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The University of Lahore

Critical Review of Central Operations and Air

Control Services at AIIA, Lahore, Pakistan

Internship Project Report/Thesis

Submitted to
Lahore School of Aviation, The University of Lahore

in partial fulfillment of the Requirements

for the degree of
BS in Aviation Management
Session: 2018-2022

Submitted by:
Burhan Ali (70073276)
Supervised by:
Miss Saba Munir

MAY 26, 2022

Internship Project Minutiae

Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority

Internship Title

Critical Review on Central Operations and Air Control

Services at AIIA, Lahore, Pakistan
Burhan Ali
Facility: Civil Aviation Authority office, Allama Iqbal International Airport, Lahore,

Internship Tenure Total:Four weeks

From: 31-August-2021 To: 24-September-2021

Primary Internship Air Traffic Controller


Secondary Internship Cargo, Commercial, Human Resource Management

Department (s)

Site Supervisor: Sir Jahangir

Supervisor ATC

Faculty supervisor Saba Munir (Lecturer)

Lahore School of Aviation
The University of Lahore

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore II

Internship Completion Certificate

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore III

Declaration of Originality

I, Burhan Ali hereby solemnly declare that this Internship Report:

 Is my original work, except where otherwise acknowledged in the text

 I have not published/submitted it earlier to any institution/ organization

 I will not submit it in future to any institution/ organization for obtaining any

 I have done my work in compliance with HEC Plagiarism Policy

By all means, I assent that in case any of above declarations found violated, I shall be

solely liable to such violation and be punished as per the plagiarism rules of HEC.

Student’s Full Signature Date

PDIR Committee Review

Critical Review on Central Operations and Air Control

Services at AIIA, Lahore, Pakistan

Internship Project Report

Burhan Ali
Registration No. 70073276
Session: 2018-2022

Submitted to
Lahore School of Aviation, The University of Lahore.

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of

BS in Aviation Management

Approved by:PDIR Committee

______________________ _______________________
Saba Munir Saba Munir
Coordinator Research/Internship Program Research Supervisor

______________________ _______________________
NadeemIqbal Naeem Mubashar
Manager Research/Internship Program External Supervisor/
Aviation industry

______________________ _______________________
SaroopAnwer Imtiaz Hussain
Head of Examination, LSA HOD

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore V

Executive Summary

This report contains information about the PCAA history, its vision, mission, and core
values statements. Then the details of each department which I visited and learned in all
those different departments and what is learned about all those systems used in those
departments. It also contains all work and information which we have understood in the
group during the internship that is as my major was Aviation so main interest in an
internship was in the Human Resource Department.

I visited the various department during my time period i.e. ATC, HR department, Cargo,
Commercial, and learned all the working and operation being done in these departments.
HR department deals with all employees maintaining a record of medical and the welfare
funds in case of death or in any need of employee; it also deals with the posting,
granting, leaves, preparing service books, conducting training and development and
gives pension to retired employees. Commercial department deals with aeronautical and
non- aeronautical revenue of the airport. ATC controls all air traffic inbound and
outbound. Cargo deals with cargo companies. Detail information of all departments is
provided further.

The internship is an opportunity for us to perform different tasks and duties. My interest
was basically in the Human Resource department in which I did office work. I
implement theory learned during class sessions in university into practice to also gain
experience for future job. A project was given by the HR department on making a report
of PCAA services and facilities gives to their employees and has to submit on given

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore VI


I pledge this task to God Almighty my creator, my strong support, my

source of stimulus, understanding, information and concerned. I also
consecrate this work to my instructors; who has fortified me all the way and
whose reassurance has made sure that I give it all it takes to polish that
which I have started.

First and foremost, I would like to pay my heartfelt thanks to ALLAH ALMIGHTY for
giving me the opportunity to study BSAM and making all my ways smooth to move

I want to thank my proposal counsellor Miss SabaMunir, Coordinator

Research/Internship Program at University of Lahore. Her doors were always open for
support and queries. She dependably acceptable this paper to be my own work, yet
measured me in the privilege the heading at whatsoever point she supposed I required.

I also acknowledge Sir Nadeem Iqbal, who approved the study for this report. Without
their enthusiastic provision and information, the endorsement review couldn't have been
effectively commanded.
Internship Project Minutiae.....................................................................................................II
Internship Completion Certificate..........................................................................................III
Declaration of Originality......................................................................................................IV
PDIR Committee Review........................................................................................................V
Executive Summary...............................................................................................................VI
List of Figures........................................................................................................................XI
List of Tables........................................................................................................................XII
Chapter No.1: Introduction of PCAA..................................................................................................14
1.1. Global Aviation Industry Review............................................................................................14
1.2. Pakistan Aviation Industry Review:.........................................................................................15
1.3. Portfolio of Aviation Industry:.................................................................................................16
1.4. Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Profile:...............................................................................17
1.4.1. History of the PCAA:.............................................................................................................17
1.4.2. Strategic Orientation of Organization:...................................................................................17
1.4.3. Ownership of the PCAA:.......................................................................................................18
1.4.4. The Sector of PCAA:.............................................................................................................18
1.4.5. Customers of PCAA:..............................................................................................................18
1.4.6. Organization Chart:..............................................................................................................19
1.4.7. Departmentalization:............................................................................................................19
Critical Review of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority...........................................................23
1.5. Critical Analysis of PCAA.......................................................................................................23
1.5.1. Portfolio Analysis – BCG Matrix...........................................................................................23
1.5.2. Competitive Analysis – SWOT Analysis...............................................................................24
1.5.3. Environmental Analysis – PESTLE Analysis........................................................................27
1.5.4. Financial Analysis – Financial ratios.....................................................................................28
1.5.5. Marketing Strategies...............................................................................................................34
1.5.6. HR Analysis...........................................................................................................................34
1.5.7. Major Competitors of PCAA.................................................................................................35
1.5.8. Success and failure of PCAA services in the market.............................................................37
Internship Department/Job Review........................................................................................38
1.1. Intern Department Review:......................................................................................................38

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore IX

3.1.1. Department Review:...............................................................................................................38
3.1.2. Name/Designation of the Supervisor:....................................................................................42
3.1.3. Work Process Chart................................................................................................................42
3.1.4. Role of Intern Job in the overall departmental process..........................................................43
Week 1, I have done the internship in HR department where I learned how to collect
and maintain the record of employees’ collection and screening of applications,
recruitment and selection, communication skills management skills..................................................43
Week 2, I have done the internship in cargo department where I learned how cargo is
categorize, loading and unloading of cargo according to standards....................................................43
Week 3, I have done the internship in ATC control department where I learned how the
ATC department and ATC officer work. Get knowledge about flight plan preflight
manuals how ATC gives permission to pilots and gain knowledge about the equipment
installed in ATC tower.........................................................................................................................43
Week 4, I have done the internship in the SQMS department where I learned what the
quality standards are and how they implement it and how they manage everything and
they utilize the quality..........................................................................................................................43
3.2. Intern Job Review:...................................................................................................................43
3.2.1. Description of the job nature..................................................................................................44
3.2.2. Activities Performed by the Intern in this Department:.........................................................44
3.2.3. Distinctive Achievement........................................................................................................44
3.2.4. Key Failures:..........................................................................................................................45
3.2.5. Key learning point..................................................................................................................45
The Internship Project............................................................................................................46
4.1. Project Description.......................................................................................................................46
4.2. Project Title..................................................................................................................................46
4.3. Project Team Composition..........................................................................................................46
4.4. Project Design..............................................................................................................................46
4.5. Key findings/Results....................................................................................................................47
4.6. Project Recommendations...........................................................................................................47
Internship Assessment and Recommendations......................................................................48
5.1 Assessment of Internship Experience............................................................................................48
5.1.1 Major responsibility undertaken during the internship..........................................................48
5.1.2 Skills and Qualifications Acquired from Internship...............................................................48
5.1.3 Impact of Internship on Future Career Path of the Intern......................................................48
5.1.4 Overall Comparison Between Theory and Practice...............................................................49
5.1.5 General Observations about the Sector of the Internship.......................................................49
5.2 . Internship Recommendation........................................................................................................49
5.2.1 Recommendations for the PCAA...........................................................................................49
5.2.2 Recommendations for Department & Future Interns.............................................................50

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore X

Internship/ThesisSupervisor Meeting Log.............................................................................54

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore XI

List of Figures

Figure 1 (Pakistan Aviation)..................................................................................................16

Figure 2 (Pakistan Civil Aviation Organization, 2019)..........................................................19
Figure 3 (BCG Matrix)...........................................................................................................24
Figure 4 (Annual rep 2019)....................................................................................................30
Figure 5 (Financial Comparison)............................................................................................31
Figure 6 (Neighborhood)........................................................................................................36
Figure 7 (ATC Process)..........................................................................................................39
Figure 8 (Work Process Chart)...............................................................................................42
Figure 9 (ATC Services)........................................................................................................45

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore XII

List of Tables

Table 3-1 (Supervisors)..........................................................................................................42

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore XIII


PCAA Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

PCAA Civil Aviation Authority

HQPCAA Headquarter Civil Aviation Authority

GM General Manager

ICAO International Civil Aviation Authority

HR Human Resource

FIR Flight Information Region

ATC Air Traffic Controller

AIM Aeronautical Information Management

SQMS Safety and Quality Management Systems

UN United Nation

MOD Ministry Of Defense

IT Information Technology

ASF Airports Security Force

SAPS Shaheen Airport Services

ATCO Air Traffic Controller Officer

ANF Anti Narcotics Force

CATI Civil Aviation Training Institute

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore XIV

Chapter No.1: Introduction of PCAA
1.1. Global Aviation Industry Review

The purpose of the PCAA is to promote and regulate civil aviation activities in Pakistan,
as well as to develop an infrastructure for a safe, efficient, adequate, economical, and
well coordinated civil air transport service. PCAA not only serves as the country's
aviation regulator, but also as a service provider for Air Navigation Services and Airport
Services. PCAA's main responsibilities are 'Regulatory,' 'Air Navigation Services,' and
'Airport Services.' These core functions are fully supported by the organization's various
corporate functions.

The PCAA has its headquarters in Karachi. PCAA's restructuring process, which took
place between 2006 and 2010, allowed the organization to meet the International Civil
Aviation Organization's requirements (ICAO). ICAO audited Pakistan in June 2011 as
part of the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP) and found it to be about
83 percent compliant, compared to the world average of 65 percent. The PCAA Board is
responsible for the overall management and administration of the Authority and its
affairs and it exercises all powers, performs all functions, and does all acts and things
that must be exercised, performed, or done by the Authority. The Secretary of the
Division to which the Authority's affairs are assigned is the Chairman of the PCAA
Board. It is currently held by the Secretary of Aviation.

The PCAA Executive Committee is the organization's highest decision-making body. It

has the administrative, executive, financial, and technical powers hat the Authority has
delegated to it. The PCAA Executive Committee is chaired by DGPCAA. The Director
General, who is the Executive Head of PCAA, is appointed by the Federal Government
and has such powers and performs such responsibilities as may be stated in PCAA law or
assigned to him by the PCAA Board from time to time. PCAA HR Committee and
PCAA Audit Committee help the PCAA Board. PCAA Quality Council, chaired by
DGPCAA and made up of DGPCAA, all Principal Directors, and Directors, sets the
organization's macrolevel objectives and tasks/targets and oversees the organization's
drive toward its vision.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 15

Aviation industry provide services to every corner of the globe and play the important
part in the creation of a global economy. The airline industry is also a vary important
factor of an economy. It not only support economy through its own operations but also
support other industries like tourism and aircraft manufacturing etc.The Global airline
market include air transport providers of cargo and passengers. This Industry exploded
in term of buyer and suppliers. Basically, North America Led this Industry, Europe and
Asia followed it in 2012. Aviation industry globally increased as the demand increases
day by day. Global Aviation industry deal in with major technological innovations such
as introduction of jet airplane for commercial use which further followed by the
developed wide body Jumbo Jet.

1.2. Pakistan Aviation Industry Review

Pakistan's Civil Aviation Authority was created in 1982 and is in charge of overseeing
the country's aviation industry. The Pakistan Airlines Corporation, Pakistan's first airline,
was founded in this year. It is Asia's 16th largest airline, with scheduled flights to 73
destinations spanning Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America, thanks to an
extensive internal network linking 24 cities.

PCAA has a training facility in Hyderabad called CATI (Civil Aviation Training
Institute) where PCAAP offers ATCO, Flight Operations, and Air Crash Investigation
courses to its new and existing workers (CATI) Civil aviation training institutes with
best-in-class and cutting-edge preparation offices can be employed to generate more
revenue and highly trained human resources. CATI can attract more outsiders for
training purposes by putting in a little effort to promote CATI as an exceptional flight
administrations training facility. This will bring more revenue to PCAA and international
trade to Pakistan.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 16

Figure 1 (Pakistan Aviation)

1.3. Portfolio of Aviation Industry:

The departments & divisions which are working with aviation industry are:

 Aircraft manufacturers  Logistics

 Engineering services  Auditing and other HR services
 Airports  Ground Handling Services (GHAs)
 Airlines  Traveling companies and agencies
 Hotels  Security forces

In the aviation industry, the unified collection is the one that is formed with the aim of
achieving the mean-variance optimization.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 17

In the flight industry requirement to be assessed for the attainment is marketing. In view
of the creation, some of the issues that are distinguished: are the project and excellence
all of which are linked to information. In seeing the place, the issues that need to be
careful include the nets of supply and the methods that are rummage-sale. Price is
additional note worthy issue that impacts the carrier industry. It desires to be notable that
consumers nominated an airline to use reliant on on the price of the fares. In this, they
reflect the controls that are given, the discounts and extra extra services such as food
providing and the engaging provided. Elevation is another influence in the advertising
mix, in this, the factors that are careful include the sales promotion and publicity.

1.4.Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Profile:

1.4.1. History of the PCAA:

The Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority PCAAs a public sector autonomousentity that
reports to the Aviation Division Cabinet Secretariat ofthe Pakistani government. The
Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority was founded on December 7, 1982, by the Pakistan
Civil Aviation Authority Ordinance 1982. Prior to the formation of the PCAA, civil
aviation-related operations were managed by the Ministry of Defense’s Civil Aviation
Department (CAD). Even after the formation of PCAA on December 7, 1982, the
Ministry of Defense (MoD) remained the controlling ministry. However,in June 2013,
the Pakistani government delegated this authority tothe Cabinet Secretariat (Aviation

1.4.2. Strategic Orientation of Organization:


“Be a world-class service provider in the aviation industry”


“Provide safe, secure and efficient best-in-class aviation services to the shareholders.”

Core Values

 Commitment  Customer Focus

 Professional Excellence  Safety and Security

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 18

 Integrity  Innovation
 Excellence  Compliance
 Dedication  Team Work

1.4.3. Ownership of the PCAA:

PCAA is a government-owned organization that works for the Department of
Transportation. PCAA not only acts as an aviation regulator, but also as a service
provider for air navigation and airport services. As a result, PCAA's key functions are
Regulatory Air Navigation Services and Airport Services and have monopoly.

1.4.4. The Sector of PCAA:

The Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) is a self-governing public sector

organisation that reports to Pakistan's Federal Management through the Aviation
Division Cabinet Secretariat. PCAA not only serves as an aviation administrator, but also
as a service provider in the fields of Air Navigation Services and Airport Services. As a
result, PCAA's main functions are 'Regulatory,' 'Air Navigation Services,' and 'Airport

1.4.5. Customers of PCAA:

 Flying Clubs
 Ground Handling Agencies
 Airport Facilities (Shops, Restaurants etc.)
 All Airlines

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 19

1.4.6. Organization Chart:

Figure 2 (Pakistan Civil Aviation Organization, 2019)

1.4.7. Departmentalization:
Air Traffic Controller

The main purpose of ATC global is to prevent collisions, establish and accelerate the
flow of air traffic, and offer evidence and other support for pilots. Air traffic controllers
display the position of aircraft in their allocated airspace by radar and communicate with
the pilots by radio.

The purpose of air traffic control is to guarantee that planes travel through the airspace
system safely and efficiently. Planes are moved from one airport to the next following
planned courses, with predetermined spacing between them maintained by controllers.
Each controller is responsible for all aircraft flying in a given area of airspace. As they
approach the sector's outer boundary, aircraft are coordinated to the next controller. The
plane will be handed over to the controller when it reaches at its final destination.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 20

HR Department

The HR Directorate is responsible for the organization's policies and practises relating to
its employees. Recruitment & Selection, Training & Development, Career Planning &
Performance Management, Employee Relations, Rewards & Recognition, Medical
Management, and Compensation & Benefits of Employees are the key operations of the
HR Directorate. Information Technology has recently been integrated into HR with the
goal of automating, digitizing, and developing information systems across PCAA.
Strengthening the roles of Strategic Management, Planning & Change Management, and
Organizational Development are being prioritized so that the change process may be
implemented efficiently. Apart from the aforementioned basic HR tasks, the HR
Directorate also plays the function of CSR and supervises initiatives such as PCAA
Schools, the Idara-e-Hunar O Danish vocational training institute. Following are the core
functions and branches of HR.

 Organizational Development & Talent Management

 Personnel Management
 Compensation & Benefits
 Medical Services
 Business Support Services
 Strategic Management & Research

Safety and Quality Management System(SQMS)

The Safety and Quality Management System is a department that accepts and resolves all
risk-related issues to an acceptable level. According to the applicable ICAO SARPs and
national restrictions, all specialist cooperatives must have a Safety Management System
and take a systematic approach to security oversight. The system should have all of the
necessary components.

 Organizational Structures
 Liabilities.
 Policies
 Procedures

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 21

The SQMS department is a recent addition to PCAA with its own level. When it comes
to air travel, safety becomes the top priority for every organization which is why the
SQMS department was created.


Airworthiness engineers guarantee that aircraft are fit to fly and fulfill with all the related
aviation regulations. This is a interesting and fascinating job, which normally involves
working in an airport. These engineers deal with aircraft and linked software systems
that test for airworthiness on a day-to-day basis.

Flight Operations

The Flight Operations Support Section's role is to manage all these practical and
operative factors such as the weather, over-flight permits, route preparation, aircraft
presentation, airport services, the aircraft's technical complaint or fuel supplies, ground
to air infrastructures and incorporation with crew, schedules and conservation planning.


SQMS Directorate supervises operation of IMS Policy, setting & observing of overall
organizational objectives and tasks & targets and recommends improvement trials in
order to ensure that the organization is focused towards the:

 Vision
 Mission
 Core Values

Cargo Department

Cargo department controls the import and export of the goods through one place to
another. Cargo department also handles the baggage travel through airlines. This
department also deals with the sending and receiving of emails. Cargo department
ensures the safe and secure supply of goods to prevent any illegal activity. Cargo
department is linked with different shippers to deliver good to the customer to whom it
belongs. PCAA does not have their own cargo, therefore, they use the services of PIA
CARGO. PIA cargo manages all the import and export of goods from Pakistan and they

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 22

follow same procedures as any other international state the cargo which imports and
exports first be checked through customs and then they issue an airway bill which has all
the details of sender and receiver and the totalweight of the goods in KGS. Cargo is
divided into two main categories international as well as domestic cargo.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 23

Critical Review of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority

2.1Critical Analysis of PCAA

2.1.1 Portfolio Analysis – BCG Matrix

The BCG matrix tries to overcome possibilities that can increase the company's growth
rate and generate the highest return on investment, and it employs growth rates and
market shares as common aspects to gauge the growth of every business.

Question Mark:

 In the first stage of the BCG matrix, it has a fast market growth rate, but market
shares are comparably limited due to the new product or service that has not yet
determined its likelihood of survival and thus no computation.


 The highest level of service excellence in lounges and during aircraft stays is
represented by the first position in the BCG matrix.
 After passing through the check-in area and boarding passengers are solely
waiting or resting in lounges, the majority of the revenue generated by the star is
spent on the business itself to maintain and re-establish the high rate of
development and economic share.

Cash Cow

 PCAA has two revenue streams, one of which is aeronautical and is primarily
used to advertise one of the airline's primary clients.
 PCAA's cash cow is a well-known non-aeronautical revenue source that
generates cash on a continuous basis. Aviation revenue is lost when airspace is
closed or limited.


 This is the fourth step in the BCG matrix. At this time, the company is unable to
expand or generate revenue.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 24

 It necessitates large-scale, low-return investments. In the PCAA, the provision of
services to the national airline, PIAe89. Its revenue isn't in the billions of rupees.
PIA's commitment to resources as a national carrier has been a point of
contention for PCAA.

Figure 3 (BCG Matrix)

1.4.8. Competitive Analysis – SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis (Qualities, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) are abbreviations

for qualities, shortfalls, opportunities, and threats. The association's strengths and
weaknesses are found on the inside, while the outside world presents open doors and
threats. Show up at the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority characteristics, limits,
openings, and risks as quickly as possible.


 The International Civil Aviation Organization recognises 13 international airports

as competent.
 The PCAA's place in global escape development becomes critical as it routes
distance Pakistani airspace precisely to the key weight of Pakistan's Geographic
 ISO approval has been obtained for the large assembling train station (North).

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 25

 It is one of Pakistan's most productive and well-known semi-government groups.
 Is unmistakable in any wreckage or conflict with any country.
 The fundamental relationship in the aeronautics creation that gearshifts and
outfits flight strategies in accordance with ICAO criteria and works with
Pakistan's nonmilitary workers at air terminals and navigational administrations.
 State-of-the-art broadcast steering and radar frameworks are in use all around the
 With three new alignment planes, PCAA air terminals, mass and PDF airbases,
and intercontinental locations can alter RADAR, navigational hardware, and
other air terminal conveniences.
 The creator of the universe's worldwide power flight flying corps
practiseorganisation is based in Hyderabad. Almost all air terminals have
implemented a management system in the rank structure (MIS).
 Workers are handsomely compensated.


 Pakistan is the only aeronautics innovation association in the world, hence there
is no competition.
 In each area, high-gifted representatives are desired, but there is a deficit. •
Insufficient labor is proportional to the true basis.
 PIAC and Shaheen Airline will improve the stretched exceptional extract.
 ISO offers a method for validating air terminals and other units.
 Representatives of the PCAA have had a slumbering professional success.
 It's too difficult to keep practiced people under control. Essentially, air terminals
are any way to utilize IT segments deduced from a lack of conveniences and
skilled person.


 PCAA claims 43 air terminals, although Pakistan only has three local carriers,
indicating that there is room for expansion in the aeronautics sector.
 A lot of people in the neighbourhood are desperate to work as pilots in the
aviation industry, but because to the exorbitant costs, this is a Twitter dream. This

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 26

capability can be resolved by reducing consumption and expanding the number of
flying clubs and flight schooling foundations.
 Because Pakistan is a densely populated country, an enormous number of people
might be employed in the aviation industry, reducing unemployment.
 The Pakistan Civil Aviation influence keeping in shape Institute (CATI), which
has best in-class and cutting-edge displaying offices, has been established to
generate additional money and generous talented being Resources.
 CATI By inventing new private-area courses and affiliating with any decent
Pakistani college, the Pakistan Civil Aviation clout can also be renewed.
 CATI will depict more outsiders for exhibiting purposes, conveying additional
recompense to PCAA and Exotic dialogue with Pakistan, by taking a brief pause
to advance CATI as an elite aeronautics aviation-based armed forces ready
 PCAA alignment planes are aware of how new arrangements will be widely
disseminated in stronger nations.


 The supporting locations and universes, as well as the monetary conditions, are
 Strains along India’s and Afghanistan’s strange borders.
 The aviation business sector is the focus of PCAA’s speculation.
 The cost of building new intercontinental airports is prohibitively high.
 The expansion of Pakistan’s debts is exacerbated by the deterioration/degradation
of its currency.
 Talented representatives in other countries are paid well and have to put up with a
lot more. There’s a chance they’ll be infringed on in their professions.

1.4.9. Environmental Analysis – PESTLE Analysis

Natural examination aids in the early detection of threats, allowing the organization to
develop strategies for long-term survival. Despite the fact that it recognizes openings as
likely clients as a characteristic of another item and innovation in order to have a larger
share of the pie than its competitors. The carrier industry has done well during economic
downturns, and since roughly 1980, it has experienced a steady growth rate of 5%, which

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 27

is expected to continue. The carrier business has a variety of challenges, including high
operational costs, administrative structures, and requesting a client base. PESTLE
analysis is a critical method for carrier firms to assess all external factors that affect their
operation. The PESTLE method is a useful tool for assessing the current state of the
aviation industry.


The avionics sector is governed by strict regulations in the vast majority of countries.
This is due to the fact that the global aviation sector operates in an environment where
traveller security is paramount, and where the past pattern of free flight behaviour has
left the political foundation burned out on avionics, prompting them to turn to the strict
aviation authority. A few strategies have been devised to secure travellers in addition to
the airline industry. Uncertainty or war variables that affect individual countries have a
persistent negative impact on the aircraft industry. This is a major stumbling block, as
planes will begin to lose passengers in areas where security is a major concern. Monetary
After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the global aviation industry never fully
recovered. The fall in oil costs as a result of the Second Iraq War, as well as the dramatic
rise in oil costs not long before the Great Recession of 2008, were both incapacitating.
The new financial slump caused the movement market to experience its shortest duration
in history. Both economy and luxury travel are down. Additionally, carriers were under
pressure to react to rising fuel costs. Benefits were difficult to come by because of these
factors. These factors have contributed to airplanes deficiencies and their proclivity to
crash and crash because they are unable to fully utilize their capabilities at this time.
Obviously, this has resulted in a more significant combination between carriers as they
attempt to profit from the financial productivity and co-operation that consolidations
with diverse aircraft provide. Technology

The significant use of innovation in the global carrier business demonstrates the
significance of mechanical elements. Travelers nowadays prefer to access tagging and
registration administrations online rather than booking in person. In order to attract new
customers, the airline industry also focuses its marketing efforts on social media.
Furthermore, innovation means that aeroplanes are lighter, resulting in increased speed
and efficiency. Expanded technological advancements can help aircraft achieve
advantages by providing better health and service.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 28


Legal constraints, like monetary or political variables, play a significant role in

separating the aeroplane industry's external environment. There are a variety of rules
governing air traffic, as well as the prosperity and safety of passengers. There are a
number of restrictions that require airlines to provide safe transit near incredible
organisations. Airplanes are vulnerable to air mishaps and other types of damage or
disaster. Several regulations have been proposed to regulate how transporters handle
their passengers.


Environmental factors have a limited impact on the airplane industry, but they do have
an impact on numerous organizations. Fuel is an incredibly important part of the
industry, and carriers are expected to invest more in environmentally friendly and eco-
friendly planes. Climate change has an impact on the aviation industry as well, as
transporters are now required to use green flying frameworks in order to protect the
environment. Increasing disasters and attacks have had a significant impact on the flight
industry's advantage and appropriateness. Making a PESTLE analysis will aid in
determining the sensitive areas and the amount of work that needs to be done to get back
on track.

1.4.10.Financial Analysis – Financial ratios

Financial breakdown of the unyielding gives the execution extension to the saver of
means whether in the found of commendation benefactor (a brief period of supported
name status financial backers) or unprejudiced nature financial backers as holder of the

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 29

Working Capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities

 Current Ratios = Current Assets / CurrentLiabilities

 Profit = income –Expenses

Year Capital work Current Ratio Profit

2015 32,079,011 4.42 --------------

2016 37,631,007 6.22 20,958,867

2017 32530823 5.73 36,919,835

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 30

Figure 4 (Annual rep 2019)

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 31

Figure 5 (Financial Comparison)

\Ratios /(PCAA, 2019):

Current Liabilities = 10, 421, 0911

Net Income = 112, 145, 644

Total Sales = 77, 147, 329

Revenues = 86, 125, 153

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 32

COGS = 53,034, 737

Total Assets = 737,100,597

Total Equity = 682, 339, 745

EBIT = 109, 384, 258

Ratios (using values in 1000 rupees) (PCAA, 2019):

Net Profit Margin = Net income/ Total Sales

= 112,145,644/ 77,147,329

= 1.4536

Gross Profit Margin = Revenue-COGS/ Revenue

PCAA works on very little margin as it is a governmental body and does not rush

gaining high margin profits. Following is a simple financial analysis of PCAA using

extracted from an annual financial report of 2019:

Current Liabilities = 10, 421, 0911

Net Income = 112, 145, 644

Total Sales = 77, 147, 329

Revenues = 86, 125, 153

COGS = 53,034, 737

Total Assets = 737,100,597

Total Equity = 682, 339, 745

EBIT = 109, 384, 258

Ratios (using values in 1000 rupees) (PCAA, 2019):

Net Profit Margin = Net income/ Total Sales

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 33

1.4.11.Marketing Strategies

PCAA source elements of spread course tracking down military and airport services. As
a result, the boundary pronounce bearing tracking down armed force and Airport
Services are the fundamental elements of PCAA. A variety of corporate parts of the
organisation support these fitting abilities. It has sweeping beat offices, runways,
firefighting and salvage administrations, traveller and freight dealing offices, sign on to
vehicle leaving and public transportation, illumination, navigational and oversee support,
and various help comforts like catering, meteorology, and law making evaluation.
Lighting and a technique for correspondence navigational guides are provided for the
non-hazardous corridor and pantomime of the aeroplane. These are supplemented by air
terminal insignia, secret code, and signals, and impression move has office control. The
passenger and product terminals, as well as the confirmation framework, which includes
parking, roadways, open delight offices, and stacking and acknowledgment zones, are all
landside comforts. Registration, security, customs and migration, stuff delivery, data,
supplying meals, cleaning and assistance, stores and concessionary offices, vehicle
rental, earth conveyance Civil avionics permission is offered that time certainty to the
clients. From the entrance to the air terminal and the plane, it takes only a few minutes.
Limitations in programmes, pack labels, and sacks are lessening, and clients are provided
with conveniences. The sum of these flying corps provided by the Pakistan Civil
Aviation Authority creates better touch with clients and as comprehensively as the
aircraft possible. Clients and aircraft companies appear to be fortunate and agreeable in
the same way.

1.4.12.HR Analysis

Pakistan Civil Aviation's Human Resources Directorate is concerned about the plans.
Recruiting and terminating, recording and developing, setting up and rewarding,
therapeutic cooling, and doing outstanding to Specialists are the main activities. With the
presentation to modernise, build dependability structures out and out through PCAA,
commencement late straight has completed a significant quantity of HR. Vacancies like
these gifted by board, it provides workers with tutoring in the common avionics
association division, which is the goal. HR is divided into three divisions, all of which
are close by:

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 34

Personnel from Human Resources:

Mr. Abid (Sapient) the preparedness delegate how to get along with the individual from
the staff and sort our restriction and balance in HR. submit the in rank in terms of worker
compensation, as well as the extraordinary arrangement they take.

HR General

Mr. Rao (Asst. manager HR) covers the expense of meetings how they settle impact in
HR Sections in HR's broad range.

Medical Personnel

Mr. Azhar, who works in HR, explained to us how a decent arrangement representatives
accept as their arrangement charges and in which of the hospital, This depends on which
infections you’re facing so they don’t direct you through area where there is fuel wherein
therapeutic aviation based armed forces are isolated.

 Employees' military well-being.

 In an emergency, the military may be restorative.
 Military that is both functional and restorative.

1.4.13.Major Competitors of PCAA

In Pakistan, however, there is no clear competitor or we can say PCAA has MONOPLY.
PCAA is not in direct competition with other aviation authorities because it is a regulated
entity that acts as a regulatory authority for airlines and airports in Pakistan. Each
country or state has its own regulatory body that is self-contained. Indirect rivalry exists
between those regulatory authorities, in my opinion. If foreigners are dissatisfied with
their performance as a result of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), they
may enter the market to compete.

Market Shares

While the data for 2013-14 was limited, the figures utilised reflect voyagers who
departed and arrived, as defined by international standards. Meanwhile, global traffic
increased by 11% to 10.87 million, while the number of local explorers reached 7 million
in 2013-14, an increase of 3.5 percent over the previous year. The PCAA and the

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 35

aviation industry were expecting a flat market, as the deteriorating security situation and
low yields forced a few transporters to reduce trips to Pakistan in the coming months.

Market in the neighborhood.

As competition enticed away its clients, the struggling Pakistan International Airlines
(PIA) continued to lose on the domestic front, with its share of the voyager market
declining from 71.25 percent in 2012-13 to 55 percent in 2013-14. It carried 3.89 million
passengers. Shaheen Air is a private airline based in the United Arab. International (SAI)
was the big winner, with a share of the pie of 24.19 percent, up significantly from 9.9
percent the year before. SAI, which has increased its naval force to 19 planes, carried
almost 1.69 million passengers. In any case, Airblue, once a promising transporter,
appears to be in trouble. It was hammered in the local market, with its share dropping
from 18.84 percent to 12 percent. The transporter has limited its accentuation to explicit
courses with only four Airbus A-320s. The market has been stunned by Air Indus,
Pakistan's newest carrier. It orders an 8.55 percent slice of the pie at this stage, despite
the fact that it hasn't been a year. The transporter began its missions in July-August 2013,
and by June 2014, it had transported 602,140 explorers. The transporter must stay for
several more months before the PCAA will allow it to go to worldwide objections.
According to PCAA experts, any remaining proposal would be consumed by local
transporters, but two or three financial sponsors are currently competing to dispatch new

Figure 6 (Neighborhood)
promotion air organizations.

In 2013-14, the transporter transported 3 million explorers from all over the world. Over
the last few years, the number of flights operated by state-owned airlines has steadily

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 36

decreased. It planned to reduce outings by 30% between 2011 and 2013, owing toa
shortage of airworthy planes.

Emirates came in second with a 17.37 percent share of the pie. From 12.84 percent in
2011- 12 to 14.83 percent in 2012-13, Dubai-based transporters have steadily increased
their market share. Shaheen Air maintained its position on the third circumstance with a
12.66 percent transaction. Saudi Airlines, Airblue, Etihad, Qatar, and Thai each had a
9.86 percent, 6.3 percent, 4.9 percent, 4.56 percent, and 3.4 percent share of the pie,

Cathay Pacific, which halted flights to Pakistan as part of a drive to reduce adversity-
inducing routes, lost 71,699 passengers in 2013-14. While Pakistani carriers are
responsible for 47.12% of global traffic, their contribution has decreased from 51.97
percent in 2012-13 and 53.3 percent in 2011-12.

1.4.14.Success and failure of PCAA services in the market

Since it has no competitors, in the event of its failure or success, it has its own history.
This has to do with government.

PCAA is only authority that provides services to their customers to generate revenue.
Some of these services that PCAA provides are:

 Air Navigation Services

 Licensing Services
 Airport services

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 37

Internship Department/Job Review

1.1.Intern Department Review:

Followings are the departments of PCAA.

• Air Traffic Management

• Flight Procedure Design
• Search and Rescue
• Air Traffic Controller
• Cargo
• Safety Management System
• Human Resource Management
• Security
3.1.1. Department Review:
In this we discuss about some department in which we perform tasks during the

ATC (Air Traffic Control)

In Pakistan, air traffic control is carried out in accordance with international and national
laws in collaboration with the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority. Regulations have been
enacted to maintain the safety and security of the supply chain, as well as to protect any
activity that could result in unlawful interference.

Air traffic controllers provide guidance to pilots in the air or on the ground, whether in
controlled or uncontrolled airspace. The air traffic control department ensures that the
flight is safe and regulates air traffic flow.

Air Traffic Control Department Responsibilities

• Assist aeroplane pilots with takeoff and landing problems by giving them guldens.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 38

• Using advanced technology including as radar, visual references, and computers, ATC
monitors all aircraft movements in the air and on the ground.

• All associated vehicles operating on the airport, such as cargo vehicles, are under the
jurisdiction of the ATC.

• Accept the arrival of arriving flights.

• Assign control to other departments to ensure clear communication.

• Provides crucial information to pilots, such as a runway closure due to inclement


• In the event of an emergency, notify the appropriate ground staff so that essential
actions can be taken.

• Before the flight takes off, ATC should prepare the job that has to be done.

• Documents that the ATC fills out on a daily basis for their duties. Documentation of
flight plans, fuel requirements, and daily logs.

Figure 7 (ATC Process)

Department of Human Resources

Continue to develop a consistent and transparent merit-based recruitment and selection

policy in accordance with PCAA service requirements. Every company's human
resources department, as we all know, is its backbone. Organizations without

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 39

competitive human resources will be unable to develop as swiftly as those who do. The
primary function of the HR department is to hire and fire people, as well as to maintain a
cooperative relationship between the organisation and PCAA's employees.

Department of Cargo

Cargo is the luggage that an aircraft carries in the belly with the passengers. PCAA's
cargo section is in charge of all matters concerning shipments.

Cargo Department Responsibilities

• The method for classifying commodities in terms of traffic, as well as the inspection of
export and import papers to obtain information about the goods.

• Resolving issues with shipments and providing assistance to the claim department so
that the item can be repaired.

• Locate various shipping methods as well as other shipping-related documentation.

• Loading and unloading cargo from a shipment.

• Check to see if the weight and load are properly loaded.

• Inputting cargo information into the system using new technologies.

• Estimate the expense and calculate the cost, budget, and weight of the shipment.

• Double-check the cargo or the items received in relation to the invoice.

• Record the data received and keep a record of it as it relates to the shipment.

• Managing cargo-related transportation.

• Monitoring the activities and performance of staff in the department that packs items.

• Keep an eye on the cargo pallet to make sure it doesn't get damaged during transport.

• Information dispatchers need flight details, aeroplane details, and crewmember names.

• Keep track of the number of crew members, plane numbers, and flight numbers.

Commercial Department

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 40

The commercial department's primary responsibility is to monitor financial matters,
Revenue collection, billing, and procurement are all tasks that the commercial
department can handle.

Commercial Department Responsibilities

• Actively and efficiently complete all tasks, particularly those linked to billing.

• Ensure that consumers receive the best possible service.

• On-time payment of all internal and external service and goods-related expenses.

• Manages the overall work mechanism as well as the budgeting process.

• Make precise use of precise knowledge and information.

• Standards and rules that have been implemented should be met.

• A beneficiary's record of crucial information.

Department of SQMS

The SQMS department is responsible for continuous improvement and implementation.

The company's IMS (integrated management system), which also incorporates the ICAO
SMS (safety management system, quality management system, environmental
management system, occupational health and safety management system) is being
developed (information technology security management system). The major goal is to
meet all international standards and fulfil all ICAO safety management system
requirements in order to elevate the PCAA to a higher level of whole quality
management organisation.

SQMS Department Responsibilities

• Taking care of the IMS portal.

• Managing the waste management system

• Energy conservation in the workplace.

• The importance of the job to the employees.

• A system for reporting hazards.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 41

• Plans for the Civil Aviation Authority.

• Make it easier to get clean drinking water.

• World Quality Day is commemorated.

• Safety-related classes and workshops.

3.1.2. Name/Designation of the Supervisor:

Department Name Supervisor Name Designation

Human Resource Maam Rabia Asst. Manager
Cargo Sarmad Shah Import Section Supervisor
Commercial Malik Waqar Azem Deputy Manager
Air Traffic Control Maam Ayesha Asst. Manager
Table 3-1 (Supervisors)

3.1.3. Work Process Chart

Figure 8 (Work Process Chart

3.1.4. Role of Intern Job in the overall departmental process

During my internship at PCAA, I was able to see firsthand everything that I had learned
about in my Aviation Management degree programme, including the Air Traffic Control
Tower, Apron, Taxiways, Runways, Very High Frequency Omni Directional Range,

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 42

Runway Lights, and other Instrument, Computerized, and Manual Systems installed at
the ATC Tower. I learnt a lot from my supervisor. I also went to the Pre-flight
Information Unit and the Communication Section, both of which are under the
supervision of the Chief Operation Officer of Air Traffic Services (ATS). Pre-flight Unit
Squawk Codes, General Declaration for any flight whose flight plans have been
approved by ATCO, and Station to Station Communications for any event or type of
change that has happened are stored in the Communication Section. This sector receives
NOTAMs from the PCAA Headquarters in Jinnah Terminal, Karachi, Pakistan.

I have done the internship in PCAA in Four different departments and it was a good
experience for me.

Week 1, I have done the internship in HR department where I learned how to collect and
maintain the record of employees’ collection and screening of applications, recruitment
and selection, communication skills management skills.
Week 2, I have done the internship in cargo department where I learned how cargo is
categorize, loading and unloading of cargo according to standards.
Week 3, I have done the internship in ATC control department where I learned how the
ATC department and ATC officer work. Get knowledge about flight plan preflight
manuals how ATC gives permission to pilots and gain knowledge about the equipment
installed in ATC tower.
Week 4, I have done the internship in the SQMS department where I learned what the
quality standards are and how they implement it and how they manage everything and
they utilize the quality.

3.2.Intern Job Review:

It basically covers what the intern did throughout his internship, what his job included,
and how to act in different divisions and scenarios in the commercial aviation business.

3.2.1. Description of the job nature

My internship lasted four weeks and was for a specific period of time. An internship’s
goal is to gain experience and dedication in preparation for future goals. I study how to

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 43

work in a specific department or organisation in aviation management. As an intern, I
have the opportunity to apply what I’ve learned in the classroom to real-world situations.

3.2.2. Activities Performed by the Intern in this Department:

I have participated in a variety of activities, but in this section, I’ll talk about the Air
Traffic Control Service. I completed several tasks that the supervisor gave to me
throughout this time. My responsibilities in this sector included preventing crashes by
alerting pilots to other planes or hazards.

Figure 9 (ATC Services)

3.2.3. Distinctive Achievement

There is no such thing as a huge achievement in civil aviation, therefore I concentrate on

the work that my supervisor assigns to me in accordance with the Air Traffic Control
services and most importantly on my communication skills.

3.2.4. Key Failures:

According to my observations, there are various failures that need to be discussed in this,
such as the fact that they don’t allow for more than two days, and that we need to learn
how things work properly.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 44

3.2.5. Key learning point
Internships give you the opportunity to learn new skills and put theory into practice in
order to acquire a job or gain experience in a different department. The following
sections go through some of the most important learning aspects.

 Surveillance radar
 Airborne transponders
 Navigation aid.
 Computers.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 45

The Internship Project

4.1. Project Description

This internship offers for a lot of creativity and the chance to make a substantial
contribution to the creation of a fresh viewpoint. Responsibilities may be determined in
part by one’s interests and history,Navigation aids, computers, radar, and communication
lines are all important components. We will get experience as interns by working in the
department. This department also allows us to contribute significantly to a cutting-edge
new technology. During that one- week period, our boss assigned us the responsibility of
monitoring the work of ATCs via computers or radar, with certain limitations due to
sensitivity. We also practise informing pilots about weather, runway closures, and other
relevant information.

4.2. Project Title

Critical Review on Central Operations and Air Control Services at AIIA, Lahore,

4.3. Project Team Composition

 Burhan Ali
 Muhammad Rizwan
 Zeeshan Ali
 Raja Sohail Ahmed
 HasanSheraz

4.4. Project Design

The initial stage is for the supervisor to assign us the responsibility of informing pilots
about weather, runway restrictions, and other pertinent information.

We choose a leader from a group of five persons who will lead the group. The ATC's
head also assisted us in completing the assignment correctly.

We communicate with a pilot using voice radio as our regular way of communication.
Weather and Radar Processors are used to gather information.

The pilot is notified of the runway closures through VHF (very high frequency).

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 46

4.5. Key findings/Results

Because of the sensitivity and the work load the ATC job is more difficult as compare to
the other departments at AIIA.

PCAA need to be hire more employees to reduce the work load.

There is also a need to upgrade the technology such as computer system, Radar, and
communication links.

We also observe that salary of the ATC's persons are not good as compare to the other

4.6. Project Recommendations

PCAA need to move to the latest technology so that the employees feel some relaxation
from updated system it may help them to reduce the work load .

There is also a need of proper training and hiring of new employees and offer them to
work in different shifts.

PCAA need to change the salary structure which will help them to perform their work in
a effective way.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 47

Internship Assessment and Recommendations

5.1 Assessment of Internship Experience


5.1.1 Major responsibility undertaken during the internship

During his internship time, the responsibilities include assisting with everyday work on
the ground and learning the technique for completing the assigned tasks step by step
according to the specific requirements.

My site supervisor gradually increased my responsibilities. The site supervisor

designated me as a Leader and assigned me the role of logging all of the work that we
did on a daily basis and maintaining a record of completed chores. I act in a responsible
and professional manner.

5.1.2 Skills and Qualifications Acquired from Internship

An internship is a learning opportunity in any sector in which you will get soft and hard
skills as well as professional education. During my internship in the aviation business, I
learned the following skills and qualifications:

 How do you get data?

 How can I finish my work on time.
 Typing abilities
 How to approach obligations with a sense of urgency
 Ability to communicate
 Passenger transport

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 48

5.1.3 Impact of Internship on Future Career Path of the Intern

The internship is a place where you can develop practical skills in addition to theoretical.
An internship is a necessary first step on the path to a professional career because you
will gain experience you will be more employable because you will be able to handle
additional duties. Internships can help students become more skilled persons gaining
knowledge in any job environment

A corporation may opt to hire an intern at the end of the internship periond various
instances. Even If a job offer isn’t made immediately away, an intern who makes a
strong impression is offered a position.When an opportunity arises, make an offer. This
is a method of evaluating an employee before to hiring them.

5.1.4 Overall Comparison Between Theory and Practice

Observation, operation, and experimentation are all examples of practise. Observation of

different notions that require explanation is practise. A theory is a proposed explanation
for the link between two or more concepts, or for how and why a phenomenon occurs on
the occurrence takes place.

When they assigned me tasks during my internship process, first I read instructions
manual that how to do the task with a procedure which is a theoretical part and also listen
to what my

supervisor is saying to me and making notes. After that, I implement procedure to

complete the task which is in practice or practical work. Then I, inspect and make
observations that I observe during the task.

5.1.5 General Observations about the Sector of the Internship

During my internship, I noticed a lot of things about the internship sector, such as how
professional all of the instructors, supervisors, and managers are in their jobs. Working
with them taught me a lot and helped me identify my skills and shortcomings. All of the
employees are extremely skilled in their jobs and are well-managed. The site supervisor
made sure that everyone was participating in the next task, which increased the
efficiency of the organization’s work by considerably increasing individual satisfaction.

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 49

5.2. Internship Recommendation

5.2.1 Recommendations for the PCAA

Here are some recommendations for the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority for the
internship program:

 They need to design a well-structured and fully organized internship program.

 Develop a well-furnished training classroom with a projector for interns.
 They need to offers the job opportunity, if the interns meet the requirement for
the position.
 Give allowances to the interns most especially transport allowances.

5.2.2 Recommendations for Department & Future Interns

I will suggest certain guidelines for the department and future interns, which must be
followed during their time as an intern in any area.

 Recommendations for the department, as well as what they should be working

 Departments at universities must provide internship opportunities for their
 The department has the authority to contract directly with any field sector or
organization for whom we shall deliver services the organization's maximum
number of interns
 By providing internship possibilities, students will have less effort to do in order
to obtain internships decreased.
 If someone asks you to do something and you are not sure how to accomplish it,
do not be afraid to ask for help or afraid to seek assistance.
 Develop positive relationships with everyone in the industry, and do not be late, it
will reflect badly on you.
 Listen to the workers around you for suggestions, and constantly be prepared to
 If you have done something wrong, accept it, tell your supervisor, and correct

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 50


PCAA Annual Report. (2017). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA ATM, ANS. (2019). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA ATM. (2019). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA Cargo, Airmail. (2018). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from Cargo and


PCAA HR General. (2018). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA Human Resource Management. (2018). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA Legal Services. (2017). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA Medical Services. (2018). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA Observe. (2018). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA Organizational structure. (2018). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA Personnel Management. (2017). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 51

PCAA Saftey investigation Board. (2017). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA SQMS. (2017). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA Standards of flights. (2018). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

PCAA Vision, Mission & Core Values. (2019). Retrieved June 8, 2019, from

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 52

Supervisor’s Consent Form
Student Profile

Student name: Burhan Ali Program of Study:  BSAM  BSAMT

Registration #: 70073276 Semester: 8th Batch: 8th
CGPA: ------------- Contact number: 03358660606 Email:
Internship/Research/Project Details

I solemnly declare that I want to opt for  Internship Report  Thesis  Project Report
willfully with the commitment to accomplish it within due period of time meeting all
deadlines and fulfilling all requirements as given in the module.
Proposed Title: Assessing the requirements and Procedure of Advertising in news paper
for Expression of Interest/Proposal in PCA Lahore, Pakistan
Organization/industry: Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Department: Air Traffic
Start date: 31-Aug-2021 End date: 24- Sept -2021 Total Duration: Four Week
Internship/Research/Project Objectives
1. To gain practical knowledge.
2. Develop communication skills.
3. Get to know practical way of working.
4. To gain professional experience from internship report.
5. Expectations from Ma’am Saba Munir as Supervisoris to give proper guidance
about internship report.
Student's Signature: -------------------------------------------------- Date:
Supervisor's remarks:
I am willing to take Mr. Burhan Ali Reg. No.70073276 of  BSAM  BSAMT under
my supervision for the completion of his  Internship Report  Thesis  Project
Report work at Lahore School of Aviation, The University of Lahore.
Supervisor’s name: Saba Munir Designation: Lecturer
Terminal degree: MS Subject specialty: Management
Signature ------------------------------------------------------------------ Date:
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
NadeemIqbal SaroopAnwer ImtiazHussain
Manager Research/Internship Program Controller Examination Deputy HOD
Lahore School of Aviation Lahore School of Aviation Lahore School of Aviation


Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 53

Internship/ThesisSupervisor Meeting Log

Supervisor: Saba Munir

Name of Student:Burhan AliRegistration No.:70073276Batch:Fall 2018 Program:_BSAM

Semester: __8___Section:_A___

Mtn Next task Next

Meetin Meetin Meeting Status of due
g Meetin
g Date g Time Minutes task
No. g
20-10- 10-11-
01 2:00PM Briefing/Introducti ----------- Submit Chapter No.01
2021 2021
Addition in global
10-11- perspective/change 17-11-
02 2:00PM Review/submit Submit Chapter No.02
2021 in introduction of 2021
Discuss for Pest Analysis and
17-11- 20-11-
03 2:00PM Financial Reports Submitted Swot Analysis in
2021 2021
and its explanation points
Discussion about Review/
20-11- 2:00 30-11-
04 pest Analysis and Submitted Chapter No.03
2021 PM 2021
Sort Analysis
Key Learning
30-11- 12:30P Points/ Essential Review 08-12-
05 Chapter No.04
2021 M Skills Essential /Submitted 2021
Work Habits

08-12- 10-12-
06 1:30 Description of the
2021 Review Project Process 2021
PM Project
Discuss the Project
10-12- 2:00 Review 14-12-
07 Process/ Key Chapter No.05
2021 PM /Submitted 2021
Finding & Results
Assessment and
Recommendation of
14-12- Recommendations/ 16-12-
08 2:00PM Review interni/Recommendati
2021 Comparison b/w 2021
on of Department
Theory and
09 16-12- 1:00PM Discuss the points Review Completed Report 21-12-

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 54

of the Future
Interns and Major
2021 Responsibility /Submitted 2021
undertaken during
10 2:00PM Formatting of the Submit Complete Final Repot

Burhan Ali The University of Lahore 55

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