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_________________________ The process where the parent organism initially forms small out-growth

or buds.

_________________________ It involves several successive divisions of a cell.

_________________________ This process is usually used by single-celled prokaryotes like the bacteria.

_________________________ A type of reproduction where the damaged part of the organism also

_________________________ The body of the parent organism breaks up into several pieces.

_________________________ This process occurs in fungi, macroalgae, ferns and mushrooms.

_________________________ This type of asexual reproduction in plants does not involve seeds, rather
through stem cuttings.

_________________________ The sexual reproductive process of lower organisms.

___________________ (plant-like protist)

___________________ (animal protist)

_________________________ The sexual reproduction that occurs in almost all organisms.

2 types of fertilization



________________________ The fertilized egg

________________________ Organisms that lay fertilized eggs outside the environment


____________________ male reproductive part

____________________ female reproductive part

__________________________ is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the
same flower

__________________________ is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another


____________________________ _________________________ ______________________

____________________________ _________________________

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