888a2 02 Family

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Family - Család

A young boy was looking through the family album and asked his mother, “Who’s this guy
on the beach with you with all the muscles and curly hair?”
“That’s your father. ”
'Then who’s that old bald-headed fat man who lives with us now?”

What is your family like?

Milyen a családod?
How old are your parents?
Hány évesek a szüleid?
What does your father look like?
Hogy néz ki az édesapád?
What does your mother look like?
Hogy néz ki az édesanyád?
What does your mother do?
Mi az édesanyád foglalkozása?
What does your father do?
Mi az édesapád foglalkozása?
Are you like your mother or father?
Édesanyádra vagy édesapádra hasonlítasz inkább?
What do you think ideal parents are like?
Milyenek szerinted az ideális szülők?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Hány testvéred van?
What are your brothers and sisters like?
Milyenek a testvéreid?
Do you have any cousins?
Vannak unokatestvéreid?
Do you live at home during the school year?
Otthon laksz a tanév során?
How do you get on with your family?
Hogy jössz ki a családoddal?
What do you think the best thing in your family is?
Szerinted mi a legjobb dolog a családodban?
How much time do you usually spend with your parents?
Általában mennyi időt szoktál együtt tölteni a családoddal?
What sort of things do you do with your mother?
Mit szoktál az édesanyáddal közösen csinálni?
What do you do with your father?
Mit szoktál az édesapáddal közösen csinálni?
How do you spend time with your brothers and sisters?
Hogyan töltőd az időt a testvéreiddel?
Do your grandparents live with you?
A nagyszüleid veletek élnek?
How often do you meet your grandparents?
Milyen gyakran találkozol a nagyszüleiddel?
Have you got a lot of relatives?
Sok rokonod van?
How often do you meet your relatives?
Milyen gyakran találkozol a rokonaiddal?
Which of your relatives do you like best?
A rokonaid közül kit kedvelsz a legjobban?
Who are distant relatives?
Kik a távoli rokonok?
At what age do young people usually leave home in Hungary?
Hány éves korban szoktak Magyarországon a fiatalok elköltözni otthonról?
Do your parents decide what you can do in your free time?
A szüleid döntik el, hogy mit csinálhatsz a szabadidődben?
Do your parents tell you what time you have to get home in the evenings?
Megmondják a szüleid, hogy esténként mikorra kell hazaérned?
How do you imagine your future family?
Hogyan képzeled a jövőbeli családod?
Do you think it is good to have a big family?
Szerinted jó az, ha az embernek nagy családja van?
Can you choose your own friends?
Megválaszthatod a saját barátaid?
Would you like just one child or more?
Csak egy vagy több gyereket szeretnél?
Do only children miss a lot of things?
Az egykék sok dologról lemaradnak?
Why is it good to have brothers or sisters?
Miért jó, ha az embernek vannak testvérei?
Have you got relatives abroad?
Vannak külföldön rokonaid?
Have you ever visited your relatives abroad?
Meglátogattad valaha a külföldön élő rokonaidat?
How do you keep in contact with your relatives who live abroad?
Hogyan tartod a kapcsolatot a külföldön élő rokonaiddal?
What are the red-letter days in your family?
Milyen családi ünnepeitek vannak?
What is the greatest family celebration for you?
Mit tartasz a legnagyobb családi ünnepnek?
How do you celebrate your birthday?
Hogyan ünnepeled a születésnapod?
How do you celebrate your nameday?
Hogyan ünnepeled a névnapod?
What is your family like?
I don’t have a big family. I live with my mother, father, and little brother. My father’s
parents died long ago. My mother’s parents live about 200 kilometres from us.

How old are your parents?

My father is forty-two and my mother is thirty-nine.

What does your father look like?

My father is of average height. He is slim and good-looking because he does a lot of
sport. He has brown hair and brown eyes.

What does your mother look like?

My mother is a bit shorter than my dad. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She wears
glasses. I think she is beautiful and looks much younger than she is.

What does your mother do?

She works as a secretary for a big multinational. She works from eight to half past
four every weekday.

What does your father do?

He is a lawyer. He works with his friends who are also lawyers. They have an office
downtown. He works a lot. He leaves home early in the morning and never gets
home before six.

Are you like your mother or father?

My grandparents say I look like my mother but I think I have my father’s nose and
chin. I’m as shy as my mother and I also collect things like my father. He still collects
beer mats and I have started to collect all kinds of things with pictures of polar bears.

What do you think ideal parents are like?

I think they should understand their children and spend a lot of time with them. It’s
good if you can tell them everything. In my opinion it’s not good if parents are too
strict but it’s not good if they are too lenient either.

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

I have an elder brother and a stepsister from my stepfather’s first marriage. My
brother is 23 and works as a computer programmer. He doesn’t live with us. My
stepsister is 30 and works in a library.

What are your brothers and sisters like?

My elder brother is rather tall, he’s almost two metres. He’s good at basketball. He
has curly brown hair and green eyes. Girls like him a lot. My little sister is only 5
years old. She has fair hair and big brown eyes. She has extremely long eyelashes.
She likes sweets very much, so she’s a bit plump.
Do you have any cousins?
Yes, my mother’s sister has three children and her brother has two. As my father is
an only child, I have no cousins on his side. My cousins are all younger than me.

Do you live at home during the school year?

No, we live in a small village and my school is in a town about 50 kilometres from
us. There is no direct bus or train, so I stay at the school hostel. I go home at week­

How do you get on with your family?

I think we have a very nice family. We talk about everything and decide things
together. We spend almost every weekend together and during school holidays we
travel in Hungary or abroad.

What do you think the best thing in your family is?

I like that we have the same interests. We like sport and often go swimming and
orienteering. We also like playing board games and cards.

How much time do you usually spend with your parents?

Unfortunately, my parents are very busy, so we can’t spend as much time together as
we would like to. My father often does overtime at weekends and my mother works
in three shifts because she is a nurse.

What sort of things do you do with your mother?

We recently started to do glass painting. I like it very much. My mother bought a lot
of books about it and we have already painted a lot of things from these books.

What do you do with your father?

At weekends we usually play football with my father’s friends in my school’s gym.
Some evenings we play chess or cards.

How do you spend time with your brothers and sisters?

We both dance in the local folkdance group and we like playing computer games too.

Do your grandparents live with you?

Unfortunately, my father’s parents died long ago. My mother’s parents live in a small
village in the north of Hungary. We meet them only once a month.

How often do you meet your grandparents?

My mother’s parents are our neighbours, so we meet them every day. My grandma
cooks lunch for me and my brother on weekdays. My father’s parents live near
Szombathely. We spend most of our school holidays with them. They have a big
house with a garden and two dogs and three cats. There’s a lake nearby where we
can fish. We often go hiking in the hills as well.
Have you got a lot of relatives?
Yes, I do. My mother has three sisters and my father also has a big family, so I have
sixteen cousins.

How often do you meet your relatives?

The whole family gets together at Christmas and Easter. We meet at my grandmother’s
house because it’s big enough. Otherwise we phone or email each other quite often.

Which of your relatives do you like best?

I like my grandfather’s brother very much. He lives alone and has a lot of free time to
spend with us. He tells us interesting stories from his childhood. He also spent a few
years on a big cruiser as a sailor, so he has had lots of adventures. It’s quite surprising
that he enjoys computer games and surfing the net at the age of 73.

Who are distant relatives?

Distant relatives are, for example, your grandparents’ brothers and sisters and their

At what age do young people usually leave home in Hungary?

As far as I know, most people leave home when they start university or get a job. My
sister moved to Szeged when she started the university there. Only one of my cousins
lives with her parents, but she is only 13 years old.

Do your parents decide what you can do in your free time?

No, they don’t. I can do what I want as long as I come home before eleven and don’t
do anything foolish. They know they can trust me and I turn to them if I need their

Do your parents tell you what time you have to get home in the evenings?
Yes, they do. As I’m 14, I usually have to be at home by nine at weekdays and by
eleven on Saturdays. On special occasions they allow me to stay out a little longer.

How do you imagine your future family?

As I’m an only child, I would like a big family with at least three children. I always
envy my friends who have brothers and sisters. I would like to have a good job. My
future wife won’t have to work. She can stay at home with the children, meet her
friends and do her hobbies.

Do you think it is good to have a big family?

I think it has some advantages and disadvantages too. It’s good that you never feel
alone, there’s always someone to discuss your problems with, and big family occasions
are great fun. On the other hand, you don’t have much time for yourself, you keep
forgetting birthdays and namedays, and there might be disagreements as well.
Can you choose your own friends?
Yes, I can. My parents have always liked my friends and even plan activities for us
sometimes. For example, when the weather is nice, we have parties. We grill sausages
and vegetables in the garden and play Activity.

Would you like just one child or more?

To tell the truth, I would like to have one child only. With just one child I can work
and earn enough to give the child everything he needs. He can go to good schools, we
can travel a lot together, I can afford to buy him the latest equipment and whatever
he needs for his studies and hobbies.

Do only children miss a lot of things?

I really don’t know. I think understanding parents and good friends can help a lot.

Why is it good to have brothers or sisters?

You can spend your free time together, they can help you with your problems, and
you never feel alone.

Have you got relatives abroad?

Yes, I have. My mother’s brother married a Portuguese girl. They have 3-year-old
twin daughters. They live near the ocean and I always visit them during my school

Have you ever visited your relatives abroad?

Yes, we visit my aunt who works in Brussels twice a year. I like being there because
she always makes nice plans for us. We even travel to the neighbouring countries.

How do you keep in contact with your relatives who live abroad?
We often email my cousin who studies in the USA. We almost never talk on the phone
because it’s rather expensive. I have some relatives who live in Slovakia and we meet
them in the summer either in Hungary or in Slovakia. We talk on the phone once a
month or when there’s something urgent to discuss.

What are the red-letter days in your family?

We celebrate birthdays, namedays, my parents and grandparents’ wedding
anniversaries, Christmas and Easter in my family. We don’t always invite all the
relatives though I like it very much when the whole family gets together.

What is the greatest family celebration for you?

I enjoy Christmas the most. The whole family gets together: my aunts, uncles,
grandparents and cousins. We usually meet at our house because we have the
biggest dining room. We cook Christmas dinner and decorate the Christmas tree
together. It’s always great fun.
How do you celebrate your birthday?
My parents always prepare some surprise for me. Last year they held a surprise
party. They invited all my friends and relatives, so we were 55 altogether. They
decorated the whole house with balloons and colourful lights. I got lots of presents.
My mother cooked my favourite meal and she also baked a delicious cheesecake.

How do you celebrate your nameday?

My nameday is a great event in my family because my father and my grandfather are
also called Peter. We have a big party in my uncle’s garden and cook beef stew. This
is the only occasion when the whole family is together. The adults talk and sometimes
sing and dance, and the children play games.
a bit 4 egy kicsit
abroad 34 külföldön
adult 40 felnőtt
advantage 29 előny
adventure 23 kaland
advice (U) 26 tanács
afford 31 megengedi magának (anyagilag)
allow (sy to do sg) 27 megenged (valakinek megtenni
almost 10 majdnem
alone 23 egyedül
altogether 39 együtt
as long as 26 amennyiben
at the age of 23 valahány éves korban
bake 39 süt (süteményt)
balloon 39 léggömb
basketball 10 kosárlabda
be good at 10 jó valamiben
beautiful 4 gyönyörű
beef stew 40 marhapörkölt
beer mat 7 söralátét
big 7 nagy
birthday 29 születésnap
board game 14 társasjáték
book 16 könyv
brother 7 fiútestvér
Brussels 35 Brüsszel
bus 12 busz
busy 15 elfoglalt
buy (bought, bought) 16 vesz, vásárol
called 40 amit úgy hívnak
card 14 kártya
cat 20 macska
celebrate 37 ünnepel
cheesecake 39 túrótorta
child (children) 8 gyerek (gyerekek)
childhood 23 gyermekkor
chin 7 áll
choose (chose, chosen) 30 választ
Christmas 22 karácsony
Christmas dinner 38 karácsonyi vacsora
collect 7 gyűjt
colourful 39 színes
computer 23 számítógép
computer programmer 9 programozó
cook 20 főz
cousin 36 unokatestvér
cruiser 23 nagy hajó/luxushajó
curly 10 göndör
dad 4 apu
dance 18 táncol
daughter 34 lánya valakinek
decide 13 eldönt
decorate 38 díszít
delicious 39 finom
die 1 meghal
dining room 38 ebédlő
direct 12 közvetlen (járat)
disadvantage 29 hátrány
disagreement 29 nézeteltérés
discuss 29 megvitat
distant 24 távoli
do (did, done) overtime 15 túlórázik
do (did, done) sport 3 sportol
dog 20 kutya
downtown 6 belváros
early 6 korán
earn 31 keres (pénzt)
Easter 22 húsvét
either ... or 36 vagy ... vagy
elder brother 9 báty
email sy 22 e-mailt küld valakinek
enjoy 23 élvez, szeret csinálni
enough 22 eléggé
envy 28 irigyel
equipment (U) 31 berendezés
evening 17 este
event 40 esemény
expensive 36 drága
extremely 10 különösen, nagyon
eye 3 szem
eyelashes 10 szempilla
family 1 család
father 1 apa
favourite 39 kedvenc
feel (felt, felt) alone 29 egyedül érzi magát
fish 20 horgászik, halászik
folk dance 18 néptánc
foolish 26 ostoba
for example 24 például
forget (forgot, elfelejt
forgotten) 29
free time 23 szabadidő
friend 6 barát
fun 29 móka
future wife 28 jövendőbeli feleség
game 23 játék
garden 20 kert
get (got, got) 39 kap
get (got, got) a job 25 állást kap
get (got, got) home 20 hazaér
get (got, got) on with 13 kijön valakivel
get (got, got) together 22 összejön, találkozik
give (gave, given) 31 ad
glass painting 16 üvegfestés
go (went, gone) hiking 20 kirándulni megy
good-looking 3 jóképű
grandfather 23 nagyapa
grandparent 7 nagyszülő
group 18 csoport
gym 17 tornaterem
hair 3 haj
help (sy with sg) 33 segít (valakinek valamiben)
hill 20 hegy
hostel 12 kollégium
house 20 ház
How often? 20 Milyen gyakran?
Hungary 13 Magyarország
ideal 8 ideális
imagine 28 elképzel
in my opinion 8 szerintem
interest 14 érdeklődés
interesting 23 érdekes
invite 37 meghív
job 25 állás
keep (kept, kept) in kapcsolatot tart valakivel
contact with sy 36
kilometre 12 kilométer
lake 20 tó
lawyer 6 jogász
leave (left, left) home 25 elköltözik otthonról
leave (left, left) home 6 elindul otthonról
lenient 8 engedékeny
library 9 könyvtár
lights 39 égők
like best 23 legjobban szeret
live 1 lakik, él
local 18 helyi
long 10 hosszú
long ago 1 régen
lunch 20 ebéd
marry sy 34 összeházasodik valakivel
meet (met, met) sy 19 találkozik valakivel
metre 10 méter
miss 32 hiányol
mother 1 anya
move 25 elköltözik
multinational 5 nemzetközi cég
nameday 29 névnap
near 20 közel
nearby 20 a közelben
need 26 szüksége van valamire
neighbour 20 szomszéd
neighbouring countries 35 szomszédos országok
never 6 soha
north 19 észak
nose 7 orr
nurse 15 ápolónő
occasion 27 esemény, ünnep
ocean 34 óceán
of average height 3 átlagos magasságú
office 6 iroda
often 12 gyakran
on special occasions 27 különleges alkalmakkor
on the other hand 29 másrészt
once 19 egyszer
once a month 19 havonta egyszer
only child 11 egyedüli gyerek
opinion 8 vélemény
orienteering 14 tájékozódási futás
otherwise 22 egyébként
paint 16 fest
parent 2 szülő
party 30 buli
phone 22 telefonál
picture 7 kép
plan activities 30 programokat szervez
play cards 14 kártyázik
play chess 17 sakkozik
play computer games 18 számítógépes játékokat játszik
play football 17 focizik
plump 10 dundi
polar bear 7 jegesmedve
Portuguese 34 portugál
present 39 ajándék
problem 29 gond, baj
quite 22 eléggé
rather 10 elég
really 32 igazán
recently 16 az utóbbi időben
red-letter days 37 ünnepek
relative 21 rokon
sailor 23 tengerész
same 14 ugyanolyan
school holidays 13 iskolai szünet
school year 12 tanév
secretary 5 titkárnő
short 4 alacsony
shy 7 félénk
side 11 oldal
sing (sang, sung) 40 énekel
slim 3 vékony, sovány
Slovakia 36 Szlovákia
small 12 kicsi
sometimes 30 néha
spend (spent, spent) 13 tölt (időt)
spend (spent, spent) időt tölt
time 8
start 7 elkezd
stay 12 lakik, megszáll valahol
stay out 27 kimarad (estére, éjszakára)
stepsister 9 mostohatestvér (lány)
strict 8 szigorú
study 37 tanulmány, tanulás
study 36 tanul
surf the net 23 interneten keresgél
surprise 39 meglep
surprise party 39 meglepetés buli
surprising 23 meglepő
sweets 10 édesség
swimming 14 úszás
talk on the phone 36 telefonon beszél
tall 10 magas
tell (told, told) 8 mond
thing 7 dolog
think (thought, thought) 4 hisz, gondol, vél
to tell the truth 31 az igazat megvallva
together 13 együtt
town 12 város
train 12 vonat
travel 13 utazik
trust 26 megbízik valakiben
turn to sy 26 valakihez fordul
twice 35 kétszer
twin 34 iker
uncle 38 nagybácsi
understand (understood, megért
understood) 8
understanding 32 megértő
unfortunately 15 sajnos
university 25 egyetem
urgent 36 sürgős
village 12 falu
visit 34 meglátogat
wear glasses 4 szemüveget hord
wedding anniversary 37 házassági évforduló
weekday 5 hétköznap
what... like? 1 milyen?
whatever 31 bármi
whole 22 egész
work 5 dolgozik
work in shifts 15 több műszakban dolgozik
young 4 fiatal
Birth date - Születési dátum
When were you born? Mikor születtél?
I was born on the twenty-first 1992. április 21-én születtem.
of April 1992.
When is your birthday? Mikor van a születésnapod?
It is on the twenty-first of April. Április huszonegyedikén.

Dates - Dátumok
írásban: 21 April, 15 January
szóban: the twenty-first of April, the fifteenth of January

Marriage - Házasság
marry sy (T) összeházasodik valakivel
Jane married Joe last year. Jane tavaly házasodott össze Joe-val.
get married (TN) összeházasodik
They got married last year. Tavaly házasodtak össze.

divorce sy (T) elválik valakitől

Jane divorced Joe last year. Jane tavaly elvált Joe-tól.
get divorced (TN) elválik
They got divorced last year. Tavaly elváltak.

Work - Munka
work for sy/somewhere valakinek/valakinél/valahol dolgozik
My mother works for a small company. Édesanyám egy kis vállalatnál dolgozik.
work as valamiként dolgozik
She works as a secretary. Titkárnőként dolgozik.
work like valahogyan dolgozik
She works like a slave. Úgy dolgozik, mint egy rabszolga.

abroad külföldön, külföldre

I would like to travel abroad to Szeretnék külföldre utazni, hogy nyelveket
study languages. tanuljak.
foreign country utazik külföld
My cousin lives in a foreign country. Az unokatestvérem külföldön él.

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