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The Difficulties Experience by Senior High School Working Students


Canlas May

Dadivas Ashlee Mae L

Dela Cruz Merielle Kate F.

Erfeula Justine Joseph T.

Garcia Jervy

Santos Patricia L.

Yanga Kenneth L.

Senior High School within SBRES

Table of Contents
Page……………………………………………………………………………..... 1
Table of Contents …. 2
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Introduction……………………………………………………. 5
Review of Related Literature and Studies………………. 5
Research 10
Significance of the 11
Scope and 12
Method………………………………………………………………..……………….. 13
Type of Research ………………………………………………………..……... 13
Respondents of the Study ……………………………………………………… 13
Sampling Method………………………………………………………………. 13
Sources of 14
Instruments………………………………………………………………….... 14
Data Collection Procedure …………………………………………………….. 14
Ethical Considerations ………………………………………………………… 15
Data Analysis………………………………………………………………….. 15
References………………………………………………………………….. 16
The Difficulties experience by Senior High School Working Students

How does working while still in school affect students’ study habits and

routines? How do they manage their time efficiently despite juggling three things with

two hands? Why do they need to work and earn money? What is the cause and effect

of their work? Advantage or disadvantage, either way-- working while studying is a

common experience among students. It is not such an easy task, especially for full-time

students who work for more than eight hours. This can be a tough situation among

working students which needs balancing of time between studies and work. However,

issues about high school students with jobs while studying could frequently be heard all

over the world, term-time employment highly increased due to the financial pressure

and the costs of higher education. Despite of government tuition-free education and

eagerness to pursue and finish school, they still are forced or willing to do jobs in order

to see themselves studying. Education is highly valued by a lot of Filipinos in spite the

fact that they reside in a poor country, reason as to why working students are driven

primarily by financial needs just to provide a great experience as a learner that’ll in

hopes help them towards their future goals. Students face financial difficulties even in

something as small as daily expenses, resulting in stress caused by these worries in

which results to deteriorating physical and mental well-being (Duterte, 2023). Being

financially stressed result to poor academic performance (Wynes, 2014). Nowadays, its

normal for students to work while pursuing their dreams (Villahermosa, 2015).
Review of related literature

A working student is someone who usually works while studying (Weilage,

2022). Since attending higher education cost a lot, many students work to pay for their

expenses (Perna, 2010). In the study of Ryan et al. (2020), some school already know

that there are working students who are at risk of having their educations interrupted.

Furthermore, Romel et al. (2022) stated that child laborers have experienced extreme

difficulties while providing a living and supporting their studies. In the study by Bennett

et al. (2015), a lot of students work while studying. corespondedly lead to students to

develop stress caused by financial struggles. They also stated that the more students

are financially stressed the longer they take up their working hours. In some instances,

parents don’t earn enough money to support their children at school. As a result,

students are required to provide for their needs by becoming a working student

(Curambao et al., 2015). One of the issues of working students is mental stress.

According to Nancy, (2017), working while studying is exhausting but sometimes the

students need to work extra hours for their daily expenses. Students often find it difficult

to choose between working and studying. Working while studying greatly affects their

studies, sometimes it leads to failure when their not able to finish their assignment,

projects, etc. On the other hand, Lumugdan (2022) said that even though working while

studying has its own struggles, it still has a bright side to it. For example, working while

studying gives you the experience of the real world that you’ll experience once you

graduate. Similar to the study of (Benefits of Student Employment, 2017) A part-time job

can help you become a better student and get a jump on your career track. In the study

of Le Barbanchon et al. (2019), they stated that additional income and work experience
must be considered along with the loss of study time. One of the disadvantage of a

working student is that they don’t have enough time for themselves and for their studies

and maintain a healthy diet (Gorgulho, et al., 2012). In the study of Hovdhaugen

(2015), it was emphasized that there are a lot of reasons why students struggle and one

of the factor is because they’re working while studying. Parents and teachers must work

together to motivate students to stay focused. Likewise, Students who are working must

be able to balance both their professional lives and their student lives simultaneously in

order to be able to succeed (The working student, 2016). Furthermore, in the study of

(Acaso et al., 2019) they stated that working while studying has a big impact on the

academic performance of students. They also emphasized that it is possible for this

condition to have both positive and negative effects. They said that the most common

effect was poor participation in class activities. However, they could relate their work

skills to some school activities. In the same way, students learn to balance time

between work and study. Lastly, the most common factor that affected them was family

and how that served as motivation to achieve and study hard. In addition, academic

achievement can serve as a reward for hard work by providing high grades. A number

of solutions have been outlined in the results to address the issue and avoid the

negative effects of working and studying at the same time.

Research Questions

This study aims to explore the difficulties and struggles experience by working

students that may affect their studies. Specifically, this study aims to answer the

following questions:
• How do working students manage their time?

• How the working students affect their studies?

• What are the possible reasons why students work?

Significance of the Study

The importance of the study is to provide information the situation of the

working students. It will provide the future students information to help them be ready

and to be open to the situations of the working students. It will also provide for the future

researchers to help them analyze what is the situation of the working students and what

are their financial struggles and problems.

Specifically, this study will benefit the following individuals:

Aspiring working students

This study will provide aspiring working students with information on the advantages of

being a working student as well as the disadvantages. During this study, the

researchers will also discuss how they intend to manage their time and consideration in

such a situation. It will also serve as an in spiration for them.

Future researchers
This study will be helpful to future researchers because it will help them collect

data and information that will serve as a related study. By doing so, they can provide

evidence to back up their claims or research.

Educators and academic institutions

Educators and academic institutions can use the research findings to develop

policies and practices that support working students, such as flexible course schedules,

academic advising, and access to financial assistance.


Employers can use the research findings to develop workplace policies that

accommodate students' academic schedules and support their educational goals.


The study can provide insights into the challenges faced by working students and help

policymakers develop policies that support these students, such as financial aid, tax

incentives, and labor regulations.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is to determine the struggles of working students while studying. A

study that primarily focuses on the difficulties experienced by working students. Their

habits and routines as a student in Senior High School within Sapang Biabas

Resettlement Elementary School. The researchers main target are the grade eleven

working students that’s within Sapang Biabas Resettlement Elementary school.


Type of Research

Qualitative research design will be used in this study to determine the objectives, the

meaningful patterns, and to analyze a particular phenomenon that will guide us

throughout this study. This research design has been chosen because it addresses the

"why" and "how" questions while providing a deeper understanding of experiences,

phenomena, and context (Cleland, 2017). It gives us researchers the freedom to be

more speculative about which segments to investigate and how to investigate them

(Tenny et al., 2021).


The target participants are male and female senior high school students, specifically

the employed individuals within Sapang Biabas Resettlement Elementary school,

Mabalacat city, Pampanga (SBRES). In order to acquire the most potential of accuracy

in data, candidates’ ages are ought to range from seventeen to twenty one years and

grade eleven working students only when conducting the interview.

Sampling Method
Purposive Sampling method will be use in this research study, the participants in

this study are Grade 11 HUMSS students in Senior Highschool within Sapang biasas

elementary School(SHS SBRES) where in HUMSS 101, HUMSS 103, and HUMSS

104,The researchers will asked their sides about Working while studying, The

participants will be the working students and aged 18-21 years old.

According to Nicolopoulou (2022), in order to achieve the study's objectives,

the researcher must make appropriate judgments when identifying and selecting the

individuals, cases, or events that can provide the best information.

Sources of Data

Data information collected in this survey was obtained from responses of

selected HUMSS students in Grade 11, Sapang Biaba Elementary School, Upper

School. Apart from that, the researchers cited various sources that served as theoretical

references for their analysis in formulating their conclusions and recommendations.


This study will use interview guide questions consisting of open-minded

questions to enable the respondents to freely express their answers related to the

experiences on the difficulties of being a working student.

Data Collection Procedure

A survey questionnaire and interview guide will be distributed to Grade 11 working

students. The study will not be conducted until each respondent has approved the

approval form. Afterwards, the researchers will begin collecting data. Respondents
should understand the flow of the question and how they should respond honestly

during the interview. In order to record the conversation, the researchers will ask the

respondents for their permission. In addition to serving as a source of data, the

collected data will be analyzed and finalized by the researchers.

Ethical Considerations

This document certifies that this study’s purpose is to determine the level of the

workout students in Senior High School with in Sapang Biabas Resettlement

Elementary school as a part of the requirements in our research. The researchers will

give the details of the experience of working students and written explanation to the

working students of the Senior High with in Sapang Biabas Resettlement Elementary

School of the purpose of the research, their right to refuse to participate, the

understanding of the boundaries of confidentiality of this study, and their right to have a

copy of the results of the study if they so wish it. The students will sign a consent form

as proof of their willingness to cooperate, and that they are not coerced in any way.

Data Analysis

The Interviews and survey questionnaires will be used to gather the data. This

will allow the researchers to have enough data to provide for researchers research

paper under the methods section.


Acaso et al., 2018-2019

The Effects of Working while Studying to Senior High School Students at Bestlink

College of the Philippines Academic Year 2018-2019.


Bennett et al., 2015

Wynes, 2014

The impact of financial stress on academic performance in college economic courses



Benefits of Student Employment, 2017

Cleland, 2017

The qualitative orientation in medical education research





Curambao et al., 2014-2015

Problems encountered by working students and its effect on their academic




Gorgulho, et al., 2012

Quality of diet if working college students


hovdhaugen, 2015

Tenny et al., 2022

Qualitative study



Le Barbanchon et al., 2019

The effects of working while in school


Lumugdan, 2022

Working student: The challenges and benefits


Nancy, 2017

Challenges working students encounter in daily life


Nicolopoulou ,2022

What is purposive sampling?


Perna, 2010

Understanding the working college student


Romel et al., 2022


Ryan et al. 2020





The working student, 2016



The Impact Of Financial Problems On College Student Performance, 2022



Weilage, 2022

What is a “working student”?


Villahermosa, 2015

Working Scholars: Life as a Worker and an Academic Performer


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