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Assignment Week - 14
Question 1

Logistic function that looks simple but when results are extrapolated on graph it shows really amazing

Analyzing it to calculate the rabbit population we can observe a stability in their population after some
fluctuation over period of time with some initial population. When those iteration are plotted on graph
we can see that irrespective of their initial population the stability of population that will be achieved
after some time is not affected. When effect of growth rate is observed, we can see the equilibrium
population appears to be affected. So, in order to observe their relation when we populate growth rate-
population equilibrium graph we can observe something phenomenon that for certain point increase in
are is shifting the equilibrium population upward in the graph but when it further increases then a single
equilibrium line splits into two and upon further increment its equilibrium oscillates in between many
equilibrium populations. Which signifies that at certain point it seems that the equilibrium population is
random but actually it is repeating with infinitely or finitely longer equilibrium populations. Modern
programming languages use same method to generate random numbers.

Similarly, a Mandelbrot set is also follows logistic function. Simple plot of iteration done by changing
values of constant over values of “x” variable, can just define what are the constants that lies on the
Mandelbrot set. But when we plot values result of the function over different values of “c” that lies on
Mandelbrot set we can see the same nature of graph of logistic function where number of results varies
upon variation in constant i.e. bifurcation diagram. Scientist have tried an experiment where induced
random heart beat of rabbit is tracked in using bifurcation diagram and predicted the time to give
electric shock to rabbit so that its heart beat could be brough back to normal. Dripping faucet also
creates same bifurcation diagram where number of drop coming out of tap seems random or aperiodic.

This bifurcation diagram give raise to Feigenbaum constant which is ration bifurcation interval between
every period doubling (4.669). Every function having bifurcation is family of quadratic function.

So, this video it shows how seemingly chaotic thing like fluid convection, neuron firing , the Mandelbrot
set and so on are actually not random but are in relation that could be mapped using logistic map.

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