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The purpose of this research is to identify the impact of light and colour case study on Architecture
student of Unilorin on the quality of space perception. The presence of light is related to the age
when humans knew themselves and grew and developed in the embrace of beautiful nature. It has a
great place in science, variant religions, mysticism and Sufism, literature, philosophy, and numerous
philosophies and scientists have studied it. In most religions, it is a symbol of divine wisdom, the
source of all wellness and innocence, and indeed it is a sign of the heavens and spiritual world. The
main aim of life is the departure of humans from the darkness of foolishness and their entrance into
the brilliant light of divine sapience and sight. The beauty which we see and understand is because of
the presence of light, otherwise there is nothing in darkness. The real beauty is understood by the
light of wisdom. It is the brilliance and shiny light that causes beauty, colours and other observable
properties to be seen. Light is one of the important factors in architecture that is regarded along with
other aspects such as structure, spatial order, materials, colour and so on. It also has a separate role in
design. Colour is one of light’s properties. Recognition of colour results from radiated light and its
changes, the attraction, reflection and transmission properties of the surface, the relation of the
surface with colours around it, and the characteristics of the eye. Colour plays a significant role in
stimulating the observer. Additionally, it is important in the presentation and concealment of
elements and their effects. In the present research, we point to the effect of light and colour and their
features in space perception.

Color; Light; Architecture; Architectural Design; Quality of Space Perception; Spirit; Psychology.

Human life affected by different environmental and ultra-environmental factors, impressiveness of
human being from the environment considered as one of effective and persistent factors, i.e.
architectural environment, the most effects of architectural space through color and light is obvious
on human being. Using light is widespread in urban architecture and design, thus studying their
effects on human being and animals is an inevitable issue, which is in the event of environment
protection and sustainable architecture, consequently the effects of color and light on human being is
studied. Light creates a feeling of emotions. The origin of light is natural light, which is also known
as daylight. There must always be space for natural light; even when people design artificial light,
they will want it to look like natural light. Light controls people's behavior and emotions. It can
make people even happier. When people design light for space they need to put in position of people
working in that space. Even lighting seems very functional. For example, when people in the park,
the streetlight and underground artificial light make people feel uncomfortable. But if it were natural
light, people would feel comfortable. Users will create a new space from the feeling, which
combines the comfort provided by natural light, and the users own feelings and emotions.
Primary and Secondary sources including books, papers and journals were used in Comparing the
impact of colour and lighting. Also studied an experiment lighting change and rooms color change

are studied to investigate their effects on the individuals` communications and spirits.
For some period, incandescent lamp used instead of fluorescent lamp in personal house and the
house lighting decreased to sufficient amount, so that radiated light of the spaces was complaint to
proposed standards in while people and things are visible, only incandescent lamp used, finally
following table achieved which is the result of the experiment to study the effects of the way of
lighting and adjusting light and its effects on individuals who enter the space (Table 1).

Month Number of people Exposing to space

Month 1 2 3
Month 2 3 3
Month 3 2 3
Month 4 3 1
Month 5 3 4
Month 6 3 1
Table 1: Monthly effects of light and color in a
space on individuals.
According to table above, maximum hours that people could bear in the space is a colored compound
with white wall and yellow natural light in which individuals had intimate and warm relationship
together, and some issues proposed considering family and individual relationships. Since many
years ago light and color in interior architecture and urban design`s architecture have been
familiarized, the longer coexistence effected space users` spirits and their social communications, In
this sense, research indicate that design and planning for appropriate use of color and light
increases efficiency, and provide proper and safe communication between space users, in spite of its
crucially, neglected in recent years in residential houses only for economical saving of incandescent
lamp costs, which forms family basis and first human society and the most important one forms
bigger community i.e. society while they were close to natural and warm spectrum and classified as
lights with good quality but macro lamp economically and false pattern for useless and extra indoor
lighting with fluorescent lamps and energy-efficient lamps, causes failure in eye sight and skin
complications, etc. in addition to not using suitable lamps, including lampshades, causing both
interior creative architecture and different spiritual space in space users which is useful in efficient
consumption, but they will be forgotten gradually while high consumption pattern emerges to our
lives. Another aspect considering color and lighting is culture destruction and removing ancient
architecture, including colored glasses and colored doors as well as colorful carpets which have been
used significantly in houses in the past, and affected the residents` spirits positively while they were
obvious. Unfortunately, during past years, particularly interior architecture such as color and light,
their long-term deep effects on spirit of space users will be forgotten. While neglecting the fact that
color and light`s life will remain in our minds for a long time, and such durability during time pass
affects spirits significantly, and they are effective on space characteristics, spirits and user
communications with together, thus one shall consider color seriously and control its effects
practically and psychologically, since its approved that color has particular effects on human life.


Color is an integral element of our world, not just in the natural environment but also in the man-
made architectural environment. Color always played a role in the human evolutionary process. The
environment and its colors are perceived, and the brain processes and judges what it perceives on an
objective and subjective basis. Psychological influence, communication, information, and effects on
the psyche are aspects of our perceptual judgment processes. Hence, the goals of color design in an
architectural space are not relegated to decoration alone. Especially in the last eleven decades,
empirical observations and scientific studies have proven that human-environment-reaction in the
architectural environment is to a large percentage based on the sensory perception of color. These
studies include the disciplines of psychology, architectural psychology, color psychology,
neuropsychology, visual ergonomics, psychosomatics, and so forth. In short, it confirms that human
response to color is total – it influences us psychologically and physiologically. The American Faber
Birren, considered the father of applied color psychology (originator of the OSHA colors) and the
first to establish the profession of color consultant in 1936, proclaimed: “The study of color is
essentially a mental and psychological science, for the term color itself refers to sensation. “
Color is a sensory perception, and as any sensory perception, it has effects that are symbolic,
associative, synesthetic, and emotional. This self-evident logic has been proven by scientific
investigation. Because the body and mind are one entity, neuropsychological aspects, psychosomatic
effects, visual ergonomics, and color’s psychological effects are the components of color
ergonomics. These being design goal considerations that demand adherence to protect human
psychological and physiological well-being within their man-made environment. The color
specifier/designer has the task of knowing how the reception of visual stimulation, its processing and
evoked responses in
conjunction with the hormonal system, produces the best possibilities for the welfare of human
beings. This is of utmost importance in varied environments, such as medical and psychiatric
facilities, offices, industrial and production plants, educational facilities, homes for the elderly,
correctional facilities, and so forth. Each within themselves having different task and function areas.
Color Psychology
One of the most striking results concerning color connotations and color mood associations is its
consistency cross-culturally from one individual to another and group to group. The great number of
studies comparing human subjects worldwide, such as men to women, children to adults, laymen to
architects, and even monkeys to humans show that color is an international visual language
understood by all. The impression of a color and the message it conveys is of utmost importance in
creating the psychological mood or ambiance that supports the function of a space. A classroom has
different function than a hospital patient room; an office space is not a production line, etc. To
mention a few examples concerning colors and what they convey: Pastel yellow gives the
impression of sunny, friendly, soft. The message in the interior space is stimulating, brightness,
Red is arousing, passionate, provocative, fiery, aggressive. The message in the interior is aggressive,

advancing, dominant. Green is balancing, natural, calm with the message of simplicity, security,
balance. White expresses open, vast, neutral, sterile. The message being purity, sterile, emptiness,
indecisiveness. Obviously, this is a very small example since all colors change their character when
modified in their lightness factor (light to dark) and saturation.

Subtractive Color
For color recognition and its psychological effects on human being, one shall study the colors one by
one, since nature of colors overshadows the environment and spaces and leaves deep effect on
human moods through radiation endurance in the environment, as one can say that.
Nature of indicator color is analyzable and recognizable that involves human eye and mind
physically and chemically, in this way, colors will be meaningful, any color has particular
psychological characteristics for human being, to the other word, they have particular psychological
and spiritual effect on human mind and environment, color recognition is a psychological-
physiological fact causing particular chemical and physical effect. Such features in colors changes
mind temperature of observer, for example exposing to green, blue, purple and other types in this
spectrum, a cool and cheer feeling happens in an observer, in contrast, exposing to colors such as
yellow, orange, red transfers warmness and heat to observer and provides activity and stimulation.
Cold colors create active lull, isolation, and warm colors have stimulator and activity and happiness,
for example, blue color is symbol of gratification form relaxation status and enjoying it, soft, light
blue with hopeful status, so that human being is placed in affected by supernatural powers. However,
green color becomes yellow while keeping moderate characteristics, and moves deeper by adding
blue, green is accompanied with science and faith effects. Purple is a mix of blue and red, a common
feature from both of them, this is a luxurious and ceremonial one. A dark mix is energetic and
luxurious and lighter and softer spectrum, purple is a mysterious color and considered as creativity
symbol, the color considered as cold red both physically and spiritually. Following table is an
example of highly used colors and their effects presented psychologically which is the result of
experiments and researches in color psychology domain and their effects on human being in a long
term and colors concept are visible in the table (Figure 3).

A Typical Color Psychology Domain.

Light is the soul of architecture design. Light allows us to see, to know where we are and what
around us. Beyond exposing things to view and feel, light models those objects to enhance visual
and to help us define the physical world. Nothing would be visible without light, light also makes it
possible to express and show to the mind's eye things that eludes the physical one. Light helps us
redefine the relationships of people with the environment and with themselves. It is divided into
natural light and artificial light.
Natural light is a gift of nature. Civilized man learns to use artificial light sources which free him
from total dependence on daylight, we also learn to appreciate the value of daylight and become
aware of its special advantages.
Artificial light is seeing both during the day as well as after dark. It is made by human. It is very
useful when lack of natural light.
Relationship Between Light, Space and Human
Light is fundamental for space and essential for human well-being and it is the success of any
building. Light quality affects human behavior, health, comfort and mood. "Space and light and
order. Those are the things that men need just as much as they need bread or a place to sleep" -Le
Corbusier, August27, 1965 Light, space and human they effect and work with each other. Space
needs light to illuminate; light needs space to receive it, light within the space change human
experience. They are close relation like people need bread or place to sleep.
Human factor and people prefer natural light
Human factor is equal importance. People like natural light more than artificial light and prefer to
work in daylight and choose to locate close to a window. Natural is essential in provide a pleasant

visual environment; contribute to a feeling of wellbeing. During day times in a work situation where
people are in a fixed position most of the time and those situations where people work in whole
artificial light conditions are liable to lead to ill health and absenteeism. Some people believe that the
most important reason to natural light is the psychological and physiological impact natural light
seems to have on people.
Relationship Between Light and Architecture
"More and more, so it seems to me, light is the beautifier of the building." -Frank Lloyd Wright
Most of the architectures like to amplify use of natural light. Natural light makes architectural more
harmony between exterior and interior, nature and human. They think light work with some element
like colors can make space more dynamic and beautifier and it is a major natural element in
architecture design. Some of architectures would regard light design as a matter of common sense
and experience. Understanding and use of light goes to the heart of the architecture plan. Vision is
most important sense through which we experience architecture, and light is the medium that reveals
space, form, texture and color to our eyes. More than that, light can be employed through design to
evoke an emotional response to increased sensibilities. Light is related to the visual experience of
form and space.
Architecture and light are close relation. Light work in space influence moods and emotions. In turns
of color, lines forms. It is very sensitive to the balance of light. For example, if you go into a space
that is completely equally light, it directly affects how you feel the space. Light can have a very
positive influence. It can be an emotional reaction and also about how people look in the space. That
evokes the emotion. It is the way light makes people look in that space. When it comes to color
changing, there are certain colors that people react to strongly and like. So, if you put any color into
the space work with light you will find it changes people perception. Color created a sense of awe in
these buildings, adding to the sense of theatre generated by the scale of the space and the structure.
For example, medieval church designers saw color and light as direct representations of the divine
spirit. Geometry is one of the architect's primary tools for making statements in space. It is make
extensive use of lines of light. It is combining the basic form with light results in powerful spaces.
Window glass creates the least boundary between inside and outside. Its transparency glass allows
light to penetrate into interior space while maintaining a visual connection with the outside world.
Daylight can be explored as an element of form making in architecture. Architecture has used the
natural light effect in buildings to create a specific atmosphere. Light and different shadows casted
give a sense of motion. Shadows create drama and emphasize light and moving forms that depend on
a source of light for their stability. As the sun makes its daily transit from east to west, shadows
convey sense of time. Daylight is inextricably linked with windows. Sky frames bring the sky down
into the building interior, creating a frame for it, and making a story from how the heavens are
presented through a painted cycle on the face of the dome, was a central focus for these buildings.
Reflection generates reflections of light that are bent, fractured and dispersed, lending a special
quality to light. Man cannot live without sunlight. Daylight gives a more variety of different
emotions and feelings as compared to artificial light. It is essential and cannot be replaced. Natural
light promotes human health, influences the human spirit to make people feel relaxed and satisfied.
"Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of volumes brought together in light"
-Le Corbusier Most of the architectures use different elements to work with light in the space to
create different atmospheres. Natural light provides us with the means to show spaces and volumes

and interact with our environment to make people enjoy the space.
Natural light better than artificial light
Using as much natural light in interior spaces as much as possible has many advantage over using
artificial light. Artificial light is unable to replace some effect of natural light, for example, in the
morning when you wake up, natural light goes through the window come to interior space. It will
make people feel warm, comfortable, and festive. Natural produces positive effects, both
physiological and psychological. Making good use of natural light cuts the need of artificial lighting
and helps provide a feeling of well-being to our everyday life. We need to maximize use of natural
light. In order to begin considering the inclusion of daylight in a building, a designer must have one
or more compelling reasons for doing so. Most often daylight is used as either a primary or a
secondary interior illuminant; but even if it is used only to provide a particular design effect, the
designer must consider the impact of the light on all aspects of the building and its occupants.
Many reasons can justify considering daylight as a light source both residential and commercial
buildings, although some of the reasons may apply more to one building category than the other.
Among the reasons is quality of the light, importance of daylight as a design element, energy
conservation from the use of daylight as a primary illuminant. Natural light is a design element that
some designers use as the central design determinant in their work. These designers use the need for
varying quantity of natural light in different space of the building to establish the general form,
spatial arrangement, and massing for the building.
Quality of Natural Light
The quality of daylight as an illuminant is an important reason to use natural light in a building.
Natural light combination of sunlight and skylight is the one light source that most closely matches
human visual response. Natural light is a full-spectrum light. Quality of daylight is good for vision. It
is provided a good visual environment. A good visual environment also affects people ability to see
objects and feeling of space. Natural light adds a sense of spaciousness to a room; because natural
light can make the room seems larger. Spaciousness is thought to give a feeling of openness
produced primarily through visual perception of a space, is a phenomenon that has been studied by a
number of building environment researchers.
Natural Light and Architecture
Natural light keeps changing through times. Most of architects can be accurately determined and can
determine the size of the space to determine the spatial orientation of light to selected materials and
processing methods, artificial lighting designed space. However, architects cannot control natural
light, which from morning to night, day after day changes. Its existence gives life of space, modeling
the spatial sensibility. Natural light for the space, like the air of life, these two have symbiotic
relationship. Architects respond to natural light and space collision exhibited by the rich content to
be thinking, attention to natural light in the space of visual forms of expression and the spirit of the
great potential of creating situations, not just considered as a means to eliminate the dark. Bring
natural light into interior design that many positive effects, including the considerable financial
savings in energy and overall effects natural light has on well-being, as well as the challenges natural
light presents. Natural light is considered a beneficial design for many reasons: human health,
comfort and satisfaction, energy conservation, view.
Lack of Natural Light in A Space, what will happen?
Some of the modern architectures do not have windows, they use artificial lighting and ventilation

by air condition, when people work in this kind of space they feel unhealthy. If there is a lack of
natural light in a space, people are not able to see out to have a view cut. They will feel cooped-up,
isolated and claustrophobic. It also makes people feel depressed and tensed.
Natural Light Promotes Human Health
Lack of natural light also impacts on the health of building occupants. It becomes ever more
important as light itself is nourishment. Too much artificial lighting and too little natural light affect
the human health. Human's psychological needs may include spirit, mood, atmosphere, and
perception. Light creates spirit of space change atmosphere to control human emotion. Natural light
creates spirit of space which changes atmosphere to control human emotion. Natural light was
employed to arouse feelings of mysticism and to give the blessedness of a place. Commonly
identified with spiritual forces and beings’ due to its awing powers over life on earth, light could
manifest a divine presence for believers. The best example to using natural light create spirit should
be church. Most of church design have a dark corridor, when people enter it, light from outside go
through the roof enter the space attract your eyes to look up, you will feel that light is holy and
warm; they believe that god is watching over them. It is the use of visual effects that has played the
role of
psychological change. Natural light is the only light; because it has mood and it provides a common
agreement for man and it is the only light that makes architecture. Architects had started to question
whether light exists in its own right, visible in itself and not only for making other things visible.
Some people believe that spiritual and mystical light, apart from having a materialistic aspect due to
its non-physical characteristics, is considered a kind of bond between God and man in a spiritual.
Vitalizing light provides mystical atmosphere. It played an active role; it lent the various,
consciously selected materials every conceivable facet, modulation, and nuance of color and there by
produced the atmospheric moods of light.

Light and color effects on human life changed into an inevitable fact affecting all human life aspects,
one can say that color effects are deep and supernatural, since spaces where people live have
different light and colors, due to endurable the light and color`s effects are deep.
This is a crucial and significant issue that color and light are effective in our social behavior, first we
shall approach toward the way that space and light compounds and their lighting get use of organic
compounds and/or natural light, and lights and colors directed toward natural lighted, second, it
causes social connections and we prioritize using colors that causing spiritual relaxation. We shall
remind proper use of artificial lights, since most of people are not aware of side effects of artificial
lights and they did not recognize harmful aspects of them. We know that whatever exists in nature is
useful and whatever is made by human being considered as artificial one bears side effects since its
artificial and non-natural, thus one shall consider spectrums and artificial lights in modern life and
utilize them with caution. In current statue of the world, in which there are many psychological and
spiritual problems in different social layers, most of them originated from environmental effects and
this is the environment that causes different intellectual deviation, one of them is house and city.
However, city is composed of different houses, while house considered as relax and pleasure
environment and house members are kind to each other and live peacefully. Society and city
approach relaxation, one of factors causing stress and/or relaxation is color and light, which has

strong deep effect due to endurance. Thus, one shall provide happy and relax environment by
correcting interior design and using lights and color seriously. Light and color is an extended issue in
which it can do many works.

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Author(s):M. Mahan & S. Kashizadeh

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