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ae = Sig Qp ris BS Se ese Ty weg GON oe £ y Cel enDUGH 1 ATEN til ‘ ys she Ay ltte : acts | | : & of 5 e eDUce THES RUAHATION WeDLTATION Kp oF; goaTLONL ae yy ec i i Tact MO i o DUNK nag a Su og es LAY DIET | oe e [st i) i 1 1 Yecutane 3S j iS @ | Dery ¥ " j i i it a | e. HEALTH egy lu ne TEGULAR AOU oa a x a ED nt @ iN pHa ae * GETENOUGH {ish ATR Y, gg | Sw a Y UNIT Nota [ 6" ig WA 7 & in WAlep se | an é y | @ LS & ee @ il \ ti oy MONE NORMAL WEIGHT ok er" sass RATION s u ° ek e7; su ION ee a 7; age a D. PEACE OF MI Hy Neca ery WANE ty Ngp Ollap Ades oO Heautly PALTRY DLE we | o. ~o7 YF wy % sk le, FQ_ i ss te &.. il hoy Sep = ra \ Me Bit touts 4 wet HUTvaH 1 uINA. sammjoyd 94) [9407] Apog ayy Jo syed "T 6st mu7vaN WINK -aynadde ou aang | /-uatjoms axe spueys Ay *opoy sou 2auny dn umoyy 2, (“yrs on3 04 Btn0# doo T “(sen A "sym 8yG HHO T “sflop omy 105 “4999 98,1 / 19951 “sfiop om 10} (8) poy aA,t / (2) 108 24,1 snos day 0} sasoayd asauy asp “swoyduiss ano ynoge Burge asraes ‘asou Sujuuna ‘Suyzeeus ‘y3no9 sou pure yynow wou Axon ‘Soa Ayo “asou Aun “BuyZaaus wbasp ssaurzzip ‘eosneu ‘oysepeay ‘Suyzvoug pue asind pid “uyys Axp puw 704, Baoyauerp ‘Buryojaq ‘ayoe yowuroys “Bunfwoa ‘vasneu aanaddle jo sso ‘aunyesodaay ys 4s pas aunjezadaray ‘ayoupwoy ‘s1e9 auy Jo ]UO4y Uw} spuR|S La|foms ‘oYaRIES sy ‘sseupain ‘ayrepeoy‘Sejosnur Baxyoe ‘yBno0 Aup ‘aiyssoduoy YB | sdummus 4anay dey Plo wou iWo: ayonsuns uo soBipt ny > odie? “smoydwAs sroyp Yim Seseastp ayy YOOY, D exoy7BUL OU} SIEM“ 3, At hospital Crossword. getting better after an injury or illness someone who is treated by a doctor apiece of equipment that measures the temperature of your body someone who is trained to give emergency ‘medical care to people who are injured or ill a hospital room ‘piece of special thread that sews the edges of ‘a wound together an instrument for putting fluids into the body ‘a special vehicle for carrying people who are ill ‘or wounded to hospital 8 a doctor who performs medical operations 10 a special bed on which a sick or wounded person can be carried by two people 11. adrug given to people before an operation to stop them feeling pain 12 something that is done to make someone become healthy again 13 the part ofa hospital where people are taken to ‘when they are injured in an accident 14a pair of sticks that help you walk 15. aperson who is trained to look after people who are lor inured 16 a small sharp knife doctors use in operations 1 @@O@ lS S22 1 O@O@O22@ 1 @@COOG2O22] 0640) 1@@-@O0024 »OCCO ' @O@O@HDOD 1 @QOOC@ESO ' @@@G@OQGOO lOEeGe ' @@OG 56202 # DOOOOCOCIDO 1§ DOOOOOGOG «@Q@@OQOOGO0e@ Define the vertical word you get in the crossword: Its. 160 unr HEALTH ~ Tor METvaH WuINN -umop an pun wnds0 wo yoy poy no yuna 1/ 2uop an puo iysrds0 un 2x0) nol j.uop yay ~ hop no fizz uo9g anny pun ayaopoey Burpinds v ony f°: “g pu F "2 S9s}o10x9 Ul suoIssoudx9 pure SpuoMm 94} asf, “SoIAPE LHOKH seAKB aU eH}O ay) pu swioyduns soy) jnoqe sureydiuoo nos yo auo yorum wi suorpENg!s YoYs jno Joy ‘aUTEd v Up 14 punose s9yse4d 8 yn (qs00; pu ade sou ‘ouvuea) amp LVL ‘au aoqjoy pur spinby Jo Ayuayd UG. “yy yo Buu ys0| 4p pue sywow oye ‘op v soup aauuy aaryxtu Sp O04, ‘Kousnol nok 0} 201d sy@am 9an1p pareuova 19D) “Buyjoms ayy aonpa 043 xan0 ssauduioo pioo v aaujd pie 3 yorB198 uo ssoyom fjpos sem gyi a0 “soysoyd uy nd onby 0} on H,N0K ‘suze smo§ uo w0aso sp qn pure apnus ou ut Ae4s ‘ourystns ot proay ra 410 189] —— 1.0 pooyq ajdurexa 404 *s}80) jwras9Ip 405 nos puss 40 yuawyea, ———— 9 so} s1facads v 0} nos 6 Bout soyoop aus, “shop yo apdnoa v 205 paq ty 9 0} anvu rusian nok “3-9 ‘op o7 yeu ‘of sie1 pue —— j aos no saquoseud 19 © soyPUr oy WoW, “axEy nok ‘gym syse puw ———— poo|q sno$ see) sauigjawos pur ‘asind pu amperoduroy nok sayy + ur syooy* ‘¢ nok umop syoo|‘s1ea nok 2 Buju youg puv jsoyo anos (0 Suayst] sno souqurexa 40yvop ayy, °———— S40 4n0f Is1A pure yoojuo9 wed nos [H Buyo} B40 NOK 4] wom 9 “apjue say, wayouq seq Apap “oyinbsou v £q way W999 sey 283095 {ont axos v Soy OL ‘sulzv 494 Uo Wanquns peg jo8 soy o}0y ‘yBnoo pq v sey qog sofuy siy yno sey joe “vaoqusnyp Jo sey oop ‘ayy Wns 0} Buypones; s119}9q “eorape ayy pie quorred avy yoreW > oayape s,t0}00¢ *§ “spiom Buyssyar oy ur ayy “SoOUA|UAS oMp a}9IdIOD sOp0p OF FV "F 6. At the surgery Complete the dialogues. Mars fosing realy ough Doctor: Helo, Mark How aeyou 1 f. ‘Mark Nottoo wel. Doctor: What's the 2 m ‘Mares Wel, |have aterible 3h oetor# Do you have any other 4 Do you cough? Marke: Yes ate |havea 5 5 Doctor: Have you got a temperature? ‘Marke: Yes \have quite ahigh temperature Doctor: think you may have the 6 But, don’t worry |will 7 p. \yousome medicine and you will getbetter soon ‘Marl: Okay Can | go to school tomorrow? Doctor: No. 8S ined for at east three days and drink 9 p. of tea ‘Marla: Thank you Doctor Doctor: Take 10 of youself,and 111 h____you fea beter soon. ‘Sara is consulting her GP Boetor: Hello, Sarah. Come on in and take a Bs, What's the 18 p Sarah: Wel, havea 4 p. inmy back Doctor: Hmm... Does it hurt when you Bb over? Sarah Yes ithurisa 16 | Doctor: How 17 I have you had the pain? Sarahs\’s been 18 aweek Doctor: Are you 19 anything fort? Saraki ve bought sore overthe-counter 20. but it doesn't seem tobe helping. Doetor:|see. Areyou 214 to any medicine? Sarah: Not that know of Boetor: Good. m going t give yous 22 p. for some ointment. You should apply it every four 23 h__ fit doesn't get better over the next few daysill 24 ¢ youtoa specialist. ‘Sarah Thank you, Doctor. 162 uwirn HEALTH gor HUTVaH ‘now i ‘SUIZOY LOU 4991209 OY} YUN A1qU} 94} Ayo[dUIO; *g_ auapose yp ut Amouss 310% vaipiip om paar Aus sayeus a pjo> oF LHea19 39134 ‘uaa ayp uo pu 104 saupour AW eey smouss up edsoy on uae sem UBL Ay aye pasayns uewanyod ay exp dn axon ip} oss 3d tp aay ‘peg cy uu — pu 3} 239) hulu ‘Bui8Beu wane peuiors aqui e108 says pure pn Oo} ae 24S any “apepeay sano |e -rojens3,ue> | puereouy a “soup yraaos pom aus ayy asn wea n0K “spuom won ‘2 Jo uaz} 1901400 ay uo SeoUaqUOE aM aaIEHOD ‘now tiiftiil soao Te Buyyy *L, 9. Collocations ‘Match the two halves of the expressions or compound words then add their Hungarian meanings. ‘WISDOM FOOD IMMUNE PASSIVE PAIN WAITING DENTAL ANAESTHETIC MILK GENERAL PINK HIGHLY HEALTH EXAMINATION VISITING SLEEPING coucH CONTAGIOUS. INJECTION INSURANCE EYE TOOTH POISONING SYSTEM ROOM ‘SMOKER PILL KILLER HOURS CHECKUP, PRACTITIONER ALLERGY wozEr ear moun mPe 10. How to stay fit? What is important to you? @ Complete the words, then rank the criteria, __bep____ active “_take alot of @___ _ eat ahealthy d_____ ae ajuk food _ rarely drink f_______— drinks _érink plenty of w- “_ have enjoyable h______— don't k_______ your emotions bottled up __goto the g____ three times a week a__ salty and s__snacks _ never s____ breakfast dont eat meat, be av __ go} ____regularly “go for regular medical e—_____— sleep at eight hours reduce s___, relax and meditate “_ spend time with your friends and ______ 164 unit HEALTH and f every day 'b Which of these guidelines do you follow? ‘Say sentences about yourself. Eqg. [try to live ina healthy way 30 go swimming three times a week and... but I ‘think I should steep more. ¢ Work with @ pariner. Ask questions find out if they follow these guidelines. Then give them advice on how to stay fit. Eg, How much do you sleep? How often do ‘you eat meat?/ You should... soL HuqwsH wan (my yn 7068 flay.L) “my aye orqopnan pu yosdn wy) By dats, up1909 1 EPO avy soyouisseyo SW JO SOP gy PBumeay WG (C-usoj2myqua pun fis010 Jo 30; 0 soy 24S) ao. ABxouo 204 s}o8 ays 104m OUD ,UOP | “sep asayy —————st oqjowpuesB Aig (-ssousno}osuoo fut 380} 1) *———— Teqpaau ayy mes TuouA\ (Oupyrrp Jo syoalfo-soyfo junsvoydun ayy woul solfns n.n04) “Buyuow omy ut nok “Kyed 9g ye Yon oO} AUP NOK IE 9g | (am fea soy 4002 241) qe sor “edpues8 Au 0} sopno] ods 0} 2404 110K ¢ (abo fu uy wotoeues Bub » 004 1) so) Aur uy anny | ou yin Buo| os 30} dn patuno BunHS womq ONCU Ty (fb.0vo fea upo6a1 0)) *—— Kepuou # poou tpaysnagxo wy g (nam Buyoe) jou 910 nof yun 1) exon oxy syeyyy “a8 #091 905g . (Cyorsfzoa uo 1) “soyvowed auy ye vayea ancy yupInoys |* are soqyeom oxy zopun ‘souoyjeq Am oBzeqoos | sorpoou pue suyd | s}ios yo yno | soaoSwaq w ony ‘Bupreoy yo prey | umop suo | suveq yo [ny | yno peyoulq | Bop e se yors se ssuoyssaudxa ani arp yyia saouayues omy oyopdt0g, SWORE UaTeOH “TE 12, Do you ever get mad at your alarm clock? Is it difficult for you to get up in the ‘morning? It might not be your fault! New research has come up with amazing results. 4 Read the article about our body clock. Six pars of sentences have been removed from the article. ‘Choose from the list (A-F) the part which fits each gap (1-6). as we get older subjects and exams ‘want to sleep as ently as ina different way research shows Early WAKE-UP ‘crue? for pupils ‘Ovelives ate ruled by time and we use time to tell us what to do. Bue the digital alarm clock chat ‘wakes usin the morningis an unnatusal clock. Ourbody clock works 1 Instructions for a biological clock builtin our genes regulate everything we do. Our body clock determines when ous brains are most aetive, when ous stomachs ate ready to break down food, ‘and when our bodies 2. ______. It also influences our ability to learn and do wel in exams, Body clocks differ berween people. If you are ative in the mornings and go to bed early you are “lark”, but you hate mornings and want w keep going through the night, you are an “ow”. “These differences change 3 ____.. As one grows up from the age of ten through adolescence into the early 20s there is a tendeney to want to go to bed Inte and ater and get up later and late. ‘This tendency to get up later continues until about the age of 19.5 years in women and] years jn men. At this point there is 2 turnabout and by the age of 55.~ 60 we are getting up 4 we did when we were 10, ‘This could explain why teenagers really do have a problem getting up in the morning, They show high levels of sleep deprivation because they go to bed late but stil have to get up eatly in the morning to go to school. ‘According to neuroscientist Russell Foster, forcing teenagers to get up ently 10 go to school may actually be cruel. His § _ young people perform better as the day progresses, Exam results could improve if classes started later as studies have shown theit body clock is about ewo hours “delayed” from older adults. Teenagers’ “peak” i in the middle of the afernoon, so difficult 6 ____ shouldbe shifted o earl afternoon. In schools that have adopted a later start to the school day the alertness and mencal abilities of 4 the students have improved, truancy has fallen and exam success has increased. (ase om hip} | wos guardian. cece] 2011 nl] 13 enrosine bok and ip news Bocconk/ 2) ‘if uk_wes] 6254849.) SP O Fa) on es) oF 291 wuqwaH wasn jnujo——— eg sou ap wono urEyUOD WA FEE Buy Sz9na pjoneo} ancy f'synuo} yg wef poogoneu ‘Soyeumoyup, -wyoo fu jo gg ssuap atg puw AsaAins ay 0} yoeq ua 1° fg ourwoaq sui Aur ‘wou “AN04 we sey 40} woos Buy. 24 UL YEH Oj peu | pur LNB ayy w UORe{u ———— 9g uw au anv op] *———— gz. i004 ou} anny 0} poy 9 prop az BEALL ou) Ww YsHHAP aH OF WHAM [UIA ‘wopsys Kujo 940 sv 982 pq Axon vay yy dn yom [oe sBaK w Mog yng yaa} KUL ‘gu stoygoud aavy ftozes os‘ 40} Aojnau ystuop oxy ist sup pu sypeus KreBns prone 0} Kx, | pre 9g, sy6 jy At 0 | 004 "y}oa) Suro $9401 “Buyjoms au ————— yz ores“ uo yoed 29] uw yd | WO ¢ Aue ynd upnoo |" g pu 381q 108 y pue ny y “ape Kau 1g. pepur | way pre tea aun WoW OF dn pada! ~spuots, Awa yyy eqyaxseq Buyceyd axam am sowuins se] yng‘ 9g stouas ¥ pey anat ancy 1 Ayo -auroypaut ou yo8 j azoym systuoys ou 0; ——— 1 249 yoo) 1 ‘auropaww auos 9. ay pu sep aaa 20} paq uy Kes, 0} 24 por af “odoosoypoysw yt Bun] pu j1004 Kut 0} paua}sy ‘aus —————— 941 “40 NO 298 0}, ‘91 weapenr “SL w3ys pey | pue yer) 1 peg “Suyauna sem —— ey }01 © payn0o pu pazaous | sKp Woy v 40; toy ye Ae}S 0} PEM ‘ODE ‘at | Arenagag uy sea |i seas | oxy 94) “aa raquaatad [3] “Tp Afares ure | -ae0K 1099 sa ur aney yg paour3,uop 00} 14318040 pod onc “yors Knead [pa] aw 11 -aay Super ax sem yf spaysnoo | “7 pau 1 08 ‘Aqua v ay Yoo! o} eM LUPIP T ‘ao Ax} 6} ati .au pu sayjaueip jo yayed w aus pamoys uystoa WW 9 498 3.4up4p 1 Ajayeunog nq‘ ¢ Jo no Bupyouts pau 1 “E Sea | Wau, “@HOWS .H0P | “aur qin soqem yo ajoq daoy shempe | saye% yup Aersn | ssqup Kez YUP {F1puv poo; yun{ prone o ay Kop oxo yay pu sayqeya89a yea os ————— 5 Ayproat] v 709 0} 3ueyioduuy ospe sty] "yaam v SaLUL a9.%p SUSHof Of -asjox0xo Jo yo] v 2 Aiqeorshyd ww | Aupyooy Ss o-oo uur Sfoyeumog -seoutayt9s 349 ayo{dIN09 Tegsin & Wy ofdoy, “ET “ypq9q 2110004 0} ssttuzod outa ooyps Suysstu shuawoyo pure Kpornb uN 0 a1qe Butoq 0} wiB0q 0} rs at st Strtpotiosovoott0s uous our 2x iat uBioua onto nok uote ction anrsocd amp 01 arcu ayarcazon © 81 pue g1 Jo sae ayy woamjoq aun au — sujautos op 04 x04 J0 op oF re4an nok su yeu Bururowwos ‘suvau appre at wy pxOM YOUU AN 14. Q&A ‘Translate the following questions and answer them about yourself. If you have a partner take turns to answer each other's questions. 1. Hogy vagy mostanéban? Mikor voltél beteg utoljéra? Hany napot hidnyzol az iskolébél évente betegség miatt? 4. Milyen gyakran szedsz orvossigot? 5. Mire vagy allergids? 6 Operaitak mar? 7. Hany betegség ellen vagy beoltva? 8. Mit teszel azért, hogy egészséges maradj? 9. Odafigyelsz a silyodra? 10, Volt mar fogszabélyoz6d? 11, Szemtiveges vagy? 12, Fajaderekad, ha lehajolsz? :) 15. Translation J. Epp most labaltam ki egy kellemetlen megfazasbol. 2. Mostandban rosszul alszom. 3. Aziskolaorvos mindenkit megvizsgal, megméri a silyunkat, 4. Haegy betegséget koran felismemnek, a beteg nagyobb valdsziniséggel gydgyul meg. A korzeti orvosunk szakorvoshoz iranyitott, A kanyaré erdsen fert6z6, A hérom napot meghalad6 hidnyzés utén orvosi igazolést kell hoznunk. 8. Blkerillhetjik a nathat, ha rendszeresen kezet mosunk. 9. A lazcsillapité levitte a lizamat. 10. Fajdalmas a nyeles. 11, Recept nélkill kaphat6 hashajtdt vettem. 168 UNIT. HEALTH nossa juosoljer eyo [9 pinsoy ABea ‘yoyOyPY nuypepsL}I0yNO zsseABO} [OrpHaTAPU AES -qqwanyedot e 98au yuguasoBekuy “Teapzuanyuy yoypadazaqa| UeyYOS “amy soxoyoluy ze eppfBaw oyu YprorpUUZSe ze anOreseAIE “qeujokBeu ysopy ABa pdedsSeuy “BQZEUION HHIA [axpjaselsgstay soxIns Wopual y ivoHApEA Io] Yos zsseAZOy “yAupjdeu uapjaazey v pinoy ‘wen pospanzsdeu eH sua}ayZ1QUaT|a HEqAg HopUTLA “WOSHIEL Y OF -yosSen oyp|tonp) yout ‘zoyseseayo ze woS9syg7s wea axBoantTa7s “ysouappyerUoy sp JaBannusozs Yoasia wAITEATPT -youigjaq sons0#o} v yafau “py yore nu yeyNA| ude ABO UaK ug y -oaBapiy v Auaygzi9 umojo9 whB9 zy “yoABea sodqnsiyy Ws914 ABa yagze SEULJOsO v TUTTPUATI YOPNY WON, “yprozsdiiag sp ygyzaueBjuguBew yewopMss y syoULory v UA }O}a s9 UIEYZSNSOLg -uoqjo 19y-ounA] wioBiew wreye3I0oq “yeuNyyINpUeUE v HOHAN O99 1934 -zeueyse) juqontod Sour yowunygorqnue wes yayaupazs wou £3} ‘sxuyyoquad v yoABEn seABeTTY 08 6e 88 ae 98 98 e 8a ee Te 0g o ‘81 uw ‘or or W er a Speakers’ Corner YOUR MINUTE| Listas many words as you can. Parts of the body (89.) Minesses (89 - 90.) ‘Symptoms (90.) Things we can buy at the chemist’s (91.) SELF | Speak English Lightly and Fluently ‘The last time I was ill What do I do to stay fit? FACE-to-FACE 1. At the surgery Pick symptom card and visit your GP. Your partner plays the GP's role. ‘Act out the dialogue between the patient and the doctor. Then swap roles. HIGH TEMPERATURE DRY coucH ACHING MUSCLES HEADACHE TIREDNESS CHILLS HOT AND DRY SKIN RAPID PULSE AND BREATHING HEADACHE NAUSEA DIZZINESS IDIOM game EARACHE SWOLLEN GLANDS IN FRONT OF THE EARS HEADACHE TEMPERATURE PREQUENT SNEEZING RUNNY NOSE ITCHY EYES ITCHY THROAT, MOUTH AND NOSE RED RASH SLIGHT TEMPERATURE LOSS OF APPETITE NAUSEA VOMITING PAIN THE STOMACH BELCHING DIARRHOEA | as sick as a dog | blacked out | fll of beans | gone down | hard of hearing | have a hangover | out of sorts | | pins and needles | recharge my batteries | under the weather | Describe a situation that illustrates the meaning of one of these idioms. Your partner's task isto find out which idiom your situation describes. 370 unre HEALTH | Wa HuTwaH WINK. “mono ROYS 24 IP JO PUPL YEU ‘280049 prnogs 24 sararoe fo puyy yeu ‘oySysom sty moge eBey> prnoys oy yey —-e ‘uo aoyape ouios Uy 2418 pu pustts nok 0} (sproMm OZI-0OI) TEUI-9 te ayLIAN, HPIING 403,04 sexy 3uB1U Buljesqe Buyee}ueH0 seHNoY unyjo speo1 ane pue spuouy mou o¥eU ‘spp mau we, “seBvayeyo mau aoe} 0) Kyunpoddo oxy Nok oni ‘sejyayoe ewoseme Nok Joyo sdwe 9 sawuing iessnoy s6u0HU9) AZ :dureo ay Jo a1nypoug au) NOK ues ose Sey aH “2oIApe aMoK 20} ASE OH “YBoWD USI oy SHUI 24 INQ sowtuns prou duo eBuerfeyo © 0} 03 oy xt] POH “PUOIA] YSIS AMOK wos} J2}}9]w paaleods KUEVSA aARy MOA jaeded 0} wed ynd 0 eum sa] |ddd (=) PHOTO FINISH ‘Compare and contrast the photos and think about these questions: What should teenagers do to be fit and healthy? What shoutd they eat and drink? How should they spend their free time? What do you do to stay fit? Le bili ebseil skoda seds'esons sdopt verfisrtekt sletnas plat beetori sts beltf *tfeelinds hd on'salt erusal died .depr'vesfan epesstg leereszkedés keen szerint amasekor hevezet tbhatis ca alkalmaz, hasznal Massa een UES a el baleg ih hidegrazas iameri kegyeten késleltetett mmegvonts ‘my favourite sentence a Rei eet salpsiaysou ‘soyazspuniay uIeU pexheuuy spimpsoyeassta }o7Np10} orga, Togproyst ze 0) worn, orosziq foyon, ry ouoy aig ‘ufey "eouspuay ssvepuay, Boszsin we zone we ‘opouour seh, S929 uefis.uas spre frst aobypqves y2to50n, vomaso snfpat veal Spoofs! orayas9— saiboead, nop Ima ‘uasajaz099 eros, x(soquio8) sanso ad ‘A009 ee spine) ‘spiny isepozone (oen,vere’ Bosorayay neuinfedo" sopmy gzoxpoiog reduuparopmsop| dsnueres arent roye wou uns tabu, woyas revs, reynom x08 se zpoe] 30 spe i appedior puso, pinta sues eH, peor misovd 9 ae ‘uoxquo8ay eum, orqeysa, yospusen muefyvng ——-suoRARESHT rosesiojoq suey, ewan sysyonqu sa asvanu acl sx ssoxdany am ae oan aBgeHayaq wos doxo Gompomos) gym wmop 08 ASqayu pus pues w98 wisp oud 1289199 18:08, oe tof sou yeu 219 ouiBoy0q sa wBinoxyooy any wes yey Zauaquozs 5 005 590894191 weeme:nfgn soso weje29 vefocuns wo}oue aps Spa oe zoxyyoysou uasyp e@ at. - @BUs tt. &

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