) contain c) include d) enclose
67.Famous people often ...........what their parents, friends, and fans have done for them .
a) reminded b) mentioned c) recommended d) expected
68……………cause a lot of damages and losses to a lot of countires. They often ask for help.
a) Air b) Drought c) Breeze d) Storm
69. Many games were cancelled because of last week s bad……………...
a) climate b) weather c) atmosphere d) warming
70.The conference will begin with a leading industry company manager to show
the new trends.
a) decision b) revolution c) presentation d) deviation
71.We suffered much at the company last year, but all.......all it had been a success.
a) at b) in c) for d) off
72. My little hard to speak English fluently although he has been doing
a lot of cources.
a) finds b) takes c)gets d) devices
73. I like my colleague at the office because his ideas are quite similar………...mine.
a) in b) of c) in d) to
74. The visit to Aswan was really amazing. The antonym of the adjective "amazing" is.......
a) ordinary b) fantastic c) puzzled d) accepted
75. The synonym of the verb "organise is.............................
a) explain b) waste c) damage d)arrange

Choose the correct answer
1. My school ( is stating – starts – has been starting – start ) at 8 o'clock a.m.
2. I can't meet you this afternoon. I (am doing – do – have done – may do) the shopping.
3. We can't use classroom five tomorrow because they..................... the walls.
a) paint b) will have painted c) are painting d) will paint
4. It's arranged. We (will go – go – are going – may go) to the Red Sea this summer.
5. I can’t see you later this evening. I................. my homework.
a) did b) will do c) ’m doing d) was doing
6. Ahmed.............squash at the moment. He is practising for a competition.
a)plays b) is playing c) will play d) has played
7. uncle next week. I've arranged it.
a) visiting b) will visit c) am visiting d) visit
8. We............dinner at seven o'clock today.
a) are having b) have c) have had d) had had
9.My plane (is leaving – shall leave – leave – leaves) at 10 o'clock tomorrow.
10.I expect that he (wins – will win – is going to win – is winning) the match.
11.She (is flying – flies – fly – would fly) to Spain next Monday. Everything is arranged.
12.Somebody is knocking on the door. I (am going – will go – have gone – go) and open it.
13.Don’t pick up the phone. I (answer-am answering-will answer-am going to answer) it
14.What are your plans for tomorrow? – I (am going to play – play – have played –
shouldn't play) tennis with a friend.
15.Watch out! You (are dropping – drop – are going to drop – would drop) the glasses.
16.After I have studied, I ( am going to watch - will watch – watch - am watching ) TV.
17.We won’t start the meeting until you (arrive - had arrived - will arrive – arrives ) .
18.He (’s traveling –travels -'d travel -'ll travel) to Aswan tomorrow. He’s got his ticket
19. There a bus .................... at exactly ten o'clock!
a) leaves b) is going to leave c) leaving d) will leave
20.A lot of people are waiting for the museum to open. It.................... busy there today!
a) is being b) was c) is going to be d) has been
21.It is very hot in the house. I .................... on the air conditioner.
a) am turning b) turn c) will turn d) am going to turn
22.At ten o'clock tomorrow, I ................... on a train to Aswan.
a) travel b) will have travelled c) going to travel d) will be travelling
23.The teacher says that we ................... relative clauses next week.
a) going to study b) study c) are studying d) studying
24.My grandfather................... 70 on his next birthday!
a) is being b) will be c) is going to be d) will have been
25.At one o'clock tomorrow, I..................... lunch with my friends.
a) was eating b) eating c) will be eating d) ate
26.We ....................a family party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
a) are having b) will have c) have d) is going to have
27.My family .................... me out today for passing my exams.
a) are taking b) take c) will take d) had taken
28.By the time you get home, I.....................the house from top to bottom.
a) will clean b) will be cleaning c) will have cleaned d) am cleaning
29. A few people…………………… the existence of magic.
a) are believing b) believe c) are believing d) believes
30. Nowadays ,a lot of people all over the world………………….Mohammed Salah well.
a) knew b) were knowing c) are knowing d) know
31. Now this house ………………….to me.
a) belong b) belongs c) is belonging d) belonged
32. A: Where's Nada? B: She........a tennis match.
a) played b) is playing c) has played d) plays

33. My an engineer. It is his permanent job.
a) works b) work c) is working d) had worked
34. Nada is busy at the moment. She.......................her homework.
a) do b) does c) is doing d) has done
35. I like reading science fiction stories, but my brothers……
a) like b) are liking c) likes d) has liked
36.They're hungry. They..........something to eat.
a) want b) wants c) are wanting d) were wanting
37. The at the moment.
a) are played b) playing c) are played d) are playing
37. Stress ............high blood pressure.
a) cause b) causes c) is causing d) has caused
38. Everything is arranged for my travel next Saturday. It means I… Saturday.
a) travel b) will travel c) am travelling d) was travelling
39. I never buy expensive mobile phones because I'm always........them.
a) lose b) used to lose c) losing d) lost
40. The sky.........grey and the wind is blowing. I think it is going to rain.
a) is looking b) looks c) has looked d) will look
41. You haven't said a word all morning. What.......about?
a) you think b) do you think c) are you thinking d) you do think
42 Most of the Egyptian food.......really good!
a) tasting b) is tasting c) taste d) tastes
43 Our neighbours........a party tomorrow.
a) have b) are having c) having d) had
44 Hany always wears jeans, but today he........a suit.
a) is wearing b) wears c) had worn d) wear
45 We are discussing the new project and.........a good time as well.
a) having b) had c) have d) being having
46. My father..........hard these days as he needs money for our school fares.
a) worked b) had worked c) is working d) works
47.She can't do her shopping at the moment because it........heavily.
a) is raining b) rains c) will rain d) raining
48. Don't phone him now as he.........lunch.
a) is having b) has had c) has d) was having
49. I.........of going to London and visiting my old friends there.
a) am thinking b) think c) am thought d) thinks
50. Hany is never satisfied. He……………...
a) 's always complaining b) complain c) complaining d) is complain
51. Where have you arranged to spend the summer holiday?
-.Perhaps I ………… to Aswan tomorrow.
a. may travel b. will travel c. was travelling d. is going to travel
52. You ……………to loud music. This is annoying; I can’t concentrate on my lessons.
a. are always listening b.listen c. always listened d. are always listened
53. Look! Bassem …………up his room. He is always active.
a. is tidying b. was tidying c. had tidied d. would tidy
54. I ………… a wonderful time in the village. Everyone is really nice.
a. am not having b. going to have c. am having d. had had
55. The weather is very nice here in winter. The sun………… to be shining on most days.
a. is seeming b. seems c. seem d. had seemed
56. Hatem wants to travel to China, but he ………….. enough Chinese at the moment.
a. doesn’t know b. isn’t knowing c. hadn’t known d. don’t know
57. We are having lunch now. The verb have here is a verb showing ……… .
a. order b. sense c. action d. command
58. I haven’t seen you for a long time. I …………you so much.
a. am missing b. miss c. had missed d. going to miss

1) Translate into Arabic: (3 marks )
1-A lot of people suffer from shortage of food. So, we should have sustainable
agricultural projects to feed everyone.
2- Parents should teach their children how to behave towards others and how to
respect the elderly people.
3. Reforming education involves new methods to combine students with special needs
with their colleagues with the same curricula. This will help them combine with their
society in a better way.

2: Translate into English: ( 3 marks )

‫تشجع الحكومه الشباب علي بدء مشروعاتهم وعدم انتظار الوظيفه الحكوميه وذلك بنوفير‬-1
‫القروض والتسهيالت التي تساعد علي نجاح مشروعاتهم لكي يكونوا مواطنين صالحين في‬
. ‫يجب علينا أن نحافظ علي كل قطرة ماء ألنه سر الحياة‬-2
.‫لقد استمتعنا بالحفلة أمس وشعرنا بالسعادة لرؤية أصدقائنا القدامي‬-3

Unit eight
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
(1) The Egyptian government is carrying out a major......of the underground systems.
a) damage b) application c) expansion d) pressure
(2 Our company has recently installed the system that cost a lot of money.
a) outdated b) degraded c) old-fashioned d) high-tech
(3 The Egypt links all the cities and areas.
a) line b) network c) discipline d) authority
4. These advertisements are intended to increase.....awareness of the risks of smoking.
a) public b) special c) accepted d) awful
(5 have been a severe threat to the environment causing a lot of
a) security b) transport c) computer d) education
6. Passengers at least one hour before their flight.
a) get b) look c) apply d) check
7. Using traditional letters has become few .Emails have largely.......them
a) placed b) positioned c) replaced d) reflected
8. One of the main disadvantages of cars is the..........gases which damage the environment.
a) valuable b) polluting c) effective d) impressive
9. The information about the new vaccine is freely…………… on the internet.
a) avoidable b) secret c) available d) affecting
10.I want to get a …………..idea about the places of interest in Egypt to prepare a visit to my
cousins from Italy.
a) general b) public c) private d) careful
11. These books are also available in an..........form.
a) electricity b) electric c) electrical d) electronic
12.. The accident received the national media.
a) note b) notice c) sign d) signal
13.The satellite signals were affected by.........storm and its lightning.
a) electricity b) electric c) electrical d) electronic
14. There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled. The word
"notice" here means...............
a) attention b) review c) sign d) observation
15. As he read the reports, the manager........careful notes about them.
a) ran b) gave c) made d) invented
16. All candidates have to.........a test in language and computer skills.
a) give b) make c) devise d) take
17.1 don't agree..........the way to discipline students with physical punishment.
a) at b)with c)for d)of
18. The tourist company's income a result of the corona crisis last year.
a) off b)down c) in d)into
19. The metro lines made it easier to travel.....Greater Cairo and the new suburbs.
a) on b)at c) around d)away
20. After a the manager, the staff meeting began.
a) introduce b) introduction c) introductory d) introduced
21. The evidence was not really.........enough to put the accused man in prison.
a) persuade b) persuasion c) persuasive d) persuaded
22. Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine. The word "central"
is similar in meaning to the word "............
a) far b)main c) partial d) heavy
23.The clothes company is planning a great..........of its outlets in Alexandria to sell more.
a) deterioration b) decline c) expansion d) reduction
24. The this hotel include a sauna and a gym.
a) probabilities b) facilities c) accessibilities d) availabilities
25.The machines which the new factory uses are very........which are the latest in the country.
a) outdated b) ancient c) dated d) high-tech
26. A............of veins and arteries carries the blood around the body.
a) power b) device c) network d) station
27. By law, smoking is no longer allowed in indoor.......... places.
a) general b) public c) private d) clear
28. Investment in............infrastructure has increased greatly in the last few years.
a) transport b) transfer c) transfuse d) transplant
29. The government has regulate the economy.
a) irresponsibility b) authority c) validity d) expiry
30. The canal was built to..........the city with the port.
a) contact b) communicate c) connect d) tie
31. Conditions in hospital have...........greatly in Egypt in the last few years.
a) proved b) devised c) interrupted d) improved
32. The aeroplane was carrying over 500 ...........when it crashed and they were all killed.
a) engines b) passengers c) pilots d) crews
33.The president's..........includes a two-day visit to a foreign country.
a) column b) speech c) schedule d) seminar
34. The...........cost was far higher than we had expected.
a) vague b) avoidable c) available d) total
35.While the spokesman was giving his report, a reporter ……………. him to ask a question
a) noticed b) interrupted c) helped d) assisted
36. The scientists will hold a.......... of meetings over the next few weeks to discuss the new
a)team b) collection c) series d) deviation
37.More and more people are moving to the.........of Cairo such as New Cairo City every year.
a) districts b) regions c) shores d) suburbs
38 and place of birth of this famous writer are unknown.
a) vague b) hidden c) precise d) indefinite
39 The Olympics take.............every four years in a different city.
a) part b) place c) in d) off
40. This restaurant offers several vegetarian............for people who don't eat meat or fish.
a) affections b) alternatives c) attentions d) attributes
41. The people of Alexandria consider fish is a/an……………..part of their diet.
a) useless b) poisonous c) significant d) valueless
42. The educational authority presented strong........for building a new school in the city.
a) arguments b.articles C) titles d) disagreements
43.The spokesman........for some water before continuing his speech.
a) acquired b) offered c) called d) paused
44. Mild exercises and relaxation can help you reduce the...............of daily life.
a) stress b) amusement c) pleasure d) cost

45.We do not........this film suitable for young children as it has many violent scenes
a) consider b) accept c) agree d) expect
46. My secretary will call you to arrange a/an………….....time to meet.
a) intensive b) convenient c) extensive d) scanned
47. There are Egypt and Cairo is the biggest one.
a) governors b) regions c) governorates d) districts
48.I'm so...........for all the help and support my family gave me.
a) helpful b) useful c) reliable d) grateful
49. The conference discussed some important environmental.........such as global warming.
a) trials b) causes c) reasons d) issues
50.The opportunity for local artists to show their work.
a) prohibits b) provides c) prevents d) proclaims
51. More than a hundred the job advertisement.
a) responded b) reviewed c) received d) respected
52.Sameer got.........grades and was offered a place at university.
a) awful b) horrible c) satisfactory d) unsuitable
53.There are no the problem of overpopulation.
a) divisions b) troubles c) solutions d) expectations
54. The defender's aggressive........of play sometimes gets him in trouble.
a) list b) defence c) attack d) style
55 We worked very hard for four hours without complete the report.
a) pause b) silence c) trouble d) state
56. Please inform us if there are any....changes in your plans.
a) sighted b) available c) significant d) useless
57. Doctors have always........the importance of exercise in the prevention of diseases.
a) presses b) stressed c) denied d) doubted
58. Many children with mild.......are integrated in general education.
a) capabilities b) imaginations c) skulls d) disabilities
59. The drug has had no significant effect on the disease. The antonym of the adjective"
significant" is......
a) aspired b) appropriate c) suitable d) unimportant
60. You mind that the price does not include flights.
a) take b) give c) keep d) miss
61. The government announced a 25% decrease...........the price of fuel.
a) out b) about c) for d) in
62. On........of the department I would like to thank you all.
a) account b) behalf c) expense d) grade
63. Flying is the most.......way to travel in such a large country as China.
a) minor b) convenient c) doubtful d) expected
64. The writer's new novel is a/an........of a short story he wrote about ten years ago.
a) expansion b) repetition c) publication d) publicity
65.The squash player finished the tournament winning his last match very quickly
a) fashion b) style c) affection d) skill
66.Drawing, like writing, can be a........for expressing your feelings.
a) system b)form c) vehicle d) shape
67. Maha's husband was always nice to her in..........but treated her badly at home.
a) general b) private c) special d) public
68. My little sister has a.......for languages. She learns them quite easily.
a) reward b) present c) facility d) disability
69. Most five-star hotels have special …………for helping disabled people.
a. factories b. filters c. facilities d. faces
70. There are plans for the ………… of the ring road to improve traffic around Cairo.
a. invention b. intention c. expression d. expansion
71. Do you think we will have a high-speed rail ………… all over Egypt?
a. network b. net site c. housework d. homework
72. We should all use ………… transport in crowded cities to decrease pollution.
a private b. unmaintained c. public d. general

73. By 2050, I think that the price of… cars won’t have gone down so much that everyone can
buy one.
a. electrical b. electric c. electricity d. electrician
74. The success Rami achieved in his work was ………… , so he was promoted.
a. satisfy b. satisfaction c. satisfied d. satisfactory
75. Pollution is a global ………… that is discussed everywhere.
a. issue b. tissue c. ratio d. rate
76. We asked our friend Adel to speak ………… behalf of us when he met the manager.
a. in b. on c. with d. out
77. Keep away from this very high ………… or you will fall.
a. cliff b. craft c. cave d. well
78. Our army ………… revenge on those who had attacked our soldiers in Sinai.
a. saw b. did c. took d. made

Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
1. My brother ………… from the university by the end of next July.
a. is going to graduate b. will graduate c. has graduated d. will have graduated
2 ………… that task before the manager arrives?
a. Did you do b. Will you have done c. Have you done d. Were you doing
3. By the end of next year, the government ………… the hospital in our town.
a. has modernized b. will modernize c. must have modernized d. will have
4. By the time my father ………… back from London, we will have prepared everything for my
sister's wedding.
a. came b. will come c. comes d. had come
5. I think we ………… this task before the end of next week; we’ll need more time.
a. will have finished b. won’t have finished c. have finished d. are finishing
6. After saving up a lot of money, I think I ………… a new car before the end of next month.
a. have had b. will have had c. will have d. had had
7. The government ………… more and more schools by next year.
a. are building b. has built c. will build d. will have built
8. Don’t worry, I’ll be awake when you come. I ………… to bed before ten.
a. have gone b. will have gone c. won’t have gone d. had gone
9. I ………… revision work before I sit for the next exam.
a. will have done b. have done c. was doing d. had done
10. The problem of food shortage ………… solved by the end of next decade. Who knows?
a. will have b. will have been c. might have been d. might have
11. The train from Giza station at 12:30.
a) will have arrived b) arrives c) will arrive d) will be arriving
12. She................her exams by 6 o'clock, so we can go out for dinner.
a) will finish b) is finishing c) will have finished d) is going to finish
13. Do you think you........children by the time you are 30?
a) will have b) will have had c) are going to have d) are having
14. When I see you tomorrow, my new book.
a) show b) will be showing c) will have shown d) will show
14. We will wait at the station room until the train.....
a) will come b) came c) had come d) comes
15 By the time you get here, I......watching the movie.
a) will have finished b) will finish c) am going to finish d) finish
16 Will the time we arrive?
a) be eaten b) be eating c) have been eaten d) have eaten
17- I will have graduated ( in – on – by – at ) 6 years' time.
18- I will have graduated ( in – on – by – at ) next year.
19. Sam is probably......the proposal by the time he leaves this afternoon.
a) completing b) going to have completed c) being completed d) going to complete

20.By 2050, half of the world....English and communicate well with each other
a) will speak b) will have been spoken c) will be spoken d) is speaking
21. Phone me after 8 o'clock. We...........dinner by then.
a) will finish b) will be finishing c) will have finished d) have finished
22. Our guests are expected 4 o'clock this afternoon.
a) be arrived b) have arrived c) have been arrived d) will arrive
23.By the time my holiday is over, I........lots of interesting places.
a) will visit b) will have visited c) visit d) will be visiting
24. A: Why are you switching TV? B : I................a football match.
a) will watch b) am watching c) am going to watch d) watch
25- For being stubborn, I expect she....................easily.
a) won't persuade b. isn’t going to be persuaded c) won't be persuaded d. is being persuaded
26. All next year, scientists ……………. on an effective vaccine against COVID-19.
a. will have worked b. will work c. will be working d. have worked
27. Farmers ……………. the rainforest because they are cutting down more trees.
a. will damage b. will be damaged c. going to damage d. are going to damage
28. I can’t go to the cinema this evening because I …… lessons for tomorrow’s test.
a. going to revise b. had to revise c. will be revising d. will revise
29. Osama phoned while you were out." Yes, I know. I......him back.
a) am calling b) will call c) am going to call d) will be calling
30. Your bags look heavy. I ................... you to carry them.
a will be helped b am helping c help d will help
31- At ten o'clock tomorrow, I ................... the match on TV!
a watch b will have watched c going to watch d will be watching
32- I feel terrible with a severe stomach. I think I………. be sick.
a should b am going to c am to d. will
33- the Book Fair to buy the books I need. This is my intention.
a) will have gone b) am going to go c)am going d) will go
34-If you are too tired to cut the grass, for you.
a) will cut b) am going to cut c) cut d) am cutting
35- I don’t think the exam ……….difficult.
a will be b is going to be c will have been d is being
36-They’ve got the tickets. They………………… to England!
a-fly b-will fly c-are flying d-are going to fly
37- Cairo…… by more than half a million people by the end of next year.
a-will grow b-is going to grow c-grows d-will have grown
38- There are a lot of people in the room. It…………….. difficult to find a chair.
a-is b-will be c-is going to be d- will have been
39-Look, there’s a sandstorm. I ……………………… the windows.
a-will close b-close c-am gong to close d-am closing
40- Quick! Give me a paper tissue, I........................again!
a) will sneeze b) am going to sneeze c) sneeze d) sneezed
41- My wife's parents............for dinner tomorrow, so we're preparing something special.
a) will come b) are coming c) come d) are going to come
42.Wake me up by nine o'clock. I..........long enough by then.
a) will sleep b) will have slept c) will be sleeping d) will be slept
43. Rana.............the night shift by the time you get up in the morning.
a) won't be finished b) won't finished c) won't finish d) won't have finished
44. Our guests are expected 4 o'clock this afternoon.
a) be arrived b) have arrived c) have been arrived d) will arrive
45.We ............all our needs in a week's time.
a) will buy b) will have bought c) are going to buy d) are buying
46. He hopes the conference............before he arrives because he'd like to hear the final speech.
a) will have ended b) will end c) won't have ended d) won't end
47.Do you think the teacher..........our homework by Monday morning?
a) will be marking b) will mark c) will have marked d) will have been marking
48. Before we start our next lesson, we........a review.

a) are being having b) are going to have c) have d) don't have
49. I will inform you as soon as I ……………………… home tomorrow.
a. arrived b. had arrived c. will arrive d. arrive
50- I have decided that I ….......part in the next competition.
a. going to take b. will take c. am taking d. take
Translate into Arabic:
1. Some people prefer the simple and healthy life of the country. There, they avoid the smoke
of factories, the speed of city life and the crowded means of transport.
2. The Egyptian government aims to attract Arab and foreign investments to support our
national economy. They encourage the establishment of new industries.
3-Modern technology plays an Important role in the progress of many aspects such as
industry, agriculture, education, medicine and even entertainment.
Translate into English:
‫ يجب على الشباب أن يكون لهم دور في المجتمع الذي يعيشون يه وذلك بالمساعدة في حل‬.1
.‫المشكالت التي تواجه الناس‬
.‫ العلم والعمل هما السبيل الوحيد لتحقيق الرفاهية والتقدم ألي أمة‬.2
‫ يجب علينا ان نتعلم من ماضينا و نعمل بجد في حاضرنا لكي نحقق كل احالمنا في‬-26

Unit Nine
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
1.There are a lot of ………… of wild animals in the forest in the south of the Sudan.
a. spears b. spices c. species d. spares
2. It is the responsibility of the police to ………… peace and security everywhere inside the
a. deserve b. preserve c. reserve d. reverse
3.I have good news! My sister has won a …………to California University.
a. starship b. leadership c. hardship d. scholarship
4. I’m happy to get such a/an …………job in the new administrative capital.
a. rewarding b. defective c. interested d. amused
5. I usually try to learn about the culture of our native community. Native is similar in
meaning to ……. .
a. foreign b. local c. strange d. international
6.Teaching young children is a/an…………. job to do. It requires a lot of skills.
a. simple b. impossible c. easy d. challenging
7.The variety of plants and animals in a particular place is called …………. .
a. biodiversity b. biology c. archaeology d. geology
8.Illegal hunting is threatening the …………. of different species of animals.
a. betrayal b. approval c. survival d. arrival
9. I can’t watch that movie about dead people; my blood runs cold. This means that I am .….. .
a. pleased b. scared c. surprised d. brave
10. I am sure it is a/an ……….. present; I appreciate it very much.
a. terrible b. unfashionable c. valueless d. valuable
11.As it is a long ,boring…………….. , it's better to read useful books to pass the time.
a) journey b) trip c) expedition d) mission
12. The Egyptians like spending their nights on the ………of the Nile.
a) coasts b) banks c) beaches d) harbours
13. The Red Sea........ is famous for its fish, corals and beautiful wildlife.
a) coast b) beach c) bank d) ocean
14. When he watched the TV show, he.........he'd seen it before.
a) forgot b) organised c) recognised d) realised
15.Tourists like watching the amazing …………. Of sea creatures in the waters of the Red Sea.
a) devices b) species c) spices d)genders
16.Scientists make ……………. to different parts of the world to find fossils.
a) duties b) tasks c) expeditions d) picnics
17. The blue whale is the largest.......that has ever lived on earth.
a) creature b) feature c) pleasure d) adventure
18. The art, beliefs, behaviour and ideas of a particular society or group of people are their.......
a) industry b) agriculture c) commerce d) culture
19. Chemical waste from cars and factories is harmful to the.......
a) environment b) involvement c) excavation d) space
20. The poor always …………………terrible conditions due to the high prices.
a) involved b) fetched c) faced d) enjoyed
21. The workers are working overtime to finish the engineering.......on time.
a) task b) project c) object d) process
22. The new factory near the river makes the area worse.
a) action b) money c) pollution d) operation
23. Egypt hopes to all economic and financial fields.
a) decrease b) failure c) effects d) progress
24. Some countries depend on.......because it is very important for their national income.
a) tours b) culture c) tourism d) terrorism
25. The assistant at the gallery pointed out that not one of these paintings is......., but they are
copied cleverly.
a)fake b) original c) stolen d) normal
26.My parents always …….that I waste much time chatting with my friends online.
a) complain b) explain c) greet d) salute
27.………… the existence of a large number of different kinds of animals and plants which
make a balanced environment
a. biology b. biochemistry c. biodiversity d. biodynamic
28. We need to take action to help.......our environment healthy.
a) damage b) pollute c) comply d) preserve
29. We must keep our armed forces in a constant.......of readiness to be able to face terrorism.
a) state b) statue c) battle d) training
30. Mu Salah's talents make him a truly.....footballer in the world.
a) common b) unique c) simple d) ordinary
31. The poor young man won a..........and got a college education.
a) race b) fair c) scholarship d) tournament
32. The hotel has special......for welcoming disabled people such as stairs and lifts
a) fabrics b) accessories c) abilities d) facilities
33. The word "similarity" is an antonym to the word.......
a) commodity b) availability c) variety d) responsibility
34. Planning a wedding reception for over 1000 guests will be very ……………
a) challenge b) challenged c) challenging d) unchallengeable
35. Caring…………… an elderly relative can be very rewarding..
a) in b) of c) by d) for
36. She complained of her boss’s inappropriate ………… towards her.
a) behave b) behaving c) behavior d) behaved
37 Samira is very interested.......medicine and wants to be a doctor.
a) to b) of c) for d) in
38. My father agrees with the idea that women can have children and a job……the same time.
a) in b) at c) with d) of
39.My mother insists that we all should.......a bath before going to bed.
a) have b) give c) do d) devise
40. How many jobs had you applied ………. before you were offered this one?.
a) with b) for c) to d) at
41. The word "guarantee" is similar in meaning to the word.......
a) ensure b) injury c) health d) inquiry
42. School students collected tons of drinks cans and bottles for..............
a) agriculture b) exploration c) invention d) recycling
43.It is important to encourage environmental......and awareness among ordinary people.

a) accommodation b) convention c) conservation d) preparation
44. We live in a/an..............age where everything can be downloaded.
a) digital b) speedy c) historical d) artistic
45. The sea turtle is a/an…………....species which needs great efforts to preserve.
a) extinct b) endangered c) lasting d) banishing
46.The medicine can be taken in the..............of a liquid or pill.
a) device b) figure c) equation d)form
47.The police always ………………..the people who suspect them.
a) build b) monitor c) design d) devising
48. There are some companies which specialize in……………….fairs and exhibitions.
a) popularising b) realising c) organising d) recognising
49 Bacteria can be ……………… using microscope , not by the naked eyes.
a) realised b) distant c) visible d) acceptable
50.Drivers should follow the road.........for the city centre so as not to get lost.
a) projects b) notes c) scenes d) signs
51. The police offered a/an.........for any information about the robbery.
a) present b) award c) reward d) prize
52. Used car sales have..........because of the increased cost of new cars.
a) risen b) raised c) aroused d) arisen
53. Mohamed Salah has.............a great success as a professional footballer.
a) achieved b)applied c)failed d)aspired
54..A lot of social problems ……… due to poverty and destitution .
a ) arise b ) arouse c ) raise d ) rise
55. The food festival was a great occasion for the get together.
a) police b) facility c) community d) ability
56. Winning the gold medal was the highlight of the Egyptian player, Feryal Ashraf's…………
a) job b) task c) work d) career
57 The young actor has a lot the media who help him a lot.
a) fins b) contacts c) facts d) enemies
58. All students hope to reach their........of joining the colleges they want
a) abilities b) disabilities c) goals d) associations
59. Charles Dickens' first novel his early childhood.
a) inspired b) respired c) designed d) devised
60. The..........of the students in our class come to school by bus. Only two come by train.
a) minority b) priority c) seniority d) majority
61. Each member of the company has a ……………..issue to discuss.
a) specific b) discussing c) vague d) unimportant
62. The rocky soil is.......for planting grapes and similar crops.
a) suited b) suitable c) possible d) perplexed
63. The original copy of the Rossetta Stone ………… France.
a) resists b) persists c) exists d) vanishes
64.If the economic crisis will surely………………… the loss of a lot of jobs.
a) reason b) consult c) sequence d) result
65. If the temperature is high ,we should stay in the…....and not to expose to the sun directly.
a) shadow b) shade c) figure d) moisture
66.In classrooms , students have to........turns for answering the questions.
a) take b) give c) add d) provide
67. There is an obvious contrast.........the cultures of East and West.
a) in b) between c) at d) for
68. A degree in English could lead ………….. a career in journalism
a) in b) at c) to d) for
69. The children should be..........the opportunity to make their own choices.
a) taken b) turned c) denied d) given
70. The company's losses were a direct........bad management.
a) result of b) cause of c) reason for d) purpose of
71. The adjective "essential" is similar in meaning to the adjective........
a) vain b) minor c) common d) necessary

72. The verb "agree" can be the opposite to the verb............
a) express b) approve c) argue d) excite
73. The manager agreed to...........the employees' salaries.
a) raise b) rise c) arise d) arouse
74. Some world.............are meeting online to consider the plan for facing COVID-19 pandemic.
a) readers b) citizens c) leaders d) clients
75. Sleep disorders are a serious.......problem, but they aren't very hard to cure
a) physical b) herbal c) psychological d) scientific
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
1. Travelling by plane is …………than travelling by train.
a. much comfortable b. much more comfortable c. comfortable d. most comfortable
2. My father …………go to work by car, but now he does.
a. didn’t use to b. used to c. isn’t used to d. is used to
3. There ………… be a lot of Russian tourists visiting that historic site.
a. would b. used to c. are used to d. use to
4. Hatem………… the newspapers; he likes to get the latest news online.
a. never read b. used to read c. is used to reading d. isn’t used to reading
5. Anne lived in Australia for many years, but she ………… always come home for Christmas.
a. would b. used to c. is used to d. uses to
6. Your bag is .………… my bag. It is the same colour, size and price.
a. slightly different from b. almost as expensive as c. exactly the same as d. not similar to
7. A. ………… come on time? B. Yes, he was always punctual.
a. Is Adel used to b. Did Asser use to c. Does Adel d. Will Adel
8. Sherif ………… by the Nile bank every morning; it’s been his habit for a long time.
a. isn’t used to walking b. used to walk c. is used to walking d. like walking
9. Ali is ………… Rami. They are the same height.
a. almost as tall as b. slightly shorter than c. much taller than d. exactly as tall as
10. Plastic is used to ………… safe toys for children.
a. making b. makes c. make d. made
11. Nada is.................than her friend
a) slightly prettier b) more pretty c) more prettier d) as pretty
12.My house is my neighbour's.
a) high b. higher c)the same height d) the same high
13. My teacher speaks English as a native speaker.
a) almost as b) exactly c) almost d) slightly as
14. wood is……………….. than gold, but in some cases it is more useful.
a) cheapest b)more cheaper c) as cheap d)far cheaper
15. He usually......late for the training sessions when he was a member in the team.
a) would arrive b) arrives c) used to arrive d) arrived
16. When we were on holiday, we.............up early every day and spend all day on the beach.
a) used to get b) would get c)got d)a & b
17.My brother …………… has a beard as he used to .
a) is used to b) no longer c) used to d) used
18. He used to be thin, but now he…………
a) isn't b) doesn't c) wasn't d) didn't
19.The knife is used to……………meat and other food.
a) cut b) cutting c) have cut d) cuts
20.My father is used to…………..He doesn't want to give it up.
a) smoke b) smoking c) smokes d) smoked
21.My brother........act in the school band when he was a student
a) was b) would c) didn't used to d)used to
22.Your marks are ....... mine.
a) almost good as b) almost as good as c) good as d) slightly good
23. When I visited the city centre, it was ………less crowded than usual.
a) slightly b) more c) so d)as
24. To a lot of students , English is………………….. than physics.
a) easy b) much easy c) far easier d) almost easier
25. Mr Ali is wearing …………….the same suit as me.
a) far b) slightly c) much d) exactly
26. My new flat is……………. as the old one.
a) slightly so wide b) wider c) almost as wide d) so wide
27. The exam was slightly…………… than I expected.
a) easier b) as easy c) much easier d) easy
28.…………… to go to bed early when you were young?
a) Did you use b) Would you use c) Do you use d) Have you used
29.He ……………eating out as he doesn't enjoy cooking at home.
a) is used to b) was used c) is used for d) no longer
30.She ……………like playing tennis.
a) used to b) would c) no longer d) is used to
31.When I was younger I ………….enjoy swimming, but now I really love it!
a) didn't used to b) didn't use to c) wasn't d) hadn't
32.He………………..spends all his free time watching TV.
a) used to b) no longer c) doesn’t use d) is used to
33.When I was young, I used to ……… swimming every weekend.
a) went b) go c) gone d) had gone
34.Ali ……..spend his free time playing computer games, but now he prefers reading books.
a) was b) didn't used to c) used to d) uses to
35.When I was young, we ………. to live in Luxor.
a) use b) used c) uses d) are using
36.Yumna used to be thin , but now she …………..
a) doesn't b) hasn't c) isn't d) is
37.Maha used to wear glasses but now she……………..…
a) does b) doesn't c) isn’t d) didn’t
38. Ramadan Sobhy…………………play for El Ahli, but Now he plays fot Pyramids.
a) used to b) would c) no longer d) is used to
39. Ali is loved by all his friends as he is……………….. patient than his brothers.
a) as b) far more c) so d) more much
40. Whenever we stay at this hotel, we sleep exactly in………room.
a) the same b) same c) the same as d) as the same
41. The ………….expensive the product is, the more reliable it is.
d) most c) less b) more a) much
42 Petrol is ……………..expensive as it was last year.
a) than b) than c) so d) as
43 Petrol is ……………. more expensive than it was last year.
a) lot b) many c) much d) a few
44. Ali and Nada are of the same…………………….. They are 170 cm tall.
a) length b) width c) height d) amount
45 Their house is almost two times as big ………………ours.
a) as b) than c) so d) to
46.Going by train is slightly.....than driving.
a) much expensive b) expensive c) more expensive d) as expensive
47 .It's......cheaper to drive than go by plane.
a) almost b) as c) more d) far
48. There.......enough facilities for local people, but now there are a lot of them.
a) didn't use to be b) used to be c) would be d) didn't use to have
49 He used to be a driver, but now he.......a waiter.
a) does b) doesn't c) isn't d) is
50 Tourists visiting the hotel restaurants rather than local restaurants.
a) use to eat b) would eat c) were eating d) had eaten
51. On holidays, a big breakfast.
a) was making b) is making c) would always make d) had made
52. ……….........cry a lot when she was a baby?
a)Did she use to b)Would she c) Has she used to d) will she use to

53. When Ali was a student, he........a long beard and short hair.
a) would have b) has had c) has d) used to have
54 When he was a driver, my dad........home from work at 7 pm.
a) had arrive b) used to arriving c) would always arrive b)used to always
55.He used to send letters to his friends, but now he…….…e-mails.
a) was sending b) used to send c) is sending d)sends
56. My father…………slim, but now he suffers from obesity.
a) would be b) had been c) used to be d) wasn't
57.What when you were ten?
a) did you use to b) you used to c) do you use to d) would you to
58. It's not warm, it is…………....yesterday.
a) almost as cold than b) almost as cold c) almost as colder than d) almost as cold as
59.Hany ………..much hair, but now he is almost bald.
a) used to have b) would have c) almost has d) didn't have
60.My new flat is...........colder than the old one.
a) as b) many c) a bit d) more
61. The second exercise was............more difficult than the first.
a) less b) rather c) as d) many
62. This gadget is used to........onions.
a) being chopped b) chopped c) chopping d)chop
63. I'm terribly nervous, I'm not used a large number of audience.
a) speaking b) speak c) being speak d) speaks
64. After her husband died, the old woman had to get used to.........on her own.
a) live b) lived c) living d) lives
65. I can't take your smart car. I.......driving an automatic car.
a) used to b) am not used to c) am used to d) didn't use to
66. She...........gets up early; she used to get up early.
a) frequently b) always c) anymore d) no longer
67. For me, running is..........tiring than walking.
a) a lot more b) a lot less c) much fewer d) as
68. He used to live in Italy, but he.......lives there.
a) used to b) any longer c) no longer d) is used to
69. For most students , French is.........than English.
a) manydifficult b) much difficult c) as difficult d) much less difficult
70. It's much..........this summer than it was last year.
a) hot b) hotter c) as hot d) hottest
71. The taller you are , the …………things you get.
a) highest b) longest c) longer d) higher
72. I …………… live in Egypt. When I was younger, my family lived in France.
a) didn’t always used to b) didn’t always use to
c) hadn’t always d) wasn’t always
73. Her illness was.........than we thought at first.
a) serious enough b) as serious c) far more serious d) slightly serious
74. During our last holiday, the beach to play.
a) were used to go b) would go c) go d) use to go
75- I ( used to-didn’t use to -was used to -was using ) the cold weather of Russia.

New Hello for Secondary 2

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. During my stay in London, the ……………. family welcomed me warmly.
a. guest b. host c. hostel d. hostile
2. You should have a lot of …………….to achieve your goals in life.
a. indication b. supposition c. determination d. deterioration
3. There are plans to create the first public transport ……………. from the New
Administrative Capital to the Greater Cairo area.
a. separation b. communication c. connection d. transmission

4. People who work in the desert usually …………….to live when there is a drought.
a. struggle b. store c. stream d. style
5. Our maths teacher always gave us a lot of support and ………….; we owe much to him.
a. encouragement b. movement c. discouragement d. disappointment
6. Could you tell me the name of the ……………. prime minister of England?
a. secret b. private c. current d. local
7. After the accident, the driver started to……………. terribly, but fortunately, he was rescued
a. lead b. bleed c. breed d. feed
8. The ……………. of the new monorail line will serve thousands of people. It will take
passengers 52 km from the New Administrative Capital to East Cairo.
a. deduction b. destruction c. contradiction d. construction
9. I am over the moon; I have won a/an ……………. to study at the University of Cambridge.
a. ownership b. scholarship c. spaceship d. lightship
10. A lot of local communities are keen on the ……………. of forest resources.
a. observation b. reservation c. conservation d. conversation
11. Brave soldiers ……………. working in difficult situations.
a. used b. get used c. used to d. get used to
12. I can’t meet you tonight because I……………. for my sister’s wedding party.
a. was preparing b. will be preparing c. will have d. have prepared prepared
13. We ……………. the final exam by the end of June.
a. will have had b. will have c. have had d. are having
14. Amani ……………. pale and ill; what is the matter with her?
a. seem b. is seeming c.was seeming d. seems
15. Tamer is busy. He ……………. a report on the tasks he has done.
a. has written b. is writing c. will have written d. had written
16. A: What ……………., Baher? B: I am tidying my room.
a. you are doing b. did you do c. have you done d. are you doing
17. My grandfather ……………. up early. He was always active.
a. usually gets b. never got c.used to get d. is used to getting
18. The Pharaohs’ Golden Parade is ……………. exciting than any other parade. People all
over the world enjoyed watching it.
a. far more b. lot c. exactly as d. less
19. Ali ………. to live in a big city: he always wanted to enjoy living in the village where he
was born.
a. used b. didn’t use c. get used d. is used
20. There ……………. a lot of tourists visiting Tall el-Amarnaa long time ago.
a. used to be b. would be c. are d. was

2. A Translate into Arabic:

1- The Suez Canal Authority declared that the giant cargo ship had been floated. So, Egypt
resumed navigation normally after it had been blocked for six days.
2. We are in urgent need of a revolution against our bad behaviour, so we should try hard to
modify it.
3. Our age is the age of atom, space and medical achievements, therefore we must make the
best use of these achievements.
B. Translate into English: (3 marks)
.‫ إن إنشاء عاصمة إدارية جديدة هو الحل الوحيد لشوارع القاهرة المزدحمة‬.1
.‫ التعليم هو أساس النجاح والتغلب علي التحديات في الحياة لكل فرد‬.2
‫ یكتفي معظم الناس بالتواصل مع أقاربھم‬,‫من أبرز مساويء التكنولوجیا الحدیثة ھو أننا لم نعد نزور بعضنا البعض كما إعتدنا من قبل‬-3
‫ومعارفھم عبر وسائل التواصل االجتماعي‬

Unit ten
Choose the right answers:
1- A / an ------------- uses telecommunication technologies to earn a living.

a) editor b) digital nomad c) Bedouin d) nomad
2- The -------------- is a member of a tribe who travels from place to place to find food.
a) editor b) digital nomad c) correspondent d) nomad
3- Most old people used to get their news from traditional ……
a) sources b) kinds c) plates d) saucers
4. News channels always …………………politicians to recommend on important events.
a) offer b) test c) search d) interview
5. The judge forced the journalist to reveal his...........of the news he sent to the newspaper.
a) sources b) results c) effects d) doubts
6. My cousin is a/an...........for one of the major newspapers in Cairo.
a) consumer b) reporter c) officer d) inspector
7. The show of the new band will be............over the internet.
a) investigated b) arranged c) broadcasted d) accepted
8. My uncle retired last week . He is a former............of Al-Ahram Newspaper.
a) editor b) reader c) investigator d) inventor
9. Most people work overtime to increase his............. to face the high prices
a) energy b) effort c) income d) entertainment
10- Nowadays most people resort to the……. ……. media for getting the breaking news
a) society b) sociable c) social d) common
11. The police think that the murder was committed...........and it wasn't an accident.
a) strangely b) personally c) accidentally d) deliberately
12. Every house should have safety measures
a) areas b) alarms c) suits d) services
13. The invention of the....... is considered the most important invention as it has helped
transfer knowledge and science to next generations,
a) printing b) sewing c) cutting d) welding
14. The airline is legally...for the safety of its passengers.
a) available b) acceptable c) responsible d) unreliable
15. …………………. engines as google help us to make sure that our information is correct
a) Search b) Research c) Searching d) Researching
16. He worked for the magazine as a war.......and he travels to many countries where there are
a) reporter b) correspondent c) photographer d) writer
17. The novelist began his career as a Cairo.
a) programmer b) reporter c) influencer d) podcaster
18. The thief……….. that he had misled the police to hide his crime.
a) deny b) told c) admitted d) applied
19. Charities.......donations from all people to help the poor..
a) scattered b) spread c) told d) collected
20.Experts advise us that........of failure should not stop us trying to get success.
a) pleasure b)fear c) treasure d) delight
21. Earthquakes are the worst natural.......that hit cities and towns
a) disasters b) achievements c) acceptances d) trends
22. To see something well , we can ……………..the camera in and we will see the details
a) boom b) zoom c) bomb d) fade
23. Businessmen should consult good lawyers for a/an....opinion about their contracts.
a) respectful b) minor c) amateur d) professional
24.The.........of the writer 's first novel is "The storm."
a) address b) title c) line d) rank
25. In this new......age, computers and the internet are part of our everyday life.
a) false b) facial c) digital d) trivial
26. The police have ------------------- the man for more than 4 hours but it was in vain.
a) investigated b) interested c) communicated d) sent
27. The driver slowed down as he approached the police........which checked licenses
a) officer b) station c) state d) barrier
28. Winning the cup was a............achievement for our national team.
a) horrible b) strict c) remarkable d) fearful

29.The museum has an impressive collections of prehistoric......
a) memorials b) remains c) accidents d) corpses
30- Most detectives look for clues at the crime ……………………………
a) stage b) view c) scenery d) scene
31- This is a good site where we can …………………….. the new school.
a) erect b) direct c) select d) protect
32- The pharaohs used to ………………………… gold in their tombs.
a) erect b) direct c) bury d) borrow
33 Police officers are looking ………the disappearance of two children kidnapped yesterday.
a) for b) of c) into d) up
34.Big stores have to…………....for customers to increase their profits.
a) compete b) complete c) hurry d) win
35. The trip to America was a dream which has.....true for Mahmoud.
a) come b) gone c) fell d) grew
36. The discovery of DNA was a major scientific …………………..……...
a) achieve b) achievement c) achieved d) achievable
37.At the entrance of Abu Simbel, there are four huge....of King Ramses II.
a) routes b) photos c) sculptures d) views
38. International communication has been developed a lot by the..........of the internet.
a) discovery b) invitation c) exploration d) invention
39.Parents have to give their.........for their children to go on school trips
a) permission b) permit c) licence d) degree
40. The clothes company is expected to.................several new products next year.
a)erect b) attack c) attach d) launch
41. We all feel ................when our children achieve their goals in life
a) proud b) ashamed c) shy d) guilty
42. The shop owner left his son in………. of the shop for a week when he travelled to Meca
a) change b) charge c) account d) balance
43- Newspapers have a fact………… …. to examine the facts in the articles and reports.
a) check b) corrector c) checker d) maker
44-The -------------- does his best to know who commited the crime .
a) plumber b) smith c) investigator d) investor
45-During the world cup competitions, playgrounds are full of ……..looking for new news.
a) reporters b) news stories c) headlines d) reports
46. Youth are learn every thing about tha stars they like.
a) profound b) keen c) brave d) careless
47. The engineers found an ancient............while digging for oil.
a) necropolis b) post c) scene d) trial
48. Using the internet is an easy way to make a..........between prices.
a) compare b) comparison c) completion d) competition
49-This monument is an important ………………….. in this century.
a) fund b) discover c) found d) find
50-The -------------- plays an important part in spreading awareness among citizens.
a) press b) pressure c) stress d) brass
51-President Sadat was a …………….. character. He could beat Israel.
a) sensitive b) rewarding c) remarkable d) achieveable
52-The museum contains a lot of interesting …………………………….…
a) subjects b) huts c) objects d) rejects

53-The -----------for the government said, "We plan to show the objects in a museum soon
a) spokes b) speech c) speaking d) spokesman
54. The Mosque was erected in 1582. The verb "erect" is similar in meaning to the verb………
a) demolish b) destroy c) set d) construct
55. In a/an........., you can call 122 for police, the fire department or an ambulance.
a) evaluation b) emergency c) accuracy d) presentation
56. The expansion of the factory led to the.........of 220 more jobs.
a) creation b) loss c) exploration d) discovery
57. I had to leave the room as I didn't want to the argument.

a) intended b) excavated c) involved d) inhibited
58. Electric cables are usually.........beneath the streets.
a) excavated b) buried c) drilled d) burned
59.Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct...........of the factory closure.
a) purposes b) causes c) consequence d) reasons
60. We found that the motorway is the most direct...........outside the city
a) street b) route c) road d) avenue
61-To ( creep up – walk – run – sleep ) is to come close someone secretly
62- A ( view – scene – stage – car ) is a place where actors perform.
63- A ( battle – bottle – cup – butter ) is a fight between two armies.
64- The ( prisoners – doctors – teachers – nurses ) were kept in separate cells.
65- The ( drum – guitar – piano- violin ) is a musical instrument you play by hitting it.
66- What you have said has no meaning. It is ( sense – nonsense – mean – meaning)
67- The ( judge – referee – linesman – vet ) allowed the accused to defend himself
68- My friend's features changed. I couldn't ( see – recognise – realise – specialise ) him.
69- I go on a severe diet but this piece of chocolate ------------- to eat it
a) bans b) forbids c) inhibits d) tempts
70- The ( host – guest – attendant – officer ) at the petrol station fueled my car.
71- In the desert the soldiers went to their ( tart – tents –palaces – villas ) to sleep
72- A ( science – scene – sense – nonsense ) is something that people can understand.
73. The factory launched the new line of jeans. "Launch" can be the opposite the word................
a) end b) continue c) start d) release
74.You can't trust the rumors The antonym of the verb "trust" is...............
a) recognise b) realise c) depend d) doubt
75 The police took fingerprints and identified the body. The synonym of " identify" is...........
a) determine b) damage c) remove d) achieve
76. Egypt has more than one third of the world's ancient………..especially in Luxor.
a) species b) forests c) monuments d) wildlife
77. My parents have always been keen…… travelling, whenever they get the chance.
a) in b) of c)to d on
78. I'm very proud...........take part in this great project.
a) of b)to c) in d) that
70. Teen Stuff magazine is very popular it deals with their interests.
a) adults b) infants c) teenagers d) directors
Choose the right answers:
1) Ali ………. A real actor before he saw Heneidy.
a. did not see b. has not seen c. won’t see d. had not seen
2) Before Mona and her brother bought a car, They………… school.
a. had always walked b. were walking c. have always walked d. walk
3) When we met Ali, we ……… about his marriage
a. were knowing b. had known c. have known d. knew
4) The writer ………….. his first story when he was at university.
a. has written b. had written c. wrote d. writes
5) The tourists …... walking until they had reached the top of the mountain.
a. didn’t stop b. stopped c. haven’t stopped d. won’t stop
6) I ………... the office until I had checked that all the doors were locked.
a. won’t leave b. wouldn’t leave c. hadn’t left d. wasn’t left
7- Ola ..........................the fruit carefully before she bought it.
a had checked b checks c has checked d checking
8- Ahmed ……… ill when I met him on my way to school.
a was seeming b had seemed c seemed d has seemed
9. I didn't send the report until I ………… it.
a. was revising b .revise c. have revised d. had revised
10. My uncle ………… hard for the company so, he got the promotion.
a. had been worked b. has been working c. had worked d. will be working

11. Having ………… my friend’s telephone number, I contacted him.
a. finding b. found c. to find d. been found
12. The TV programme ………… well before it stopped suddenly.
a. had been worked b. has been working c. had working d. had worked
13. As soon as I heard of my friend’s success, I ………… him.
a. had congratulated b .will congratulate c. have congratulated d. congratulated
14. My brother ………… short stories before he wrote poems.
a. will write b. had written c. had been writing d. has written
15. The match ………… when I reached the stadium; I missed the exciting start.
a. began b. had begun c. was beginning d. have begun
16. After Yasser………… two acts of King Lear, he went to bed.
a. has been reading b. had been reading c. had read d. had been read
17. ………… ready for the party before the guests arrived?
a. Had you got b. Have you got c. Will you get d. Are you getting
18. I …………... till my brother returns home to make sure he’s well.
a. left b. didn't leave c. won't leave d. am leaving
19. Before the manager arrived, the employees ………. some useful work!
a. hasn’t been doing b. hadn’t been done c. had done d. has done
20. I saw my friend Ali last week. I ………. Him since 2019.
a. hadn't seen b. hasn't seen c. didn't see d. won't see
21. I ………. that manager for years before I worked with him in that company.
a. had been knowing b. had known c. have been knowing d. was knowing
22. They had been playing football for an hour before it…………. … torain.
a. had started b. have started c. started d. was starting
23. After I ………. to quiet music, I felt relaxed.
a. have been listening b. listening c. had listened d. was listening
24. Which of the following is structurally correct?
A. Once I have heard the good news, I contacted Adel.
B. Once I heard the good news, I had contacted Adel.
C. Once I had been hearing the good news, I contacted Adel.
D. Once I had heard the good news, I contacted Adel.
25. What ………. ……… by the time Tamer returned home?
a. had you done b. are you doing c. have you been doing d. you had been doing
26. She refused to lend me her camera until I ……….to take care of it.
a. had promised b. have promised c. had been promising d. have been promising
27. Which of the following is structurally correct?
A. I haven’t handed in my answer sheet until I'd gone over all the questions again.
B. I didn't hand in my answer sheet until I'd gone over all of the questions again.
C. I won’t hand in my answer sheet until I went over all the questions again.
C. I didn’t hand in my answer sheet until I've gone all the questions again.
28. I ………. revising all my lessons by last night.
a. am finishing b. have finished c. had finished d. will be finishing
29. Had you been waiting for Hala for a long time before she …………….?
a. was arriving b. have arrived c. had arrived d. arrived
30. Unfortunately, he missed the train. When he …….... the station, the train ……………. .
a. reached/has left b. had reached/left c. reached/had left d. was reaching/has left
31. He was overjoyed because he …….... his final exam.
a. will be passed b. had passed c. has passed d. had been passing
32. She was exhausted because she …….... all day.
a. will be working b. was working c. has worked d. had been working
32. After …….... her daily housework, she had some rest.
a. has done b. had done c. doing d. had been doing
33. My uncle works as a surgeon in …………….European country.

a. a b. an c. the d. no article
34. Mr Sameh is a very kind manager; he forgives ……………. mistake I make!
a. however b. wherever c. whatever d. whoeve
35-When was the last time that you…………………. your cousins?
a have seen b seeing c saw d see
36-Ali always…… work when he was young.
a-walked b-walks c-is walking d-was walking
37-When I woke up, my father………… I didn't see him.
a-left b-had left c-had been leaving d-has left
38-………….….leaving the shop I remembered that I had forgotten my wallet there
a-Before b-After c-As d-When
39- The students …………………the book before the lesson started.
a are reading b had read c have read d reads
40-As soon as I got out of the exam room, I realised that I ……… a question. I was sad.
a) had answered b) didn'tanswer c) hadn't answered d) answered
41) When I was in Sharm El-Sheik, I.................... a lot.
a. have sunbathed b. was sunbathing c. would sunbathe d. sunbathed
42) .............. reaching the airport, Ali found out that he had left his suitcases at home.
a. On b. While c. When d. Despite
43) By the time Mohammed was 22, he ...................... the military service.
a. is joining b. was joining c. had joined d. joined
44) I ............... already left the house when it began to rain.
a. have b. has c. had d. was
45) I turned off the light before ................. to bed. 2018
a. go b. going c. went d. to go
46) By 2012, I ................ three novels. It was a great achievement for me.
a. had written b. will have c. had been writing d. was writing
47-She……………….answer the question , until she had looked at it twice.
a-doesn't b-couldn't c-won't d-don't
48-As soon as we arrived at school, the first lesson................
a- had begun b- began c- begins d- has begun
49) President Sadat died in 1981, before that our army........the Suez Canal.
a. crossed b. had crossed c. have crossed d. was crossing
50) Having ....................... the shopping, mother started to prepare lunch.
a. do b. she did c. she does d. done
51-He …………………. for only 3 weeks, so it is not surprising that he failed his driving test.
a- had been driving b- was driving c- drives d- to drive
52-When I got home, I was very tired. I …………………….. all day
a- have been working b- work c- had been working d- have worked
53) She arrived to the cinema late. The movie .................twenty minutes earlier.
a. has begun b. had begun c. was beginning d. began
54) No sooner ............................. the noise than we rushed to the spot.
a. had we heard b. did we hear c. we had heard d. we did hear
55. After Mona ………..the piano for half an hour, she helped her sister with her homework.
a) had been playing b) had helped c) helped d) will help
56-They couldn't go swimming because they ............….. their swimsuits.
a) forget b) have forgotten c) had forgotten d) will forget
57-…..............seeing the accident, the motorists drove more carefully.
a) On b) Without c) Despite d) when
58-No sooner ............... he see the police than he ran away.
a) do b) does c) had d) did
59-Walaa ………..down the stairs this morning and broke her leg.
a) was fallen b) fall c) fell d) had fallen

60-My car................until I had taken it to the mechanic.
a-repaired b-wasn't repaired c-didn't repair d-doesn't repair
61. Hardly had he got up this morning ……………he felt a bad headache.
a) than b) then c) when d) why
62. I telephoned the police after I…………the accident.
a) had seen b) was seeing c) seeing d) having seen
63. I……….my own computer for three years before anything went wrong with it.
a) had b) had been having c) had had d) was having
64. We arrived atschool late. The first lesson ................ The teacher was angry.
a- began b- was beginning c- had begun d- has begun
65-On seeing the fire, the man …………………… the fire brigade.
a. had called b. was called c. was calling d. called
66. The streets were muddy as it……….……all the night.
a) rained b) has rained c) had been raining d) was raining
67-My father retired last week. He ………………….. for the same company all his life.
a) worked b) has worked c) had been working d) was working
68-The little children's clothes were dirty because they…….. in the park all day.
a) was playing b) have played c) played d) had been playing
69. I ………….. with my father for two hours before I went to bed.
a) was speaking b) had been speaking c) spoke d) have spoken
70. When my mother suggested going to Sharm, I …………… once.
a) had agreed b) agreed c) was agreeing d) agree
71. Having ………… a new company , I hired a lot of employees.
a. finding b. found c. to find d. founded
72. Having .....................well, we ate the delicious pizza at once..
a. cooked b. she cooked c. being cooked d.been cooked
73.………….. had she finished cooking than she sat down to have some rest.
a. Having b. Immediately on c. No sooner d. By the time
74.The maid ……………….. a rest until she had done all the housework.
a. wasn’t taken b. didn’t take c. wouldn’t take d. hadn’t taken
75. Huda applied to get a licence , before that drive .
a) learned b) has learned c) had learned d) learning
76. When we got to the show, unfortunately all seats………………..
a. took b. were taking c. had taken d. had been taken
77-After my work…………done. I had a break.
a. had b. had had c. had been d. having had
78.Hardly had they finished painting our new house ........... we moved into it.
a. than b. then c. that d. when
79.................. in the garage, my car stopped using too much petrol.
a.Repairing b.After repairing c.Having repaired d.Repaired
80.When I returned home,I realized that I ……………. my mobile phone at school.
a. have forgotten b. had forgotten c. am forgetting d. forgot
81. No sooner..........he stepped on my foot than he apologised to me.
a) did b) had c) have d) will
a haven’t reached b. hadn’t reached c. weren't reached d. couldn't reach
82. It wasn’t......... the teacher had entered the class that the students kept silent.
a. when b. after c. before d. until
83. It was when the teacher …………..the class that the students kept silent.
a. was entering b. has entered c. entered d. had entered
Unit eleven
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1-There are a lot of films about science ……………….. All youth like watching them.
a) facts b) fiction c) factories d) factors
2. Scientist could……………..the sun and the wind the wind to produce energy
a) harness b) grass c) make d) get
3. Generally, women don't like watching films that contain violence and ………..
a) love b) singers c) horror d) laughter
4- ---------------- his father , he is honest , patient and tolerant .They are a respectable family.
a) Unlike b) Like c)Likely d) Unlikely
5- ---------------- other animals , the elephant has a long trunk.
a) Unlike b) Like c)Likely d) Unlikely
6. I don’t ................. him, he stole the mobile from our teacher.
a) hate b) despise c)trust d) avoid
7. Men and women earn……………. pay when they do the same job. This is fair
a) same b) similar c) different d) equal
4 The ......................... told the soliders where to go. They obeyed the orders.
a) officers b) enemies c) fellows d) thieves
8. If children get lost and don’t get enough food , they'll………………….
a) survive b) dead c) starve d) hungry
9. In the past, strong countries……………………the weak ones to get their riches.
a) won b) invaded c) attack d) helped
10 The poor street children ...................... from the cold in winter.
a) suffered b) overcome c) pain d) endure
11. In Zoos ,it’s unkind to keep an animal in a …….. They should live in their natural habitat.
a) prison b) cage c) cell d) jail
12-The results of students ----------------- the talents of the teachers that teach them. They are
a) hide b) disappear c) demonstrate d) produce
13-The story of the film is very brilliant and the ----------------- were totally wonderful .
a) actors b) actress c) acting d) views
14-The government is going to build ----------------- on the coast of the Red Sea to make
electricity from the wind.
a) petrol stations b) nuclear stations c) solar panels d) windmills
15-When the soldiers reached a desert island , they had to find a way to -------------- on it.
a) survive b) stride c) summon d) strike
16- Nowadays ,p eople have to work more than a job ………….. to improve their income
a) slowly b) slightly c) constantly d) continuous
17-Our brave soldiers were sent in a ----------------- mission to help the ship that blocked the
Suez Canal.
a) funny b) comedy c) rescue d) curious
18. In this .............. film, two young bears get lost on a mountain. Will they be found?
a) fun b) historical c) musical d) animation
19--------------- , I think that comedy films always make people feel good.
a) Personality b) Personally c)Personal d) Person
20 . All the Egyptians still like the ………….films of Ismail Yassen . They make them laugh
a) tragedy b) comedy c) musical d) horror
21. This ............. film is about a man and a woman facing a lot of problems but could
overcome them and marry.
a) romantic b) tragedy c) fiction d) action
22-I don't like this remake but I prefer the --------------------- cartoon film.
a) origin b) fake c) false d) original
23-The director was -------------- as the animation looks incredibly real.

a) creative b) creature c) written d) read
24- Old people sometimes watch ----------------- films to remember the events of the past.
a) documents b) fundamental c) documentary d) dictionary
25-My son is good at creating new solutions to difficult questions. He is really………..
a) talented b) talent c) retarded d) tender
26-He is an …………….. person . His relatives don't like him as he is cruel .
a) kind b) modest c) decent d) unkind
27. My brother is a firefighter. He faces a lof of fires………….. and saves peoples lives .
a) romantically b) bravely c) cowardly d) kindly
28-The Martian is a brilliant film -------------- from the bestselling book of the same name .
a) adopted c) given c) adapted d) drawn
29- There are a lot of…………..who landed on the moon, one of them was Neil Armstrong was .
a) astronomers b) astrologers c) scientists d) astronauts
30. The "Days" by Taha Hussein was on of the ………………….when it first came out.
a) bestsellers b) sellers c) buyers d) customers
31-Amr Diab will take part in a ---------------- film and he will sing his best songs in it.
a) musical b) action c) cartoon d) animated
32. I found the music in this film quite ....................................... . It was too loud.
a) quiet b) strong c) annoying d) powerful
33.The problem with many ………… films is that people always want to emitate the dangerous
things. The actors do.
a) tragedy b) action c) comedy d) horror
34. Like most films about war, this film was very ........... It is hard to forget the terrible things
that happened.
a) awful b) funny c) frightened d) laughing
35 -My friend is …………………… He is n't romantic.
a) idealist b) realistic c) really d) humorous
36-My father's plane takes ……………………… at 7 tomorrow.
a) of b) off c) out d) away
37. There are a lot of environments, but the desert is one of the most ……………ones.Living
there is very difficult.
a) host b) hospitable c) hositle d) hostility
38-This film is …………………. .It has made us laugh loudly.
a) boring b) silly c) dull d) enjoyable
39. Some directors prefer………..the old successful films to gain popularity.
a) remaking b) filming c) reproducing d) rethinking
40 There are some modern…………… instruments like The guitar which have been used a lot
in classical songs..
a) powerful b) amusing c) muscle d) musical
40-We should teach our children not to give up but they should have ……………. opinions.
a) bad b) negative c) positive d) passive
41-Nowadays , movies have wonderful …………… because of modern cameras that directors
use .
a) vice b) visuals c) visible d) reviews
42-Films full of the scenes of muders and blood are …………….. films.
a) romantic b) action c) historical d) horror
43-Famous journalists work as film ……… in newspapers to be famous as they meet film

a) critics b) performers c) directors d) readers
44-The owner of the block let the tenants ………………… heaters .
a) install b) to install c) installing d) installed
45-The pyramids are ( historical – historic – historian – history ) buildings .
46- We have to read some ( historical – historic – historian – history ) documents.
47-Can you ( advise – recommend – say – complain ) me a good dentist to see?
48-Women and men should have ( equal – equally – quality – quit ) salaries at work.
49-I want to install the latest android ( verse – addition – version – fiction) on my tablet.
50. A lot of …………….waiting for their favourite stars , want to take photos with them.
a) fins b) fans c) fines d) fun
51-We always like having …………………. time with my family .
a) delighted b) sorrowful c) historical d) marvelous
52-The leaders elected by their peoples always work for their countries and make
……….decisions to help them.
a) delighted b) sorrowful c) historical d) funny
53-Some African countries ( eat – drink – starve – sleep ) to death due to lack of water and
58- NASA will send some astronauts on a secret ( mission – mass – lesson – miss ) to launch a
59-The antonym of unkind is ( cruel – unfriendly – friendly – hard-hearted )
60-The synonym of unkind is ( cruel – unfriendly – friendly – hard-hearted )
61-Hostile is to unkind as ( hilarious – cruel – gloomy – serious ) to amusing.
62-This science fiction film is adapted ( with – by – from – of ) a novel by Jules Verne
63-How would you ( fall – feel – fail – fit ) if your son deceived you ?
64. An --------------- has a lot of exciting scenes in which people fight , case and kill each
a) comedy b) romantic c) musical d) action
65. An ------------ is a film ,TV program , computer game,etc.that has pictures , clay and
a) intention b) animation c) amusement d) action
66. A --------------- is a film a play or TV programme that is intended to make peole laugh.
a) comedy b) romantic c) musical d) action
67. The synonym of constantly is ( temporary – continually - gradually – annually )
68. The ------------- film is based on events and real characters from the past.
a) musical b) romantic c) historical d) action
69. A ----------------- is a film which includes singing and dancing.
a) comedy b) romantic c) musical d) action
70. The animation looks real but it ( contain – looks – leaks – lacks ) warmth and energy
71.-The human brain is ( credible – incredible – unreliable – incredibly ) amazing.
72.--------------- films usually show feelings of love or a loving relationship.
a) Comedy b) Romantic c) Horror d) Action
73.-The -------------- is the main set of related events in a novel or a play .
a) criticism b) visuals c) reviews d) storyline

Choose the right answers: .1
1. Mona will study hard , (will she - won’t she - she will - she won’t ) ?
2.You’d better come early, (wouldn’t you - hadn’t you - you wouldn’t - had you ) ?
3.The teacher is standing up , ( he is - isn't he - is he - he isn’t ) ?
4.Every one can read , (can’t he – can’t they – can they – he can’t) ?
5. Nothing can make me laugh , ( can’t it – can it – can’t they – they can) ?
5. Let us eat now , ( will you – shall we – won't I – you will) ?
6.Today is Friday , ……………………..….? ( is it – it isn't – is not it – isn't it) ?
7. That is my new bike , ……………….…..? ( isn’t that – hasn't it – isn’t it – it isn’t) ?
8. That is my new friend , ……………….…..? ( isn’t that – hasn't it – isn’t it – isn’t he) ?
9. She had a car , ………………………..…? ( didn't she – she didn't – had she – doesn't she ) ?
10. I am so fit , ………………………………? ( amnot I – amn't I – aren't I – I amn't) ?
11. There aren’t any books , …………….…? ( aren't they- aren't there – esn't it- there aren't)?
12. He never drinks wine , (doesn’t he – he doesn’t – does he – he doesn’t) ?
13. She needn’t come early , (need she - she need – she does – doesn’t she) ?
14. We have a big house , (have we – haven’t we – don’t we – do we) ?
15. The sun rises in the morning, (doesn’t it – it does – does it – it doesn’t) ?
16-We haven’t seen that movie, ( have we – haven't we – don't we – didn't we) ?
17.-He can’t remember her phone number, ( can't – can – won't – couldn't ) he ?
18-The boy read his email in front of his mates , ( wasn't he – didn't the boy – doesn't
he – didn't he) ?
19-I don't think he will pass the exam , ( do I – won't he – will he – won't I )?
20-He'd rather leave now , ( had – would – hadn't – wouldn't ) he ?
21-After I had finished work , I took rest , ( hadn't I – did I – didn't I – had I ) ?
22-We never travel abroad, ( have we – haven't we – don't we – do we) ?
23-He can hardly come late, ( can't he – can he – won't he – couldn't he) ?
24-The thief cut the rope , ( wasn't he – didn't the thief – doesn't he – didn't he) ?
25-She thinks she'll get full mark ,( doesn't she – does she – will she – won't she )?
26-I drink little water with the food , ( have I– do I – don't I– haven't I ) ?
27-They ought to come on time , ( ought they – must they – oughtn't they – wouldn't
they )?
28-Don't interrupt your parents , ( will you – shall you – can't you – shall we ) ?
29-Everyone has a book , ( do they– have they – don't they – hasn't he )?
30-She needn't buy bread , ( doesn't she – need she – didn't she – don't she I ) ?
31-You dare not bully my brother . do you – will – you – dare you – need you )
32-pollution damages the environment , ( is it – doesn't it – hasn't it – does it ) ?
33-I am going to visit Cairo, ( am n't I – am I – are you – aren't I )?
34-Neither of them is stupid , ( isn't he – isn't she – are they – don't they )
35-No one can deny that he is a genius , ( isn't he – is he – can they – can't they ?
36-It rarely rains in the desert ,( doesn't it – isn't it – doesn't it – does it)?
37-Ahmed needs to buy a car , ( needs he – does he , doent't he – hasn't he ) ?
38-Wonderful ! ( isn't it – does it - is it – doesn't it ?
39-If she gets up early , she will catch the train , (doesn't she – won't she – will she – is
40-Wait for me here , please , (will you- can you -would you- can you )?
41-This is a nice flower , ( isn't he – isn't this – isn't it – is it )?
42-This is a nice boy , ( isn't he – isn't this – isn't it – is he )?
43-There are twenty desks in the class , ( aren't they – aren't there – is there – are there
Think carefully:

1 . Neither of the workers was happy with the new legislation, ……………….?

a. wasn't they b. weren't they c. was they d. were they
2. That is very important for him, ………..?
a. isn't it b. isn't that c. is it d. is that
3. Everybody should visit him, …………?
a. shouldn't they b. should they C. should we d. shouldn't we
4. I am going to London, …………..?
a. am n't I b. aren't I c. don't I d. am I
5. As far as I know Jim, he hates football and never plays it,…………….?
a. didn't he b. will he c. does he d.. don't I
6. You really think that those over there are our new teacher's kids,………….?
a. isn't it b. don't you c. aren't they d. do you
7. They had to provide some evidence to the court to clear him of the accusation,…..?
a. wouldn't they b. hadn't he c. hadn't they it klidn't they
8. Just because the teacher has strict rules in class, everybody dislikes him too much,…?
a. aren't they b. don't they c. doesn't it d. do they
9. It is the breaking news. Pass the remote control to me,……………?
a. isn't it b. didn't you c. shall we d. will you
10. I guess my brother didn't like the way his wife behaved in front of many people………?
a. wasn't he b. don't I c. did he d. dicia't ..1-1,?
11. Nobody in the family believes Carl has paid the heating bill,……..?
a. do they b. has he c. doesn't he d. did 1-A.,,,
12. I assume the books you gave will be helpful though there are plenty of similar books…?
a. do you b. won't they C. didn't you d. are they
13. One of the things I used to do was breaking ice floes in the stream, ……?
a. didn't I b. wasn't it c. isn't it d. wouldn't I
14. I suppose they won't come in time for the lunch…………?
a. won't they b. aren't I c. don't I d. will they
15. He said the teacher ought to give the instructions more clearly…………?
a. did he b. hasn't he c. oughtn't he d. didn't he
16. It would have been a more tactful decision to leave them alone, 9
a. shouldn't we b. hasn't it c. didn't they d. wouldn't it
17.They will be coming in an hour, so I have got to prepare something for dinner……………?
a. haven't I b. don't I c. shouldn't we d. won't they
18. He had no practice in composing music……………?
a. didn't he b. had he c. did he d. has he
19 . You have a bad headache…………….?
a. isn't it b. don't you c. does it d. haven't you
20. He never thought what might come out of it………….?
a. did he b. didn't he c. does he d. won't he
21. The manner of addressing people in Britain is quite different from ours…………..?
a. it is b. isn't there C. is it d. isn't it .?
22 . Nothing can stop us now………………..?
a. don't it b. doesn't it C. can't it d. can it
Choose the right answers:
1-Yesterday was hot and today is …………… .
. a hotter b. hotter c. hotter than d. hottest
2-Planes are ............................. faster than trains.
a. a lot of b. more c. much d. as
3-The Egyptian museum is one of the……..places to visit in Cairo. Tourists like to visit it.
a. most popular b. least popular c. less popular d. more popular
4-Your homework is .............................. than last week; you seem lazy!
a. bad b. good c. worse d. better
5-This exam seems ................................than the previous one; you don’t have to worry.
a. much difficult b. easier c. the easiest d. more difficult
6-Adel isn’t as old as Hatim. Adel is really……….. .
a. oldest b. youngest c. older d. younger
7-Which is ............................................. in summer: Cairo or Alexandria?
a. hotter b. hottest c. as hot d. hotter than
8-What is the...........................................mountain in Europe?
a. much high b. highly c. high d. highest
9. The teacher talked ………………. so that we could all hear her.
a. loud b. loudly c. quickly d. cheaply
10. There was a ………………. end to the film, but I won’t tell you what happened!
a. surprising b. surprisingly c. surprised d. surprise
11. The footballer played ……………….today. He scored three goals!
a. brilliantly b. slowly c. lazily d. brilliant
12. The children are very ……………... What are they doing?
a. loud b. quiet c. quietly d. quite
13. Mona did ………………in her exam. She was ill that day.
a. better b. terrible c. worse d. terribly
14. It rains …………. In England, so we always take an umbrella when we go outside.
a. constant b. constantly c. continuous d. temporarily
15.-The ancient Egyptians were ( incredible – fantastic – incredibly – amazing ) clever.
17-The man who has been robbed is ( very – slight – quiet – completely ) furious now
18. Take a book to read on the bus because it’s a .................. long journey.
a. quiet b. bit c. quite d. slight
19.Employees take their salaries ( monthly – in a day – annual – yearly )
20-My teacher was ( absolutely – very – incredibly – completely ) kind to me.
21-This player plays football very ( well – delighted – good – badly ). He is clever.
22-I am absolutely ( delight – delightful – delighting – delighted ) to win the prize.
10-You need to be ( extremely – extremist – extremism – quiet ) tall to be a basketball player
11-The exam is ( absolutely – extremely – quiet – quite ) easy .I think I am going to pass it
12-I enjoy listening to the ( sweet – sweat – suite – suit ) sound of the nightingale

Unit Twelve
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1-Girls like wearing clothes with a lot of ( access – accessories –accent – lashes ) to be
2-The ----------- is someone who starts a new business to make money .
a) entrepreneur b) enterprise c)intruder d) introducer
3-During my visit to the Egyptian Museum , I came ( out – off – across – cross ) my old friend .

4- We should encourage people to use ………….-powered bikes as they are environmentally
a) petrol b) oil c) gas d) pedal
5- Success at school is easy and ……………………., but with hard work.
a) achievable b) deniable c) sociable d) enable
6. On going on missions , soldiers have to …………….. on their hands and knees not to be seen
by the enemies.
a) walk b) crawl c) jumb d) run
7- Famous chefs keep the …………….of their tasty foods as secrets .
a) receipts b) recites c) circuits d) recipes
8. Our scientists have made great……………………… all fields, especially medicine.
a) losses b) communications c) achievements d) prices
9. Setting our ……………..before starting any project is an important step to achieve them.
a) goals b) successes c) majorities d) prizes
10. To succeed in life, it’s important to have ……………aims or goals.
a) general b) public c) specific d) long
11. We shouldn't give ……….our goals and should try hard to achieve them.
a) out b) up c) away d) off
12. People don't complete the way of success as their goals are …. too difficult or take too long
a) neither b) both c) either d) each
13. If you decide to achieve a goal ,………………….clear steps to succeed.
a) sit b) pot c) build d) set
14. Successful managers often……………………that our goals should be smart.
a) tell b) mention c) warn d) said
15. The new coach has made a ............................ difference to the teams’ results. They’ve won every
game this year.
a) comfortable b) enable c) measurable d) helpful
16. That information is very ................................................ to our discussion. We can't ignore it.
a) relevant b) separated c) competed d) deleted
17. Our goals well be………………….if we keep working hard.
a) achievable b) deniable c) sociable d) enable
18. This project is ............... so we only have two weeks to complete
a) deep-rooted b) long- timed c) time-bound d) timed-bomb
19- The chaireman is over the moon because the company has made big ……….. under his
a) profits b) losses c) prophets d) mistakes
20. Our goals should be………………… be achievable.
a) sense b) ashamed c) sensitive d) sensible
21. Our goals should be timed-bound and have a start and an end ……………
a) addresses b) dates c) titles d) seasons
22. Big companies have experts able to measure the ……..they have made to avoid any
a) advanced b) failure c) progress d) jobs
23. The young man ………………………… his blood to save the injured child.
a) takes b) donates c) sends d) receives
24……………………live in organized societies and make honey in their hives
a) Bees b) wasps c) Ants d) Crickets
25. The government should encourage youth to have their personal …………….to relieve the
burdens of providing governmental jobs for them.
a) roads b) houses c) businesses d) company
26.My brother doesn't have children, so he…………….a child to feel that he is a father.
a) adapted b) adopted c) did d) forced
27. The new manager adapted a project designed by a clever engineer to increase the sales.

a) adapted b) adopted c) did d) forced
28. I asked the waiter about the ……………of the dish we ate as it was tasty.
a) receipt b) recite c) circuit d) recipe
29. Bees make ……………….to feed theb gueen, but the human collects it to benefit from it.
a) sugar b) honey c) cheese d) salt
30. We feel ……………….about our grandfathers as they lose the quality of life when they
become too old.
a) cruel b) kind c) proud d) passionate
31. There are a lot of bee ……….groups who are fighting to save the honeybee.
a) talks b) conversation c) conservation d) charity
32- My father's business has expanded and now he owns a ……………. of supermarkets.
a) circle b) range c) cycle d) random
33. Mahmoud El Araby was a national………….who encourages the local industry.
a) baker b) butcher c) entrepreneur d) sailor
34. We should encourage our youth to………..their own project to develop themselves.
a) do b) create c) explore d) discover
35. The Arab Scientists could……..a lot of sets that developed the world.
a) received b) minded c) invented d) mended
36. To reduce the wastes , people should …………….the old things instead of throwing them.
a) cycle b) recycle c) used d) made
37. The young man's goal is to make a simple ………that can create electricity to use at home.
a) advice b) sit c) devise d) device
38.Due to the high prices, a lot of families can't …… buy the necessary needs.
a) afford b) carry c) send d) sell
39. As most water is polluted, people use …… purify it.
a) fans b) filters c) bottles d) cans
40. The corn-………….. filter removes 80% of all pollution in the water.
a) cup b) cop c) cob d) cap
41. The World Cup……………….happens every four countries in a different country.
a) race b) competition c) round d) champion
42-On the day of his graduation, my friend wears a nice ( outdoor – outcome – outfit – outlet )
43-Two men carried the injured man on the ( stretch – starch – stretcher – socks )
44- Egypt enjoys ( unicorn – uniform – unique – united ) monuments.
45- Snakes don't have legs to walk so they ( march – crawl – jump – stride )
46-You need new shoes to match your new ( outfit – fit – filter – outgoing )
47-It is ( unimportant – essential – insignificant – trivial ) to study hard to reach your goal.
48-My uncle is an ------------------- . He is always carrying out new projects
a) businessman b) entrepreneur c) interpreter d) translator
49-Not all ----------------- succeed in finding new solutions to everyday problems,
a) invitations b) inventors c) ventilators d) vanilla
50-Can you tell me the reason ( for – of – why – at ) you broke the school rules ?
51-Can you tell me the reason ( for – of – why – at ) your carelessness ?
52-The mall has a ( range – ridge – ring – ranch ) of fashionable outfits .
53-Due to his -------------------- ability , he makes a lot of money .
a) businessman b) entrepreneur c) interpreter d) entrepreneurial
54-(Time bound- time line-Time bomb-time end) means requiring completion by specified
deadline or within a specific period
55-If you work hard , you will ( score – make – achieve – share ) your goals easily .
56-You must follow the traffic ( roles – rules – ruins – rallies )not to be punished
57-All of us feel happy when we ( get to – arrive at – reach – leave ) his goal
58-Good engineers are able to talk about the ( specifics – specify – spices – specific ) of their
59-Our ideas for helping people should be ( relevant – irrelevant – responsible –
irresponsible ) to the community we live in.
60- When we set our goals , they should be ( achiever – achievable – measure – achievement )
61- When we buy a device , we must understand the ( propose – purpose – suppose – passport
) of using it
62. We should encourage youth to find solutions (to- for- with- by ) our problem
63-I hope we can get ( to – off – on – over ) oureconomic and financial crisis soon.
64-He is creative .His projects are always ( profits – profitable – profitless – loss )
65-He can gain ( access – prize – award – experience ) to the internet.
66-The teacher gave a good ( resent – presentation – present – prize ) about the topic .
67- Difficult problems need ( practice – practice – practitioner – practical ) solutions.
68-My tailor took my waiste ( measure – measured – measurement – measurable ) to make
me a suit .
69-Babies are used to ( crawl – swimming – crawling - speeding ) around the house.
70- We should be honest and not to ( track – trick – truck – take ) other people.
71-Our hotels provide ( afford – affordable – offer – offering ) prices for tourists.
72-My daughter is shy . He finds it difficult to speak ( in – on – at – of ) public
73-The accident wasn't deliberate .It happened ( in – on - by – of ) accident.
74-Students should be ( non specific – specific – specialise – spare ) in their answers
75-My neighbour is poor ( so – therefore – but – although ) generous .
76-The rest of the corn ( cob – cup – cab- car ) is not used.
77-These inventions include a ( range – ranch – various – vary ) of useful solutions
78-In Ramadan , we ( pack – break – leek – seek ) fast after sunset .
79-He was accused of ( reason – treason – treaty – tragedy ) so he was hanged.
80-We are going to plant trees in our ( neighbour – neighbouring – neighbourhood – floor)
81-Nobody believes the ( liars – reliable - innocent – honest )
82-He couldn't work well after his injury so he ( design – disguised – resigned – signed )
83-All of us should respect the ( law – low – lower – blow )
84-The paramedics carried the injured man on the ( stretch - teach – stretcher – archer )

1.Choose the right answers:
1. Fatma won the prize, .................surprised me a lot.
a) where b) whom c) which d) who
2. The children ...................... were playing football broke one of my windows.
a) which b) who c) whom d) when
3. The house .................. I was born has just been demolished.
a) whose b) in where c) in that d) in which
4. Fadi is the man ...................... he lives next door.
a) where b) which c) who d) whom
5. The books .................. are on the table are mine.
a) where b) who c) which d) whom
6. I can’t remember the name of the person ..................... I borrowed this pen.
a) from where b) from which c) to whom d) from
7. Alfred Hitchcock .................. worked for many years in Hollywood was born in Britain.
a) that b) whom c) which d) who
8. The sun is really a star....................... is 93 million miles from the earth
a) which b) whom c) who d) when
9. John Kennedy ..................... a very famous American President died in 1963.
a) who b) that c) who was d) who is
10. He has a beautiful sister ................... name I have forgotten.
a) whose b) which c) whom d) that
11. Charlie Chaplin, .................... became a very rich man was from a poor family.
a) where b) who c) that d) which
12. The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona, in the north-east of Spain.
a) which b) that c) who d) where

13. This is the box ..................... I had put my English books.
a) which b) who c) whom d) where
14. This is the box ................. I had put my English books in.
a) which b) who c) whom d) where
15. The man...................... she had lunch yesterday is her boss.
a) who b) whose c) with whom d) whom
16. The knife ............... you are cutting the meat belonged to my great grandmother.
a) where b) which c) with whom d) with which
17. The company .................... he works has gone bankrupt.
a) for which b) in that c) in where d) which
18. We didn’t recognize the people .................... we were looking.
a) at which b) in whom c) at that d) at whom
19. I can’t remember the person ................... I took the money.
a) from whom b) whom c) who d) whose
20. The professor................. has recently received an award.
a) respect b) I respect c) whom respect d) which I respect
21. I know the person ............... you are talking about.
a) whose b) where c) whom d) when
22. The bookstore did not have the book ...................
a) wanting b) that wanted c) which wanted d) I wanted
23. This is the house ................ I lived when I was younger.
a) in which b) which c) that d) in where
24. This is the house ................ I lived in when I was younger.
a) which in b) which c) in that d) where
25. A man was ringing did not know what to do.
a) whose b) which c) whom d) that
26. I still remember the day .................. I received my first paycheck.
a) where b) which c) in which d) when
27. At last, the officer .................. we were desperately waiting arrived.
a) for whom b) whom c) who d) at whom
28. That was the place .................. I'd seen you before.
a) who b) whose c) which d) where
29. Hannah went to get the book .................. the day before.
a) I'd lent her b) that I'd lent her it c) which I'd lent it her d) had lent her
30. The rain always reminded her of the city ........................ she met her husband
a) whose b) when c) who d) where
31. Tell me the song ................... makes you feel happiest.
a) who b) which c) where d) when
32. The meeting will happen in Alex. Please e-mail a list of the lectures want to attend.
a) what b) whose c) when d) that
33. The man fell over in the street and it was his own sister ................ found him there.
a) whose b) which c) whom d) that
34. The woman .................... son you met is distinguished lecturer.
a) where b) that c) whom d) whose
35. The horse ................... the race belongs to an Irish woman.
a) to win b) won c) that win d) winning
36. A woman ................... daughter was crying tried to calm her.
a) whose b) whose her c) who d) whom
37. Can you name the country ........................ was the birthplace of Mozart?
a) whose b) which c) whom d) where
38. Can you name the country ........................ Mozart was born?
a) where b) which c) whom d) that
39. The factory .................. closed last week had been there for 70 years.
a) what b) whose c) when d) that
40. Have you read about the schoolgirl ........... started her own business and is now a
a) whose b) which c) whom d) that

41. Maha says that the house ..................... Tamer has bought has a beautiful garden
a) whose b) which c) whom d) where
42. A police officer .................... car was parked at the next corner stopped and arrested them.
a) whose b) which c) whom d) that
43. Lots of people walk in the park................... I jog every morning.
a) whose b) which c) who d) where
44. What’s the name of the river ................... goes through the town?
a) which b) where c) when d) who
45. The robber stole the car ....................... in front of the supermarket.
a) was parked b) which were parked c) which parked d) parked
46. Do you know anybody .................. wants to buy a car?
a) whose b) which c) whom d) that
47. Bill Clinton,.................was President of the USA, has only one daughter.
a) who b) which c) whom d) that
48. She always asks me questions ................... are difficult to answer.
a) whose b) when c) which d) where
49. The boy .................. next to me in class is very clever.
a) which sits b) whom sits c) sitting d) sat
50. Show me the road ................ to the railway station.
a) leading b) which leading c) leads d) lead
51. I don’t like people ...................... never stop talking.
a) who b) which c) whom d) whose
52. Have you seen the money ...................... was on the table?
a) when b) where c) who d) that
53. Why does he always wear clothes ..................... are too small for him?
a) whose b) when c) which d) what
54. She apologized to the boy ...................... glasses got broken.
a) where b) which c) whose d) that
55. Christopher Columbus was the sailor .................... discovered America.
a) what b) whom c) who d) which
56. The lady ..................... son plays football with me is the head teacher of my school.
a) whose b) which c) whom d) where
57. The house .................... I was born is now for sale.
a) where b) whose c) which d) whom
58. Charles Dickens, ....................... was an English author, wrote many interesting novels.
a) what b) whom c) who d) which
59. London, .................... is on the river Thames, is the capital of the United Kingdom.
a) what b) where c) who d) which
60. Yesterday we found a wallet................. was empty.
a) which b) who c) whom d) what
61-My penfriend, (who – that – where – when) lives in Sweden, is studying biology at
62-Aisha, (which – whom – whose – that) father is a well-known doctor, is my best friend at
63-My brother (whom – whose – where – that) lives in New York is going to visit us soon.
64-Fruit (when - that – where – what) ripens on the tree tastes best.
65-Our flat, (which – that – whose – where) is on the fifth floor, overlooks the Nile.
66-My brother went to Alexandria university, (which – when – that – where) he studied
67-Last week, we had a meeting, ......................... we found out about next year's school trip.
a) at which b ) for which c ) on which d ) by which
68-She's written an article ...................... she describes the problems facing our country.
a) of which b) with which c) in which d ) in where
69-Dr. Aisha Abd El-Rahman, (that - who – what – where) is better known to some people as

Bint El-Shatei, is one of the most famous people in Egyptian and Arab culture.
70-Dr. Aisha used to go with her father to meetings ............. she learned to read and write.
a) at which b) of which c) to which d) for which
71-She went to Cairo University................... she studied Arabic language and literature
a) what b )whose c) at where d) where
72-She wrote many books and articles……… she argued for a more positive role for women.
a) with whom b) in which c) of what d) to where
73-Her work, .................... had taken up much of her personal life, is still appreciated today.
a) which b) what c) where d) whom
74-Dr. Aisha, ......................... father was an important man, was born in Damietta in 1913.
a) which b) what c) where d) whose
75-Dr. Aisha wrote many articles(at which - in which – of which – which) she discussed
76-Queen Victoria, ……….. was born in 1819, was educated in London alone
a) which b) who c) that d) whom
78-Queen Victoria, ........ died in January 1901, was queen of Britain for most of the 19th
a) which b) what c) where d) who
79-Queen Victoria,………... age named after her ,ruled for more than 63 years.
a) that b )whose c) who d) whom
80-Queen Victoria's husband, died in 1861, …………….. Victoria always wore black clothes.
a) after which b ) with which c)by which d)from which
81-I'm hoping to study science at university, ............. I'd like to work as a research assistant.
a) in which b) what c) after which d) whom
82- Can the disabled ( get – bring – give – bring ) their homes without help ?
83-The city (that - in which – when – what) I was born is in the south of Egypt.
84-These days, women have as good an education as men, ................I think is a good thing.
a) which b) that c) where d) whom
85-Yesterday, I played a long game of tennis with my brother, ................ made me very tired.
a) which b) what c) where d) whom
86-The nurse, ……….. responsibility is to look after children, has worked here for ten years.
a) who b) what c) whose d) whom
87-The person (who – whose – which – where) does most of the cooking in is my mother.
88-Lord of the Flies is a story ………… a group of school boys are shipwrecked on an island.
a)at which b )for which c)in which d)to which
89- She asked me where I had been,..................... I replied, "I can 't tell you."
a)at which b )for which c)in which d)to which
90-Tomorrow, I'm going to a meeting .................... we're going to discuss women's role in
society. a)at which b )for which c)in which d)to which
91- They said something very cruel, .........................I think they should apologise.
a)at which b )for which c)in which d)to which
WB Questions
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Young children are not very ........................................ and need a lot of help and support.
A independent B well-known C deceived D ruined
2 Hi, Mum, the bus is late, could you ........................................ me up from the park?
A take B put C give D pick

3 People in Scotland speak English, but you might .............. to understand them sometimes
as their English sounds different.
A apologise B struggle C beg D insist
4 There has been a big ...... in the number of people using mobile phones in recent years.
A determination B grow C expansion D upload
5 The new hotel has lots of modern ................, including a gym and swimming pool.
A facilities B species C objects D innovators
6 Seoul in South Korea has one of the longest underground rail ............... in the world.
A paths B nets C works D networks
7 My grandmother often puts fruit in jars with lots of sugar to ................ them.
A reserve B preserve C prevent D serve
8 Judy hopes to get a .................. so that she can study at a really good university.
A scholarship B money C help D price
9 The train ............. at six o’clock, so we’d better go to the station now.
A left B is leaving C has left D will have left
10 When Tarek was younger he ........................................ that he lived in a house by the sea!
A use to wish B wish C will wish D used to wish
11 Did your grandfather ........................................ in a bank when he was younger?
A used to work B use to work C to work D working
12 Dina’s sister is ........................................ the same height as her!
A very B far C exactly D more
13 When the next tourist goes into the museum, a thousand tourists ............... it this year!
A will have visited B will visit C are going to visit D visit
14 My brother ................ when I do my homework and it makes me angry!
A is always singing B always sang C is singing D used to sing
15 Come to my house at eight o’clock because I.......... my school project by then.
A am finishing B have finished C will have finished D finish
16 This book is brilliant, it is ............... than the last book he wrote!
A slightly worse B far better C almost better D not better
17. If you want to find out some information on the internet, use a good .................... engine.
A search B channel C electric D machine
18. What is the……….... of the information you used to write your essay?
A name B source C way D type
19. My cousin is very ...................................... She can dance, sing and speak four languages!
A historical B hostile C powerful D talented
20. Don’t try to revise everything at the same time, but ..... a goal to revise one thing a day.
A set B get C take D score
21. The teacher said that my answer to the question was not ...... I wrote about the
wrong book!
A easy B measurable C relevant D achievable
23. We expected cold, wet weather in England, but it was ..................... hot and sunny.
A quietly B surprisingly C powerfully D surprised
24........... are very important to nature because they help plants to produce seeds.
A honeybees B flies C honey D animals
25. What............... is that TV programme on tonight?
A scene B correspondent C channel D canal
26. The tourists were tired this morning because they .......... to the top of a high mountain
yesterday afternoon.
A had taken B took C were taking D had been taken
27. You’ve worked as an investigator for many years now, .....................................?
A didn’t you B weren’t you C haven’t you D have you
28. Don’t talk loudly because the children are ..................................... asleep.
A often B still C first D not
29. The footballer, ..................................... face is often on TV, scored three goals today.
A who B that C whom D whose
30. We made a cake from a recipe ..................................... we found online.
A that B who C what D whom
31. The village, ..................................... my grandparents were born, is near the Nile.
A what B that C which D where
32. Before Ali went to Canada in the winter, he ..................................... snow.
A didn’t see B never saw C had never seen D has not seen
33 This action film is incredibly exciting, .....................................?
A hasn’t it B wasn’t it C doesn’t it D isn’t it
34. I am going to ……………… brother up from the airport when he arrives.
A pick B stand C leave D sit
35.1 love this sports club because all my favourite sports ………….are here.
a. difficulties b. obstacles c. drawbacks d. facilities
36. When you travel abroad, you might……….. before you get used to the new style of life.
a. hide b. hike c. trouble d. struggle
37. I'm sorry I can't go to your party. I ………………... to the dentist that aftemoon.
a. am going b. go c.went d. going
38. A technician…………….. the air conditioner before we move into the new house.
a has checked b. will have checked c.had checked d. was checking
39. By this time next week I …………... all my exams.
a. am finishing b. finished c have finished d. will have finished
40.The police were on the……………….of the car accident in minutes.
a. vision b. sight c.scene d. view
41. Ali………………. to loud music; it's so annoying.
a, is always listening b. always listened c. will have listened d. is never listening
42 .The Cairo Metro network is now a lot bigger, and the……………….work is in progress.
a. intention b. expansion c.suggestion d. destruction
43. This man is a ………………. ; he betrayed his friends.
a. reliable b. loyal c. believer d. traitor
44. Which test…………………… by next week ?
a. will you have had b. had you had c. you are going to have d. will you have
45. In the play I watched yesterday, the hero was………for power, he tried to replace the
a. angry b. thirsty c. hungry d. lazy
46. By the end of next summer, scientists …………a vaccine for COVID-19. Who knows?
a. will have discovered b. might have discovered c. will discover d. might discover
47. High-tech systems were used to build this 21 century public…….. system. This helps
people to travel casier than before
a. opinion b. amusement c. transport d. transplant
48.I think the workers …………that project before the end of next month; the task is really
a. won't finish b. haven't finished c. will have finished d. won't have finished
49. This digital camera……………… to my friend Mai.
a. belongs b. belong c. is belonging d. have belonged
50. We need to do our best to …………..the variety of species on our planet.
a. preserve b. cure c. heal d. remain
51. I am not as lucky as my cousin who got a... to study in the United States.
a. money b. present c. scholarship d. cash

52. I have an artistic eye and would like to be a………………. when I'm older.
a. newsreader b. volunteer C. nurse d. photographer
53. A lot of benefits can …………..from voluntary work for people of any age.
a. raise b. arise c.rise d. arouse
54.I wish I…………….. more for this test; I can't answer a lot of questions.
a. study b. had studied c. have studied d. studied
55.I think pollution in large cities is……………… worse that it used to be.
a. exactly b. almost c. far d. as
56.There's only a small difference. This phone is ………………bigger than that one.
a. slightly b. far c. as d. more
57. Ashraf was surprised to discover that he ………. to a higher position in the company.
a. has been promoted b. was promoting c. had been promoted d. had promoted
58. When I went to the mechanic's, I was pleased to find that my car……..well.
a. had been repaired b. had repaired c. was repairing d. has been repaired
59. My uncle is a/an ………….. . He collects and tells the news for newspapers, radio or TV.
a. newsreader b. photographer c. interviewer d. reporter
70.I finally finished reading the novel you………………… me.
a. were lending b. have lent c. had been lent d. had lent
71. It is important to know the………………. of each piece of news and to make sure it is true.
a. end b. source C. result d. reason
72. Travelling by plane is ………………………than travelling by train.
a. the most comfortable b. comfortable c. much more comfortable d. much comfortable
73. It is a/an……………… task to participate in keeping the environment clean.
a. charging b. simple c. challenging d. obvious
74. There are a lot of …………………. of wild animals in African forests.
a. spares b. species c.spices d. sparks
75. My father………………… to go to work by car, but now he does.
a. didn't use b. used c. isn't used d. uses
76. I am keen on high-tech gadgets and the future. I love watching……………… films.
a. action b. horror fiction d. historical
77. Don't worry, your gaol is………………….. you can realize your ambition.
a. removable b. curable C. achievable d. unbelievable
78. There are some good comedies on at the moment. The last one we watched was……….. ?
a. hilariously b. cheerful c.cheerfully d. hilarious
79. Being rich and famous by the age of 18 is not a very ……………………….goal for everyone.
a. motivated b. time-bound c. set d. achievable
80 . Look over there ! That is the girl …………………mother is a company manager.
a. who b. whose c. where d. when
81. My sister can hardly swim, …………….?.
a. can't she b. doesn't she C. can she d. does she
82.The market by the sea is the place………………. you can buy really fresh fish.
a. where b. when c.which d. that
83.That horror film was…………… scary: I will never let you choose a film to watch again!
a. not b. such c. a bit d. quite
84. Before travelling to Italy, Salma …………….on a quick visit to Spain.
a. had been b. is c. has been d. will be
85. My brother is a/an…………….. for a local newspaper. He likes his work very much.
a. interviewer b. buyer c.journalist d. reader

86. Young people need encouragement in order to succeed in life. Encouragement is
a synonym for…………………
a. settlement b. reinforcement c.replacement d. amusement
87.1 didn't know what…………………… to Amani, so I didn't contact her.
a. had happened b. had been happened c. has happened d. has been happened
88. My uncle had new visions of ruling…………... the company when he was promoted.
a. in b. out c. for d. over
89. He no longer smokes as he………………………..
a. used b. used to c. uses d. is used to
90. …………………... is the variety of plant and animal life in the world or a particular habitat.
a. Biologyy b. Biodiversity c. Diversity d. Biochemistry
91.I…………………. my report by this time next week.
a. will finish b. had finished c. have finished d. will have finished
Translate the following into Arabic:
1- Public means of transport have been modernised all over Egypt. As a result, people save
much time and effort due to reaching their destination more comfortable than before.

2- Modern means of communication greatly enable us to get in touch with each other in no
time. However , the worst disadvantage is that they weaken actual social contact.


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