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Exploration of first-time fathers’ experiences during

the child’s first year
Thilagavathy Ganapathy

Background: The paternal postpartum period is a tremendous transitional time for first-time fathers and so, their unique experiences
should be considered. Aim: To explore new fathers’ experiences during the child’s first year and the factors associated with their
experiences. Setting and Design: A descriptive exploratory research conducted among n = 149 new fathers working in private
companies in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India recruited by purposive sampling during their first year of paternal postpartum period.
Materials and Methods: An individual interview using a four-point structured rating scale consisting of 50 items measuring their
experiences during the first year of paternal postpartum period was used to collect data. Statistical Analysis: All statistical
analyses were performed by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 17 version. An alpha less than 0.05 was
considered to be significant in all analyses. Results: The results revealed that the vast majority of the first-time fathers (61.34%)
had positive postpartum experiences as compared to 38.66% who reported negative fatherhood experiences. The key concepts
related to their experiences were emotional upheaval, changes in lifestyle, pleasant and rejuvenating fatherhood experiences,
relationship difficulties with partners, parents, friends, lack of intimacy with spouse, feelings of social isolation, lack of leisure
activities and hobbies, difficulties in balancing career and family, ongoing physical problems, and financial constraints. There was
no association of their postpartum paternal experiences with sociodemographic factors. Conclusion: Findings from this study
suggest the need for realigning health services that have traditionally focused on mothers and children to father friendly services
that respect fathers’ strengths, experiences, knowledge, relationship, empowerment, and well-being to promote lasting benefits
for fathers and their families.
Key Words: Experiences, first-time father, postpartum

Introduction cause conflict with their other roles.[3] A new father

may be apprehensive about finances, changes in the
Fatherhood in the 21st century is tougher than ever,
relationship with his partner, increased responsibilities,
as fathers are increasingly expected to take a greater
and feelings about himself[1] and still want and expect
share in the responsibility of household chores and
some affection and attention for himself as well as
parenting roles as well as working fulltime than their
a reasonably active social life and some freedom to
own fathers did.[1,2] The postpartum paternal period
pursue his own interests.[4]
is a tremendous transitional time for new fathers
and a time when adjustments need to be made on
physiological, psychological, and social levels.[3] New
fathers genuinely struggle with the need to balance Department of OBG Nursing, The Oxford College of Nursing, The Oxford
their own transition to fatherhood and that of their Educational Institutions, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
partner. They may experience a tension between Address for correspondence: Dr. Thilagavathy Ganapathy,
needing to be the breadwinner and also wanting to #305, Ganesh Nivas, VI Cross, Arekare, Mico-Layout,
Bengaluru - 560 076, Karnataka, India.
be involved in childcare,[2] which may affect marital E-mail:
and child relationships as well as their health status
and feelings that are sometimes overlooked and may
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0
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DOI: How to cite this article: Ganapathy T. Exploration of first-time

10.4103/0975-9727.174608 fathers’ experiences during the child’s first year. Muller J Med Sci Res

© 2016 Muller Journal of Medical Sciences and Research | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 23
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Ganapathy: Paternal postpartum experiences

Though men and women become parents at the same fatherhood, and be careful not to deride their initial efforts
time, they do not necessarily become parents in the and to treat them as valuable partners to their spouses
same way.[4,5] Although men’s passage to parenthood and not as their assistants in their new joint venture of
is comparatively smooth without much physical and parenthood.
emotional changes that new mothers undergo, it is not
free of turbulence.[6] It may take time for fathers to adapt Given that first-time fathers are presumably vulnerable
to their new role and they may need access to support for negative paternal postpartum experiences and it may
and advice.[4] They should be encouraged to talk to have possible effect on the well-being of fathers and
their partner or to a professional about what is it that is families, a research had been undertaken to explore
worrying them. By expressing their anxieties, new fathers first-time fathers’ experiences during the first year of
are more likely to get a clearer perspective and the postpartum period. At a time of shifting social mores
support they need to feel better as keeping silent about and increasing expectation of the father’s involvement in
their feelings can actually increase stress.[7] direct child care, child and family services have a definite
role to play in supporting first-time fathers to help them
Fatherhood is a benchmark for masculinity, characterized address shortcomings in skills, knowledge, and personal
by a patriarchal array of assumptions, ideals, expectations, functioning. Such an understanding may assist health
stereotypes, and an imposition that dictates the dynamics professionals in the early identification of problems and
of that role.[8] In reality, fatherhood involves sleepless subsequent interventions that may decrease the risk of
nights, anxiety, stress, feelings of being overwhelmed, and negative outcomes.
difficulties in coping. Due to fear of social repercussions,
they are unable to express and validate their feelings and Materials and Methods
needs within supportive, accepting, and nonjudgmental
interrelationships and cultural contexts.[3,7] They feel Respondents
trapped in their experiences as a result of being unable A descriptive exploratory research was conducted
to express themselves and strive to present themselves among n = 149 first-time fathers who were in the first
according to social and cultural expectations. Out of year of postpartum period and working in private firms/
shame, perceived stigma, and the fear of being deemed companies located in Bannerghatta MICO layout,
as unfit fathers, they are hesitant to disclose their true Bangalore, South Karnataka, India. They access health
feelings;[9] they hide their feelings and experiences but care services through private secondary and tertiary
often secretly hope that someone will notice and help health care hospitals, clinics, and primary health care
them.[6] settings. Purposive sampling was used to recruit first-time
fathers whose infants were healthy, born after 37 weeks
In reproductive health research, there is a wealth of of gestation, with a birth weight of at least 2,500 g,
evidence and consensus of experts about maternal experienced no complications during delivery, with no
health and its impact on children. There is very limited risk factors complicating the infancy period, and severe
knowledge on new fathers’ experiences during the child’s illness or abnormalities. Fathers with more than one child
first year, yet there is evidence that paternal well-being were excluded from this study based on the assumption
has a potential impact on partners, children from infancy that they would most likely have different experiences
to adolescence, and the fathers themselves.[8,9] Despite than first-time fathers. Data were collected between the
such suggestions, paternal postpartum care is often
months of January 2014 and December 2014.
given a low priority in research and clinical practice.[7,9]
The aim of postpartum care is not only to ensure the
Ethical considerations
health of mothers and babies but also to help first-time
fathers cope with the new situation, to provide support The study was conducted in compliance with the ethical
during these difficult adjustment periods, and to ensure principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical approval
that new fathers feel confident in caring for their babies. was obtained from the institutional ethical review
Unfortunately, researchers and practitioners have made committee and permission to conduct the study was
limited progress in the attempt to address the explicit and obtained from the managing supervisors of the private
unspoken needs of many new fathers in the paternal companies. The participation was voluntary and written
postpartum period; so it is not surprising that there is a informed consent was obtained from all respondents
long list of questions yet to be addressed. It is wise for prior to the interviews. To ensure anonymity, a coding
reproductive health care professionals to recognize the number was assigned to each consent form and the
new fathers’ uncertainty about their fathering abilities, interview data sheet in the right top corner, starting from
the unique and possibly stressful experiences of new 001 coding number. Respondent confidentiality during

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Ganapathy: Paternal postpartum experiences

the research process and in the reporting of findings was descriptive statistics and association between
thoroughly discussed. Respondents were informed that sociodemographic factors and response categories were
if they wanted to withdraw from the study, they could do computed by Pearson’s chi-square test or Fisher’s exact
so at any time and their respective data sheets would probability test. An alpha less than 0.05 was considered
be destroyed. to be significant in all analyses.

Measures Results
To explore the experience of first-time fathers during A total of 149 first-time fathers were recruited through
the child’s first year, a four-point interview rating was purposive sampling technique and 131 (87.46%) fathers
developed by the researcher. Important concepts completed the interview. The attrition rate of n = 18
and items to represent the concepts were identified (12.54%) first-time fathers included those respondents
through the literature review, discussion with midwives, who did not answer all the items and those withdrew from
psychologists, fathers. and mothers. Concepts related the study after answering a minimum of 10-12 items,
to rejuvenation, emotional upheaval, lifestyle changes, reporting that they had to attend an emergency meeting
social isolation, lack of time, relationship difficulties, and unexpected work, etc.
balancing career and family, physical problems, and
financial adjustments were generated. The rating scale Respondents’ characteristics
consisted of 59 items, presented as statements with The respondents’ age ranged from 27 years to 36 years
respondents’ responses being rated on a four-point with mean age of 28.91, SD 6.39. A greater proportion of
Likert scale (“not at all” = 1, “to some extent” = 2, “lot the respondents had University under and postgraduates
more” = 3, and“very much so” = 4). The baseline data education n = 101 (77.10%) and the rest n = 30 (22.90%)
included sociodemographic factors including age, had diploma technical education. All of them n—131
education, income, involvement in pregnancy, labor, and (100%) were private company employees with their
postnatal care, along with information about paternity monthly income above 50,000 and n = 24 (18.32%)
leave. The tool was validated by the psychiatric and of the first-time fathers reported they were the sole
obstetrics and gynecolgy (OBG) subject experts for breadwinners for their family and n = 107(81.68%) had
comprehensiveness, relevance, and comprehensibility. working partners to support in managing the family
The tool was piloted among 10 fathers and the item expenses.
difficulty and discriminative index were computed.
Items with poor discriminative and difficulty index were Regarding their paternal postpartum period n = 63
discarded and it was reevaluated by the experts; Content (48.09%) first-time fathers had 6–9 months of newborns
Validity Index (CVI) was computed using Lawshe’s and n = 68 (51.91%) had infants aged 9 months to less
formula [10] and CVI was 0.89. Internal consistency than 1 year. A majority of the respondents had n = 79
reliability of the tool by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (60.31%) daughters and n = 52 (39.69%) had sons.
yielded 0.91. The final tool consisted of 50 items. Paternity leave was not availed by any first-time fathers
and n = 107 (81.68%) had working partners and n = 24
Procedures (18.32%) unemployed partners taking care of the child.
The first-time fathers were interviewed at 24 weeks Among working parents, n = 37 ( 34.58%) had family
to 1 year of the birth of their infant. Each father was support to take care of the baby and n = 70 (65.42%)
interviewed separately at the workplace. The respondents were depending on babysitters, maids, and crèches.
were asked to report their experiences during the child’s
first year. The total items were 50 and the scores were Key concepts related to experiences of first-time
ranged from 50 to a maximum of 200 and the responses fathers
were given weightage based on the mean scores. The The mean scores of experience of first-time fathers
interview lasted for 35-45 min and was documented with during the child’s first year ranged from 71 to 194 out
their permission. of possible scores of 200 and the mean percentage
was 72.93 standard deviation (SD) 3.403. Of the
Statistical analysis n = 131 respondents, the vast majority (92.75%)
Statistical analysis was conducted using Statistical reported an emotional seesaw experience of amazing
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17 emotional highs, feelings, and, of course fight or
(IBM SPSS Modeler, USA). Respondents’ baseline flight response — anger, frustration, sadness, guilt,
characteristics and responses were analyzed using depression, or self-pity, and sometimes feeling more

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Ganapathy: Paternal postpartum experiences

low within the family while adjusting to their new roles. reported that fatherhood evoked the feelings of love,
Changes in lifestyle was experienced by 88.25% of affection, and tenderness, and made them feel like a
the fathers, rejuvenating experience by 77.25%, social real (79%) and complete (75.75%) man in life. The fourth
isolation and lack of time for leisure activities and hobbies category of experiences reported by them constituted
by 69%, relationship difficulties with partner, parents, the lack of time and feelings of social isolation (69%)
and friends by 67.25%, balancing career and family from friends, family members, and parents. Most of them
issues were reported by 66%, and experiencing ongoing reported that due to domestic and childcare activities,
physical problems by 65.5%. However, only 57.5% they did not get time for recreation and pursuing their
reported that they experienced financial constraints in hobbies, and attending social gatherings and outdoor
the first year of the postpaternal period. A majority of parties with friends (64.75%).
the first-time fathers — 61.34% — reported positive
postpartum experiences as compared to 38.66% who The fifth category of experiences (67.25%) reported by
reported negative fatherhood experiences [Table 1]. them constituted changes in their relationships and poor
communication in quality and quantity with their partners,
Experiences of first-time fathers during the child’s friends and lack of intimacy with their partners (78.75%).
first year Balancing career and family was the sixth category of
An important element in this study was the quantitative responses (66%) by the first-time fathers and the seventh
measure of first-time fathers’ experiences in the child’s category was related to physical problems (65.5%)
first-year period on a four-point Likert scale. The highest experienced by them in terms of exhaustion, indigestion,
rated category of experiences reported by the first- throbbing headache, fatigue, physically drained energy
time fathers was emotional upheaval (92.75%). The level, restless insomnia, and overdependence on
subcategories of responses stated by first-time fathers drugs and alcohol to overcome physical and emotional
were sudden mood swings (97%), hypersensitivity to weakness. The lowest reported category of experiences
criticism (88.5%), lack of motivation (90.25%), frequent by the first-time fathers were related to financial difficulties
frustration (96.5%), discouraged feelings (91.75%), (57.5%) in terms of meeting the growing demands of
irritability (97.25%), anxiousness, guilt (85.75%) in the family, childcare activities, the child’s and partner’s
fulfilling the role of the father, problems with concentration needs, health checkups, medications, and entertainment
(89.75%) due to strain in the role, physical and emotional of visitors and celebration of functions in the family.
exhaustion, feeling incompetent in taking care of the child
and family demands, ambivalence (91.75%) about the
fathering role, sudden impulsiveness, and taking of risks This study reports the experiences of first-time fathers
such as reckless driving for unknown reasons (96.75). during the child’s first year. The transition to fatherhood is
one of the most significant and challenging experiences a
The second largest category of experiences (88.25%) man will ever face. The transition into a parent presents
reported was related to a chaotic lifestyle in terms of fathers with both an opportunity to learn a new role and
experiencing conflicts regarding how they perceived a the experience of stress and change.[11] Every man has
man should be and how they actually were (92.75%), his own unique history, experiences, and individual
loss of independence (89.75%), lifestyle ruled by the characteristics in his understanding of what it means to
child’s needs and activities (86%), disturbances in daily be a father and a parent.[6] It is helpful for every father to
routine activities (95.25%), sharing of household chores know that with the birth of his child, changes will occur
and responsibilities (89%), performing feeding, diapering, within himself and with all his relationships––with his
playing, and taking care of the child when wife is busy child, the mother of his child, his own parents, and with
(79%), too many household responsibilities, which were the surrounding community.[4,6,12]
not there before the child’s birth (94.75%), and less
domination over the partner experiencing equality and The results of this present study have demonstrated
changes in the power balance (78.25%) roles in the family; that first-time fathers have positive and negative
sometimes they felt a shift in decision making power. experiences during the child’s first year of life. A majority
of first-time fathers — 61.34% — reported positive
The third category of feelings described by the first-time and pleasant postpartum paternal experiences and
fathers were positive experiences of fatherhood in terms 38.66% reported negative fatherhood experiences
of wholeness built on the close relation to the child such due to physical and psychological role strain, family
as happiness, joy, and pleasurable and rejuvenating commitments, home chores, and financial constraints
feelings (77.25%) as the father. A majority (80.25%) associated with the arrival of the child. The evidence

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Ganapathy: Paternal postpartum experiences

Table 1: New fathers’ experiences during the child’s first year N = 131
Response category of new fathers’ experiences during the child’s first year Weighted mean score Weighted mean %
Emotional seesaw experience 3.71 92.75
Sudden mood swings 3.88 97
Hypersensitivity to criticism 3.54 88.5
Lack of motivation 3.61 90.25
Becoming easily frustrated 3.86 96.50
Feeling discouraged 3.67 91.75
Irritability 3. 89 97.25
Anxiousness, guilt 3.43 85.75
Problems with concentration 3.59 89.75
Feeling incompetent and ambivalent 3.67 91.75
Impulsiveness and the taking of risks such as reckless driving 3.87 96.75
Lifestyle change experience 3.53 88.25
Experiencing conflicts regarding their perception of how a man should be and how 3.71 92.75
they actually were
Loosing independence 3.59 89.75
Lifestyle dictated by child’s needs 3. 44 86
Disruption of the daily routine 3.81 95.25
Division of household chores and responsibilities 3.56 89
Taking care of child––feeding, diapering, etc. 3.16 79
Too many responsibilities at home 3.79 94.75
Changes in power balance in the family 3.13 78.25
Rejuvenating experience 3.09 77.25
Evocation of feelings of love, affection, and tenderness 3.21 80.25
Pleasant, overwhelming experience 3.09 77.25
Feeling like a real man 3.16 79
Feeling completeness in life 3.03 75.75
Pride and joy 2.97 74.25
Social isolation and lack of time 2.76 69
Isolation from friends 3.03 75.75
Isolation from family members and parents 2.87 71.75
Lack of time for hobbies and sports 3.11 77.75
Lack of leisure activities and recreation 2.24 56
Minimal social gatherings and functions 2.59 64.75
Relationship difficulties 2.69 67.25
Poor communication with partner 3.38 84.5
Poor communication with parents 1.79 44.75
Poor communication with friends 2.49 66.25
Lack of intimacy with partner 3.15 78.75
Balancing career and family 2.64 66
Multitasking 3.69 92.25
Working constantly 2.37 59.25
Loss of interest in work 1.61 40.25
Increase concerns about functioning at work 2.34 58.5
Increase concerns about productivity at work 3.19 79.75
Physical problems 2.62 65.5
Exhaustion 3.15 78.75
Low or no energy 2.95 73.75
Physically drained 2.13 53.25
Dependence on alcohol, drugs 2.29 57.25
Restless insomnia
Losing weight without trying 3.11 77.25
Ongoing physical symptoms — indigestion, pain, and headache 2.21 55.25
Financial adjustments 2.3 57.5
Financial constraints in meeting family needs 2.55 63.75
Child’s needs 3.37 84.25
Partner’s needs 2.01 50.25
Medications 1.49 37.25
Health checkups 2.17 54.25
Functions and visitors 2.21 55.25

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Ganapathy: Paternal postpartum experiences

emerging from the present study is in consistence position in the family and everything revolves around
with the findings of Condon[4] who postulated that the his/her needs and the fathers became more bound
transition to parenthood is a difficult one and first-time than before. [6,7] The study findings reveal that the
fathers experience stress and feel alienated as they do majority (88.25%) of first-time fathers have experienced
not know what to expect and what role it is that they can considerable lifestyle changes after the infant’s arrival in
play. Similarly, Pilyoung[13] argues that first-time fathers terms of less space for spontaneous actions, disruption
experience fewer positive thoughts about parenting in daily routines and taking responsibility for the baby
(positive parenting) and the baby (positive baby) during when wife cannot do. An interesting finding is that the
the first year in the postpartum period. In the public vast majority of fathers are involved in most of the daily
mind, the stigma attached to the diagnosis of negative childcare tasks such as nappy-changing, keeping awake
feelings and experiences appears to dissuade men from at night, bathing, putting the child to bed, spending more
identifying their struggle, acknowledging their needs, and time shopping, and doing housework plus providing
seeking help for their difficulties. The study suggests that more of the family income. Supportive findings were
health care providers must acknowledge the pressure reported by Premberg[15] Russell[14] that first-time fathers
that is placed on today’s fathers to perform efficiently experience extensive changes in their lives and that
in various roles as financier, stabilizer, companion, and there was no turning back and there were feelings of loss
caretaker. Further, this recognition must be coupled concerning their previous lifestyle. They reported that
with understanding, compassion, and gender-sensitive first-time fathers’ lives had become far more restricted
clinical practice within the health care industry, and men since the birth of their babies due to the involvement in
friendly health care support services for making their childcare activities and they did not have enough time
transition into fatherhood healthy and positive. for themselves. This study findings calls for reforming the
health care professionals’ interactions with men so as to
Emotional see saw experience spend more time with them to inquire into their concerns,
The first year of postpartum period rather than pregnancy provide specifically designed father-friendly classes to
would appear to be the most stressful period for parents address the significant changes that take place for men
undergoing a transition to parenthood.[1,4] The study findings during the transition to fatherhood, and encourage health-
revealed that the vast majority (92.75%) of first-time fathers promoting behaviors to maintain successful functioning.
reported fatherhood as an emotionally overwhelming
experience but it caused strain, exhaustion, ambivalence, Rejuvenating experience
resentment, anger, and led to feelings of being fatigued To become a father is an overwhelming experience, which
and drained of physical and emotional energy and they demands adaptability to a completely new life situation
experienced difficulties in living up to the new demands with increased responsibility. Results of this investigation
of being a father and felt frustration. Hall[11] and Russell[14] have demonstrated that the majority (77.25%) of first-time
reported similar findings of 50% of first-time fathers fathers energetically report fatherhood as a pleasant
experiencing severe to moderate mood disorders, feelings experience and claim that it evokes sense of happiness,
of guilt, loss, exhaustion, ambivalence, resentment, anger, feelings of love, affection, and tenderness toward infants.
conflict with their partners, more arguing, poor relationship, Some of them reported that they derived a great deal
struggling with changing roles and identities, and distress of satisfaction and pride from fathering and felt that the
following the birth of their first infant. The stigma of mood father role made them feel like a complete and real man
disorders prohibits its prevalence from being known in life. Consistent findings were reported by Leodoro[16]
and thus, sustains the myth that it is a rare and strange and Sapountzi[17] of first-time fathers considering the
occurrence usually experienced by men who have some first year of fatherhood as the most joyous and ecstatic
form of emotional and personal deficit. This research experience that their lives offered and many men reported
findings shows that maternity services have a key role in that after they became fathers, they displayed different
training, supporting, and encouraging men to expand their aspects of themselves at work and home.
caring roles during the child’s first year as their mental
health and emotional well-being and the relationship Social isolation and lack of time
between them and their spouse are critical to the health Becoming parents leads to changes in how married
and well-being of the mothers, babies, and themselves. couples divide their responsibilities within the home.
A majority of first-time fathers (69%) reported that
Lifestyle change experience they found a lack of time for sports, hobbies, leisure
For first-time fathers, the arrival of a child results in activities, spending time with their friends, parents, and
lifestyle changes as the baby occupies the central sometimes felt that they were socially isolated. Quite a

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Ganapathy: Paternal postpartum experiences

few of them complained about postponing their hobbies importance if this erosion is to be stemmed. Amid all the
and leisure-time activities, and experienced conflicts and adjustments new parents need to make, the couple’s
chaos in their life between work, friends, family, and the relationship can often become vulnerable as partners
infant. They did not have enough time for themselves struggle to maintain their preparenthood focus on
and their spouses to meet their own individual needs each other. Practitioners can help new parents through
and their needs as a couple. Supportive findings were the transition via programs that focus on the couple’s
reported by Hall[11] Ahlborg and Strandmark[18] of first-time relationship alongside the challenges of parenting.
fathers experiencing conflict between several aspects of Therefore, understanding the factors associated with
equal value in life such as work, hobbies, friends, and the decline in satisfaction and the interactions between
family. The fathers had a fear of being isolated, had not them can arm practitioners with information to help
expected the infant to be as nonsocial and demanding clients prepare for, and perhaps counteract, the ways
as it proved to be, and felt deeply unhappy. They felt in which becoming a parent negatively impacts couple
that it was required of them to change their behavior and relationships.
attitudes and expressed frustration at having less time
for themselves and being less free as individuals. This Balancing career and family
calls for the attention of maternity health care personnel While fatherhood can be a source of great happiness, the
to understand that new fathers are on a steep learning stresses and strains of balancing work and family life may
curve and need support and guidance right from the start have an impact on the overall well-being. Working parents
to discuss their thoughts and feelings about the changes who say they find it difficult to manage the responsibilities
they face for better coping in their transition. of their jobs and families are somewhat less happy
overall than those who do not have difficulty in balancing
Relationship difficulties these things. The study findings revealed that a majority
There is now compelling evidence on the importance of a of the first-time fathers (66%) reported fatherhood as
stable family relationship on the emotional well-being of multitasking as they had to balance work, job pressure,
children and adults.[12] During the transition to parenthood, career-centric attitude, job security, accomplishment,
there are significant challenges that new parents face, and family demands and they found it difficult to balance
and many experience some level of deterioration in the at times. Levitt,[3] Condon[4] and Tohotoa[7] reported
quality of their relationship during this time. Adjusting consistent findings of paid employment influencing the
to new roles, conflicting expectations about parenting, amount of time available for men’s parenting for the child
reduced relationship and leisure time, and challenges and family and they made sacrifices at work because
in managing work-life balance can put pressure on of the child, which caused job pressure, escalated role
relationships for first-time fathers. Results of the present demands, work strain and increased responsibilities, and
study revealed that highest percentage (67.25%) of the poor job satisfaction.
first-time fathers felt that the postpartum paternal period
had subjected them to poor communication in both Men are often expected to be strong and capable; yet
quantity and quality with decreased marital satisfaction fathers also have to contend with the emotional changes
and lack of intimacy with their partner and minimal quality and challenges that a new baby brings to the family. At
of communication with their parents and friends. The times, this balancing or juggling act can be difficult and
evidence emerging from this study is in line with several traumatic. For some men, the struggle is reflected in
studies by Ahlborg and Strandmark,[18] Genesoni,[19] and emotional distress or depression. This study findings
Ramachandani[20] who reported that fathers expressed call for the attention of health care personnel to organize
a feeling of marital conflict and dissatisfaction. Some community- and hospital-based male-friendly health-
felt that their wives did not have any feeling to spare for care services, male-oriented classes and male-specific
them. The babies were the focus of the mothers’ love at health education camps where men feel comfortable in
the expense of the fathers who did not feel emotionally discussing their issues and the significant changes that
confirmed. Men also expressed feelings of sadness at take place in them during the transition to fatherhood for
not having had any sexual relations after the birth of the effective coping.
Physical problems
Poor quality parental relationships are associated with The all-consuming nature of fathering makes men feel
poor parenting, poor quality parent-child relationships, exhausted and drained of physical and emotional energy.
and poor long-term social emotional and educational Dealing with lack of sleep is another greatest challenge
outcomes for children. Early intervention is of paramount faced by new parents. Some babies find a sleeping

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Ganapathy: Paternal postpartum experiences

pattern quickly that does not disrupt the household but Implications for practice
many parents face sleepless nights well into the child’s The results of this study may be of value to maternity
first year. When one is tired, one can feel irritable and health care professionals to tailor appropriate teaching
the level of stress in a household with a sleepless baby strategies for first-time fathers in the ante-, intra-, and
can be very high. The potential for misunderstandings postpartum periods. Health care providers need to be
and arguments is great largely due to the lack of quality aware that first-time fathers are vulnerable to negative
sleep in parents. The study reveals that a majority of experiences similar to mothers. Modified parenthood
first-time fathers (65.5%) had reported the loss of weight education related to men-specific and men-oriented
without trying, experiencing of indigestion, pain, on-and- programs with courses focusing on first-time fathers,
off headache, feeling physically drained and exhausted
debunking myths, and providing clear explanations,
with no energy, and overdependence on alcohol and
information and guidance may be provided to first-time
sleeping pills. Geneasoni [19] and Ramchandani [20]
fathers to avoid unnecessary interventions and negative
reported consistent findings of first-time fathers feeling
physically exhausted, that the fatigue experienced by
them were unbearable, and that they were less energetic
Regular contact with first-time fathers during the
during the entire postpartum year. Maternity health care
reproductive period through ante- and postnatal clinics
professionals should include fathers in child-mother-
and early childhood clinics provides an opportunity to
family education programs, offer them the opportunity to
supply information to first-time fathers on parenting.
discuss their difficulties and problems that they are facing,
This will assist first-time fathers to distinguish between
and support them to support their partners and infants.
mood disorders and the normal stress occasioned by
a new baby, and make them aware of existing support
Financial adjustments
services. Pamphlets/ brochures outlining the importance
The study reported that the highest percentage of of a father’s well-being for himself and his family and
fathers (55%) experienced financial constraints to the common stresses experienced by first-time fathers
meet the family’s, child’s, and partner’s needs, spend a could also be provided by maternal and child health and
huge amount on check-ups, medications, and hosting education bodies in the hospital and community settings.
functions, and constantly entertain visitors at home.
A finding of this study is in line with the literature of Strengths and limitations
Genesoni and Tallandini [19] about fathers’ first-year
This study strengthens the literature on new fathers’
experience who highlighted that first-time fathers’
experiences during the child’s first year, a generally
primary stressor was most commonly financial concerns
underresearched area. Data were collected from low-
related to sustaining the family and children. Bradley[8]
risk term infants’ new fathers, gerealizabilty to first-
and Schumacher[9] claim that the new father archetype
time fathers who are at risk for providing lower quality
is one of the dominant notions circulating in relation to
parenting, such as fathers who have had negative early
how men are expected to behave. Men are generally still
experiences, or suffer from psychopathology and multiple
expected to participate fully in the economic sphere and
children are limited. Second, this study narrowed its focus
to act as providers for their families, and are encouraged
on new fathers experiences’ during the child’s first year.
to construct their self-identities as masculine subjects
Future studies are recommended to explore the new
through their work role. First-time parents rightly want
fathers’ experiences on the long-term developmental
the best of everything for their child. Following the birth
period of the child.
of their first child, parents become much more aware
of their financial situation and while many couples may
have managed alright before the birth of the infant they
may find the going more difficult after the birth and many The finding of this study provides a preliminary insight
difficult decisions may have to be taken, which can lead to help maternity health care providers in identifying
to much stress for young couples. new fathers’ experiences during the child’s first year.
Since no other health professional has as much routine
The findings from this study suggest that while there is contact with fathers, the maternity team is ideally placed
certainly room for improvement and involvement in the to provide new fathers with timely, relevant information
participation of fathers in direct child care, child and family about paternal postpartum experiences, which may
services has a definite role to play in supporting fathers increase their coping skills. Ambivalent and negative
to help them address shortcomings in skills, knowledge, attitudes toward fathers are relatively common among
and personal functioning. welfare, health, and education workers.[1]

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