02 Unit2 - Vocabulary - PL2 - ANS

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Unit 2 Vocabulary *ANS*

PL2 Fill in the blanks

1. The refugees, who left their countries because of war, have not eaten for quite a
few days and are starving now, so they are in dire need of food. If nobody helps
them, they may die.
2. Tim is really a slacker as he is always lazy and avoids work.
3. Some young men asked me to sign a petition in the street and told me they would
send it to the Chief Executive of Macau with all the citizens' signatures.
4. The doctor advised me that plenty of fresh air and a good diet plus sufficient
sleep, 7 to 8 hours a day would bring good health.
5. Throughout the year, there is lots of social activism in London. Groups of people
protest against this and that for their particular aims.
6. You must work harder as your parents always show concern about your school
work. They are worried about you.
7. A woman was holding her LV bag under her armpit in the market. I thought it was
not a genuine LV but a fake one.
8. Tom engages in many activities after school. He is a very energetic and
multitalented student.
9. The space suits are vital equipment during the space-walk. Astronauts survive
without them when they are out of the space station.
10. Sam is lazy and needs her mom to urge him to do his homework. She keeps
repeating the same words every day.
11. If you want to attain and succeed in getting good results, you need to put a lot
more effort into your work.
12. A famine is striking this part of the country as there is a lack of food for a long
time in this area.
13. We have a good harvest, thanks to the good weather and plenty of rain this year.
14. Whether to take the heart operation or not is a grave question for the man as it is
serious and important.
15. Sam was drenched as he forgot to bring an umbrella. Look, he is now wet to the
16. Our water resources are tremendously important and precious, so we must save
water in daily life.

Unit 2 Vocabulary *ANS*

17. Have you seen the MV by Mirror? It has gone viral and got 100,000 views on
YouTube now.
18. The government is trying to help the impoverished, people who are very poor.
19. After years of hardship, the athlete ultimately won the gold medal at the Tokyo
20. The government has launched a campaign, which is a series of planned activities,
to advise people to take the anti-Covid-19 vaccines as soon as possible.
21. Sue has accomplished the project as she has succeeded in selling more cars than
22. To cure the malnourished, people who are in bad health because of a lack of the
right type of food, doctors always advise the patients to have a proper diet.
23. To avoid strangers from getting into our campus, precautions are taken at the
entrances. Parents have to either do face-scanning or scan their entry cards.
24. I always opt for a vanilla ice cream at McDonald’s as there is not much choice for
25. This is a hard and competitive marathon as there are many good runners
competing against each other.
26. The webinar (網絡研討會) last year was fruitful as it is producing many useful
results now.
27. Sue is a nurse taking care of the chronically ill, people who are suffering from
long-term illnesses.
28. The students are charitable. They have just donated a few hundred dollars to help
the jobless recently.

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