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his is ... sister and this is ... mate

... teacher is always asking ... for homework. she must be really tired of ...

you did that .... and ... am proud of ...

it's not ...., it's (of my cat)

this is ... (we) not ... (they) t-shirt

2. wh questions

... this car?

... did that happen?

for ... are you doing this?

3. a, an , any, some

i've got ... brother who sings ... songs

could i have ... coffee please?

i haven't got ... negative emotions regarding this situation

i wish ... people would realize that it is more difficult than it seems.

i need ... milk for this recipe

is there ... cheese left?

4. translate

eso es un coche

esas amigas tuyas son malas

estas manzanas parecen muy frescas

esta amistad es un poco rara

5. present simple vs. present continuous

haz 5 frases en present simple, 5 en present continuous (solo puedes hacer una en
6. the comparative and the superlative

old, long, big, fat, gold, happy, careful, naive, beautiful, polite, good, cruel, far, gentle

soy mas inteligente que mi hermana

los niños son los seres humanos mas amables

el elefante es el animal más grande y fuerte

la risa es el mejor remedio

tú eres mas alta que yo, pero yo soy tan guapa como tú

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