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Boys in Bikinis

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Seokjin
| Jin, Original Female Character(s), Park Jimin (BTS)
Additional Tags: taekook, Bottom Kim Taehyung | V, Power Bottom Kim Taehyung | V,
Power Bottom, Top Jeon Jungkook, Top Jeon Jungkook/Bottom Kim
Taehyung | V, Shy Jeon Jungkook, First Time, Flirty Kim Taehyung | V,
Bold Kim Taehyung | V, Bikinis, Feminine Kim Taehyung | V, Boypussy,
Boypussy Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Taehyung | V Has a Vagina, Kim
Taehyung | V Has a Nice Ass, Jeon Jungkook Has a Big Dick, Jeon
Jungkook is Whipped, Come Eating, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs,
Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, taehyung has a
female body, Taehyung has boobs, Praise Kink, Jeon Jungkook Has a
Praise Kink, Minor Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-01-18 Completed: 2023-01-21 Chapters: 2/2 Words:

Boys in Bikinis
by mintiz


There was just something so captivating about gold. How it shimmers and shines and never
rusts. Jungkook loves gold.

But he finds that he loves pretty golden boys wearing bikinis more.


Clarification: this is fem!tae but I use he/him pronouns for Taehyung. So basically, he just
has female anatomy/body.

Jungkook hates his friends.

They can be cool sometimes, like buying snacks for him without expecting payment back, or
driving him places because he was the youngest and the only one who didn't have a car.

But now he's willing to put all those favours he owes to them down the drain because they all
collectively decided to throw Jungkook into a well of misery.

It was supposed to be great. Supposed to be a normal hangout between the four friends on a Friday
evening, just a normal game of Truth or Dare.

Maybe that's where he made his first mistake. His second mistake, was in fact choosing dare and
allowing his fate to be put in the hands of the three others.

"Truth or dare Jungkookie?" The second oldest of the group, Hoseok, asks with an evil glint in his

Jungkook sips on his soda as he thinks before answering, "Hmm... dare?" It came out more of a
question than an answer.

Immediately, Hoseok whips his head to their two other friends, Yoongi and Seokjin, beginning to
plan Jungkook's fate.

"Okay! I dare you... to eat six instant ramen cups in one sitting!" Hoseok exclaims, yet the proposal
earns him groans from the two oldest.

"Oh c'mon Hobi, that's lame." Yoongi sighs.

Seokjin nods his head in agreement, "Besides, that's probably something that Jungkook would do
on his own accord."

They snicker as Jungkook frowns while crossing his arms, slightly offended because it may be
slightly true—not that Jungkook would ever admit to it.

Seokjin moves to pat him on the back with a smile, "Aish, don't look too glum. We love you all the
same with or without your weird eating habits!"

Jungkook rolls his eyes as they laugh again.

"Maybe we should dare him to do something normal, that'd be a real challenge." Yoongi suggests.

"Or better yet, make him do something productive!" Seokjin adds in.

It was a joke but Hoseok seems to actually take the eldest on with the request.

"That's not a bad idea... Hey Jungkook, I dare you to go wash my car!" He jokes.

The youngest raises his hands defensively with a smile, "Are you sure you trust me with your car? I
just might, y'know, crash it." His cheeky expression earns him playful push, the room erupting in
happy grins and laughs.

When it dies down Hoseok leans onto him, wrapping his arms around the younger, "I was serious
though, can you wash my car? I got no time and you just got your license, might as well put it to

Jungkook chuckles but nods anyway, "Yeah sure hyung, I don't mind."

Hoseok squeals happily as he squeezes Jungkook harder, Seokjin and Yoongi watching them

"Yah! At least make it interesting." The paler one of the two suddenly complains, Seokjin is right
behind him.

"True, how about making him go to one of those car washes that have half-naked hot people clean
it for you." Hoseok and Yoongi grin at Seokjin's request, while Jungkook turns bright red.

It's a running joke between the four of them that Jungkook has absolutely no game—be it with
women or men the male is simply hopeless. No matter who his friends set him up with, it always
ends up with a stuttering and tomato-faced Jungkook while his date blankly stares at him. So of
course, with the promise of surrounding Jungkook with extremely attractive individuals in nothing
but tiny bikinis and shorts has the older ones in full consensus.

"Maybe he'll even get laid finally."

"Hey!" Jungkook cries, yet it's ignored as Seokjin speaks up again.

"As part of it, make sure you get a picture with one of the workers as proof. We wanna see."

"Don't lie you just want to see for yourself—" Yoongi is shoved before he can finish his sentence.

"Perfect hyung!" Hoseok says, ignoring the two's banter, "How about tomorrow? I hear it'll be
pretty hot..." His words fade in Jungkook's ears as he sits there in horror.

"But—" The word doesn't even leave his mouth before his hyungs turn to him with devilish grins.
He isn't winning this fight.

And just like that his fate was sealed.

They moved on with the rest of the game before parting ways, however Jungkook's mind couldn't
stop drifting back to his dare that he'll have to do. Even though the thought has his cheeks flaming
bright red and his heart hammering in fear. He can't deny that he's the tiniest bit excited about this.
Being around conventionally attractive people who he pays to flirt with him as they wash his car
doesn't sound that bad.

Sue him, he doesn't have game.

The next day Jungkook is pulling up to a vacant area that looks a lot like a parking lot, there are
few soapy puddles glittering in the summer sun littering the place, along with some freshly cleaned
cars exiting while dirty ones entered. It was late in the afternoon and yet the air was still humid and
warm. There wasn't much wind yet his hair still danced as he drove, this was because Hoseok's car
had a retractable roof and Jungkook would be a fool not to utilize it. As he continues down the
makeshift path of orange traffic cones, slowly the tarmac became more and more wet and hose
lines decorated the ground.

Then finally, he could see them.

The employees, workers, whatever one would want to call them, they were there under the
scorching sun. Throwing their flirty glances and scrubbing cars in suggestive poses. It was obvious
who would clean the cars as they were dressed in nothing but tiny matching red bikinis or short
shorts. Jungkook was starting to think he wasn't up for it.

Suddenly, a great spray of water drenches the hood of Hoseok's car, luckily not enough to get any
on Jungkook. Still, there were stray droplets that fell onto the sunglasses he wore. Quickly,
Jungkook slips them off and uses the edge of his shirt to dry them off, not noticing someone
approaching him.

"I'm sorry!" Jungkook looks up at the sound of the voice directed to him, continuing to rub at his
sunglasses. He wishes he kept them on though as the sun burns through his eyes. He could barely
make out the silhouette until they moved in front of the sun.

And Jungkook was sure he was seeing an angel.

He was beautiful—no, breathtaking. Breathtaking because the sight of his honey-coloured hair
against the tanned skin made him glow like he was handmade from the sun gods, and it made
Jungkook feel lightheaded. He had enchanting dark eyes that were filled with worry as his plush
pink lips were turned into a frown. There were water droplets trickling down his face, down his
glorious neck and to his collarbones—oh god, his collarbones—there was just so much of the sun
kissed male that Jungkook didn't know where to look. Anywhere else that wasn't gold plated on the
man was his bright red bikini that practically roared in his face. It was such a stark contrast yet so
perfect too. Like a strawberry dipped in honey. Jungkook wondered if he tasted the part too.

'Fuck—what am I thinking?'

The worker speaks again, his voice smooth and buttery, just like his appearance, it felt golden—
was there anything about the guy that wasn't?

"I didn't mean to spray in your direction." The way he spoke while he bit on his bottom lip and
looked at Jungkook made him not only want to instantly forgive him, but to kiss and cherish the
ground that he walked on. No, someone like him shouldn't even be walking on the ground, rather
he should be pampered and carried around like a royal. But then Jungkook would have to touch
him, and he wasn't sure he was even worthy of—

"Uhm... Sir?" He tilts his head and Jungkook feels a million arrows stab through his heart. The
remains are coughed out of his mouth in stuttered words.

"I—uh, s-sorry. You're just really hot—I MEAN I'm hot—WAIT not like that—I-It's just, uhm, n-
nevermind..." Jungkook shrinks in his seat, hiding under his bangs as best he could as he moves to
put his sunglasses back on.

Except, since his face is burning up with embarrassment, and the strands of his hair are stabbing
his skin, he miscalculates his aim and the temple tips poke him right in the eye.

"OW! Fuck—" Jungkook yells.

"Holy—are you alright?"

He rubs his eye aggressively, feeling it tear up, yet it might be because the worker is still by the
side of his car staring at him. He knows he doesn't have game, yet this might be one of the worst
examples of it by far.

"Here, let me see." Suddenly, there's a soft touch on his chin and his head is being gently turned,
his hand is being taken away from his face as his eyes meet with the other's. Jungkook's eye stings
badly, and looking in the direction of the sun isn't helping. But the tender touches and the face of a
pretty boy make it all the much better.

His face heats up in the palm of the employee's hand, watching as he softly thumbs at Jungkook's
throbbing eye to keep it closed and wipe away stray tears. Jungkook feels like he's underwater and
the salty ocean is crushing his lungs, it barely registers in his brain that the male places the
sunglasses over his face for him. Only when he feels slender fingers tuck a loose strand of hair
behind his ear does it all come crashing down.

"There, be careful darling." He smiles—fucking giggles too—the sound has Jungkook's ears
fluttering. As he backs away, He tries not to stare as how the trickling water droplets trail down his
chest, right between the two mounds scarcely hidden behind his tiny red top. What Jungkook
would give to be that drop of water—

Then suddenly, he's gone. The warm touch on his face makes the summer air feel icy. It leaves
Jungkook almost shivering as he sits in Hoseok's car watching the handsome male sway his hips
and saunter away in his matching red heels. He loses the battle in his mind that tells him not to
stare at the man's ass.

Jungkook gulps, he didn't even get his name.

A few minutes later, Jungkook finds himself rolling into a open spot where there are soap-filled
buckets and sponges lying around. He had already paid for the service and was now just waiting
for it to actually happen. He looks around as he waits for his cleaner, there are other patrons parked
around him. Some are female but the majority of them are male, all smirking and showing off their
perfect teeth as the workers giggle and tease them. There's one just a few feet away chatting up an
employee who seems to be eating it all up. The man receiving the wash was confident and
assertive, often making flirty remarks that had the worker laughing shyly. Jungkook tries not to
think about how easy he made it look, perfect smile with perfect teeth and a perfect face. All
different from him who's teeth protruded at the front a bit and his face that was round and made
him look too youthful. He looks away from the customer when he sees the two lean in too close to
be called comfortable.

The longer he waited, the more he came to terms with the fact that he couldn't help and want that
pretty male from earlier to be the one washing his car. Yet, he didn't know his name. So even if
Jungkook had the guts to request the worker (which was apparently a thing) he couldn't, not
without having anything to call the attractive worker.

With nothing to do Jungkook opens his phone, spotting the numerous amounts of texts crowding
the screen.

Hoseok hyung:
Hiiii Jungkookieee
My car still in one piece?

Yoongi hyung:
Did you get laid yet

Jin hyung:
Get me a hot guy's number while you're at it ;)
"Hey sugar."

Jungkook jumps at the voice so close to his ear, dropping his phone in his lap as he stares up the
the source. But the sun stares directly into his eyes and he squints in a blurry haze before he is able
to see the worker's face. His ears began ringing and his throat runs dry, could it really be...?

Her head moves to block the sun and Jungkook locks eyes with a female worker. She's cute. But
isn't the male from earlier.

"Hi, I'm Soyeon. I'll be your worker for today." She grins, the action turning her eyes into
crescents. Like Jungkook thought before, she's cute. But, he can't help and wish it was someone

Soyeon begins the wash, throwing seductive and flirty glances at Jungkook who's face burns each
time. Even if it wasn't who he was expecting, Soyeon was still very attractive, so of course
Jungkook would have no idea what to do with himself. Maybe it was better that it wasn't the male
from earlier, Jungkook doesn't think he'd survive him.

Soon, the sun just barely begins to set and Soyeon wraps up the wash. The last Jungkook sees of
her is when she walks away from Hoseok's car, a few extra bills in her hand from the male.
Jungkook felt bad that he couldn't banter back like he had seen other customers do, so he hoped a
little extra cash would make up for it.

Either way, Jungkook starts up the car again, his heart heavy for some unknown reason. It's only
when he's almost out of the area when he remembers.

He didn't get a picture.

Great. Now all he had done today was fumble with a hot guy and clean Hoseok's car for a dumb
dare he couldn't even complete. He wants to slam his head on the steering wheel, but opts out
because he doesn't want to hurt himself.

'God, I'm even too much of a wimp to be frustrated.'

His foot releases the brakes and begins moving forward, only to suddenly halt once again.
Jungkook was seconds away from running into a someone, this person holding a bucket full of
water covering their face.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" Jungkook yells, watching as they frantically move to regain their footing, the
water flowing from the tops of the bucket. Without a second thought Jungkook jumps out of his car
and approaches them, taking the bucket out of their arms, the container is light in his hands. He
mentally thanks his obsessive habit of going to the gym.

"Here let me help."

"O-oh thank you." They say, yet the voice is strangely familiar—familiar in a deep low type of
way. Jungkook peeks over the tip of the bucket and the sight almost makes him drop it.

It's the male from earlier.

"I— i-it's you!" Maybe his voice comes out too excited to be normal, but he doesn't notice. Not
when he almost ran over the most alluring being of the heavens, and to top it all off he's smirking
at him. Jungkook swallows thickly as he fails to rip his gaze away at his lips.

"Cutie." He hears the man murmur, but he moves on quickly.

"You really don't have to do this though." He says, reaching for the bucket again but Jungkook
takes a step back, he doesn't care about the water leaking from the top and wetting his shirt.

"No no! It's fine, you looked like you needed help and I have a little time so..." Jungkook insists,
half hiding behind the container when he sees the other's grin.

He raises an eyebrow playfully, tilting his head like a puppy. "Oh? Big strong boy hm?"

Jungkook's ears burn. Too stunned for words he dumbly nods his head, almost melting when he
hears the worker giggle again.

"Since you insist, I guess I'll show you where to put it." He motions for Jungkook to follow him
and he listens almost instantly, trying his best not to trip over his feet and keep his eye on the
golden boy.

They walk side by side, the only sound between them is the clicking of the worker's heels and the
sloshing of water. Jungkook doesn't really know where they're going, but he finds he doesn't mind
as long as he can be around the other. He's as willing as a lamb to the slaughter. With the silence
almost deafening, Jungkook racks his brain for the best timing to ask the other's name. He's too
busy thinking to hear him ask his own question.

So without warning, a small splash of water is thrown in Jungkook's face making him jerk and
blink in surprise. The worker is smiling at him with his hand hovering above the bucket, dripping
wet. Jungkook hears his giggles and ignores his flipping heart, staring at the male stunned.

"Hehe, sorry. You just seemed so lost in thought you couldn't hear me, so I figured I ought to wake
you up if that's okay." He retracts his hand, the water on Jungkook's face trails down one of his
cheeks. And if he didn't know any better, he would've presumed that he saw the other's eyes follow
it down.

"Y-yeah no, it's alright. Sorry, uhm, about that." Jungkook bites his lip, the other humming. "What
did you say?"

"I asked how you knew of this place. You aren't one of our regulars if you know what I mean."
There's a teasing tone in his voice that has Jungkook's heart picking up.

He quickly fills the other in on how he got there. Although at first Jungkook had only wanted to
say "through a friend", but something about the captivating boy made his mouth go slack and the
full reason got out. So after spewing the whole story and only receiving an amused look in return,
Jungkook regrets opening his mouth. He mentally curses and thinks he should've lied and made up
a cooler more mature excuse.

Yet, the worker just chuckles (coos even?), endeared by the story.

“You can take a picture with me.” He suggests.

“R-really?” Jungkook’s eyes go wide, glittering like stars.

The other giggles again, “Of course darling! I would be happy to, just one thing in return.”

He leads Jungkook into an empty open garage-like space, Jungkook waiting for him to continue.
Yet he doesn’t elaborate, only glancing at him with a hidden meaning behind those cat-like eyes.

"Right here is fine," The employee says, "Dump out the water, the drains will collect it, then you
can just place it near the wall by the brushes." He points a slender finger in different directions as
Jungkook obediently does what he says.

Tipping the bucket the water pours out, small clumps of suds follow it and slip down the small
drain. The sudden rush of water however sends tiny waves around their feet, Jungkook's shoes

"Thank you for helping me. Those buckets can get really heavy sometimes."

Jungkook waves his hand in the air, "Don't mention it."

He watches the worker's eyes flit to his shirt, his own following his gaze and finally taking notice
of his doused white t-shirt. The transparency allowing the tint colour of his skin to be shown with
the fabric sticking to his abs. He glances up and swears he sees the worker gulp before looking up
at him, pupils shaking a bit (could that be blush too?!).

"I'm sorry about your shirt."

There's that small frown on his pretty features again and this time Jungkook fails to stop himself
from thumbing at his bottom lip. But the moment he touches the golden skin he's brought back to

"Oops I didn't—"

But his wrist is grabbed to stay put as the worker blinks up at him, clear puppy eyes behind those
long lashes.

"It must be uncomfortable with those wet clothes right? I'm sure we have a spare..." His fingers are
tracing the divots and bumps of his stomach, stopping at the hem of his shirt and tugging at it.

Words get jumbled in Jungkook's throat, crumbling and turning into weak squeaks as the warm
body in front of him presses against his. His reaction seems to spur the other on, this one smirking

"Ah, it's old anyway—" He's tries to say but is cut off when the male in front of him slips his warm
palms under the dripping shirt.

"Here let me."

Suddenly, he was everywhere. Body pressed up against his and his freshly dried hair smelt like
strawberries up close. Dare Jungkook may say that his lips were almost on his—almost.

He freezes. With the other's hands and arms around Jungkook's torso as ZR his head swarms with
the image of bright red strawberries on a golden summer day.

"Please..." Jungkook begins, lowly whimpering when the male just continues to tease his lips.

"Are you sure?" He whispers back, "I don't want to be a mistake."

Now, Jungkook has never been in this situation before. He's never had someone openly want him
like he has wanted them. And certainly has never had a one-night stand before. He always thought
he'd be full of doubts when it'd happen.
But for some reason, with this pretty golden boy asking so gently, there's no objection to be found
in Jungkook's mind.

Unfortunately, with Jungkook's lack of answer the worker starts to pull away, and the joints in
Jungkook's body work on autopilot. He cups the sides of his face, the skin slightly damp yet still so

"You won't be."

The worker tilts his head, slowly peeling his eyes away from staring at Jungkook's lips to meet his
gaze. Those pretty doe eyes that hold nothing but the truth.

"Just... uhm." Jungkook starts, unsure.

"Yes darling?" He purrs, noticing Jungkook's nervousness is not from what he thought it was.

"U-uhm..." Jungkook almost chokes, "Your na-name, please...?" He knows he sounds pathetic and
awkward, but the other doesn't make it obvious it is.

A gorgeous smirk stretches onto his lips and he blinks at Jungkook, "Only if you give me yours."

Jungkook has never spat out his name faster.

"Jungkook huh? It's pretty."

'Not as pretty as you.' He thinks, or, he thought he kept it in his head. But when the other throws
his head back in a laugh, he realizes the words had actually fell from his tongue.

"You're a funny one Jungkookie."

The swarm of butterflies forming in Jungkook's stomach from the nickname could kill the man.

"I guess it's my turn to say. Taehyung, is mine. But uh," he glances back down at his mouth,
leaning in extra close to whisper right against Jungkook's.

"I'd rather being screaming yours."

He can't hold back anymore. Jungkook crashes his lips against Taehyung's. The pretty name fitting
the pretty boy. He's only ever kissed two or three people yet Jungkook can tell from this one kiss
alone that Taehyung's lips are the sweetest ones out there. He can't get enough. Further pressing his
lips against Taehyung's, ignoring the need for air. The other male doesn't seem to mind, leading
them to be pressed up against one of the walls.

Taehyung's hands are like fire against Jungkook's skin, marking up every inch of his chest and
back making him hot all over. He's sure that the golden male can feel his heart beating against his
own. Which brings his attention down to Taehyung's tits.

And fuck if they aren't the best he's ever felt in his life (not that he's felt a lot).

They're so soft. Warm and perfect and so fitting pressed against Jungkook's contrasting hard chest.
He wants to hold them but he doesn't know if he's allow to—regardless of the fact they're eating
each other's faces at the moment.

Just then, Taehyung leans back and one of his hands come out of Jungkook's shirt, it trails up so he
toys with a few strands of Jungkook's hair.

"My shift's over, should we take this somewhere else?" Taehyung breathlessly asks, his deep voice
soothing in Jungkook's ears.

All he can do is nod eagerly which earns him a low chuckle from the other.
"Great. I know a place." He winks. All cute with that smirk too.

That's all it took for Jungkook to hop in Hoseok's car and drive to wherever Taehyung would lead
him. It turns out to be the worker's apartment, but Jungkook can barely tell or care. All he's focused
on is the lips moving against his own as they stumble to Taehyung's bedroom.

Once they're in, Taehyung wastes no time in pushing Jungkook onto his bed and pulling his damp
shirt off. He would take his time to ogle at the male's physique if he wasn't so horny. He reaches
for Jungkook's jeans and unbuckles his belt. The worker gets them halfway down his thighs,
palming at Jungkook's length through his boxers. He's already on his way to becoming fully hard.
Taehyung can feel him moaning into his mouth, smirking a little before sliding down onto his
knees, the angle unknowingly (or not) showing more of his cleavage.

He tugs more at Jungkook's pants, thumbs tracing the waistband of his boxers. Taehyung himself
is excited, when he first talked to Jungkook he was exactly his type: shy but handsome, and after
seeing what type of body he has it only made him more desirable. To top it all off he's hung and
the thought has Taehyung's mouth watering, wanting it filled instantly with only Jungkook's cock.
He looks up with lust-hooded eyes, but pauses when he meets Jungkook's look.

It's glazed over with an almost invisible sheet of hesitancy.

"Hey... are you sure you want to do this?" Taehyung carefully asks, pulling away slightly.

At this, Jungkook gulps and looks away. The doubts from the bottom of his mind are starting to
resurface and freeze his body.

"Yes! Of course I want to, but..."

Taehyung gently smiles, waiting for Jungkook to continue. The male on the bed bites his lip, face
heating up at the words coming out of his mouth. This might be the most embarrassing thing to say
to the hottest person he's ever met.

"I-it's just... I've never—this is, uh, my... first time..." Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut, he sounds
and feels pathetic.

But then he hears a sweet joyful laugh, and Jungkook would've thought it was directed at him but
the feeling of soft pecks riding up his inner thighs begs to differ.

"Ah... don't be nervous Jungkook-ssi. I'll take great care of you."

His fingers hook on his underwear again, glancing up to make sure Jungkook's fully on board. He
gives him a small nod and Taehyung smiles, finally freeing the male's dick.

To Taehyung, just a glance at the younger's cock straining his jeans made the assumption that
Jungkook was big, but now his cock springs out and curls up slightly and Taehyung realizes
nothing could compare to the actual size. He swears he accidentally drools. He grabs the base,
precum dibbling out of the slit as he does.

"I can't believe I'll be the first ever person to touch your dick." Taehyung snickers before kissing
the head. "Lucky me."

Jungkook flushes at the words, jerking at the small touches that are barely meant to do anything.
His senses seem to magnify under the other male.

Taehyung takes his tongue out, dragging the wet muscle along Jungkook's length while pausing at
times to softly suck. The hand that isn't holding the base moves to fondle the younger's balls,
working at the same time as his mouth which turns Jungkook into a moaning mess. His thighs are
quivering, finding himself biting the back of his hand in pleasure.

Taehyung notices, reaching up to take his hand away and place it on his head so his fingers bury
themselves in his blond hair.

"Can I go all in? I want to feel you all the way down here." He asks, slowly tilting his head back
and gently tapping at his neck, right in the middle where Jungkook can see his adam's apple bob.
The action shouldn't turn Jungkook on as much as it does.

He nods again, but Taehyung just moves his hand up his dick and rolls his thumb over the head.

"Words darling, I wanna hear that pretty voice of yours."

Jungkook tries to listen, to obey, yet when he opens his mouth a trembling moan spills out instead.
It's high-pitched and whiny—and doesn't seem to stop. Especially when Taehyung starts dragging
his hand up and down his length, jacking him off quickly with skillful hands.

"Ah-ah-ah! Tae-Taehyung—!" Jungkook's cries, his second hand joining the one already tangled in
Taehyung's golden strands.

What's worse is that he already feels extremely close.

He feels Taehyung latch his mouth on the tip of his cock, yet he doesn't move. Only sucking
harshly at the angry red head threatening to burst.

"W-wait, ah, I-I'm close—Taehyungie!—" Jungkook's cheeks burn, humiliated how fast he'll
climax despite it being his first time. Yet that just seems to be Taehyung's goal.

The worker engulfs Jungkook into his mouth, his lips reaching the base so effortlessly it has
Jungkook seeing stars. It was erotic. The sight of Taehyung all the way down his dick, staring up
at him with his feline eyes, no gag reflex to be found as the tip hits the back of his throat. And if
Jungkook didn't cum from just that, it was because of Taehyung's throat tightening and swallowing
that pushed him over the edge.


Jungkook spills into Taehyung's mouth, his thighs twitching beside his head as Taehyung gulps it
down greedily. He continues sucking, not letting a drop go to waste. He lets him ride out his high
before beginning to bob his head. Hollowing his cheeks Taehyung moves faster, pleased at the fact
Jungkook's moans and cries get louder. His thighs clench around him (any other time Taehyung
would love to be smushed by them) yet he grabs his knees and pushes them apart, determined to
suck another orgasm out of the male.

He succeeds when he glances up at Jungkook's fucked-out face, messy with tears and the most
beautiful colour of blush. But what made it better was how he met his eyes—enchanting dark
galaxies that held nothing but amatory passion. How Taehyung could tell he was the only thing on
his mind. How Taehyung will always be Jungkook's first and no matter who he's with next
Taehyung will be who flashes in his mind as his finishes.

The thought has Taehyung moaning happily, the vibrations earning him another burst of cum down
his throat as Jungkook whines out his name.

He quickly swallows it down and cleans Jungkook off with a few strong sucks that have him
bucking into his mouth. With one last chaste kiss to the tip Taehyung stands up to press his spit-
covered lips against Jungkook's.

"How was that?" Taehyung breathily asks when they part.

Jungkook's hands find their place on the other's waist, the feeling of them there was just so right to
the both of them.

"Fucking—amazing." He gasps, "You were... perfect. And hot—so hot—pretty too. I'd do it again
and again." Jungkook rushes to say, blushing at the teasing smirk on Taehyung's face.

"Great. 'Cause we're not done."

Suddenly, Taehyung plants himself onto Jungkook's lap, reaching to his back and taking
Jungkook's hands with him. He lets the other's fingers grasp onto a tiny string as he stares deep into
his eyes. With how he's pressed up against him Jungkook can feel his perky boobs flush against his
bare chest. The only thing keeping them apart is the thin red fabric that Taehyung urges him to
take off.

And he does. Pulling on the string and untying his bikini. The flimsy red top falling to the side and
onto the floor, and finally Jungkook can see his tits—feel them up and suck on them too if he's

Then, Taehyung is bringing Jungkook's hand to one of the soft mounds and letting him grasp onto
it. And there Jungkook swears he's in heaven. It fits perfectly in his hand, the golden skin against
his own pale complexion. Silky and smooth as Jungkook experiments with jiggling them. It't not
long before Taehyung gets his other tit in Jungkook's free hand, lowly whimpering through the

"Mmf... just like that Jungkookie." Taehyung moans, rubbing the other's length between his
asscheeks as he works his thighs bouncing on him.

Soon, Taehyung has gotten Jungkook's mouth on him and he's fully wet, leaking through his bikini.

"A-ah Jungkookie—wa-wait!" He cries, trying to pull away yet to no avail. He's dangerously close,
just from humping his clothed pussy on Jungkook's dick and his tits in his mouth.

It then occurs to Taehyung how harsh Jungkook's grip is on his hips, grasping at them and
controlling his movements so his hardening cock rises to life. Taehyung can only stare down at
him, lips wrapped around one of his nipples while the other is coated in spit swollen. Jungkook is
squeezing them too, almost like a baby feeding. It makes his pussy gush thinking about leaking
milk for Jungkook to drink, filling his mouth with white as he fucks his cunt.

Now Taehyung has to have his dick in him.

"J-Jungkook... please—ah! I wanna... want you in me...!"

He pushes at Jungkook's shoulders again, this time the male listens at the promise of putting his
dick in the golden boy. He falls back on his elbows and Taehyung swears for a second that instead
of the large innocent doe eyes he saw when he first met him, they were poisoned with something

"S-sorry..." Jungkook mutters, lips wet as he stares up at the other. For a second, Taehyung's heart
skips a beat and he wonders what'll make that side of Jungkook come back—make him snap and
fuck him hard. That's a mystery for another day.
"Are all shy boys as cute as you?" He asks.

Jungkook tilts his head at the question, just proving Taehyung's point. He dismisses it laughing.

"Nevermind darling, lie down."

Jungkook does what he's told, staring up at the ceiling and listening to Taehyung shuffle around.
Then suddenly he feels him mounting him, crawling up and soon he's met face-to-face with
Taehyung's dripping bare pussy.

"Just keep your mouth wide open for me Jungkook-ah."

The younger swallows thickly, his heart hammering in excitement. His tongue lolls out and he
anticipates the taste of the pretty boy above him. Would he be correct in Taehyung tasting like
strawberries in honey? Or would he taste sweeter? Whatever it would be it had Jungkook gripping
the bedsheets beneath him in need.

When Taehyung finally sits on his face do they both groan in pleasure. Taehyung's eyes roll to the
back of his head as Jungkook feels elated with his mouth on his cunt. Immediately Taehyung
begins rotating his hips, riding Jungkook's face and rutting into his tongue. Sometimes, his clit will
rub against the other's nose in just the right way and it'll make Taehyung spasm.

"Fuck yes, mm Jungkook—ah!"

The cries urge Jungkook on, moving his hands from gripping the sheets to gripping Taehyung's ass.
He finds that they're just as plump as his tits, soft too. And when he wrests them apart Taehyung
arches his back more. He wonders how the pretty boy on top of him looks, all whiny as his plush
thighs clench his face. It sends sparks down to his dick, straining it to stand upright.

Jungkook pulls him in more as his licks tease the older's hole. Through lidded eyes he watches
Taehyung's tits jiggle angrily, a sign he's close.

"Ah! Ah! J-Jung—kookie! Pl-please!—"

Taehyung's legs shake beside him, his fingers tangle in Jungkook's raven locks, keeping him in
place as his climax washed over him. Still, Jungkook a fast learner, continues to swirl his tongue
through his labia, one too many time brushing over his whimpering entrance.

When Taehyung shakily moves off of him it's Jungkook this time who sits up and pulls him into a
kiss. Of course, the blond moans into it and even though his thighs are slightly sore he stands up on
his knees to bring Jungkook closer.

"Can—can I..." Jungkook starts, his shy demeanour returning.

Taehyung, who's cupping his face, lets his thumb trace his jawline before smiling cheekily.

"Thought you'd never ask." He smirks at him before planting a quick hot kiss on his lips. Then he
gets on his knees, crawling to the headboard and placing his hands on it, showcasing his soaked
cunt to the other. The devilish male even shakes his hips teasingly as he looks over his shoulder.

"Take me however you want~" A wink is thrown his way and Jungkook's cock strains.

With a big exhale he waddles to Taehyung's ass, rough palms dancing over him even though they
were clutched onto him moments before.
"Are you sure you don't want a break o-or something? You did just cum." Jungkook asks.

Taehyung curves his back more as he shakes his head, "I have a strong libido darling. Besides, I
need to have your cock in me." He pushes his ass back enough so his twitching asshole feathers
over his dick's tip. The two of them groaning in unison.

"Okay..." Still, Jungkook is unsure. So Taehyung rests his chin on his bed pillows and uses his
hand to pry his asscheek apart, his other hand inserting two of his fingers into his pussy.

Jungkook's face turns red as a loud squelching sound echos through the room. Watching the slender
digits disappear into the wet hole, scissoring and opening him up for his cock.

"Come on Jungkookie... I want you in me—ah!"

Suddenly, Taehyung's wrist is held and taken out so that his fingers slip out of his hole. A small
whine leaves his lips at the loss. But it isn't empty for long when the blunt tip of Jungkook's cock
breaches his hole.

"Ahhh~ F-fuck yes!"

He's only halfway in and Taehyung's drooling over his sheets, eyes rolled back with his pussy split
open. His hands slip from his ass yet Jungkook holds onto his wrists, pulling Taehyung up so his
back is against his chest. The action pushes his cock further into cunt, balls deep.

There, Jungkook buries his nose in the other's shoulder. Strawberries and honey, sun kissed by the
summer sun. He's so warm.

To Taehyung, he can feel Jungkook's dick pulsing in him, glancing down and seeing a bump that
could only be caused by the younger's cock.


So he does.

Mimicking the shit he's seen in porn, pulling his dick out to the tip before pistoning in. He must be
doing it right because Taehyung's screaming and moaning at the top of his lungs.

"Ugh—fuck! Yes! Right there Kookie—ah!"

Taehyung's hands twist in Jungkook's hold, aching to rub at his clit. He can't believe this is
Jungkook's first time, the way he's hammering in him feels like he's an experienced fuckboy.

"Ju-Jungkook! Touch me pl-please!"

Faintly, he feels his wrists come loose, and a fast numbing pleasure shoots through his body as his
clit is pressed on. His head is thrown back and he squeezes around Jungkook, hard.

"Tae—shit, I-I can't—I'm—" Jungkook stutters, briefly biting into Taehyung's shoulder. He cums
unexpectedly, relishing in the feeling of painting Taehyung's insides white.

He can't help but freeze in place, even as Taehyung fucks himself back on his sensitive softening
cock. Taehyung's hands keep Jungkook's face buried in his nape, a few more thrusts with
Jungkook's fingers still rotating on his clit and Taehyung cums, not realizing his squirt gets all over
Jungkook's hand.

Heavy pants fill the room, probably fogging up the windows and dampening the sheets. Before he
knows it, Jungkook is pulled down and gold limbs cover him tightly. His dick slips out and he
would complain about the lack of warmth if Taehyung wasn't smothered over him.

"You okay darling?" He asks, voice hoarse and completely different from moments before.


The soft press of Taehyung's lips is felt on Jungkook's cheek, this one closing his eyes in ecstasy.
He would've fallen asleep too if it wasn't for his phone suddenly blaring from his jeans he
discarded in the room. What's worse is that it's the specific ringtone he set for Hoseok.

"I— Taehyung... I gotta take this." The other male just hums, obviously too exhausted to do
anything else.

When Jungkook picks up the phone he enters Taehyung's connected bathroom to have a private
word with his hyung, who immediately yells into the phone.

"Jeon Jungkook where the fuck are you?! I need my car for work tomorrow morning you little shit!

More involuntary curses string from the older's mouth, and after having heard these one-too-many
times, Jungkook has learned how to tune them out. When it seems Hoseok's rage has died down,
Jungkook finally speaks.

"Sorry hyung, I uhm, got a little occupied."

There's sigh, then a pause and Jungkook can tell the exact moment it all clicks for Hoseok.

"Holy shit... Jungkookie did you finally get laid—"

"I'll bring you the car right now, see you!" Jungkook interrupts, unable to let himself hear the rest
of his words, his face burning.

He stumbles out of the bathroom, forgetting how nude he is until he sees Taehyung's lazy eyes trail
down further than necessary.

"Taehyung-ssi, I'm sorry I have to go..." His heart breaks at the dejected look that flashes across
the other's eyes. "B-but! I want to stay, really I do! I just—have to return my hyung's car a-and—“

"Jungkook-ah." Taehyung smiles, "It's okay. I understand."

Still, the younger frowns. His heart heavy as he can't shake the feeling he's abandoning Taehyung.

"Here." The worker says, suddenly getting up and taking the phone out of Jungkook's hand. But
soon enough it's placed right back in his palm as Taehyung gives him a cheeky smile.

"Go. Have fun, darling."

His clothes are shoved back in his hands and Jungkook can barely see what Taehyung had done to
his phone. Only when he's getting back in Hoseok's car does he finally look at his contacts.

And to his surprise—there's a new one.

One labeled with a simple name that has his heart fluttering.

‘Taetae ❤️’
If the profile of Taehyung's boxy smile didn't say it enough, the note underneath the contact did.

"Sorry we didn't get a pic for your dare. But I hope this'll suffice ;)"

Jungkook smiles. Maybe his friends aren't so bad.


Jungkook stares at the contact displayed on his phone screen. The same one he's been staring at for
a while now—a whole six days actually. Enough for his hyungs to notice and tease the younger
about it too. He rereads the note left by the most breathtaking male he's ever met, burning the
words into his brain as if he'll forget how to read in a matter of seconds.

Just then, Yoongi leans over his shoulder and sighs when he sees the familiar screen.

"Again Jungkook? I can't believe you still haven't texted him. You guys literally fucked."
Jungkook rolls his eyes and swats Yoongi away, yet Seokjin and Hoseok look up from where
they're playing UNO. It's Friday again, another meet-up with the four in Jungkook's living room.

"Seriously? He's made it more than obvious to you about how much he wants you. Just text him!"
Hoseok exclaims, groaning when he looks down to see what card Seokjin placed.

Jungkook sighs, burying his face in the pillow he's laying on. "It's not that... easy."

"Yes it is." Seokjin laughs, "I don't know why you're so troubled Jungkookie. It's set up perfectly,
all you have to do is take the first step." He smiles cheekily at Hoseok when he places his last card
making the other throw his hands up in reluctant defeat.

"Yeah, but... what if he doesn't like me anymore? What if I was just a fling!" Jungkook sits up

Yoongi, beside him, places his hands on his shoulders to ground him. "I'm sure he doesn't think of
you like that. And besides, you'll never know unless you actually text him yourself." The other two
agree with Yoongi but Jungkook just bites his lip hesitantly.

He opens the chat with Taehyung, it's fully empty as expected but Jungkook is here to change that.
He taps on the message board as his thumbs hover the keyboard.

What should he say? Should he greet him first? He probably should, but would he know it's
Jungkook? He would have to tell him that right? Then should he open with a greeting or just flat
out say who he is first?—

"Aish! You're taking too long!"

Suddenly, Jungkook's phone is snatched out of his hand, Seokjin's infectious laugh echoing as he
quickly types across the phone.

"Wha— Jin hyung!" With wide eyes Jungkook jumps from the couch, lunging towards Seokjin
who screams at him. On instinct, he tosses the device to Hoseok who was idly watching it all

Jungkook's eyes follow the phone, watching it land in Hoseok's lap, his target changing
immediately. Hoseok freezes when he locks eyes with the younger, it's terrifying when a muscly
man with a livid glare is ready to pounce on you.

"Hah... Jungkookie...!" He starts warily, shrieking instead when Jungkook takes a step towards
him. His hands fling in the air and the phone travels to Yoongi's grasp. This time Jungkook huffs
and crosses his arms—he never wins a fight with Yoongi.
"Jungkook, if you don't want us to text for you, do it yourself." He says, raising an eyebrow when
he receives an unintentional pout from the younger.

"I will. I just—just need some time..."

Yoongi shakes his head, "Six days while staring at his contact photo is enough to tell me that
you've had enough time."

He pulls on Jungkook's arm to sit him down as he continues, "Either you text him now or we will."

Jungkook frowns as he takes his phone back, "I don't know why you're all so persistent on this." He

"It's because we care, Jungkookie." Hoseok says after a pause, "And seeing you smile for this past
week made us want to see it more."

The corners of Jungkook's lips tug up even if he doesn't want them to. It's times like these where
he's reminded how much his hyungs do for him. What would he do without them?

"And he's hot." Seokjin adds.

Jungkook chucks a pillow his way.

The next day finds Jungkook in one of his friend's cars once again. Except this time he's not alone,
and he's sitting in the passenger's seat. Yet, he's still rolling into the area where cars of all sizes
were being scrubbed by employees in tiny uniforms. However, they're all cleaning up now as
Yoongi and him decided to leave a little later when Jungkook fussed about what to wear.

("Jungkook, I'm sure he won't care what you wear. Besides, I'm 99% sure you'll take it off anyway

"Shut up Jin-hyung!")

Jungkook gulps when he sees the worker who washed his car before, Soyeon was it? Either way he
catches her eye and she sends him a friendly wink, right before bidding goodbye to her customer
who blushes and twirls her hair.

Jungkook turns to his friend driving, picking at his nails nervously.

"Yoongi hyung? Maybe, uh, we should just... y'know, come back another day. I-it's late and Tae
might not even be here s-so..." He doesn't even turn to the older as he speaks, knowing he'll
crumble for sure when he makes eye contact.

"Please Jungkook," Yoongi sighs, "You called him 'Tae', I think that tells me enough." He ignores
Jungkook slumping in his seat.

Just then, an employee steps in front of Yoongi's car, and if on cue, his hyung jumps up from his
seat to call out to the male. If everything about Taehyung was golden, everything about this guy
was red. From his brightly dyed red hair to the red bikini hugging his curves, not to mention the
flaming red cheeks that huff when his eyes land on Yoongi.


The worker, Jimin apparently, rolls his eyes and glares at the other. Jungkook can tell he's fighting
the words he really wants to say, instead replacing them with something more service-appropriate.

"Yes? How can I help?" He grits. Still, Yoongi keeps up his teasing smile.

"I need to request a worker for my friend here," Jungkook sinks under his bangs, "Go on Koo, tell
him. 'Taehyung' was it?—"

"I'm sorry, but worker requests are to be made inside the building." He points a stern finger
towards the dreaded place that Jungkook so awkwardly paid for service at last week.

Yoongi nods and pats Jungkook on the back, "Go, I'll meet you—"

"And it's quite late, you might not even have time for a wash." Jimin deadpans. In return, Yoongi
quirks an eyebrow up.

"I see you still have that interruption problem, Minni."

Jimin flushes but stands his ground, holding the hose in his hand up more menacingly, though it
doesn't do the trick with his lack of height.

"I told you not to call me that. I have nothing in common with Mickey Mouse's side chick!"

Jungkook glances between the two, obviously something had happened between them—yet that
doesn't explain the weird tension in the air that feels awfully similar to third-wheeling a couple.

"Uh—" Jungkook starts, but is immediately cut off when Yoongi gestures to the worker.

"First of all: Minnie isn't Mickey's 'side chick'. She's his fucking wife. And secondly: Why should I
not? Back when you had black hair, the colours of your uniform matched pretty well—"

"Well they don't now, so stop!”

"Ehh... I don't know... your voice is still as high-pitched as her's—"

"It is not!" Yet, the pitch that Jimin yelled those words at beg to differ. Jungkook sees Yoongi stifle
a laugh as Jimin glows more of that scary angry red.

"U-uhm, y'know what? I—Imma just go... call you when I'm done Hyung?" Jungkook says, not
really waiting for a reply and just dashing out the vehicle. It's not like Yoongi would've responded
anyway, he's too busy staring (could those be heart eyes?!) at the employee.

It's a good distraction, at least then Jungkook was able to avoid any teasing from Yoongi.

When Jungkook makes it to the building, he walks up to the register, manned by this clumsy fellow
Jungkook remembers is named Namjoon.

"Hi, how can I help you?" He asks, dimples on display.

"I—uh, I would like to... request a-a worker...?" Jungkook shyly mumbles.

"Sure! Do you remember their name? If you don't, we have a selection of our employees' pictures
that may ring a bell." Namjoon begins reaching for a binder but Jungkook is quick to stop him.

"Taehyung! H-his name is—Taehyung..."

Namjoon pauses, blinking twice as something seems to settle in his mind. His eyes widen and he
gives Jungkook a look that he doesn't quite understand.

"Oh. Oh. I see—you’re… Well I'm sorry to inform you Jungkook, but Taehyung's shift just ended

Jungkook doesn't get the time to question how Namjoon knows his name when Taehyung walks
out from the staff rooms. This time, his curvy form is swallowed by a white crewneck and some
baggy jeans.



The aforementioned is smiling his bunny grin, until it gets knocked off his face when Taehyung
slightly frowns at him, wiping it off as soon as it appears. It just hits him that Jungkook did ignore
him for a week after having the most mind-blowing sex he's ever (and only) had.

"Ah, Taetae! This fine gentleman was just about to request you. But I see you're about to leave."

Taehyung glances at the man behind the counter before back at Jungkook, this one beginning to
pick at his nails.

"Uh... huh." He nods slowly, looking away. Jungkook feels his heart shattering like the fragile
glass it is.

"So!" Namjoon cuts in, "Would you like to request another worker?"

Jungkook opens his mouth to answer but is swiftly cut off again. This time it's by a strong hold on
his arms that's pulling him out of the building. Namjoon blinks before adjusting his glasses and
waving the two out.

"Have a nice day!"

As they walk out—or well, more so of Taehyung dragging him out—the overbearing weight of
Taehyung's unhappy aura rests on Jungkook's shoulders. Finally he is with his crush, though, he
seems to be a little more than peeved at Jungkook.

"Um," Jungkook starts, glancing at him with hopeful eyes that Taehyung doesn't return. He just
continues staring at the floor as he lets his arm go.

"Taehyung, I-I'm sorry. For ghosting you, I mean. It-it's just, you're perfect—and I'm... it was just,
there was—I've never done that before, a-and I didn't— I couldn't text you because... what if-what
if you lost interest in me... and it was—I was, I was... scared." He breathes.

"Scared—scared b-because I didn't want to mess up... but, i-it seems I already have." His eyes feel
glossy but he shoves them down because this is nothing to cry about. But then Taehyung thumbs at
his bottom lip and he feels choked up again.

"Oh Jungkook..." Taehyung smiles, "I knew that."

Jungkook blinks. "I—what?"

"'Course I did!" He flicks his chin and Jungkook follows his finger like a love-sick puppy (which
he kind of is).

"Jiminie told me, from Yoongi-ssi." His eyes look over Jungkook's shoulder where a fuming Jimin
is rambling at a relaxed-looking Yoongi.

"They-they know each other?!"

"Yup! High-school sweethearts." Taehyung dreamily says.

"They're dating?!" Jungkook gapes, how could Yoongi hide something like this from him.

"No, not yet. The tension has been going on and on. But it'll break eventually and they’ll get
together. Which reminds me..."He winks and pulls Jungkook to the side.

When they're in a secluded place, Taehyung suddenly gets really close to his face, his strawberry
lips grazing against his and caging him against the brick wall. "When are we gonna be, y'know,

Together. Jungkook flushes as he imagines what it'd be like to be together with Taehyung.
Introducing him to his friends as his boyfriend, going on corny dates and having amazing sex after.
Jungkook would like nothing more.

"I—uh, may-maybe we could... r-right now?" There's a beat of silence and just as Jungkook
decided he wants to eat his words, Taehyung suddenly slots his lips with his.

"Been waiting a week for you to ask." He smirks.

God, that smirk.

"Now, ask me properly." Taehyung declares. He backs up and all of Jungkook's warmth and glow
leaves him, he almost doubles forward without the other there to hold him up. Taehyung waits in
front of him, arms crossed over his baggy top with an eyebrow quirked.

Jungkook's mouth goes dry and his voice comes out in squeaks.

"I— uh, Taehyung, w-would you like to be uhm, my— my boyfriend?" His voice cracks at the end
of the last words but it doesn't matter when a warm sticky kiss engulfs his lips.

They're as soft and pillowy as he remembers and all Jungkook's mind can focus on is how he's
missed this feeling. The only thing circling his brain is Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung.

"Yes." The other whispers between pecks, "I'd love nothing more."

Jungkook grins at the words, his heart flipping in his chest that causes him to grab Taehyung again
and pull him in for a tight hug. His freshly dried hair is fluffy and tickles the side of his face, he
could get used to that feeling.

Then, Taehyung takes his hand, intertwining their fingers with a mischievous smile.

"C'mon, let's go to my place."

After passing by Yoongi and briefly telling him that all things went well (if he couldn't tell by their
linked hands) Jungkook wishes him luck with Jimin and follows Taehyung over to his ride.

"Woah—you have a motorcycle?!" Jungkook exclaims, rushing over to the golden beauty, tracing
his fingers over the small strawberry stickers on the sides. Taehyung comes up behind him,
hugging his back.

"Yep, a sweet little ride from my parents. But..." He nibbles on Jungkook's ear, "I bet your ride
would be better."

Jungkook doesn't know if he'll make it.

Suddenly, a helmet is being swished over his head and Taehyung is guiding his arms around his
waist, the motorcycle beneath them roaring to life.

Right before it begins soaring through the air, cutting the pavement ground as they zip through the
highway. Taehyung isn't wearing a helmet, he had only one and claimed Jungkook was more
important and had to wear it instead. At first, the younger was appalled and would rather have a
thousand bruises on his face than for something to happen to even a hair on Taehyung's head. Yet
now, as the cool air makes the honey locks on Taehyung's head move like waves, creating streams
of sun-like gold as Jungkook clings to his back, the younger would like nothing more.

The last time Jungkook was in Taehyung's house he was too horny to really take a good look at the
place. But now, as Taehyung gently leads him into his apartment, hand held softly as he ruffles his
golden hair that was tousled from the wind, it hits Jungkook like a truck that Taehyung is his

Taehyung is his boyfriend.

"Oh my God. You're my boyfriend." Jungkook says suddenly, pulling a chuckle out of Taehyung
who places his things on the couch.

"That's right." He replies coolly.

"You're my... boyfriend." Jungkook says again, the words so unfamiliar on his tongue—yet not

Just then, warm hands cup his face and a chaste kiss is pressed on his nose.

"I know," Taehyung smiles, "Boyfriend."

A swarm of butterflies erupt in Jungkook's stomach, threatening to burst through his throat in the
form of an 'I love you'. But instead, he bites them down and throws himself onto Taehyung, his lips
captured in his own.

"Mmph— upstairs Koo, now." Taehyung manages to say.

Jungkook happily obliges in the form of sweeping the male off his feet, lips still connected as he
wracks his brain to remember the pathway to Taehyung's bedroom. He gently places the male on
the bed, climbing on top of him after pulling his shirt off. He flushes at Taehyung's gaping face
that soon turns coy as he wraps his arms around the younger's waist.

"I'll never get enough of your body." Taehyung says, his thumbs tracing the divots and sculpted
corners of Jungkook's torso.

In response, Jungkook hesitantly slips his hands under Taehyung's sweater to grasp his waist. "Me

Suddenly, Jungkook is rolled onto his back as Taehyung straddles his hips, kicking off his jeans,
leaving just his underwear hidden behind his top. He shifts lower, pressing his pussy against
Jungkook's crotch. A small noise of pleasure leaves his lips.
"God, even half-hard you're fucking huge. So perfect." Taehyung murmurs, glancing down at the

Jungkook tightens his hold on Taehyung's waists, trying to ignore his warming cheeks, and
focusing on grinding back against Taehyung.

"Mm... hyung...!"

He gasps when he feels Taehyung's finger brush over his nipples. His slim hands gently roll the
buds in his hold, making Jungkook bite his lip as a whimper slips through.

He hears Taehyung chuckle, "Didn't know you had such sensitive nipples darling." He pulls on
them slightly, grinning when Jungkook cries out and bucks his hips into Taehyung's.

Taehyung leans down to kiss Jungkook messily, the rough material of his sweater rubbing against
Jungkook's sensitive buds, causing him to moan more than kiss Taehyung back.

"Ah, you're so cute Jungkookie, so hot too. You're such a good boy." The older comments, sucking
a few hickeys across his skin, letting his lips linger a second longer on the chocolate chip mole on
his neck. Jungkook whines, each light touch of Taehyung's has him more impatient, not to mention
the things he says. Each compliment has his dick rising in his pants, needing to fuck Taehyung.

"Oh?" Taehyung suddenly says, rotating his cunt on Jungkook, "Does my darling like hearing
those pretty words?"

There's a teasing tone in his voice that makes Jungkook heat up and want to hide, but at the same
time he knows it's too obvious. Through Taehyung mouthing across his collarbones, and the way
his nipples erect from rubbing Taehyung's sweater, he feels his pants and boxers being pulled

"You like being called a good boy?Like being hyung's perfect darling?" Jungkook whines but nods
anyway, squeezing his eyes shut as one of Taehyung's hands work their way around his shaft.

"Wow, all hard already? Ready to fuck me Jungkook? Eager to get your fat cock in my pussy?"
Taehyung asks, giving Jungkook a few short strokes before sitting up to showcase his dripping
cunt under his sweater.

"Yes hyung! Please!"

Jungkook's throat dries when Taehyung smirks and pulls his panties to the side, fingers circling his
clit before two dip inside his hole, only to come back out covered in slick. He brings his hand up to
Jungkook's lips who latches onto the slick-coated fingers quickly, staring up at Taehyung with
those large doe-eyes he loves. The kind where it seems like even the moon resides them, shining
like no other.

He uses the pads of his fingertips to lightly press down on Jungkook's tongue, almost making him
gag. But the younger holds it in, even as tears gather in his eyes, sucking on Taehyung's fingers.

"You look so pretty like this," Taehyung murmurs, "When the tears in your eyes sparkle like stars."

The blond pulls his fingers out with a loud pop, grasping Jungkook's instead and runs them between
his folds. Taehyung can feel it in Jungkook's soft touches how eager he really is and it almost
makes him coo.

"Finger me well darling, I want to be all dripping for your cock."

Jungkook nods quickly, brushing his fingers over the hole before Taehyung stuffs himself full,
letting out a wispy moan. He grips Jungkook's biceps, grinding his pussy on Jungkook’s hand to
urge him to get deeper inside. Jungkook complies immediately, cupping the back of his boyfriend's
neck to bring his lips to his. He swallows each moan that tumbles from Taehyung's mouth, making
sure to curl his fingers in that way to get his sounds all light and airy.

"Ah— fuck, Koo, another f-finger... ah! Now, please." Taehyung cries.

Jungkook obeys and slips in a third digit, picking up speed and fucking them faster out of
Taehyung's cunt. It makes him throw his head back, displaying his golden-tanned neck that
Jungkook happily begins marking. The grip on his biceps increase, and Taehyung can't tell if he's
pulling Jungkook in closer or trying to push him away from all the overwhelming emotions he

"F-fuck—! Jungkook, ah, I-I'm close..." But Jungkook seems to show no sign of stopping. He tries
to push back on his shoulders, but the other just fights to keep his lips on his skin. It makes
Taehyung crazy, makes him feel like he's on fire with every kiss. With the fear of cumming too
early, Taehyung gently pinches the younger's nipples which earns him a sudden yelp from the

Taehyung smirks at the kicked-puppy look Jungkook gives him, even with three fingers deep he's
still absolutely adorable.

"Don't get too carried away darling. You haven't even fucked me yet." A wink is sent Jungkook's
way, one that wipes the sad look on his face, replacing it with one of much more excitement.

"But first," Taehyung taps his nose, "Help me undress."

He smiles cheekily, raising his sweater enough to let his boobs peek out from under. Gently pulling
out Jungkook's hand, he bites on the end of his top so he's showcasing his tits and waiting for
Jungkook to do something. He shifts back, rubbing his clit on the tent in Jungkook's pants, his
boobs jiggling slightly.

Taehyung watches the other gulp, lost in a trance as he stares at his chest.

"C'mon darling~" Taehyung giggles, freeing Jungkook's dick from his pants which slap against his

They both let out a small moan, Jungkook's a little louder. There's precum decorating the tip of his
cock, only getting wetter as Taehyung teases his entrance. He fists at Jungkook's abs, glancing up
at his face to see the younger anticipating this as much as he is.

They both let out guttural groans when Taehyung finally sinks all the way down. He can feel his
dick pulsating inside his cunt, just barely grazing over that sweet bundle of nerves that makes
Taehyung crazy. A week without Jungkook's cock had made Taehyung feral, barely even
registering Jungkook below him who's grasping at his hips waiting for him to move.

"J-Jungkook..." Taehyung moans, "I-I can't—ah, pl-please..."

The blond is frozen, unable to lift himself up because Jungkook just feels so good inside him that it
makes his limbs weak. He doesn't even realize he's trembling until Jungkook moves to hold his
hands. Taehyung's eyes snap up to Jungkook's, his breath hitches when he sees them full of love.
And for a moment, the blond allows himself to travel in the star-filled skies dancing around the
Faintly, he registers that Jungkook is flipping them over, pulling Taehyung's sweater off and
pressing their intertwined hands into the mattress. He leans down to force his tongue into the
other's mouth, right as he pulls out from his pussy. Then when he thrusts back in he shares the
pretty moans from Taehyung as he kisses him deeply. Jungkook fucks into him quickly but gently
too, sucking on his lips as his cock reaches deeper into him. With a chaste glance, he notices
Taehyung's stomach bulging with each thrust, and that only wills Jungkook to fuck him faster.

He's addicted to the feeling of Taehyung's pussy, so wet and warm and making him go literally

In his ear, Taehyung whispers sweet words to him between moans.

"You're doing so well baby..."

"Fucking me so well..."

"God—you're filling me up..."

"Jungkook-ah, my perfect darling."

Jungkook grits his teeth at the words, he'll cum soon and the things Taehyung is saying are only
willing him to do so faster.

"Are you, ah, g-gonna cum Jungkook?" Taehyung asks, Jungkook nods even though he doesn't
want to admit it.

"I—just, n-not yet h-hyung—" Jungkook tries to say.

He hears Taehyung hum, lifting one of his hands to cups the side of Jungkook's face.

"It's okay. You're doing so well."

Then suddenly, Jungkook climaxes. Taehyung's fingers suddenly rubbing his nipples sending him
over the edge as he messily thrusts into Taehyung. He hides his face in the other's neck as he
finishes cumming, mumbling apologies to the older.

Taehyung on the other hand relishes in the warm cum filling him up, it's been so long since
someone had cummed inside him like that, and for it to be Jungkook makes it ten times better.

"Jungkookie you don't have to be sorry, you were amazing." Taehyung murmurs into his hair.

"But you— I-I didn't—"

"Shh shh..." Taehyung stops him, absentmindedly playing with Jungkook's nipples which gets him

"Don't worry, you can help me out now."

Taehyung lets Jungkook pull out, rolling onto his stomach and lifting his ass up. He pulls his
asscheeks apart, the cum leaking out of his pussy as he looks over his shoulder.

"Help hyung, hm?" Jungkook could get another boner from this.

He dives in, taking over Taehyung's hands and holding his ass apart as the older is left to fist at the
sheets below him. There are strings of praises mixed with moans spilling out of Taehyung's mouth,
all of them urging Jungkook to eat his cunt faster, better. It's heaven really, with Taehyung's pussy
still leaking slick as he tastes his own cum too. Jungkook could do this for hours.

And he would've, yet Taehyung shakes as he quickly orgasms, whining out Jungkook's name as
this one gives a few more licks before finally stopping.

Taehyung slumps on the bed, sleepy eyelids falling shut while Jungkook is in awe at how he still
looks absolutely stunning. Jungkook moves to stand up, about to look for a cloth to clean up but
Taehyung grabs his wrist.

"Stay." He pouts, the action squeezing Jungkook's heart.

"Tae, we're—"

"I don't care. Stay." Taehyung insists, finding hidden strength to pull Jungkook back on the bed to
lie down with him. He hugs his head, making Jungkook's cheek squish in the crevice of his tits.
Jungkook takes back what he said before—this is heaven.

"I'm really glad," Taehyung starts softly, "That you came back, and asked to be my boyfriend."

Jungkook hums in agreement, the buzz of his lips tickling Taehyung's skin.

"Me too hyung." He kisses Taehyung's chest a few more times before moving down to one of his
tits, circling Taehyung's nipple with his tongue and gently suckling. The older is too tired to react,
just instead smiles happily while being in the arms of his boyfriend.

And if in that room the sun and moon blended together like one, it was their secret.

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