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doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01908.

Genetic variation in flowering phenology and avoidance of seed

predation in native populations of Ulex europaeus


Laboratoire ‘‘ECOBIO’’ – UMR 6553, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France

Keywords: Abstract
The genetic variation in flowering phenology may be an important component
flowering phenology;
of a species’ capacity to colonize new environments. In native populations of
invasive plants;
the invasive species Ulex europaeus, flowering phenology has been shown to be
life-history traits;
bimodal and related to seed predation. The aim of the present study was to
seed predation;
determine if this bimodality has a genetic basis, and to investigate whether the
Ulex europaeus.
polymorphism in flowering phenology is genetically linked to seed predation,
pod production and growth patterns. We set up an experiment raising
maternal families in a common garden. Based on mixed analyses of variance
and correlations among maternal family means, we found genetic differences
between the two main flowering types and confirmed that they reduced seed
predation in two different ways: escape in time or predator satiation. We
suggest that this polymorphism in strategy may facilitate maintain high
genetic diversity for flowering phenology and related life-history traits in
native populations of this species, hence providing high evolutionary potential
for these traits in invaded areas.

generally maintained in experimental gardens, demon-

strating genetic differentiation (Tarasjev, 1997; Quinn &
The onset and duration of flowering have a dramatic Wetherinton, 2002; Leger & Rice, 2007). Within popu-
influence on reproductive success of plants. Flowering lations, plants under seasonal environments usually
phenology leading to successful seed production depends flower synchronously, because of constraints such as
on factors that may vary in space and time, such as winter frost or summer drought (Ims, 1990; Franks et al.,
pollination efficiency, seed predation, resource availabil- 2007). Despite these climatic constraints, genetic variation
ity and climatic conditions (Rathcke & Lacey, 1985; for flowering time has been demonstrated within natural
Brody, 1997). When a plant species is introduced into a populations of several species (e.g. Chao & Parfitt, 2003;
new area, its capacity to reproduce sexually is thus tightly Johnson, 2007; Botto & Coluccio, 2007). This genetic
linked to its ability to adapt its flowering time to the new variation may be maintained by the heterogeneity of
environmental conditions. As the evolutionary potential biotic interactions (Elzinga et al., 2007). In particular, the
of a trait is directly related to its genetic variance avoidance of seed predation is often in conflict with other
(Falconer & Mackay, 1996; Lynch & Walsh, 1998), the selective pressures exerted on flowering times.
genetic variation in flowering phenology may be an Two types of flowering phenology can minimize
important component of a species’ capacity to colonize predispersal seed predation. One strategy is the ‘escape
new environments. in time’, i.e. producing fruit before (e.g. Mahoro, 2003)
Variation in flowering phenology has often been or after (e.g. Freeman et al., 2003) the seed predation
studied along altitudinal or latitudinal gradients. The peak. However, escaping in time can lead to flowering
phenotypic variation observed in natural populations is under non-ideal biotic conditions (e.g. fewer pollinators
or seed dispersers) or abiotic conditions (e.g. frost
or drought). The other strategy is ‘predator satiation’
Correspondence: Anne Atlan, UMR 6553 ECOBIO, Université de Rennes 1,
Campus de Beaulieu, Bâtiment 14A, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France. (Janzen, 1971). In this case, fruits are produced in
Tel.: +33 223 236 172; fax: +33 223 235 047; massive quantities over a short period of time so that the
e-mail: seed predator cannot manage to attack all of them (e.g.

ª 2009 THE AUTHORS. J. EVOL. BIOL. 23 (2010) 362–371

Genetic variation in Ulex europaeus 363

English-Loeb & Karban, 1992). However, synchroniza- traits. Based on mixed analyses of variance, we demon-
tion of flower and fruit productions can have negative strated genetic differences between the two main flow-
repercussions on pollination or dispersion efficiency ering types and showed that variation in phenology, seed
(Gomez, 1993). These conflicting selection pressures predation and plant height architecture have a genetic
may lead to the maintenance of genetic variation in basis. We also found strong genetic correlations among
timing of flowering and fruiting if all traits cannot be these life-history traits, and confirmed that the two main
simultaneously optimized, or if different trait combina- flowering types avoid seed predation through different
tions lead to similar reproductive success (Rose, 1982; strategies. We suggest that these variations provide the
Houle, 1998). species with high evolutionary potential for flowering
Ulex europaeus L. (Genisteae, Fabaceae) is a good model phenology and related life-history traits. This evolution-
for studying the diversity of flowering phenology in ary potential may be particularly expressed in situations
relation to seed predation. It is native of the Atlantic coast where seed predators are absent, as is often the case in
of Europe (Portugal, Spain, France and UK). When newly invaded areas.
introduced to other continents, it has become an aggres-
sive invader that has successfully colonized very different
Materials and methods
climatic areas, from the mountains of Hawaii to the
coasts of Tasmania (Holm et al., 1997; Lowe et al., 2000).
Study species
Populations in the invaded areas were initially free of any
seed predators. Their flowering peak may occur in Ulex europaeus (Fabaceae), also known as common gorse,
autumn, winter or spring depending on their altitude is a spiny hexaploid shrub. It lives for up to 30 years, and
and latitude (Hill et al., 1991; Markin & Yoshioka, 1996). its adult height usually varies from 1 to 4 m. Flowers are
Within the native area, variation of flowering time has hermaphroditic and ovaries may bear up to 12 ovules.
been studied in natural populations of Brittany (Western Pollination depends on large insects such as honeybees or
France). These populations appeared to be characterized bumblebees (Herrera, 1999; Bowman et al., 2008).
by the coexistence of two main flowering types – a short Pods start to form on the previous years’ shoots
massive flowering period in spring and an extended immediately after flowers have been fertilized. Young
flowering period from autumn to spring (Tarayre et al., pods are green and soft, but grow, harden and turn
2007). We hypothesize that these two main phenotypes brown at maturation. They are infested by a specific
correspond to two different strategies that reduce seed weevil, Exapion ulicis (Apionidae), and by the larvae of
predation. Indeed, the main seed predator of this species, the moth Cydia succedana (Tortricidae), that may eat
the weevil Exapion ulicis, may attack up to 95% of seed several seeds per pod and infest up to 90% of a plant’s
pods (Davies, 1928), but lays eggs only in spring (Hill pods. The life history of E. ulicis has been described by
et al., 1991; Barat et al., 2007). The long-flowering plants Davies (1928), Hoddle (1991) and Barat et al. (2007).
may partly escape their seed predators in time, while the Females lay eggs in early spring within green pods that
short-flowering plants may benefit from predator satia- are 10–35 days old. Larvae develop within the maturing
tion. This polymorphism in strategy may provide this pods, and adults emerge from the ripe pods at dehiscence,
species with high genetic variance for flowering phenol- about 2 months later. The life history of C. succedana has
ogy, and facilitate to explain why U. europaeus had the been described by Sixtus et al. (2007). The larvae can
capacity to adapt its flowering period to a vast range of escape before pod dehiscence, but the droppings they
climatic and ecological conditions. leave and the hole they bore are reliable signs of their
To confirm this hypothesis, it is essential to ensure that presence.
the diversity observed in natural populations of the
native range is genetically determined, because flowering
Experimental design
phenology responds to various environmental stimuli
such as solar irradiance and temperature (Rathcke & The stock of seeds used to create the maternal families
Lacey, 1985; Nakagawa et al., 2005). We thus set up an was collected from four populations occurring in a radius
experimental study by raising maternal families in a of 100 km around the city of Rennes (Brittany, France).
common garden. The aims of this study were (i) to These populations were regularly monitored from 2000
determine if the variability of flowering time, and in to 2005, and the flowering type of the plants was well
particular the bimodality of flowering onset, has a genetic known. We collected seeds in late June 2001 from five
basis and (ii) to check whether this polymorphism is mother-plants per population, and chose the mothers to
involved in the avoidance of seed predation. This second sample both short- and long-flowering plants in all
goal was achieved by (i) exploring the genetic variation populations (Table 1). This gave us 20 families: 10
of the life-history traits potentially involved in the escape families derived from short-flowering mothers and 10
of seed predation, i.e. fruiting phenology, pod density, families derived from long-flowering mothers. Seeds
pod infestation rate, plant height and architecture and were produced by open pollination, and a maternal
(ii) testing genetic correlations among these life-history family consisted of individuals derived from seeds

ª 2009 THE AUTHORS. J. EVOL. BIOL. 23 (2010) 362–371


Table 1 Populations of Ulex europaeus

Long-flowering Short-flowering Long-flowering
sampled in Brittany (France).
Population Habitat plants (%) mothers sampled mothers sampled

Château de Vaux Fallow 42 3 2

La Réauté Hedge 29 2 3
Pointe du Grouin Seaside 7 3 2
Pointe du Meinga Seaside 10 2 3

collected from the same mother-plant. Self-fertilization is had fallen off, the same operation was conducted again.
rare in this species, and we collected only one seed per This process was repeated up to five times, until the end
pod. These maternal families are thus mainly composed of fruiting.
of half-sibs, but seeds from selfing or full-sibs may also be To estimate pod density, i.e. the total number of pods
present. per shoot at a given point in time, we had to include both
The seeds were stored at 4 C until October 2002 to green and brown pods. Pod density in June was thus
break dormancy, then scarified using a scalpel. The obtained by adding the values of pods that became
seedlings were grown in pots for 1 year. In November mature in mid-June and early July.
2003, 10 seedlings per mother-plant were planted in a
randomized pattern in a common garden of 700 m2,
Seed predation
situated on the University of Rennes campus, with a
minimum spacing of 1.20 m between each plant. Ulex To estimate pod content, 30 ripe pods were opened at
europaeus reaches full reproductive maturity at 4 years of each visit, when available. We estimated the proportion
age, when the plant can be more than 2 m tall and wide. of infested pods and recorded the number of seeds and
We obtained between eight and 10 adult plants per seed predators. Flat, rotten or chewed seeds were
maternal family, i.e. a total of 190 individuals. excluded from the counts.
At each visit, seed predation was estimated by the
infestation rate of ripe pods. There were two estimates.
Flowering and fruiting phenologies, growth
The annual infestation rate corresponds to the proportion
The plants started to flower in 2004–2005. Architectural of infested ripe pods over the entire fruiting season. It
measurements were taken in June 2005. The three was obtained by calculating the mean number of infested
longest branches of each plant were chosen, their length pods at each visit, weighted by the number of pods per
and the angle they formed with a horizontal plane were shoot. We also compared the infestation rate at the same
measured, and the mean values of the three branches date for all plants. We chose to do it in late June, when
were calculated. Flowering and fruiting phenologies were the highest proportion of individuals was fruiting syn-
monitored in 2005–2006. The plants were observed chronously. This measurement corresponds to the infes-
every month from September 2005 to May 2006, then tation rate of pods that were all exposed to the same pool
every 2 weeks in June and July 2006. The date of of seed predators.
flowering onset corresponded with the appearance of the
first flowers, associated with the presence of large-sized
Statistical analyses
flower buds. The date of fruiting onset corresponded with
the appearance of the first ripe pods associated with the All analyses were performed using S A S software (SAS
presence of browning pods. Plant height was measured in Institute, 2005). The significance of the effects was tested
June 2006; but the plants were too bushy to repeat the independently for each of the 12 life-history variables,
architectural measurements taken the previous year. using a mixed-model A N O V A (proc MIXED), in which
maternal families were nested within their population of
origin, and flowering type of the mother was crossed
Pod production
with the population of origin. Families and populations
To estimate annual pod production per shoot, several were treated as random effects. Flowering type was
visits were necessary, because the latest pods were treated as a fixed because it was suspected to be a source
initiated after the dehiscence of the earliest pods. At of heterogeneity, and both types were sampled in all
each visit, six shoots per plant were chosen at random. populations (Table 1). The significance of random effects
The number of pods they produced was counted as in was determined by comparing the likelihood of the
Tarayre et al. (2007), and the plant mean of these six models with and without the random effect, using the
measurements was calculated. To avoid counting the chi-square distribution with 1 df (Pinhero & Bates, 2000;
same pods twice, only the browning or ripe pods were Grafen & Hails, 2002). The significance of the fixed effect
counted. When all the counted pods of the previous visit was determined using type III F-statistics. Infestation

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Genetic variation in Ulex europaeus 365

rates arcsine-transformed to meet assumptions of nor- producing all flowering types. The distribution observed
mality. The proportion of variance explained by maternal in the common garden (Fig. 1) does not show the peak of
family and population of origin was calculated with proc autumn-flowering plants observed in natural popula-
GLM, using a simplified model where only the random tions. This is probably because of a bias in seed sampling:
effects were declared. all seeds were collected in late June, and seeds resulting
The correlations were tested with proc CORR, using from autumn or winter pollination were not represented.
Spearman’s rank-order correlation coefficient. Genetic Mature pods were produced between March and July
correlations were estimated by correlations between for the long-flowering plants, and between May and July
family means. Although it has been criticized by Lynch for the short-flowering plants. The onset and duration of
& Walsh (1998), this method appears to be reliable for the fruiting period were correlated with the onset and
experiments performed in a common garden (Gardner & duration of flowering (n = 190, R = +0.75, P < 10)4 and
Latta, 2008), and is relevant when the goal is to establish R = +0.32, P < 10)4 respectively).
the genetic basis of the correlation observed (Astles et al., Plant architecture at 3 years of age was very variable:
2006). branch angle varied from 0 to 90, branch length varied
Given the possibility of homogamy, the bimodality of from 52 to 165 cm, and these two variables were
the mothers, the hexaploidy of the species and that the positively correlated (n = 190, R = +0.64, P < 10)4).
fathers were unknown, it was impossible to calculate Plant height at 4 years of age was highly correlated both
reliable estimates of heritabilities. with branch length and branch angle at 3 years (n = 190,
R = +0.81, P < 10)4 and R = +0.76, P < 10)4 respec-

Flowering and fruiting phenologies, growth Proportion of infested pods

The dates of flowering onset of the 190 adult plants Ripe pods produced before June had no seed predators.
grown from 20 maternal families ranged from September Subsequently, the proportion of infested pods increased
to May, with a peak in April (Fig. 1). The dates when continuously, both for weevils and moths, with weevils
flowering ended were much less variable and ranged always being more common (Fig. 2a). When seed
from May to June, with an almost perfect negative predators were present, long-flowering plants had a
correlation between the date of flowering onset and higher infestation rate than short-flowering plants
flowering duration (n = 190, R = )0.94, P < 10)4): the (Fig. 2b). However, short-flowering plants produced pods
earlier a plant flowered, the longer it flowered. According only during the peak of pod infestation, while long-
to the bimodal distribution observed in natural popula- flowering plants had produced most of their pods before
tions, the 55 plants that began to flower before the end of the peak of pod infestation (Fig. 2c). As a consequence,
January will be considered as long-flowering plants, and the total infestation rate over the whole fruiting season
the 135 plants that began to flower after January will be was similar for the two types of plant (29% for long-
considered as short-flowering plants. The two types of flowering plants and 30% for short-flowering plants).
mother-plants produced different offspring distributions,
with short-flowering mothers producing almost only
Family and population effects
short-flowering offspring, and long-flowering mother
As the phenotypic correlations among phenological
variables and among growth variables were high and
Short flowering mother significant, we reduced the set of 12 variables to four
Long flowering mother main variables to describe the distribution of variance
40 among maternal families and populations (Table 2).
Number of individuals

35 Differences between populations explained the highest

30 per cent of variance for plant height and infestation in
25 late June, while the maternal family effect explained the
20 highest per cent of variance for flowering duration and
pods per shoot.
Results of the statistical analysis on all 12 life-history
traits are provided in Table 3. Population of origin had a
5 highly significant effect on plant growth and infestation
0 rate in late June, and a lower effect on flowering and
Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
fruiting phenology and annual pod production per shoot.
Fig. 1 Distribution of flowering onset (by month) of 190 Ulex Within populations, the maternal family had a strong
europaeus plants grown in a common garden, according to maternal influence on all variables except pod and seed produc-
flowering type. tion. The flowering type of the mother had a significant

ª 2009 THE AUTHORS. J. EVOL. BIOL. 23 (2010) 362–371


(a) 100 Moth June and plant height; the tallest plants were the most
90 Weevil + moth heavily infested. There was a negative correlation
80 Weevil between plant height and flowering onset; the tallest
Infested pods (%)

70 plants began to flower earlier. There was a positive
60 correlation between flowering onset and annual pod
50 production, but this correlation was only significant
40 among maternal family means: families that began to
30 flower the latest had the highest annual pod production.
20 A similar result was observed where flowering onset was
10 17 23 correlated with pod density in June (n = 20, R = +0.71,
0 P < 0.01).
April May Early June Late June July
The most significant correlation was the one observed
between flowering onset and infestation rate in late
100 June. The later the flowering onset, the lower its
90 Long-flowering plants 16
infestation rate in late June. When the two species of
Infested pods (%)

80 Short-flowering plants seed predators were analysed separately, the correlation

45 73 among maternal family means between infestation rate
in late June and flowering onset was significant for
weevils (n = 20, R = )0.87, P < 10)4, Fig. 3a), but not for
48 116 moths (n = 20, R = )0.41, P = 0.07). To test the influ-
36 ence of predator satiation, we also tested the correlation
10 17 0 23 0
between infestation rate in late June and pod density in
0 June. This correlation was significant for infestation by
April May Early June Late June July weevils (n = 20, R = )0.60, P < 0.01, Fig. 3b), but not by
moths (n = 20, R = )0.24, P > 0.10).
(c) 25
Long-flowering plants When infestations rates were considered over the
Short-flowering plants entire fruiting season, neither annual infestation rate
20 by weevils, nor annual infestation rate by moths was
Pod production

significantly correlated with flowering onset (n = 20,

15 R = )0.18 and R = +0.19 respectively, P > 0.10). How-
ever, the relationship between infestation rate by weevils
10 over the entire fruiting season and flowering onset could
be fitted to a second-order polynomial regression (Fig. 4,
5 n = 20, R = 0.51, F2,17 = 8.88, P < 0.01*****). The moth
infestation rate could not be fitted to this type of
0 regression.
April May Early June Late June July

Fig. 2 Temporal changes in pod infestation and pod production in Discussion

Ulex europaeus plants grown in a common garden. (a) Per cent of
infested ripe pods (±SE) according to insect species. (b) Per cent of
Variability of the traits studied
infested ripe pods (±SE) according to flowering type. Numbers
above the bars indicate the number of plants that produced ripe The results obtained in the common garden show that
pods at a given sampling event. (c) Pod production (mean number the variability previously observed in natural populations
of ripe pods per shoot ±SE) estimated from all long-flowering of U. europaeus for flowering and fruiting phenologies,
plants (n = 55) and all short-flowering plants (n = 135). No pods
plant height and seed predation, has a genetic basis.
were produced after July.
Highly significant maternal family effects were found for
all of these life-history traits. These family effects could
influence on flowering and fruiting phenologies, but not not be explained only by maternal effects, as maternal
on any of the other variables studied. effects are known to particularly influence annual plants
and juvenile stages in perennial plants (Roach & Wulff,
1987), while our study involved 4-year-old adult plants.
Correlations between traits
Flowering onset and flowering duration were perfectly
The correlation coefficients between plant height, flow- correlated, and can be considered as two attributes of the
ering onset, annual pod production and infestation rate same trait. The range of variation observed in the
in late June were always stronger among maternal family experimental garden was similar to the range observed
means than among individual values (Table 4). There in natural populations (Tarayre et al., 2007): flowering
was a positive correlation between infestation rate in late onset varied from September to May, and flowering

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Genetic variation in Ulex europaeus 367

Table 2 Descriptive statistics of four life-history traits of Ulex europaeus plants grown in a common garden from seeds collected in Brittany

Populations n = 4 Maternal families n = 20 Individuals n = 190

Variance Variance Residual

Traits Mean ± SD* Min.–max. explained (%) Min.–max. explained (%) Min.–max. variance (%)

Flowering duration (days) 81 ± 55 67–101 5 34–135 36 19–252 59

Plant height (cm) 150 ± 51 119–191 41 66–210 24 32–252 35
Infested pods (% in late June) 32 ± 27 19–54 30 2–80 21 0–100 49
Pods per shoot (annual production) 45 ± 24 33–53 10 18–67 14 14–131 76

All traits were measured in four-year-old plants.

*Standard deviation of the whole sample (n = 190).

duration varied from 1 to 8 months. This variation is genetically correlated (Table 4). As in many species, the
much larger than what is generally found in studies plants that began to flower the latest were also the
conducted in common gardens (e.g. Widén, 1991; Quinn smallest (e.g. Widén, 1991; Ollerton & Lack, 1998; Leger
& Wetherington, 2002; Weis & Kossler, 2004; Dudley & Rice, 2007).
et al., 2007). Maternal family explained a higher per cent Finally, we showed genetic variability for sensitivity to
of variance than population of origin, reflecting the fact seed predation. Indeed, the infestation rate in late June,
that extreme flowering phenotypes coexist within all among pods that were exposed to the same pool of seed
natural populations (Tarayre et al., 2007). predators, varied from 2% to 80%, depending on the
Genetic variation in plant height is common (see families. Genetic variation for resistance of plants to
review in Housman et al., 2002), but U. europaeus is insects has been demonstrated in many species (e.g. Shen
especially remarkable for the range of variation observed. & Bach, 1997; Newton et al., 1999; Hjältén et al., 2000),
Plant height varied eight-fold among individuals and but such a high level of variability is unusual. In
three-fold among families. Although the family effect U. europaeus, variation was continuous, and strongly
was significant, most of the variance could be attributed correlated with flowering onset (Table 4). This correla-
to the population of origin, in accordance with previous tion was mainly because of infestation by the most
observations showing ecological differences for plant size abundant seed predator, the weevil E. ulicis.
and architecture (Misset, 1992). Among-population dif- The annual numbers of pods per shoots and the
ferences were more pronounced for plant height than for numbers of seeds per pod did not vary with maternal
flowering phenology. However, the two traits were family, perhaps because the characters that are the most

Table 3 Results from mixed-model A N O V A

for 12 life-history traits of Ulex europaeus Effects
plants grown in a common garden from Traits Population (v2) Maternal family (v2) Mother’s type (F1,16)
seeds collected in Brittany (France).
Flowering onset 1.4 23.2**** 13.53**
Flowering duration 0.1 17.4**** 12.71**
Fruiting onset 4.0* 16.4**** 5.15*
Fruiting duration 1.2 11.1*** 2.64
Plant height 9.6** 45.8**** 1.66
Branch length 13.4*** 16.8**** 4.22
Branch angle 4.8* 56.8**** 0.45
Infestation rate
Late June 8.1** 12.9*** 4.31
Entire fruiting season 0.4 17.0**** 0.01
Annual production
Pods per shoot 4.3* 2.1 0.08
Seeds per pod 1.7 1.2 0.68
Seeds per shoot 1.4 1.3 0.56

All traits were measured in 4-year-old plants, except branch length and branch angle that
were measured in 3-year-old plants.
*P < 5%, **P < 1%, ***P < 10)3, ****P < 10)4.

ª 2009 THE AUTHORS. J. EVOL. BIOL. 23 (2010) 362–371


Table 4 Phenotypic and among maternal family correlations between four life-history traits of Ulex europaeus plants grown in a common
garden from seeds collected in Brittany (France).

Among individuals (n = 190) Among maternal family means (n = 20)

Plant height Infestation* rate Pods  per shoot Plant height Infestation* rate Pods  per shoot

Flowering onset )0.27 (<10)3) )0.48 (<10)4) +0.10 (0.17) )0.42 (0.06) )0.88 (<10)4) +0.55 (0.01)
Pods  per shoot +0.01 (0.99) )0.08 (0.30) )0.08 (0.72) )0.36 (0.11)
Infestation* rate +0.35 (10)4) +0.68 (<10)3)

Spearman correlation coefficients and P-values (in parentheses) are provided. Significant correlations are in bold. Correlations between other
relevant life-history traits are provided in the text.
*Proportion of infested pods in late June.
 Annual production.

(a) 90 (b) 90
80 80
Pods infested by weevils

70 70
(% in late June)

60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
Fig. 3 Pod infestation by weevils in late
20 20 June. Proportion of ripe pods infested in late
R 2 = 0.79
10 R 2 = 0.36 June according to flowering onset (a) and
0 0 pod density in June (mean number of pods
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 per shoot) (b). Each point represents a
Flowering onset Pod density maternal family; n = 20.

closely connected to fitness are generally those with study shows that short- and long-flowering mothers
the lowest genetic variability (Houle, 1992; Merilä & produced offspring with distinct distributions of flower-
Sheldon, 1999). ing onset. Short-flowering mothers mainly produced
short-flowering offspring, while long-flowering mothers
produced all flowering phenotypes. This confirms that
Flowering strategies and seed predation
the genetic constitution of the two flowering types is
Observations in natural populations have shown that different. The determination of flowering is often simple
flowering onset is clearly bimodal, leading us to define and coded by a small number of genes (Putterill et al.,
two main phenotypes (Tarayre et al., 2007). The present 2004) and a polymorphism conferred by one major
flowering time locus modulated by additional minor loci
has been found in many species, e.g. between the two
50 main ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana (Mitchell-Olds &
Schmitt, 2006), or between the two flowering types of
(% entire fruiting season)
Pods infested by weevils

40 Poa annua (Johnson & White, 1998). Our results would

be in agreement which such determinism, and suggest
30 that the long- and short-flowering phenotypes are under
the control of a major gene, while minor genes could be
20 involved to explain the variability observed.
The two flowering types underwent contrasting pre-
10 dation pressures, because the infestation rates increased
R 2 = 0.51 throughout the fruiting season, both in our common
0 garden (Fig. 2a) and in natural populations (Barat et al.,
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
2007; Tarayre et al., 2007). Long-flowering plants pro-
Flowering onset
duced most of their pods before the peak of seed
Fig. 4 Pod infestation by weevils over the entire fruiting season.
predation, when infestation rate was nil or low (Fig. 2b).
Relationship between flowering onset and the proportion of ripe They thus escaped seed predation in time. Short-flower-
pods infested by weevils over the entire fruiting season, fitted to a ing plants produced most of their pods when infestation
second-order polynomial regression. Each point represents a rate was high, but during the peak of seed predation,
maternal family; n = 20. they suffered fewer attacks by weevils than long-flowering

ª 2009 THE AUTHORS. J. EVOL. BIOL. 23 (2010) 362–371

Genetic variation in Ulex europaeus 369

plants (Fig. 2c). They thus had another way to reduce flowering phenology, pod density and growth pattern,
seed predation. and thus leaving more latitude for these traits to evolve
As short-flowering plants produced most of their pods in response to a new environment.
during the peak of seed predation, they may have The condition for this kind of evolutionary response to
reduced the incidence of seed predation through predator occur in invaded areas is that the genetic variability of
satiation. The negative correlation between pod density the native range be imported. Similar genetic variation in
and seed predation in late June illustrates that predator invasive and native areas resulting from multiple intro-
satiation may reduce seed predation. However, this ductions has been observed in many species (Genton
predator satiation effect was not sufficient to explain et al., 2005; Bossdorf et al., 2005; Novak, 2007). Genetic
the strong negative correlation between flowering onset variability in non-native U. europaeus populations is also
and seed predation in late June (Fig. 3). Other mecha- likely to be high (M. Tarayre & V. Roussel, unpublished)
nisms must be involved. These may include physical or because its presence in invaded areas results from
chemical defences (Hilker & Meiners, 2002), or lower multiple voluntary introductions.
attractiveness to weevils because of architectural patterns Genetic variation in the native area is increasingly
(Leimu & Syrjänen, 2002). considered as a key feature in the invasive success of a
The two flowering types exhibited different strategies: species (Lavergne & Molofsky, 2007; Lee & Gelembiuk,
the long-flowering plants escaped predation in time but 2008; Prentis et al., 2008). Although many aspects need
were more vulnerable during the infestation peak, while to be explored to understand why U. europaeus is one of
the short-flowering plants fruited during the peak of the most invasive species in several parts of the world, it
predation pressure, but reduced the incidence of seed is likely that the high evolutionary potential revealed by
predation through other mechanisms that include pred- this study for flowering phenology and growth pattern
ator satiation. The efficiency of these strategies can be has facilitated the adaptation of U. europaeus to a wide
estimated by comparing the infestation rate over the range of environmental conditions.
entire fruiting season: this comparison revealed that the
families with the two extreme phenotypes were the least
infested, while the families with intermediate flowering
onset were the most heavily infested (Fig. 4). Each This work was supported by a CNRS (ATIP) grant. The
strategy was thus the attribute of a given flowering authors thank Thierry Fontaine for technical assistance,
phenotype, and intermediate strategies were less effec- Alan Scaife and Carolyn Engel-Gautier for English
tive in reducing seed predation. These two predation- translation and editing. The authors are grateful to Luc
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[e.g. escaping in time in Vaccinium hirtum (Mahoro, ymous referees for their helpful comments.
2003), or predator satiation in Quercus robur (Crawley &
Long, 1995)]. However, the situation in U. europaeus is
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