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4/10/23, 1:08 PM E-Services

    PAYE and Contribution Monthly Return for MAFIZZO

Logo     ERN : 00708976
    For the period FEBRUARY 2023

Thank you for using the eservices facilities of MRA. Your online PAYE and Contribution Monthly Return
for the period February 2023 has been submitted to MRA on 20 Mar 2023 at 15:39:29.
Your Employer Registration Number is 00708976 and your acknowledgement ID is 1821639.
The amount payable is MUR 8,669.
Your payment reference number for CSG is ERN00708976FCSGP230251121
Your payment reference number for CONT is ERN00708976FCSGP230251121
Your payment reference number for PAYE is ERN00708976FPAYEP230265877

Electronic Payment Acknowledgment

Payment Instruction 1

1. Direct Debit Payment:

Your Payment instruction, according to the following details, has been received by MRA:
Payment Acknowledgement ID: 8ERN00708976FCSGP230251121.001.001
TAN: 20347135
Contribution type: CONTRIBUTION MONTHLY RETURN ( CSG ) for FEB-2023
ERN: 00708976
Amount: MUR 8342

The Direct Debit instruction takes effect on the specified debit date but it may take up to two working days
to execute the instruction at your bank.
In case your instruction is rejected at your bank, MRA will send an email (if you have provided one) to
inform you accordingly.

Payment Instruction 2

2. Direct Debit Payment:

Your Payment instruction, according to the following details, has been received by MRA:
Payment Acknowledgement ID: 8ERN00708976FPAYEP230265877.001.001
TAN: 20347135
Tax Type: PAYE- PAY AS YOU EARN for FEB-2023
ERN: 00708976
Amount: MUR 327

The Direct Debit instruction takes effect on the specified debit date but it may take up to two working days
to execute the instruction at your bank.
In case your instruction is rejected at your bank, MRA will send an email (if you have provided one) to
inform you accordingly.

Summary of return / Acknowledgement Confirmation

PAYE for Income Tax (MUR): 327

PAYE for Solidarity Levy (MUR): 0
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4/10/23, 1:08 PM E-Services

Total PAYE Amount is (MUR): 327

PAYE Payment Reference Number is: ERN00708976FPAYEP230265877
Contribution Sociale Généralisée (CSG) (MUR): 4,149
Total CSG Amount is (MUR): 4,149
CSG Payment Reference Number is: ERN00708976FCSGP230251121
National Savings Fund (NSF) (MUR): 2,810
Total LEVY (MUR): 1,383
Total Contribution Amount is (MUR): 4,193
Contribution Payment Reference Number is: ERN00708976FCSGP230251121
Total Amount (MUR): 8,669

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