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stream or OTEC projects are operational we find three tidal stream commercial

projects accounting for 17 MW of capacity (two in Scotland and one in France) and a
1 MW commercial wave energy array in Sweden are to be commissioned shortly. A host
of OTEC projects are also gathering momentum, with two 10 MW schemes being
developed, one by DCNS in Martinique and the other by Lockheed Martin in China. If
all planned commercial projects reach fruition then an additional 15 GW of ocean
energy capacity will come online over the coming years, however in reality a
fraction of this is likely to be delivered. Whilst the traditional leaders of this
sector, namely the UK and US, continue to develop flagship projects we find other
countries such as South Korea, Ireland, the Netherlands and China are now
challenging their dominance. Despite these positive developments a large number of
projects have been suspended largely as a result of public and private funds having
been withdrawn due to slow economic growth, falling oil prices and a failure by
marine energy technology developers to deliver on initial expectations about their
technologies’ potential cost-effectiveness. The wave energy sector has

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