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Unit Test : Unit 1

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Write the words from the box next to the correct definition.
racket enter belt hobby explore
profile match tourist neighbor foreign

1. ____________________________ to walk around a place where you’ve never been

2. ____________________________ a description of a person

3. ____________________________ to join or go into a place

4. ____________________________ a person who travels for pleasure

5. ____________________________ an activity that someone does for fun

6. ____________________________ being from a country that is not your own

7. ____________________________ a piece of sports equipment with a round face used to hit balls

8. ____________________________ a person who lives close to someone else

9. ____________________________ a contest or a game where two people or teams compete

10. ___________________________ a long, thin piece of material that you wear around the waist

Grammar Practice
② Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words: present simple or present continuous tense.
1. We __________________ (play) soccer after school.

2. She is __________________ (write) in her diary.

3. Anthony is __________________ (listen) to the radio.

4. Lauren and Hannah __________________ (be) members of a boxing club.

5. I __________________ (use) the internet to search for information.

Expressions Practice
③ Circle the correct question form.
1. Can you / Do you feel like win a medal for rugby?

2. Can you / Do you feel like going snowboarding with us?

3. Can you / Do you feel like listening to a podcast?

4. Can you / Do you feel like enter the stadium for free?

5. Can you / Do you feel like exploring the foreign city tonight?
Reading Comprehension
My name is Nathan and I want to tell you about my interests. I live an active lifestyle. I enjoy playing sports and traveling.
My favorite sport is baseball. I am a member of my school’s team. Last year, my father bought me a brand new bat for my
15th birthday. My goal is to hit 10 homeruns this season. My dream is to play professional baseball. I also enjoy traveling
to foreign countries. Exploring different cities is very exciting. I have visited 12 countries so far with my family. The
country I enjoyed visiting the most was Spain. The people there are very friendly to tourists. The country I want to visit
next is Korea. I have read a lot about Korea and its history. When I am not playing baseball or traveling, I like listening to
music on the radio. Recently, I have started playing the guitar. It is really fun!

④ Circle true or false.

1. Nathan has a relaxed lifestyle. true false
2. Nathan plays baseball for his school’s team. true false
3. Nathan’s dad bought Nathan a racket for his birthday. true false
4. Nathan has traveled to Spain. true false
5. Nathan likes listening to podcasts. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Nathan’s dream is to be a _______________. 2. Nathan thinks exploring different cities is very

a. school teacher _______________.
b. guitar instructor a. boring
c. baseball player b. enjoying
d. tour guide c. tiring
d. exciting
3. Nathan wants to hit _______________ homeruns this
season. 4. Nathan is learning to play _______________.
a. 5 a. the guitar
b. 10 b. baseball
c. 12 c. the radio
d. 15 d. soccer

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3U1]
1. Ralph is going to play ______________.
a. baseball 2. What is true about Pam?
b. rugby a. She is going to play squash.
c. squash b. She will help her neighbor tomorrow.
d. checkers c. She is going to yoga class.
d. She knows where her racket is.

3. Ralph will help his neighbor ______________. 4. What is true about Ralph?
a. perform some magic a. He owns an extra racket.
b. build a fence b. He has never tried yoga.
c. write a book c. He is busy on Saturday.
d. fix a radio d. He plays squash once a week.
Unit Test : Unit 2

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Fill in the blanks with the best word.

loose outfit celebrity sneakers jewelry

trend cheap expensive old-fashioned formal

1. My favorite piece of ____________________________ is a ring my grandmother gave me.

2. Amy became a big ____________________________ after people saw the video of her singing.
3. The clothes at this store are ____________________________. I can get three shirts for $15.
4. While some people like to wear tight-fitting clothes, I prefer clothes that are ____________________________.
5. Daniel owns over 25 pairs of ____________________________.
6. Please wear ____________________________ attire to the wedding.
7. I wore a bright orange ____________________________ to school.
8. My father collects ____________________________ watches. His newest one costs $15,000!
9. Eric borrows clothes from his grandfather. It makes him look ____________________________.
10. Kelly will tell you what the latest fashion ____________________________ is.

Grammar Practice
② Determine whether the sentences are in simple past or present perfect tense.
1. Peter wore that exact same outfit yesterday. Simple Past Present Perfect
2. Bianca designed the skirt that she’s wearing. Simple Past Present Perfect
3. Debra has never seen a celebrity before. Simple Past Present Perfect
4. Michael bought an expensive chain for his birthday. Simple Past Present Perfect
5. He has tried that hat on before. Simple Past Present Perfect

Expressions Practice
③ Use the given verbs and use to or would to make sentences about you.
1. ________________________________________________________. (study)
2. ________________________________________________________. (make)
3. ________________________________________________________. (believe)
4. ________________________________________________________. (help)
5. ________________________________________________________. (live)
Reading Comprehension
Today, I want to tell you about some of my friends’ fashion styles. First, I want to talk about Lindsay. Lindsay is the most
fashionable person I know. She is always reading fashion magazines because she wants to keep up with all the latest
trends. She wants to design clothes for a living. Bryce is the most popular kid in my school. He collects sneakers. He
wears a different pair every day, and his outfits always match his shoes. Next, is Walter. Walter used to wear clothes that
were really loose. But now, he wears clothes that are too tight. He likes buying clothes from expensive brands. Jane loves
to wear skirts and jewelry. She has lots of rings and necklaces. She goes shopping every weekend. She is really good at
finding cheap but fashionable clothes. Lastly, I would describe Trent’s style as casual. He wears clothes that are simple
and comfortable. He doesn’t like to wear shirts that have unusual patterns on them.

④ Circle true or false.

1. Lindsay likes to read sports magazines. true false
2. Bryce owns a lot of sneakers. true false
3. Walter goes shopping every weekend . true false
4. Jane likes to wear rings and necklaces. true false
5. Trent wears shirts with unusual patterns. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Lindsay wants to _______________ for a living. 2. Bryce’s likes to wear sneakers that match his
a. go shopping _______________.
b. wear jewelry a. outfits
c. collect sneakers b. jewelry
d. design clothes c. unusual patterns
d. hats
3. Jane finds _______________ clothes when she goes
shopping. 4. _______________ likes to wear casual clothing.
a. tight a. Lindsay
b. loose b. Bryce
c. cheap c. Jane
d. expensive d. Trent

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3U2]
1. What is the problem with the shirt Sam is wearing?
a. It is too loose. 2. What does Sam like about the jacket?
b. It is too tight. a. the color
c. It is too cheap. b. the brand
d. It is too expensive. c. the design
d. the fabric

3. What is Beth going to buy?

a. Some sneakers 4. What is true about Sam and Beth?
b. Some jewelry a. They go to the same school.
c. A skirt b. They are siblings.
d. A blouse c. They work at a mall.
d. They bought the same outfit.
Unit Test : Unit 3

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Write the words from the box next to the correct definition.
pop folk comedy romance role-playing

online bored confused annoyed embarrassed

1. ____________________________ to act as someone else in games or as part of learning

2. ____________________________ to have a slightly angry feeling
3. ____________________________ a type of entertainment that has jokes meant to make people laugh
4. ____________________________ to have a feeling tiredness because something is not entertaining
5. ____________________________ a type of traditional music
6. ____________________________ to have an uncomfortable or shy feeling
7. ____________________________ a type of music that has good rhythm and a catchy melody
8. ____________________________ connected to the internet
9. ____________________________ to have a feeling of not knowing what is happening
10. ___________________________ a type of entertainment involving love

Grammar Practice
② Rewrite the sentences with so or such.
Ex. That movie was so amazing. → That was such an amazing movie.
1. That puzzle was so hard to solve. / That was ____________________________________.
2. This game show has me so confused. / This is ____________________________________.
3. The rock concert was such a fun time. / The rock concert was _________________________________.
4. The animation was so cute. / That was ____________________________________.
5. That pop song has such a catchy beat. / That ____________________________________.

Expressions Practice
③ Circle the correct form of the given words.
1. The side-scrolling fighting game was very entertained / entertaining.
2. I got bored / boring watching the documentary.
3. Daniel was amazed / amazing at how fast Vince could rap.
4. The ending of the romance movie was shocked / shocking.
5. The guest on the talk show was too embarrassed / embarrassing to share her story.
Reading Comprehension
Hi, my name is Nakitah. I would like to share some of the things that I like with you. My favorite type of music is dance
music. I love dance music because it makes me feel happy. Anytime I am feeling bored, I turn on some music and start
dancing. Next, I enjoy watching fantasy movies. I am always amazed by the different worlds and characters that artists
create. I also like to watch documentaries. I am especially interested in documentaries about animals. I want to be a vet
when I grow up, so watching documentaries on animals can teach me a lot. Lastly, I like playing video games. My
favorite game is Rise of Drogon. It is a role-playing game. In this game, my character is a wizard. Her goal is to save her
home planet. The game is a mix of adventure and puzzle solving. Sometimes, I get confused or annoyed because the
levels are so hard. But once I solve the puzzle, I am so proud of myself. What are some things that you like?

④ Circle true or false.

1. Nakitah likes rap music. true false
2. Nakitah likes to watch fantasy movies. true false
3. Nakitah watches documentaries to learn about animals. true false
4. Nakitah does not play video games. true false
5. Nakitah gets annoyed by hard puzzles. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Nakitah likes to dance because it makes her feel 2. Nakitah wants to become a(n) _______________
_______________. when she grows up.
a. angry a. artist
b. confused b. video game developer
c. annoyed c. vet
d. happy d. dancer

3. What type of game is Rise of Drogon? 4. How does Nakitah feel when she solves a puzzle?
a. role-playing a. confused
b. fighting b. bored
c. first-person shooter c. shocked
d. racing d. proud

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3U3]
1. What did Grace do over the weekend?
a. She played video games. 2. What was amazing about The Diving Frogs?
b. She went to a concert. a. their dancing
c. She watched a movie. b. their energy
d. She visited a relative. c. their swimming
d. their voices

3. What did Trevor do over the weekend?

a. He played video games. 4. What is NOT true about Cart World?
b. He went to a concert. a. It is a single player game.
c. He watched a movie. b. It is an online game.
d. He visited a relative. c. It is a racing game.
d. It is an addictive game.
Unit Test : Unit 4

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Fill in the blanks with the best word.
research rare automatic decision process
errands latest able available access
1. Studying to become a doctor is a long ___________________________.
2. The ___________________________ door opens when someone is close by.
3. Sharon is good with computers. She will be ___________________________ to fix yours.
4. I have no time to eat with all the ___________________________ I have to run.
5. The scientist found a(n) ___________________________ type of metal in the asteroid.
6. Only UX designers have ___________________________ to the application right now.
7. Did you download the ___________________________ version?
8. The ___________________________ on robotics is beginning to become very important.
9. The CEO will make a(n) ___________________________ on when the launch date will be soon.
10. Charging cables are ___________________________ at every table.

Grammar Practice
② Write the sentences as predictions using the future continuous tense.
1. People will drive flying cars in the future.
2. Many tourists visit this area during the summer.
3. We will repair the menu screens next week.
4. The designer will create a new website tonight.
5. I will control the robot with my smartphone.

Expressions Practice
③ Match the sequence signal words to the statements to describe how to prepare a bowl of cereal.
First,   pour the milk into the bowl.
Before   wash the bowl and spoon.
Then,   grab a bowl, a spoon, milk, and your favorite
After   you pour in the milk, fill the bowl with the cereal.
Last,   you finish the cereal, drink the milk.
Reading Comprehension
Hello, my name is Crystal. I’m a futurist. Today, I would like to talk about my ideas on what the future might look like.
First, let’s talk about transportation. Right now, flying in an airplane is the most convenient way to travel long distances.
In the future, the entire world will probably be connected by an underground hyper-railway system. This means you might
be able to take a train to anywhere in the world. In addition, this trip will be a lot faster than an airplane. It will also be
better for the environment. Another exciting future technology is augmented reality, or AR. AR developers and engineers
are working on projects that blend digital elements into the real-world. If you’ve played Pokemon Go, you have
experienced an early version of AR. But in the future, AR will be much more detailed. Using the camera on your
smartphone, you’ll be able to find information on everything around you. I’m really excited for the future, and I hope you
are too!

④ Circle true or false.

1. Crystal’s job is to make predictions about the future. true false
2. In the future, people might travel using an underground train. true false
3. Crystal thinks transportation will be helped by AR technology. true false
4. Augmented reality blends digital elements into the real world. true false
5. Crystal is worried about the future. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Crystal is a(n) _______________. 2. Today, airplanes are the _______________ way to

a. engineer travel long distances.
b. inventor a. cheapest
c. AR developer b. easiest
d. futurist c. longest
d. earliest
3. Why will an underground hyper-railway system be
better than airplanes? 4. Pokemon Go is an example of _______________.
a. They are safer than airplanes. a. virtual reality
b. They are environmentally friendly. b. information
c. They are quieter than airplanes. c. augmented reality
d. They are cheaper to build. d. transportation

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3U4]
1. What is Plan It?
a. an application
b. a machine 2. How does Plan It help people?
c. a device a. It helps them run faster.
d. a store b. It helps them style their hair.
c. It helps them order groceries.
d. It helps them complete their errands.
3. What does Brad need to do later?
a. get a haircut
b. watch a movie 4. What will Brad try to improve?
c. cook dinner a. the upload speeds
d. download a game b. the GPS
c. the data usage
d. the security features
Unit Test : Unit 5

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Write the words from the box next to the correct definition.
junk food main course side dish spicy greasy
grilled ingredients crunchy garlic fast food
1. ____________________________ food that has a lot of flavor, usually hot
2. ____________________________ the largest or most important part of a meal
3. ____________________________ foods used to make a dish
4. ____________________________ cooked over a fire
5. ____________________________ food that is made and served quickly
6. ____________________________ onion-like plant used to flavor food
7. ____________________________ food that is unhealthy but quick and easy to eat
8. ____________________________ food that is crisp or makes a noise when bitten
9. ____________________________ having or covered in oil or fat
10. ___________________________ dish served separately from the main course

Grammar Practice
②Unscramble the sentences.
1. soup / There is / salt / not enough / in this
2. in the refrigerator / any / Is there / juice
3. forks /are clean / None of / these / and spoons
4. try / sauce / some of that / Can I
5. is too spicy / to eat / for me / This curry
Expressions Practice
③ Write down your preference to each question by using would rather or would prefer.
1. Would you rather have your ice cream in a cup or cone?
2. Would you prefer to eat something sweet or sour?
3. Would you rather bake some cookies or roast a chicken?
4. Would you prefer to eat now or a little bit later?
5. Would you rather dip your food in the sauce or pour it over the food?
Reading Comprehension
My name is Ryan Pembroke, and I’m a professional swimmer. Swimming uses up a lot of energy, so I need to make sure I
eat enough for all the training I must do. Here’s an example of what I eat every day. For breakfast, I usually eat an omelet,
some fresh fruit, and oatmeal. If that is not enough, I’ll have some yogurt with granola. For lunch, I prefer to keep it
simple. I’ll have a ham and cheese sandwich with a smoothie. The ingredients in my smoothie include beets, spinach,
berries, kale, and some soymilk. I also add in a little orange or apple juice to make it sweet. I add only a little juice,
though, because juice has a lot of sugar in it. Now, dinner is when I really get to eat. While most swimmers eat pasta, I
prefer to eat brown rice. I eat it with some boiled vegetables and grilled chicken breast. I’ll also eat a whole pizza.
Unfortunately, I can’t have any desserts when training. There is no room for junk food or fast food. It can be difficult to
stay on this diet, but it helps me to perform at my best.

④ Circle true or false.

1. Ryan is a professional athlete. true false
2. Swimming does not use a lot of energy. true false
3. Ryan likes to drink smoothies for breakfast. true false
4. Some juices have a lot of sugar in them. true false
5. Ryan can eat a whole pizza. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Ryan usually eats _______________ for breakfast. 2. Which ingredient does Ryan NOT put in his
a. fresh vegetables smoothie?
b. fresh fruit a. apple juice
c. a smoothie b. kale
d. grilled chicken c. blueberries
d. tomatoes
3. How does Ryan like his chicken cooked?
a. boiled 4. What does Ryan say about his diet?
b. roasted a. It is easy to prepare.
c. fried b. It is hard to follow.
d. grilled c. It makes him tired.
d. It keeps him happy.

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3U5]
1. What kind of restaurant did the speakers go to?
a. buffet
b. seafood. 2. What did the woman like most about the grilled
c. pizzeria salmon?
d. steak a. the crunch
b. the sweetness
c. the sauce
3. How did the pretzels brownies taste? d. the smell
a. sweet and sour
b. salty and spicy
c. sweet and salty 4. What will the speakers most likely do next week?
d. spicy and sour a. bake a cake
b. visit the restaurant d. buy a fork
c. roast a duck

Unit Test : Unit 6

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Circle the correct answer.

1. If you get lost, ___________________________ the information desk.

a. avoid b. fine c. look for d. keep
2. What is the ___________________________ for two museum tickets?
a. cost b. place c. attention d. crime
3. The tour will start at ___________________________ 3 p.m.
a. bring b. stay c. exactly d. delay
4. Eric ___________________________ his leg while running down the stairs.
a. shut b. avoided c. followed d. injured
5. You must talk quietly in the library because it’s a ___________________________ for study.
a. crime b. place c. problem d. copy
6. Let me know if you need ___________________________ on how create an account.
a. instructions b. lend c. emergency d. arrest
7. The thief was arrested and sent to ___________________________.
a. avoid b. crime c. punish d. jail
8. Make sure to ___________________________ the windows before you leave the house.
a. follow b. delay c. shut d. place
9. If you have a ___________________________ with the assignment, please let me know.
a. details b. problem c. attention d. cost
10. May I have your __________________________, please? The store will be closing in one hour.
a. careful b. trouble c. attention d. emergency

Grammar Practice
② Determine whether the sentence is a zero conditional or first conditional.
1. If you don’t get enough sleep, you feel tired. Zero
2. If you follow the directions carefully, you will find the restaurant. Zero First
3. If you park your car here, you might have to pay a fee. Zero First
4. Take a walk around the park if you get there before me. Zero First
5. If you play well, you will get to start on the team. Zero First

Expressions Practice
③ Circle the answer that is most likely true.
1. Workers must have clean hands. All workers must / must not wash their hands before working.
2. The paintings are rare. Visitors must / must not touch the paintings on the wall.
3. Everyone must play carefully. Everyone must / must not follow the rules to avoid any problems.
4. Grant must / must not have park his car here. He will get a fine if he does.
5. Patrick must / must not meet with his teacher. He has to take extra lessons since he failed the test.

Reading Comprehension
Welcome to the first day of school! My name is Ms. Davies. Today, we will be going over some classroom rules. First, it
is very important that you all pay attention during class time. Please do not bother your classmates, and make sure to keep
your hands to yourself at all times. Also, make sure to bring your books and pencil case to every class. If you happen to
lose your pencil, let me know and I can lend you one. Next, you must do your own work. Do not copy your friend’s
homework. If I find out that you have cheated, you will be punished. If you hear an alarm, it means that there is an
emergency. In this case, you must follow my instructions and do exactly what I do. We must be very careful otherwise
someone will get hurt. If we follow these rules, we will have a lot of fun during the year. Are you ready for school?

④ Circle true or false.

1. Ms. Davies is a schoolteacher. true false
2. It is okay to touch your classmates. true false
3. Ms. Davies lost her pencil. true false
4. Cheaters will be punished. true false
5. It is important to follow instructions. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. What is Ms. Davies going over? 2. What do student have to bring to every class?
a. classroom rules a. pencils and a bag
b. test questions b. a bag and books
c. homework answers c. books and pencils
d. school dress code d. homework and books

3. What happens to students who were caught cheating? 4. What does a ringing alarm mean?
a. They will be jailed. a. There is an emergency.
b. They will be fined. b. There is a party.
c. They will get hurt. c. It is time to go home.
d. They will be punished. d. It is time for lunch.

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3U6]
1. What do Will and Amy see?
a. fire
b. rain 2. What does Amy want to do?
c. lightning a. visit the hospital
d. smoke b. walk to the park
c. watch a movie
d. call the police
3. What do Will and Amy hear?
a. an alarm
b. a phone 4. What does Will decide to do at the end?
c. a siren a. help the injured
d. a truck b. follow the sounds
c. go home d. call the firefighters
Unit Test : Unit 7

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Fill in the blanks with the best word.
pharmacy grocery store advertisement compare modern
trade bargain receipt secondhand rent
1. I don’t mind used clothes, so I often shop at ___________________________ stores.

2. The car company made a(n) ___________________________ to show its newest car.

3. My friend wanted to ___________________________ his bike for a new jacket.

4. The ___________________________ sells fresh fruits every morning.

5. My parents decided to ___________________________ a car during our vacation.

6. After looking at the ___________________________, I noticed that I paid too much.

7. My old-fashioned father is looking for a more ___________________________ look.

8. I want to stop by the ___________________________ to get some cough drops.

9. I’m not going to ___________________________ on the price! It’s $20.00. Take it or leave it.

10. You cannot ___________________________ a sports car to a minivan.

Grammar Practice
② Fill in the blanks using an intensifier and the comparative form of the given words.
1. These headphones are only ___________________________ (loud) than my pair at home.

2. Rent in the country is ___________________________ (cheap) than in the city.

3. The quality of these pants are ___________________________ (good) than I thought it would be.

4. The vegetables on the top shelf look ___________________________ (fresh) than the ones on the bottom.

5. This game is ___________________________ (hard) than it looks.

Expressions Practice
③ Circle the error(s) in each sentence and write the correct sentence.
1. He wanted to buying a new smartphone.

2. Emily went to watches the soccer game at her friend’s house.


3. They are dance to losing weight.


4. I want to going camp in the mountains this weekend.


5. Mark found a nice restaurant to eating at tonight.

Reading Comprehension
Blackwater Shopping Center’s Grand Opening Sale is going on now! We have everything you want in one convenient
location. Looking for clothes? With over 15 different boutiques, you’re guaranteed to find high-quality goods at low
prices. Looking for a good fiction novel, or do you want to learn about French art? Search through the shelves of Reilly’s
Shelf, the biggest bookstore in town. Here you’ll be able to find books on anything and everything. In addition, if you
have books that you no longer read, come trade them in at Reilly’s and receive a coupon to be used on your next purchase.
If you’re feeling a little under the weather, the Medicine Cabinet has you covered. The employees there will make sure
you are feeling better in no time. Need to do some last minute grocery shopping? Not a problem! Blackwater Farmer’s
Market sells the freshest fruits and vegetables in town. Bring in this advertisement to any one of the stores mentioned to
receive an extra 15 percent discount. Offer ends this weekend so stop by now!

④ Circle true or false.

1. Blackwater Shopping Center is closing down. true false
2. The boutiques sell expensive goods. true false
3. People can trade in books at Reilly’s Shelf. true false
4. The Medicine Cabinet is a pharmacy. true false
5. Shoppers can receive a 15 percent discount next weekend. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Why is Blackwater Shopping Center having a sale? 2. What is mentioned about Reilly’s Shelf?
a. It just opened. a. It is the best bookstore in Blackwater.
b. It is closing down. b. It is the biggest bookstore in Blackwater.
c. It has new owners. c. It is the cheapest bookstore in Blackwater.
d. It is celebrating an anniversary. d. It is the smallest bookstore in Blackwater.

3. Where should people go if they feel sick? 4. How can shopper receive a 15 percent discount?
a. A boutique a. Show an ad.
b. Reilly’s Shelf b. Buy some fruits.
c. The Medicine Cabinet c. Read a book.
d. Blackwater Farmer’s Market d. Try on some clothes.

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3U7]
1. What kind of store is the man visiting?
a. clothing 2. What is true about the item the man is looking at?
b. grocery store a. It is expensive.
c. pharmacy b. It is soft.
d. bookstore c. It is lightweight.
d. It is unavailable.

3. What will the woman search for in the inventory?

a. A yellow shirt 4. What is NOT a part of the return policy?
b. A fantasy book a. Items must be unworn.
c. A pair of pants b. Items must be returned within 30 days.
d. A can of beans c. Customers must show an ID.
d. Customers must have the receipt.
Unit Test : Unit 8

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Write the words from the box next to the correct definition.
volunteer glee climate breathe permission
recommend enough check earn empty

1. ____________________________ to be allowed to do something

2. ____________________________ a group or club that gets together to sing

3. ____________________________ as much as needed or necessary

4. ____________________________ to see if everything is okay

5. ____________________________ weather conditions of an area

6. ____________________________ to advise or suggest something

7. ____________________________ to take everything out from inside of something

8. ____________________________ to do something without being paid or asked

9. ____________________________ to make money for work done

10. ___________________________ to take air into one’s lungs

Grammar Practice
② Fill in the blanks with the correct tag question.
1. You can speak three different languages, ___________________________?

2. Don signed up for the science fair, ___________________________?

3. We are ready to start the cooking activity, ___________________________?

4. Becky will play in tonight’s basketball game, ___________________________?

5. Malik is going to wear a mask, ___________________________?

Expressions Practice
③ Circle the kind of reported speech.
1. Cathy said she didn’t earn enough money. Direct Indirect

2. The president said, “I promise to fix the pollution problem.” Direct Indirect

3. They said that they were in the front of the building. Direct Indirect

4. “Please be ready by 2 p.m.,” said the teacher. Direct Indirect

5. “I hope I can breathe through this mask,” William said. Direct Indirect
Reading Comprehension
Blackwater Middle School is proud to announce its yearly science fair. This year is our 22nd Science Fair! The science
fair will be held on March 3 at the Blackwater Middle School gymnasium. Students are encouraged to either perform an
experiment, invent something, or write a report. Topics can range from environmental science, such as how pollution can
change the climate, to health science. If you are interested, please stop by the science lab to register. Students must receive
permission from their parents before registering. The last day to register will be February 1. In addition, all experiments
must be performed under adult supervision. It is also important to remember to practice safety first. Safety goggles and
masks are available for rent at the science lab. Principal Hall will be judging all the experiments this year. The winning
experiment will win a trip for four to Orlando, Florida. This is a great opportunity for some hands-on learning. Although
students are not required to participate, it is recommended that they attend the fair on March 3. We hope to see everyone

④ Circle true or false.

1. The Blackwater Middle School science fair is held every year. true false
2. The science fair will take place in the school cafeteria. true false
3. Students must ask their parents in order to participate. true false
4. Students can register for the science fair after February 1. true false
5. Students can rent safety equipment from the school. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. When will the Blackwater Middle School science fair 2. Which is NOT a suitable topic?
will be held? a. air pollution
a. February 1 b. health science
b. February 22 c. environmental science
c. March 3 d. lab safety
d. March 22
4. What will the winning experiment receive?
3. Who must students receive permission from to a. a trip
participate in the science fair? b. money
a. their teachers c. a trophy
b. their friends d. a computer
c. Principal Hall
d. their parents

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3U8]
1. Matthew and Emily’s school is offering
______________. 2. Matthew wants to become a(n) ______________.
a. shorter school days a. pianist
b. bigger lunch portions b. artist
c. smaller classroom sizes c. zoologist
d. more afterschool activities d. environmentalist

3. Emily wants to join the ______________. 4. Emily is worried about ______________.

a. wildlife club a. her eyes
b. debate club b. air pollution
c. chess club c. her grades
d. environmental club d. endangered animals
Unit Test : Unit 9

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Circle the correct answer.
1. Do you ___________________________ where I put my car keys?
a. path b. remember c. guess d. discover
2. This spray will ___________________________ all the bugs in your kitchen.
a. understand b. receive c. brave d. kill
3. I need to ___________________________ out three copies of this report.
a. remove b. normal c. print d. touch
4. The puppy was ___________________________ enough to find the hidden snack.
a. clever b. noisy c. germs d. wrong
5. Washing your hands helps to remove all the ___________________________.
a. format b. brave c. cure d. germs
6. I ___________________________ to watch movies on my tablet.
a. prefer b. contact c. path d. invent
7. Harry was ___________________________ enough to eat the insects.
a. reason b. touch c. brave d. seal
8. Please ___________________________ the screen to place your order.
a. remember b. touch c. path d. remove
9. Jeanie found the directions to be very ___________________________.
a. seal b. useful c. prefer d. discover
10. Don’t forget to ___________________________ the sticker from the tablet.
a. contact b. discover c. guess d. remove
Grammar Practice
② Circle the correct words.
1. The CD player is older / oldest than the MP3 player.

2. My tablet is faster / fastest than my laptop.

3. Whoever touches the screen the more / most wins.

4. Gabe is the braver / bravest person I know.

5. I prefer to eat at cheaper / cheapest restaurants.

Expressions Practice
③ Fill in the blanks with the correct articles. Write (X) if no article is needed.
1. Is it normal to eat ___________________________ wrapper of this candy?

2. I can’t find ___________________________ book my brother let me borrow.

3. Lenny needs ___________________________ minute to remove his shoes.

4. The team is inventing ___________________________ robots that cook food.

5. Scientists have discovered ___________________________ new planet.

Reading Comprehension
Every day, people around the world work to invent, discover, and create all sorts of things. They want to make the world
a better place. For example, some scientists perform dangerous experiments to find cures for various diseases. Engineers
are also working to invent the new and amazing technologies. Thanks to them, products like laptops are getting smaller,
faster, and more powerful. But you don’t need to be a scientist or engineer to make the world a better place. Normal
people like you and me can make a difference. Something as simple as picking up trash or planting a tree can make a big
difference. This hard work might not have great rewards. But it is important to understand that it’s everyone’s
responsibility to create a brighter future. So let’s give a big thanks to everyone helping make the world better every day.
Thank you to all these brave and amazing people.

④ Circle true or false.

1. Scientists perform dangerous experiments. true false
2. Engineers cure various diseases. true false
3. Laptops are getting bigger and faster. true false
4. Normal people can make a difference. true false
5. Planting trees does not make a difference. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Scientists hope to ______________ various diseases. 2. Engineers work to invent ______________.

a. cure a. smarter CD players
b. invent b. bigger trees
c. discover c. faster germs
d. seal d. new technologies

3. Normal people can make a difference by 4. Scientists and engineers help to create a(n)
______________. ______________.
a. removing signs a. brighter future
b. picking up trash b. happier past
c. streaming media c. exciting present
d. remembering names d. unknown future

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3U9]
1. Aaron and Erica are in the ______________.
a. basement 2. Aaron finds a(n) ______________.
b. kitchen a. DVD player
c. bathroom b. MP3 player
d. bedroom c. CD player
d. laptop

3. Aaron and Erica use their tablets to ______________.

a. browse the internet 4. Erica wants someone to find a(n) ______________.
b. stream media a. cure for cancer
c. play games b. hologram machine
d. talk to friends c. new printer
d. touch screen
Unit Test : Unit 10

Class Name
Vocabulary Comprehension
① Fill in the blanks with the best word.
option offer gift pick treasure
match palace alone serve laugh
1. The king used to live in a big ___________________________.

2. You have the ___________________________ of choosing green or yellow.

3. Sometimes I like to eat lunch ___________________________. Sometimes I eat with friends.

4. Hank will ___________________________ where to sit.

5. The waiter took a long time to ___________________________ us.

6. Tim’s joke made everyone ___________________________.

7. Try to ___________________________ the puzzle pieces together.

8. This map will lead us to a chest full of ___________________________.

9. Don’t forget to buy a(n) ___________________________ for your mother’s birthday.

10. You should ___________________________ a piece of cake to the security guard. He works hard, too.

Grammar Practice
② Fill in the blank with the superlative form of the given word.
1. My father bought me the ___________________________ (great) gift this year.

2. This is the ___________________________ (delicious) hamburger I have ever eaten.

3. This is the ___________________________ (cool) TV I’ve ever seen.

4. Greg is the ___________________________ (slow) runner at school.

5. Penelope is the ___________________________ (good) player on her team!

Expressions Practice
③ Fill in the blank with the best relative pronoun. Answers may vary.
1. Doris went to Paris because that is ___________________________ her parents live.

2. Are there any students ___________________________ want to join the baseball team?

3. The woman ___________________________ restaurant we are at is rich.

4. Today is the day ___________________________ I finally beat my brother in basketball.

5. My father is the reason ___________________________ I want to become a doctor.

Reading Comprehension
Sometimes, having to pick between two options can cause a lot of stress. Today, we’ll go over some ways to make sure
you make the right choice when you need to pick between two things. First, decide whether an item is something you
need or if it is something you want. If only one of the options is a thing that you need, you have an easy choice to make. If
both choices are need items, you should make a list. On a piece of paper, write down reasons why you need to buy each
item. Try to be as thorough as you can. After you finish, it is likely that one item will have a longer list of reasons. You
should consider buying that option. While this advice won’t always help, it gives you the chance to think about your
decision. So the next time you need to make difficult decision, think through your options to find out which item best
matches your needs.

④ Circle true or false.

1. Making choices is easy when you have options. true false
2. Always buy items that you want first. true false
3. Making a list can help you make a decision. true false
4. It is good to be thorough. true false
5. This advice will always help make the right decision. true false

⑤ Circle the answers.

1. Choosing between two options can cause 2. A ______________ can help people make decisions.
______________. a. list
a. happiness b. mystery
b. sadness c. choice
c. stress d. present
d. anger
4. What should people do the next time they need to
3. People should buy the option with the most make a difficult decision?
______________. a. sit alone
a. advice b. laugh
b. reasons c. smile
c. matches d. think slowly
d. picks

Listening Comprehension
⑥ Listen and circle the answers. [Track B3U10]
1. Whose birthday is it?
a. Nick’s brother’s 2. What kind of gift does Heather suggest?
b. Nick’s sister’s a. some earrings
c. Nick’s mother’s b. a bracelet
d. Nick’s father’s c. a necklace
d. a watch

3. What does the gift have to match?

a. the person’s style 4. What options does a gift have?
b. the person’s shoes a. different smells
c. the person’s height b. different shapes
d. the person’s hair color c. different colors
d. different sizes

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