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# Role Page Module

1 Guest Landing Page Header

2 Guest Landing Page Header
3 Guest Landing Page Header
4 Guest Landing Page Header
5 Guest Landing Page Banners
6 Guest Landing Page Best seller
7 Guest Landing Page Recommended
8 Guest Landing Page Promotion
9 Guest Landing Page Shopy by Brands
10 Guest Landing Page Shopy by Brands
11 Guest Landing Page Footer
12 Guest Landing Page Footer
13 LoggedIn Home Page Footer

14 Guest Landing Page Footer

15 Guest Landing Page Footer

16 Guest Landing Page Footer

17 Guest Landing Page Footer
18 Guest Landing Page Mini cart of Sign in sign up
19 Guest Landing Page heart icon/wishlist icon
20 Guest Landing Page Search
21 Guest Landing Page Sign in
22 Guest PLP Filter
23 Guest PLP heart icon/Buynow(comprar)
24 Guest PLP Sorting
25 Guest PLP Products
26 Guest PDP Products
27 Guest PDP Products
28 Guest PDP heart icon/Buynow(comprar)
29 Guest Login page Forgot password
30 Guest Login page Create Account
31 Guest Login page Ph number and password fiel
32 Guest Forgot passwor Sign up
33 Guest Forgot passwor Phone number
34 Guest Registration Registration
35 Guest Registration Registration
36 Guest Registration Registration
37 Guest All pages Teloencargo Logo
38 Guest Login Page Login
39 Guest Login Login
40 LoggedIn Home Page Search
41 LoggedIn Home Page Search
42 LoggedIn Home Page Search
43 LoggedIn Home Page Search
44 LoggedIn Home Page Hello with company name
45 LoggedIn Home Page Wishlist icon
46 LoggedIn Home Page Header/Mega Menu
47 LoggedIn Home Page Header/Mega Menu
48 LoggedIn Landing Page Header
49 LoggedIn Home Page Header/Mega Menu
50 LoggedIn Home Page Banners
51 LoggedIn Home Page Best seller
52 LoggedIn Home Page Recommended
53 LoggedIn Home Page Promotion
54 LoggedIn Home Page Shopy by Brands
55 LoggedIn Home Page Shopy by Brands
56 LoggedIn Home Page Products
57 LoggedIn Home Page Products
58 LoggedIn Home Page Products
59 LoggedIn Home Page Products
60 LoggedIn Home Page Products
61 LoggedIn Home Page Products
62 LoggedIn Home Page Footer
63 LoggedIn Home Page Footer
64 LoggedIn Home Page Footer
65 LoggedIn Home Page Footer
66 LoggedIn Home Page Footer

67 LoggedIn Home Page Footer

68 LoggedIn Home Page Footer
69 LoggedIn Home Page Footer
70 LoggedIn PLP
71 LoggedIn PLP Sorting
72 LoggedIn PLP PLP
73 LoggedIn PLP PLP
74 LoggedIn PLP PLP
75 LoggedIn PLP heart icon

76 LoggedIn PDP
77 LoggedIn PDP PDP
78 LoggedIn PDP Best seller and recommended
79 LoggedIn PDP heart icon
80 LoggedIn My Account My Account
81 LoggedIn My Account My Account- Account details
82 LoggedIn My Account My Account - Change passwo
83 LoggedIn My Account My Account - My Addresses
84 LoggedIn My Account My Account -Company users
85 LoggedIn My Account Newsletter
86 LoggedIn My Account Newsletter
87 LoggedIn My Account My orders - Order history
88 LoggedIn My Account My orders - Order history

89 LoggedIn My Account My orders - Order history

90 LoggedIn My Account My orders - Track your order
91 LoggedIn My Account My favorites list
92 LoggedIn My Account My favorites list - Watch

93 LoggedIn Add to Cart

94 LoggedIn page etc..) Quantity selector

95 LoggedIn Mini Cart

96 LoggedIn Mini Cart Quantity selector

97 LoggedIn Mini cart Delete icon
98 LoggedIn Mini cart Cart total
99 LoggedIn Mini cart View and edit cart
100 LoggedIn My cart page Delete icon
101 LoggedIn My cart page Empty cart
102 LoggedIn My cart page Wishlist icon
103 LoggedIn My cart page Products

104 LoggedIn My cart page Quantity selector

105 LoggedIn My cart page Payment details

106 LoggedIn My cart page Coupon code

107 LoggedIn My cart page mega menu
108 LoggedIn My checkout paHeaders

109 LoggedIn My cart page Footer

110 LoggedIn My cart page
111 LoggedIn My cart page
112 LoggedIn My cart page Next link
113 LoggedIn Shipment page Shipping Address
114 LoggedIn Shipment page Estimated Delivery
115 LoggedIn Shipment page Estimated Delivery
116 LoggedIn Shipment page
117 LoggedIn Shipment page Order summary
118 LoggedIn Shipment page View and edit cart

119 LoggedIn Shipment page Headers

120 LoggedIn Shipment page Footer

121 LoggedIn Shipment page Procceed with the payment
122 LoggedIn Payment page Select payment method
123 LoggedIn Payment page Select payment method
124 LoggedIn Payment page Select payment method
125 LoggedIn Payment page Review order
126 LoggedIn Payment page Review order/View and edit c
127 LoggedIn Payment page Order summary
128 LoggedIn Payment page Shipment link top right
129 LoggedIn Payment page Shipping Address
130 LoggedIn Payment page Make an order link

131 LoggedIn Order success page

132 LoggedIn Order success pTo print

133 LoggedIn Order success pEnd Up

134 LoggedIn Order success pHeaders

135 LoggedIn Order success pFooter

136 LoggedIn Reorder
137 LoggedIn Reorder
138 LoggedIn wishlist
139 LoggedIn Promotions

140 LoggedIn Codi

141 LoggedIn Codi
144 Distributor
145 LoggedIn
146 LoggedIn
Check the navigate for the Mega menu of Brands/categories/products link
Check the navigate for the What's New?/New arrivals link
Verify filters/Sort by/heart icon/in New arrivals PLP page
Check the navigate for the Promotions link
Check the banner redirection
Check the displayed Best seller products section in home page
Check the displayed Recommended Products section in home page
Check the promotion Products section displayed in home page
Check Shop by brand section dispayed in home page
Check the Shopy by Brands redirection
Check the Customer service number displayed
Check news letter for Guest user using Name and Check Email with checkboxces
Verify Subscribe to the newsletter and submit without selecting checkboxces

Check Contact us for Guest user using Full name/ Email(Not mandatory)/Mobile number and message
Verify email/SMS notification after submiting the Contact us form

Check the Static content links - Privacy policy/ terms and conditions/ cookies policy /frequently ask questions
Check My orders and My account links redirection to login page
Check Sign in/sign up redirection to login page
Check the heart icon redirection to login page
Verify search with 3 characters/Brand/catagory/product name/spell mistack
Check the Sign in redirection to login page
Check the Filter options are working in plp
Check the hearicon redirection to login page
Check the Sort by are working
Check the redirection to PDP
Check the Images, Breadscrumbs and other Info
Check the Best seller and recommended sections displayed
Check the hearicon redirection to login page
Verify redirection to forgot password page
Verify redirection to Create Account page
login with valid and invalid data/Without data
verify redirection to Create customer request page
Enter valid and invalid phone number and send
Fill the Registration form with valid data and submit
Submit the registration form with blank fields
Submit the registration form with invalid data fields
Verify Teloencargo Logo redirection to home page from all pages
Verify login with valid/invalid/without entering data
Check the Login is working and navigated to Home page
Verify search with 3 characters/Brand/catagory/product name/spell mistack/SKU
Search for keyword and check auto suggutions
Search for keyword and navigate to SRP(search result page) on clicking on view all link
Search for keyword and navigate to PDP on clicking on any product
Verify redirection of all (My account/My orders/Wishlist) and signoff
Verify redirection to wishlist page
Check the navigate for the Mega menu of Brands/categories/products link
Check the navigate for the What's New?/New arrivals link
Verify filters/Sort by/heart icon/in New arrivals PLP page
Check the navigate for the Promotions link(Redirect to PLP promotions page)
Check the banner redirection
Check the displayed Best seller products section in home page
Check the displayed Recommended Products section in home page
Check the promotion Products section displayed in home page
Check Shop by brand section dispayed in home page
Check the Shopy by Brands redirection/redirect to specific brand PLP
Check the Add to cart disabled for out of stock Products
Check the Add to cart enabled for in stock Products
Check the quantity entity enabled for available Products
Check the quantity entity disabled for out of stock Products
Check the redirection of wishlist icon by clicking heart icon
Check the redirection to PDP by clicking on any product
Check the Customer service number displayed
Verify Subscribe to the newsletter and submit with selecting checkboxces
Verify Subscribe to the newsletter and submit without selecting checkboxces
Check Contact us form by subming the message
Check Contact us form by subming without message
Check the Static content of all links redirection- Privacy policy/ terms and conditions/ cookies policy
/frequently ask questions
Check the redirections of My orders link
Check the redirections of My account link
Verify PLP navitaion for the all brand, catagories, New arrivals, Promotions,SRP Etc..
Verify Sorting in PLP/SRP >Sort by (Relevance/ Name A-z & Z-A)
Verify Filter section in PLP/SRP >Category, Brand, price
Check the redirection to PDP
Verify add to wishlist the product by clicking on heart icon on product
Check Redirect to wishlist page
Verify PDP navigation - brand, catagories, New arrivals, Promotions, home page,PLP,SRP,search
suggestions/Best seller/recommended products Etc..
Check the Images, Breadscrumbs and other Info and navigation.
Check the Best seller and recommended sections displayed
Verify add to wishlist page by clicking on heart icon
Verify user able to see My account details
Verify user able to see Account information[Name/surname/ph number/email & store name]
Verify change password & Login with updated password
Verify user able to see available shipping and billing address in My Address
Verify user able to see available Company users
Verify Subscription to the newsletter by selecting the check and submit.
Verify unsubscribe to the newsletter by unchecking the check and submit.
Verify Exited orders list by clicking on My orders -Orders history
click on See order and verify order summary /reorder/print order

Click on reorder link and verify products added and redirect to cart page/verify user able to place orders
Verify user able to see Track your orders by clicking on track orders link
Verify all CTA action in the My favorites list [Watch/Erase/Create new wishlist/]
Verify all CTA actions [remove/Move/copy/Delete Favorites Lists/add to cart]
Add the products to add to cart from PLP,PDP,SRP,search suggestions, Home page, wishlist page, order
history, order details page

Verify user able to increase/Decrease the quantity in all pages(Home page,PLP,PDP,mini cart,My cart
page,wishlist,SRP,New arrivals,Promotions etc..)
Verify products addd to mini cart/and other infirmation(Ex- 10 items in the cart / all added products added to
mini cart)
Verify user able increase/decrease the product quantity and check prices changing based on Qty update in
mini cart
Verify user able to delete the products from Mini cart
Verify cart total displayed with correct total of all products
Verify redirection of View and edit cart link (to My cart page)
Verify user able to delete the products from My cart
Verify user able to delete all products by using Empty cart link
Verify user able to add the product to wishlist (Either existed or new wishlist)
Verify all added products diaplayed in My cart page
Verify user able increase/decrease the product quantity and check prices changing based on Qty update in My
cart page
Verify payment details showing with correct total/Taxes/subtotal of all products prices
Verify applying different cart price rule coupons and check discount applied based on coupon (discount on
certain product/discoun on cart totals)
Check redirection Mega menu(brand/categories/promotions/New arrivals etc...)
Check Search and mini cart should be disable in my checkout page
Verify all statick contents pages / subscription news latter/contact us/My account/My orders /Customer
service number
Verify OSS products in my cart page if OOS products already there in cart
Verify user able to delete OOS products from mini cart
Verify redirection of Next link(to shipment page)
Verify user able to see the available shipping address
Verify available routing plan dates in calender and select and submit
Check without selectiong dates and submit
Verify all added products count and products displayed
Verify correct subtotal/taxes/ total values displayed in order summary
Verify redirection of View and edit cart link (to My cart page)
Check My account drop down of all redirections(My orders/my account etc..)/wishlist icon/ (Mini cart) should
not display in shipment page
Verify all statick contents pages / subscription news latter/contact us/My account/My orders /Customer
service number
Verify redirection of Procceed with the payment link(to payment page)
Verify select any payment method with accepting - accepting terms and conditions and submit
Verify without select any payment method and submit
Verify select any payment method without accepting - accepting terms and conditions and submit
Verify all added products details displayed
Verify redirection of View and edit cart link (to My cart page)
Verify correct subtotal/taxes/ total values displayed in order summary
Verify redirection of shipment link (to shipment page) by clicking on shipment link
Verify user able to see the selected shipping address
Verify redirection of make an order link(to order success page)

Verify successfully placed order details (Order number/shipping address/product details/Order

summary/order status/delivery date/Payment method/date/Thanks for your purchase messageetc..)
Verify redirection of print link

Verify Redirection of End up link(to whats app page)

Check redirection of teleoncargo logo/Mega menu/ Search/My account drop down/wishlist icon/ and mini cart
Verify all statick contents pages / subscription news latter/contact us/My account/My orders /Customer
service number
Verify user able to reorder using existed order from orders history page
Verify user able to reorder using existed order from certain order details page
Verify user able to add products to cart and place an order from wishlist page
Verify user able to place an orders using cart price rules

Verify user able to place orders using Codi payment method

Verify user able to place orders using COD
Verify forgot password and login with updated password for retailer
Verify forgot password and login with updated pass word for Distributor
Verify Distributor able to increase/decrease qty from distributor account
Verify MOV Based on customer segemnt
Verify products are displaying based on Customer segemnt
Status 06th- Date of
Oct Execution
22-09- Executed Status of Executed
Status Remarks 2022 By 11th Mar By
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In progress In progress ted
Pass Pass
Fail Pass
Fail Pass
Pass Pass
Pass Pass
Pass Pass

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