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My Highschool Sweetheart why did I do it” these are the words that come to my mind as I

walk on my way home.

While my children are growing up, I still can't forget what
“Love does something different: even if it hurts you, you
I did to the person who built me when I was crushed and lost in
will still accept the person that hurts you, no matter how many
life because of the person I'm with now, I want to say sorry to
times you have been hurt because of her” These are the words
that person personally, the last conversation we had was when I
running through my mind as I hug my pillow until I fall asleep.
admitted the mistakes I had made. I didn't expect that we are
While she was walking away, I grabbed her hand and said, “If
going to meet again on an unexpected day and place.
you need me, I'm always here. I love you.” And I let her get
away from me.

Mom and Dad sent me to the province to change my life

there because of the breakup that I couldn't handle. In the
province, I met a person that I didn't expect to change my life,
and I also didn't expect that I would be the first person to hurt
that person. I think I'm still in love with that person, but I have a
child now, and I want to focus my attention on my family and
work, I tried to forget everything, but I couldn't. I know the
feeling of being cheated, but why did I do it to that person? “I'm
not different from them, I'm also a cheater, I told myself that I
wouldn't do that to others because I know the feeling, but why?
the wind, to her sharp nose, to her red lips. That's not the only
thing I liked about her; she was an SSG president, smart in class,
Chapter 1
and kind, and she loves her family very much, which was one of
the qualities I liked about her.
Suddenly someone threw an eraser at my head; it was Sir Rivera.
I fell asleep in his class again. "Did you sleep well?" My
My friend yelled, "Your crush Bro," and I cut him off,
friend jokingly asked me after Mr. Rivera's class "I dreamed
telling him keep your voice down, he will hear it, it's
of Chelsea again." I said, “Chelsea, again? Your crush in the
embarrassing. "You're clumsy Bro, how can she like you?" He
other section?” he asked me “Of course, is there any other
asked. I replied, "Let me create the strategy."
Chelsea that I like?” I asked him, and he didn't answer.
When Chelsea was close to us, I was surprised that she
By the way, I'm Elijah, a grade 10 student, and I'm 16 years
stopped in front of me "My wife is very beautiful." I said to
old now. Not to brag, but I'm good in class, running 1st honor
myself, "hi Chelsea, it's Elijah," my friend introduced me to
since elementary school. It's because I'm so tired every night
Chelsea "My name is Chelsea," and as she reached out to shake
because I do activities and performance tasks that I always fall
my hand, my Friend abruptly tapped me and asked, "Bro? Will
asleep in Mr. Rivera's class, one of the terror teachers in our
you let Chelsea's hand hang?" I said, "N-nice to meet you,
school. I make sure that I can catch up on the lessons I miss from
Chelsea," and she replied, "nice to meet you too, Elijah” while
him. I have a crush on a girl. Her name is Chelsea; she is a grade
we were shaking hands together.
10 student also, and she is really beautiful and smart. She has
almost everything; maybe that's why I like her more. While I was on the way home, I was still thinking about
what happened earlier. I didn't expect her to shake hands with
We continued walking until we saw Chelsea, walking in the
me. I didn't realize that I had already passed our house because I
hallway; she was really beautiful, from her hair that went with
was thinking about her. I was humored by myself, After I got
home, mom immediately asked me, "How was your day?" "It's "I didn't expect his reaction to be like that when I
fine, mom," I answered, while smiling, "why do you look introduced myself to him, did he like me?" I asked myself as I
happy?" She asked me again; I didn't answer her question, and I lay down. While I was holding my book, I really can't forget
immediately said goodbye and went to the room to rest. what happened to us earlier, I'm just really grateful when his
friend Paul introduced me to him, "he probably won't know that
I'm just going to rest for a while, eat, and study for our
I like him, right?" I asked myself again, why am I thinking that?
exam tomorrow. I almost stay up late studying just to meet the
I have to study, but I can't really do it, maybe because of the
expectations of mommy and daddy, I'm not really smart, I'm just
excitement I felt when I held her hand.
hardworking and good at mastering, so I always get high scores
in quizzes and exams. I called my friend and asked if I looked okay earlier

*While eating* *Phone ringing*

"How are your studies?" “Do you get a high score?” daddy "Hi Julia, is my face okay when I talked to Jason?" I asked
asked me, "yes, dad" I answered him. After eating, I her, of course as a woman I want to be presentable to those I
immediately went to my room to study, they always asked if I meet especially I like the person "yeah, you're not obviously in
got a high score in school, even though I didn't get that high, I love, you're also good at hiding aren't you" She answered me,
just said that I got a high score so as not to take too long the "of course, why should I make it obvious that I like him" I
conversation, I immediately took out my book to study. answered her, "tomorrow again, you should study and we have
an exam tomorrow" he answered me after hanging up. I
Chelsea's Pov:
immediately put my cell phone aside to study, my night routine
is the same, talk with my friend, think about something, and of
course study.
When I arrived at school, I immediately sat down in my
chair to read a book. Suddenly my friend came and asked me
"did you review bro? I'm sure you thought about what happened
yesterday" I immediately answered "of course, even if I thought
Elijah's Pov:
about what happened last night I still have to study, I don't want
When I woke up in the Morning, I was excited to go to to fail and not reach mommy and daddy's expectations of me,
School because I would see Chelsea again, I don't know my day you know them when I got a low score" and suddenly sir came
is really completed when I see her. "Elijah, pack your bags" "okay class, we will start the exam later on" he said, I was not
mommy yelled while I was getting dressed in the room "alright, nervous because I knew myself that I had reviewed something.
I'll go downstairs" I told her. When mommy handed me the bag,
And the exam started, I took a deep breath and reminded
she immediately said "be careful, by the way, your daddy and I
myself that I had prepared as best as I could. I always think like
are leaving, we might not make it home tonight" she said "where
this so that I don't get nervous about exams. I read each question
are you going?" I asked her "We just have some papers to finish"
carefully and answer them to the best of my ability. Whenever I
she answered me "alright mom, be careful" My parents are both
came across a question I didn't know, I stayed calm and moved
business owners, so it goes without saying that they are both
on to the next one, so I wouldn't run out of time for a single
busy. I'm almost used to them not being at home, and we only
question and I'd just come back to it later.
eat together sometimes. I have an older sister who is also going
to work as a nurse in another country, and we only talk
After the exam, sir announced to us "so class, we will have
sometimes. My mom and dad want me to become an engineer
a collaboration with the other grade 10 students, there will be a
someday, which makes me very happy because the job I want is
dance competition for our activity this month". I was happy with
also the job they want for me. I immediately went out to wait for
what sir said because I will be with Chelsea in Dance Practice,
the ride to school.
"do you look happy bro?" My friend asked me after the exam "of When I woke up in the morning, mommy and daddy also
course, I'm going to meet Chelsea in the dance competition" I came. As usual they brought a treat for me and they immediately
answered him "that's why your smile reached your ear?” he said, invited me to eat, because they bought something to eat outside
"you always see her too?" He said, "that's different, because so that I don't need to cook, they are kind, I get what I want, they
there is a chance that I can talk to him" I answered him, and I are just strict when it comes to studying.
immediately said goodbye and left to go home.
Every Saturday afternoon I often hang out on the shore, so I
I immediately went home to rest, I knew mom and dad can think, I don't know but I feel better when I do that. While I
weren't there so I was going to cook dinner before I rested, while was alone at the shore, there was a woman who was familiar to
I was cooking, Jason, one of my friends at school, called me me, and I was not mistaken because Chelsea and her friends
"bro? you called?" I asked him "We have a party tonight, do you were also there. I was embarrassed to show myself so I
want to come?" he asked me "next time bro, I have a lot more to immediately left, but I still couldn't avoid it because they saw me
do" I answered his question. I'm not really into that kind of stuff “Elijah!!” Chelsea's friend shouted, I approached them and
especially knowing they're going to drink; I've never tasted asked "what are you doing here?" "Nothing, we just go here after
alcohol in my entire life. we did a school project" she answered "Uhm, what are you
doing here?" She asked me "nothing, because this is where I
often hang out when I want to think" I answered her "it looks
like you are in a hurry?" Chelsea's friend Bea asked "because it's
After I ate and washed what the plate, I immediately went
getting late and mommy is already looking for me" I apologized
to my room to rest, "Finally, the exam is done" I said to myself,
to them. I didn't greet Chelsea anymore, probably because of
I'm happy that the exam is done because I can sleep for a long
embarrassment and Bea's questions.
time and it's Saturday the next day, I can rest for a long time.
When I got home around 6:30 in the evening, I immediately After the mass, my friend and I wandered around the mall
went straight to the room to change my clothes to get ready to before going home, because we will definitely be able to do it
eat. I'm happy now because mommy and daddy are eating with next week. While wandering around, I was suddenly asked by
me again. my friend "what if I date Chelsea bro?" "If you really like him
bro, you will do it" he answered me "but I'm still taking the
While eating, I was surprised by daddy's question "do you
courage and time to confess" I said to him "if you have the
have a girlfriend?" while smiling at mommy as if they teasing
courage bro, date her, go ahead maybe someone else will flirt
me "not yet" I answered her "why? you're a beautiful man
with that" he said to me. After we wandered, I went home.
possibly nothing" it flattered me. We continued to eat, and when
we finished eating, I immediately washed the plate. After The next day, Monday morning when I go to school and the
washing, I immediately went up to the room to rest, because I teacher finally handed back the score of our exams, I'm nervous
will go to church tomorrow. about my score, I don't want to disappoint mommy and daddy.
When they give me a test paper, I get almost high marks in the
Every weekday I wake up early to go to church. I invited
exams. I immediately hid my test paper so I could show it to
my friend to church so I could have someone with me. When I
mom and dad. "You will have practice tomorrow with the other
arrived at the church just as the mass was about to start, my
section," sir said, "I hope I can talk to Chelsea while we
friend and I sat at the end of the church because the church was
practice," I said to myself. I want to confess to her because my
almost full, while listening to father's homily I suddenly
friend is right, maybe another man will be ahead of me to court
remembered Chelsea "for men, if you want the girl, don't let
Chelsea, because of Chelsea's beauty, it is possible that no one
them go, and don't hurt them" I thought, if I try to confess to
else likes her.
Chelsea, I might have a chance with her.
Chapter 2

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