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Question 1

I found following things that can draw attention of my friends in K-pop:

1. Soothing Melodies
Anybody can agree upon the statements that Korean Songs are far more catchy than any other
genre of song.
2. Diversity
Korean songs are not only famous for love songs but also party songs like Gangam Style and I
feel the reason for its global adaptation is its diversity. K-pop is equally famous for its pop,
house, rock, hip-hop and r&b music.
3. No Role of Sex Orientation
We can see female artist in suits in k-pop songs. Genders, age, nationality of all types are
touched by K-pop songs. It engages teens, adults and even elderly peoples without having any
language barrier.
4. Performance and Choreography
I think everybody is amazed by the jawdropping performance of the Korean Songs. They have
unique sense of story telling. The themes, fashion, and luxury in music and stage performance
can lure anybody.
5. Fandom Culture and link with fans
K-pop idol are really good at taking care of their fans. They make different terms for their fans
and even dedicated songs to their fans which helps in creating a strong fan-artist bond. And I
find an interesting fact that even fans have a unique attachments and it is easy to be friends
among someone who is a fan of k-pop.
6. Groups and Collaborations
We can see there is uniformity in number of solo artist and bands popularity. Even in the bands,
member of each bands has their own fan base which is really interesting. And we might have
seen collaborations with many different western artist with K-pop idols.
7. Talents and fashion
Not only for melody, K-pop is equally famous for fashion the artist really take good care of their
art and performance maintaining their elegance. They are as much dedicated in their profession
as in their elegance.

Question 2

What I think is, k-pop is itself a globally renown genre. This fact is even credited by International
Federation of the Phonographic Industry’s Music Listening 2019 report. Nevertheless, In my country, I
found pop, rock and oldies more adorable. But hip-hop, rock, metal and classical music are also loved by
many of Nepalese people. I can list the reason for K-pop being popular in my country as follows:

1. There is diverse range of ethnicity in Nepal because of its diversified geography. We can find
people resembling north Asian, central Asian, even western people along with southern Asian.
So, we are likely to have wide range of taste in music.
2. People really love hard working people. We heard confession of many k-pop idols that some of
them works 12 hours every day in their field. They really take their profession seriously. Not only
in singing k-pop artist takes equal care of their dancing skills, acting skills and modeling.
3. K-pop artist undoubtedly take care of their fans in very interesting manner. They make their
own fan base and name them which makes more engagement of people in their art. They even
sometimes make songs to tribute their fans and dedicate songs.

Today K-pop is not just for Korea but it has become a product made in Korea. It’s a multibillion dollar
industry after all. So I don’t think our promotion could enhance its popularity because its already so
popular. However, I have listed Some of the ways which will help promoting k-pop as follows:

1. Social media can play crucial role for promotion of any matters. I don’t think there is anybody
who do not reach to social media these days. Even majority of people around world spends their
at least 5 hours a day browsing and surfing in social media platforms. So, what we can do is, we
can post interesting facts, upcoming events, new and updates regarding K-pop in social media
for its promotion.
2. Our engagement is the major reason behind popularity and promotions. So, our engagement on
the K-pop is direct and only way to maintain K-pop music popularity. Technical aspect are out of
our control but we can support them watching and sharing their work, building our own fan

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