Practice IA IB English SL

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Language A: language and literature Internal Assessment

Student outline form

Global issue: Identity

Literary work: Phenomenal woman by Maya Angelou

Non-literary work: Cartoon by Liza Donnelly

Notes for the oral (maximum of 10 bullet points):

Global issue: identity conflict against female stereotypes. Context: both women repressed for gender.
Phenomenal woman: poetic features, Donnelly cartoon: satire.

Literary text
Communicates that women deserve to live in dignity, structure: Free verse: Anaphora: addresses
female stereotypes in an enlightening manner.

Still I rise Anaphora2 “You may”. Used often to address oppressor (society) & motivate reader; Uses
passionate tone to inspire change. Asyndeton and rhyme Enjambment

Metaphors bee analogy. desire Angelou but “still can’t see why”: whitewashing. Semantic field of fire
=>symbolizes intense joy=> Entertains, persuades diverse> central.

Language Phonetics sibilance Caged bird Sibilance2 “sings, dreams, leaps” enhances imagery.
Common to Angelou’s style; gives beauty to oppressed. Fricative “Ph” reinforce beauty of being a
“Phenomenal woman.”

Non-literary text
Mocks idiocy of gender stereotypes Satire Irony; Comedic, causes realization of contention Irony2
“I’ve asked Harold to provide the feminist perspective.” Irony has dual effect to persuade audience.

Exaggeration of gender stereotyping to instill fear. Symbolism clothed doll & naked doll.

Language lexical field appeals to family values: sympathy for victims. Lexical field 2: mother
influencing baby w/ norms. Donnelly establishes an atmosphere in cartoon that has emphatic effect.

E.g diction disturbing to audience, appeals to justice. Obscenity. “slut. Female stereotypes as bad as
obscenity. appeals to fear & justice, effective persuasion.

Both comment female norms; Angelou entertains & informs, while Donnelly mocks. Angelou:
young readers, Donnelly: older audience.

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