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FAMILY 1@ ATINVS @LIND 2191109 PIP OU, “Alowaul nok BuJsn saaqeyed Jay/sty equosep 0} Au} way} ‘ajqissod se yonut se Joquiauial 0} Ay ‘sajou Supqey mourim ‘SIOU/sIy yo soayeras € [[e ]noge Supyre} oupred nok 0} wa}STT NOLLAO Wommeg P ‘soljeuosied pue syoo] Ay} aqiiosap uay) ‘Ajuey dU} Ul aould Jay} Noge JaujAed INO |[aJ, *[[aM MOUY NOK saayejas ¢ aso0Y jauIoeuNOs deoy 9 spiomssoxo ayy u] 308 nod uolssoudxe omy aUyod 4 OQOOOO * QQQOOQOOOOOO * OQQOOOO # OOOOOOO0000OO # OOOO « OQOOOCCO « OOOOOCOO OQQOO0O0O0O : OOOOOOCCOOCO » OOOO0O0O : OQOOO0O OOOOO00O OOOO0OOO « OOOCO uaspryo ystg Aq pasn Ajpensn soyjour Joy prom soujouy FE J9]SIS 10 JOYJOIG MOL Jo UOS ay, 2 puegsny s,197ySmep mo, gy Jeyjour ssayjoutanog, 9 noS se sjuared aues ay) Sey [113 40 UBUIOM SIU, ZI youn go yune anos Jo pig au, & puegsny Jo ayM anoX Jo juared ajeway ay, TL 4J9]S]S JO Jayjorg AMOK jo sayysnep ayy, F aytm sjoun anos Jo nof se syuased oures oy} sey Aoq so ueur sty, ¢ syuared anof jo auo Jo JayS1s ay, OT 0} paLweut aouo sem UBM e URWIOM ay, Z juased apeursno, g puegsny s june sos 0 syuaued sno Jo auo Jo zayjorq ay, “suoneper Apurey mojAas 0} ojzznd promssoso ay} anjog D epms Ape, *1 plyo apeuray ox, «© 2. LogiQuiz! a Read the information about the people and complete the family tree with names and ages. Information about you. You are: A. Your mother-in-law is Agnes. Your daughter is 16. B Your father’s name is Ernest. You haven't got any brothers or sisters. © — Your brother is 21. Your cousin is 20. D_ Youare not married. Your sister is Brenda. Your nephew is James. E Your wile is 43 years old. Her name is Edna. Your brother, Bruce is 39. F Your husband's name is Benjamin. You have got 3 children. Your daughter is 37. G You've only got a daughter. One of your brother-in-laws is 45. H_ You are married. Your wife is 75. I Youhave got two brothers, Bruce and Bernie. Your husband is 36. Your daughter's name is Ella. J. Your sister's name is Emily. Your granddad is 77. b Keep connecting! Describe the members of this family with the expressions you learnt in Unit 1 - Task 4 (page 12). E.g. Benjamin is an elderly man in his late seventies. ¢ Fact or fiction? Choose a person from the family tree and talk in his/her name about your family. Use your imagination! Give as much information as possible. E.g. Hi. My name is Bernie. Lam in my forties and I have a wonderful wife, Edna... 28 UNIT2 FAMILY AMNVA @LINO —— :fuuiey juazed-ayBus & sAqjurey awajonu e AUR] Jays] & ure] popua}xe ue 2Sppy ou YyLM efdnoo w jo ojdwexe ue sy Aqurey yoy, “pio siwak ZI st oym Yajeg ‘Yeujorg Au pur syuosed Au YM oal|[ © -uoos 104 dope 0} ay! Pinos pur Ley Jo aro ayP} ‘YoU Asa 108Y ano] Kau, “oy Joy aoud ayes v apraoad soures pur [IP os ‘Kjradoud say s9ye Yoo] j,uplnoo sjuared suv P “rat 10] Asva skemape Jou sty] ue ouoTe domTy ‘TO}Yep ray Sastes aS “Oe swaA Om PoorOAIp JOS auRIq 9 “ava yxou Ayurey v j2eys 0} Suyaueyd axe ADyL, “quoUr yse] parse oS wy pue ang q “12 st oym “oyporg 19y pure squared s,Axepy YIM r9yJa80} aay Lay} pure SpH{ Moy avy aor pure AY & ssoypjurey Suymorjoy oy jnoge peoy “y Se ‘o6p supafi g paasonyp 106 ay asnvoaq aj6u)s mou s} aonug ‘6"q ‘SaAtyeyal ay} Jo Auw 0} suolssasdxa ja, g ay} SusA[dde Aq Aro}s sey) enuyUOD pur Z ysBJ, Ul au} AjuTEY ay} OY WANJOY “outs 1909 spualyy poo8 wa9q aavy Aouy pur Ayssaqqun ye asom Kayy attym rato yore oj ——— jo Kay, 8 “spuoyyy fear ayy axe am ‘iayjo Yow YIM ja sajsis Au pue op 2 -aSepzew pasodoad pur Sur puowesp ajqenjen v s0y anv’ ay sJuudy uj jo ayy 9 “Auddey 104,980} aay] Aoyy Mou pur swaygoud pefoueuy sey} jo Koy ‘Aqeurg “Burppam snooBio8 e oaey 11,Aou) uN} | YsnSny uy ———— jo 0} ued Kou, 106 am ‘oyjorg ku YIM suaUNSze fo yo] vaxvy | ‘KjeyeunOUA “yoy 0} eo ay} aavd ay Aljeuy 1oyzey 1oy 2 0 moy |Jom AoA smouy aug Z “yeyjoug pur soyjour Joy PLM saay ays MoU os ‘oe sivaA va1y) jo squared soy punox teno.=—somuo = Apequo —payarem = poeSue ©» poooayp ——asojo ssuoisserdxe J03, yim seouazuas oy ajajdwiog Sursueyo deoy sdiysuoyejoy *¢ 5. Family issues a Choose from the given prepositions and fill in the gaps to learn about everyday issues in families: after after on on out to to up up up Unless we have a babysitter to look the boys, | can’t go back to work. I'm fed with my cousin. She is always cheating! | hate playing cards with her. My mum doesn't like me staying late. If | go to a party, | have to be home by 10.30. It would be good to know I can depend my parents any time | need help. your Aunt Susie. After her mum died Jane didn’t know who to turn She should look up. her grandma on her father’s side because she was a nurse during World War | My sister is the only person I can rely 1 2 3 4 5 Youre so lazy. You surely fake 6 7 8 . Colin was brought in the country by his grandparents. yo. Amy and George argued a lot and finally they split with 2-3 more to explain the problems. Take turns with your partner to give advice about how to deal with each situation. © » Fact or fiction? Imagine that you know more about the issues raised above. Continue each sentence ¢ Jump int Use the 10 highlighted expressions to talk about yourself and your family. F.g. When my niece was younger, [ often had to look after her. 6. Metaphorically speaking... a Complete the sentences with the given idiomatic expressions to extend your family vocab. . { | birds of a feather | black sheep of the family | blood is thicker than water | fight like cat and dog | it | like chatk and cheese | runs in the family | the apple of my eye | tied to his mother’s apron strings | My grandfather, my aunt and my niece have red hair, it ——________—_.. (is a common feature) 2. Mysister and | are ——_____________, I'm lazy and untidy, she is really hardworking and neat. (completely different) 3 My brother and | are —____________+ we are both interested in computers and technology and we always hang out together. (people with similar interests or characteristics) 4 Mylittle son is —_____—, | love rn so much. a person who is loved more than any other) 5 He got into trouble several times when he was a teenager. He was the (a person ina family who does not behave in the way he is expected to) > Bw SS 6 Askids, my sister and | used to J but nowadays we get on really well. (argue violently all the time) SS. ym fed up with this situation, my husband is , he always does what she wants. (foo much under the influence of someone) @ Wecan rely on each other, we always have someone to turn to, you know, (family relationships are stronger than any others) » Keep connecting! Apply the idioms above to the LogiQuiz family in Task 2 or any of the situations in Task 5. xg. Laziness surely runs in the family. Susie as a child used to avoid housework just like you do now! ; | Rone eur ey ey By an 6 -skepyiig pooypl|y> Aw part] Ajj204 130} e YSne| sn apew ay pue asnoy sno o7 pay|Aul os]e sem b e Kepyziiq yauanas Au uo ‘asiiduns ysayeau8 sno o| 's393%S \nJsNo}O> yam payeiozap ‘sn 10) 4 sno.pijap apewi skemje wns spuaryy asaq AW © uy pue uo panias azam 3eyy tt ‘|ulos yueIp pue ——— atuos aye Ajjensn aq ‘Auuny Aj}ea1 paxoo] aM os yj 810m Je BM “way UO sBuLeIp PU SpIOM aDIU YIM ———— uaq]JM-pury padladad osje | 8 ym pal So tngianeaq ut paddeim ——— 9 aus aneB spuaryy hy 1 uo ay ano mayq | asinos Jo pue ——_® snorpijap pue que8i8 e au apeus shemje KuuesB Ay : > |nyinojo> yim asnoy ayy payeiovap syuaied Aw ‘hued ku ye —— ¢ 0 40 ¢z ange pey Ajjensn | os ‘sayeuisse|> pue spudty Aus jJe. 0, © aues aq “sated Aepypiig anseiuey aney 03 pasn | plIyp e sy raAOge SPIOM a} JO WAOJ Joa By} SusN jxo} ay} aJa[WIOD | aeded Susddeam | ssoureoays | | woqqu | exzd | deo Asaed | aseydaaded | dno saded | uoiesauy | sasond | | paes Buyso0a5 | g1 | eqzadno | eo> | umoy | aypues | exer Aepysitq | wooyeg | *suzayt Arejnqeooa [njasn astaad 0} samjoid ay} pure spiom ay} Yo} D Ayred Aepaytg “2 Vie ee Yj Z ST Uy Yj = Hy ZZ eZ A Za A SYS —s IN tZOMr DA © | fa foves et (5, Clas ct Ca) CD Fan) vat Bet Oe “MO SAO WW) lS A OW ) Cae) COD) Lae) ae) ae) Dae) Fa] a ae) AD HFA 1kl-On = QD [x Ad OH bo MO Ae [2 ZOAS> J0-dd<0 mA DOO a) Oe [al Wt e Oe Oe WD 4 MONO & le.)

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