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Harold Cedeño; ID: D00253365

Consumer psychology and is the area o the psychology which try to analyse the process of the
customer in the purchasing process, it includes the preferences and dislike and dislike to the
customer, this area of psychology also apply your analyse to marketing campaigns and study
references and reactions of the customers in from the advertisements. In the currently semester
we could learn a lot about this in the consumer psychology and behaviour.

As Erasmus student in this subject of consumer psychology and behaviour, I could learn about
the customer I have found it especially interesting because, we were able to learn how important
it is for the company to learn about their customer’s behaviour, in this way if one company learn
more of their target customer, they will can apply this knowledge and make more effective
campaigns and products to increase your sales. However, I think that there is one topic with
relevance important, it is consumer’s models.

First, a consumer model is the set of activities carried out by a person or an organisation from
the moment they have a need to the moment they make a purchase and subsequently use the
product. There are some different models that can adapts to different consumer’s behaviour, I
think its so important to all types of companies, as a organization in a complex market, a part
from make aa analyse of they direct and indirect competitors, the will need to know what type
of customers your service or product is aimed at and how you want to adapt it to the specific
tastes and behaviours of consumers, in order to achieve more sales of your product or service.

The main objective of this knowledge for companies is to improve your marketing and attract
more possible customer, the way to apply this is make and analyse of customer likes and
preference and no only adapt your product to convince all customer that you have the best
option of goods and services from the others, also this knowledge will permit you yo improve in
marketing campaigns and be better to attract more and more people to your company, in this
way this fact let you increase sales of the company.

As a example in real life there are more example of many companies, nowadays the most
important to all companies is the data that they can achieve of their target customer and it is
effective in they market, in currently situation the best example that I can tell you the Netflix
company, they use a system of recommendation to adapt their content to each customer, in this

Harold Cedeño; ID: D00253365

way they will fill, that this content is adapt to he/she, and they will fell this app as a so useful
and they will recommend it to others and others customer to use it, in this case, Netflix achieved
to be the leader in you market as a streaming app, it was a reference brand in some examples.

To sump up, learn about the customer it should be important thing in all types of companies,
first of all it will be learn about your customer to adapt all your products to have better good
sales in your market.


Margaret Linehan. (2008). Consumer Behaviour: Irish Patterns and Perspectives. 1st ed. Cork:
Gill & Mcmillan.

Gordon R Foxall, Ronald E Goldsmith and Stephen. (1994). Consumer Psychology for
Marketing. 2nd ed. Ireland. South – Western.

Frank R. Kardes. (1999).Consumer Behaviour and Managerial Decicion Making. 2nd ed.
Cincinnati: Pearson education.

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