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1. Choose the correct adjective or pronoun and complete each sentence.

1. As _____ was badly injured in the accident, Christine was taken to the nearest
2. Armenian cuisine is quite rich as ____ includes both vegetable and meat dishes and
various cooking styles.
3. If _____ want to get reliable information about your symptoms, you should see a
doctor rather than searching on the internet.
4. I brought ____ some cookies with a cup of coffee to enjoy by myself.
5. Only after looking for my glasses for more than an hour, I realized that I was already
wearing ____.
6. Watching football isn’t a personal interest of ____, I prefer watching basketball.
7. Jane has already eaten _____ lunch, but I'm saving _____ until later
8. She has broken _____ leg.
9. My mobile needs to be fixed, but _____ is working.
10. _____ computer is a Mac, but ______ is a PC.

2. Choose who / whom / that / which / when / where / whose / why.

There may be more than one correct answer.

1. My cousin Ethan, ______works at NASA, is a brilliant scientist.

2. The shop _______ I go to is close to downtown.
3. Your shop, _____ will probably be shut down next year, is really old.
4. I've met most of the people ______are eager to take part in the competition.
5. Do you know the reason _______ our offer was rejected.
6. Do you remember the town ______ you were born?
7. The neighbour ______ son is always running around the street is a journalist.
8. Where is the box _____ came in the mail?
9. 1999 is the year _____ the big earthquake happened.
10. Do you know the man _____ my father's helping?
3. Put in somebody / something / somewhere / anybody / anything / anywhere / nobody /
nothing / nowhere / everybody / everything / everywhere.

1) She wants to live _____ by the sea (in a certain place).

2) She put _____ in the box, all the things that she had.
3) Does _____ have a phone charger? (I don't know if a person has a charger or not.)
4) We went _____this weekend. We stayed at home.
5) She didn't bring ____to the party.
6) Is there ____ in the room?
7) A: What's wrong? B: ____, I'm fine.
8) ____lives in that house. It's empty.
9) Would you like to go___ this weekend? (I don't expect a particular answer.)
10) ___ was really friendly, all the managers and even the CEO.

4. Choose between the comparative and the superlative form of these adjectives.

1. This is ________ book in the whole store (expensive).

2. That shirt is ________ than the other one (dirty).
3. Peter was laughing hard, but his wife was laughing even ________! (hard)
4. He is ________ man that I know. (strong)
5. Robert is never on time. He always arrives ________ than the rest of us (late).
6. That is ________ song I've ever heard! (good)
7. Your cat is ________ than ours (small).
8. I thought this test would be difficult, but it's ________ test I've ever taken (easy).
9. Out of all the films I've seen, this one is ________ (sad).
10. Your answer is wrong, but it's ________ than the other students' answers (correct).

5. Fill in each blank space with the correct future verb tense (simple future, future
continuous, future perfect simple or future perfect continuous).

1. Tomorrow I ________ (paint) all day.

2. By the time we get there, the store ________ (close).

3. I ________ (see) you tomorrow at 3:00 PM.

4. After we finish this video, I ________ (see) all of this director's movies.

5. P1: Can I come over in an hour? P2: No, I ________ (clean) the house.

6. This time next week I ________ (drink) wine in Argentina.

7. She doesn't realize what kind of person he is, but she ________ (find out).

8. She insulted me. I ________ (speak) to her again!

9. If he continues drinking so fast, he ________ (drink) the whole bottle by midnight.

10. She ________ (tell) me when her birthday is.

11.By this time tomorrow he ______ (arrive) in Rome.

12.When I retire I______ (work) for 45 years.

13.You ______ (write) for an hour by this time tomorrow

14.When she’s 30 she _______ (travel) the world.

15.Hopefully, by 2022, most African children ______ (receive) a higher standard of


6. Fill each space with either the past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple or
past perfect continuous.

1. I was exhausted at the end of the exam. I ________(write) for over two hours.

2. When thieves stole my favourite leather jacket, I was really upset. I ________(have)
it for over ten years.
3. Please step out of the car, Mr. Jones. Do you realise you ______(drive) at over

4. We didn't really want to go and see the musical again. We _______ (already see) it
twice - so we said "no" and we went to a restaurant instead!

5. I arrived over an hour late to the office and everyone was working. Actually, they
_______ (work) for over two hours on the new project and I felt really guilty.

6. The kitchen was full of steam when we arrived. Joan was in the kitchen and she
_______ (cook) a huge meal for everyone at the party.

7. It was a bit embarrassing to arrive at their house and find Mary looking so sad. I think
she ______ (cry) before we got there.

8. No-one even noticed when I got home. They ______(all watch) the big game on TV.

9. I _____ (see) Sarah the other day, she _____ (look) beautiful.

10. Last month my parents _______ (celebrate) their anniversary and so they ______
(invite) all their friends.

7. Choose the correct modal verb

1. She looks pretty sick. I think she ________ go to a doctor.

2. You've been driving all day. You ________ be exhausted!
3. You ________ smoke so much. It's bad for your health.
4. Hey I'm lost. ________ you help me?
5. You have such a beautiful voice. You ________ sing for us!
6.It's 10:00 a.m. He _______ be in the office now.
7.Take your umbrella as it ______ rain today.
8. He is still at work ! He _____ come late I am afraid.
9. John couldn't repair his washing-machine; he ______ ask his neighbour for help.
10. They talked too loudly. They _____ woken up the baby!

8. Choose the correct conditional

1.If I hadn't fought for our relationship, we ______ (to be) together now.

2.I would be happier if I _____ (to say) 'yes' when she asked me to marry her.

3.If you weren't such a jerk, they _____ (to invite) you to yesterday's party.

4.If you _____ (to take) a map, as I told you, we wouldn't be lost now.

5.If I didn't love you, I ______ (to marry) you last year.

6.If I had more time, I ______ (to call) you last night.

7.Jessica __________ (to cry) if she ________ (to see) a cat. 

8.If my mother ___________ (to give) me money, I ______________ a new jacket.(to


9. Grace ______________ (to be) very happy if her team ___________ the
championship. (to win) 

10. If I ______________ (not - to water) the plants, they ___________ (to die).

11. I ______________ (to travel) to the beach if I _________ (to have) the money.

12. If Amanda ________ (to be) here, she _________ the kids eat so much candy. (not -
to let) 

13. My mother ____________ (to make) a cake for you if you ____________ her. (to
14. If I _____________ (can) travel now, I ____________ to Europe. (to go) 

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