Mathematics Lesson Plan: Grade 4 TERM 4: October - December

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TERM 4: October - December







1. TOPIC: WHOLE NUMBERS: Addition and Subtraction (Lesson 3)


By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to :

 add and subtract whole number ti at least 4-digit numbers
 use range of techniques to perform and check addition and subtraction of whole
numbers in financial context to at least 6 digits including:
o estimation
o building up and breaking down numbers
o rounding off and compensating

Grade 4 Lesson Plan: Term 4

WHOLE NUMBERS: Addition & Subtraction (Lesson 1)
4. RESOURCES: DBE textbook, DBE workbook 2, any other textbooks
 Addition and subtraction bonds for multiples of ten and hundred.
 Number facts related to addition and subtraction
 Estimation
 Problem solving
8. REVIEW AND CORRECTION OF HOMEWORK (suggested time: 10 minutes)
Homework provides an opportunity for teachers to track learners’ progress in the mastery of
mathematics concepts and to identify the problematic areas which require immediate attention.
Therefore it is recommended that you place more focus on addressing errors from learner responses
that may later become misconceptions.
10. INTRODUCTION (Suggested time: 10 Minutes)

Answer Answer
1. 3 000 + 7 000 = 6. 5 945 + 4 000 =
2. 9 000 – 7 000 = 7. 3 384 + 9 000 =
3. 5 000 + 4 000 = 8. 6 529 – 4 000 =
4. 8 000 – 6 000 = 9. 8 378 – 4 000 =
5. 7 000 + 3 000 = 10. 6 162 – 2 000 =

11. LESSON PRESENTATION/DEVELOPMENT (Suggested time: 20 minutes)

Learning activities
Teaching activities (Learners are
expected to:
Revise work done in term 1 and term 2 and term 3 Discuss in pairs and
follow the examples
Activity 1

A cyclist has covered 1 456 km of a 2 745 km journey. How far does he still
have to go?

You may decide to sketch the estimated distance to show which operation
learners have to use.

Beginning End

1 456 km

2 745 km

So this means that we have to subtract:

2745 – 1 456 = ( 2 000 – 1 000) + (700 – 400) + (40 – 50) + (5 - 6)
= ( 2 000 – 1 000) + (600 – 400) + (130 – 50) + (15 - 6)
= 1 000 + 200 + 80 + 9
= 1 289 km

Grade 4 Lesson Plan: Term 4. Page 2 of 5

WHOLE NUMBERS: Addition & Subtraction (Lesson 1)
12. CLASSWORK (Suggested time: 15 minutes


a) Jerry paid off some of his study debt. He now owes R6 735 of
an amount of R9 758. How much did he pay off?
b) 1 768 elephants in a game reserve died of disease, and now
there are 6 577 elephants left. How many elephants were there
before the disease started?
c) There are 9 283 registered voters in a certain area. 7 587 votes
were cast during a municipal election. How many registered
voters did not cast their votes

13. CONSOLIDATION/CONCLUSION & HOMEWORK (Suggested time: 5 minutes)

a) Emphasise:
 that calculations can be performed using different methods e.g. building up and breaking
down numbers; inverse operations
 the meaning of mathematical terminology and that operations are correctly used.
 that the steps are mathematically correct
 Use the inverse operations to check whether their solutions were correct

b) The primary purpose of Homework is to give each learner an opportunity to demonstrate mastery
of mathematics skills taught in class. Therefore Homework should be purposeful and the principle
of ‘Less is more’ is recommended, i.e. give learners few high quality activities that address variety
of skills than many activities that do not enhance learners’ conceptual understanding.

Carefully select appropriate activities from the DBE textbooks (LB), DBE workbooks and/or any
other textbook for learners’ homework. The selected activities should address different cognitive

Grade 4 Lesson Plan: Term 4. Page 3 of 5

WHOLE NUMBERS: Addition & Subtraction (Lesson 1)

Recommended Homework:

DBE textbook DBE workbook 2 Any other textbook

Page 294
Numbers: 12

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WHOLE NUMBERS: Addition & Subtraction (Lesson 1)
Grade 4 Lesson Plan: Term 4. Page 5 of 5
WHOLE NUMBERS: Addition & Subtraction (Lesson 1)

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